Special Chapter

AN-This chapter has nothing to do with the actual story. it is pretty much an extra chapter.


Sunday came and so did the last day before school starts again. Kiriyu couldn't wait for tomorrow to come. Why? Well, He gets to see Miss Sakurai again. As they say, 'Love changes a person', Indeed. Kiriyu did change. He now looks forward to school. He was different from the other students that wished that school never started.

As it was the last chance to exercise, he decided to go out after breakfast. He wore his running gear and left the house. He was a little happy. One, because yesterday he saw Sensei and two, just like yesterday- he might meet her today too!

He left the house and started his jog. He ran through the neighborhood, without a destination in mind. He just ran.

The day was hot and sunny, the wind was just right. After his long jog, sweat started dripping down his forehead. He looked around and saw a fountain that was near a little park. He walks over to it and pushes the button. The water comes pouring out. He takes the water and splashes it on his face. The water got everywhere. On his whole face, some on his hair and a little on his sweater. The cold fountain water felt refreshing against his skin. The cold water nullified the scorching suns light.

He washes his face a little longer and looks up at the sky. He stretches a little and then looked at the fountain and decided to get a drink from it. The cold water sprays in his mouth, filling all sides. His mouth was filled a chill that felt nice. The water clenched his thirst that was produced by the sweating and exercise.

After he finished drinking, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve and started walking away. He looked around at trees, buildings and really anything there was for him to see.

He kept walking but then came to a stop and started looking at one of the building that were being constructed. He watched as the workers moved the materials and the cranes carried the bricks and placed them.

"K-Kiriyu-kun...?" A women voice called

This voice...! He turned towards the voice.

"Sensei...!?" He said surprised. "What a coincidence~!" He says, happily, smiling brightly.

"Indeed." She says, with a serious tone. She totally not happy to see him.

"Hehe~ I guess the weekend doesn't want to separate us."

"Hmph, I guess you can think of it like that." Her cheeks lightly turn a little red.

Miss Sakurai walks up to him and the two walk down the scorching hot streets. The sun was starting to get hotter and sweat started dripping down there chins, down to the inside of there clothes. The both of them fan themselves trying to get some type of breeze in the wind less outside.

They walk through the bustling streets filled with cars and people. They look around and see a small store in the corner that had no customers and walk over to it.

The shop sold drinks. Kiriyu looked at the price of the drinks and saw they were very cheap; only 100 yen! He wondered why there wasn't any customers. It was a got day and you can get cold drinks for almost for free. A old lady came out greeting the two with a smile. They ordered there drinks and she prepared it and handed it to them after a little. The drink was cold to the touch. It felt cool against the hot outside air.

The two of them walk while drinking, talking and looking around. They liked the drink. It was cold and refreshing. It was made up of fruits so it wasn't really harmful. Kiriyu got a watermelon drink and Miss Sakurai got pomegranate.

They crossed the street and found there self in a empty park. There was no one there. it was just them. They sat down and watched the sky. Kiriyu finished his drink and got up to threw the plastic bottle in the garbage that was not that far away from them. As he was coming back he heard footsteps coming towards his direction at a rapid speed. He puts his guard up and turns around. He saw a little girl running his way.

"Kiriyu-kun!" The unknown girl ran steadily towards him, panicked. Her expression was full of worry.

The girl finally stopped when she caught up to Kiriyu and was trying to catch her breath. She was in a bowing position, her hand on her knees. She was breathing heavily. She was tired after running to him.

"Who are you?"

"Hah... hah... It's... me...!" The girl said, tired, pointing at herself.

" 'me'?"

"Kyoko Sakurai!"

"Huh...?! Sensei!? wha...!" He looked at the girl that was supposedly Sensei completely bewildered. hundreds of thoughts were scrambling through his mind. He was completely confused. I mean, how can you shrink?! It was like some kind of thing a supernatural manga. She was never this tiny. She looks like a Elementary schooler! her height, voice and appearance had changed."How cute~!" He walks over to the girl and pats her hand.

"Get your hands off of me!" She slaps his hand away

"Eh~ Your so mean Sensei~" He flicks his hand around.

"Stop playing around and get serious! This is a serious problem! I mean, How am I supposed to go to class?!" She sounded very upset. He lightly snickered in his head at the thought of her- as she is right now- going to class- as a teacher.

"Uh, ahem your right. That would be very bad. So... what could have caused this?" He got serious. He wasn't very fond on the thought. He did like mini Sensei but one, that would mean there relationship would have to end for another reason and two, she didn't sound like she liked it. In a relationship, you have to make sure both parties are happy. The last words she said: 'how am I supposed to go to class' Triggered something in him that made him serious again. Like some kind of drug.

"Well... It happened right after I finished that drink..." She says, looking down with her thumb and index finger on her chin and looks back up after finishing the sentence.

"After the drink, huh... lets go back to the shop then!" It was kinda hard for him to believe that the drink had done it, but he could only take her word for it. He couldn't come up with any other solutions so that had to be it or at least one of the closest reason.

"Sure." She says in her cute high pitched voice

"How cute...~"

"That was unnecessary!" He chuckles.

They firstly walk back to the bench to get her bottle so they could throw it out and walked back to the shop.

When they got there... there was nothing. The small shop that was once there was gone. The old lady that was inside of it was also gone. They look at each other puzzled. They had fully remembered that the store was in this exact place but it wasn't there.

"It has to be because of the drink!" Kiriyu said, Miss Sakurai nods, agree with his statement.

Ah! Kiriyu came to a sudden realization. How didn't I think of doing this before...

"I'm sorry in advance, Mini Sensei." He walks towards her.

"Sorry for what? Er, uh, w-wait! why are you coming so close?!" He stood over her, the height difference plain as day. She was starting to get nervous. With her weak and tiny body, she couldn't really do anything.

He crouches down and then reaches out his hand, slowly. With each millisecond His hand got closer and closer to her. He placed his hand on her head, patting her head.

"What... A-are you doing?" As he scrubbed her head her voice projection was getting harder. Her tone was cold.

"Hehe~ sorry, I just had to do it!"

"Hmph. So what do we do now?"

"Well... lets see... How about we go to the pharmacy and see if there is any medicine."

"Sure, I guess. I highly doubt they would." She says she 'highly doubt's' they would have any, but she knew 100% they wouldn't.

Well, never hurts to try... I guess. She thought to herself.

The two stop in front of the red light and awaited for the green light to come. It came and Kiriyu reached his hand and made contact with her tiny hand. She looks up at him confused.

"You have to hold hands while crossing the road to stay safe." He looked down to her with smile. She hesitantly allowed him to do as he pleased.

They crossed the road and she yanked her hands back. they continued there 'journey' to the nearest pharmacy. It wasn't very far. It was actually pretty close.

The sun had gotten a little more faint now but it was still shining brightly in the sky. They made it to the pharmacy and enter through the automatic sliding doors.

They were greeted with white... the walls were white, the employee uniform were also white. It gave off a medicine/clinic-like feeling. They walk over to the counter and a young female pharmacist comes to greet them. Kiriyu gulped as he was nervous at the thought of what he was about to say. He was about to say something that will 100% make her think that hes crazy. He took a deep breath in and let it out.

"Um... is there any type of medicine that can make you grow... or something like that?" He said nervously

"Huh? Grow...? No. Not to my knowledge."

"Ha...haha... I see..." He sarcastically giggles. It didn't sound like she thought he was crazy. He felt somewhat relieved. Well, there goes our one chance in finding a way to turn her back! "Um... ahem, can I get a pack of Tylenol then?"

"Of course! let me go get it." She walks over to one of the shelves and picks up a pack of medicine. She came back over to them and put in a plastic bag and placed it on the counter. "That will be 1000 yen, please." Kiriyu takes his wallet out and reaches inside it to grab a 1000 yen bill and hands it to her. She took it and he took the bag and left the store along with mini Sensei.

When they get out the both of them sigh in disappointment. Now they hit a dead end. They don't know what to do now. They roam around the streets looking around endlessly and thinking of any possible clues to fixing her problem. After some time they heard a voice.

"The little lady there got shrunked, am I right?" A womens voice said. The two of them turn towards the unknown voice, shocked. They knew those words were directed at them when they saw she was staring at them. They walk over to there one and only hope.

The women was old and wore weird clothes. She looked like some fortune teller.

"Were you talking to us?" Miss Sakurai asks, to conform that they were the ones being spoken to.

"Indeed I was,"

"How do you know about this?" Kiriyu asks the lady.

"Don't worry about that. I have a way to fix it. your problem, that is."

"R-really?!" He yelled out, hopeful. He thought about what she might want and got serious again. "So, what do want?" He says, glaring at her with serious expression. Nothing in the world is free. He knew that. Kinda... after all his relationship with Miss Sakurai was not free in the least; They had to keep it a secret.

"Hm? Nothing really. Just giving people a helping hand. As I grow old, I have the urge to do something but my weak bones don't allow me too, so, this is my way of helping,"

"Hmm~" His voice was full of doubt. "Very well, tell us. Tell us how to change her."

"Very well. Take a seat." The two took a seat at the little table in front of her.

"First of all, have you had any substances or anything that could have drugs in it?"

"Well, we had a drink earlier today,"

"I see. That's the reason. There was a ancient drug that was made by the love witch long ago. The tale of the love witch: Long ago the witch of love fell in love with a human. They had become close but then a women got in the way of there love and then seduced the man and in the end he picked her. Out of anger and jealousy, she made a drug and put it in her drink. The two broke up and the witched finally became lovers with man. There is more to the story but I'll keep it short. anyways, Some of that was in the drink. Though, the reason for the trigger was because of either love or desire. It seems this was because of love." She looks at Miss Sakurai with a light smile.

"L-Love?! N-no... that's not true..." She says, embarrassed, trying to deny the statement. Unfortunately it was true. She was happy being outside with him. Kiriyu blushes a little. A hint of joy came with it. They both look to there sides, embarrassed.

"Ahem! so how do we get rid of the drug or whatever." He really didn't want to believe in the dumb story but he cant really deny it cause she is the victim and is right in front of him. Also, the story didn't really matter. The only thing that did was that her problem was fixed.

"Well, that's a little complicated. I guess..."

"Just tell us," He was a little displeased that she was taking so long.

"Very well. Come closer" The two leaned forward. "Kiss. The way to fix it by sharing a kiss." There was a silence. A long silence. The both of them were shocked.

"...." Silence. "A-a K-kiss?!" The two yelled in unison, embarrassed.

"Uh, yes that is correct," The women was surprised by there voices.

The two left a little and an awkward atmosphere was produced. They walked silently and a quite a distance apart, not knowing what to say or what to do. After a long silence they made it to somewhere where it was quiet and empty and Miss Sakurai finally spoke.

"So, um... K-kiriyu-kun... the C-cure... can we d-do it...?" She had to get rid of this drug if she wanted to continue living. She was still embarrassed saying it but it had to be done.

"Huh?! Uh, Sure."

The looked at each took a couple steps forward. They looked in each others eye, there face lit red under the sun. Kiriyu crouched down, placing himself at her level, his knees on the hard ground. They lean forward getting closer. As there lips we so close they were about to touch a pink smoke appeared with a light 'boom' sound. The two opened there eyes, surprised by the sound. Kiriyu only saw the legs of person and a shadow above him. he looked up and saw Miss Sakurai back to her normal self. They were both confused. They didn't even kiss and she turned back to normal.

Kiriyu stared at her, confused, from where he crouched. He gets up after a little, unaware of what to say. He used to there with his mouth a little open. The air suddenly became awkward as they both remembered the scene of them going in for the kiss.

"Well, I'm glad your back to normal," He says, smiling through his embarrassed expression. "Though, I'm kinda sad... I wont be able to see the cute, mini Sensei anymore... Sigh." He was a little disappointed. "It feels like a part of me has been ripped away..." He continued, dramatically.

"Stop being so dramatic and..." She takes a pause "thanks!" She smiles at him. He stood there stunned by her pretty and bright smile. It was the first time he had seen it. He smiles back at her. "But... I still wont forgive for what you did earlier," She pouts.

"Eh~ I'm sorry, please forgive me..." He gets up from the hot gorund.


"Pretty please...?"

"Hmph!" She turns her head away, still pouting.

At that moment he got a sudden idea.

"Im sorry!" He bows.

"W-wait, what are you doing?!"

"I want you to forgive me!" He says with his eyes looking at the floor.

"Uh, I, ah, er, ugh, Fine! I forgive you!" she says wrapping her arms around each other, holding them against her chest, slightly pouting. He once again beat her. He smiles and looks at her.

The two spent the rest of the day together until it was sunset. They finally went home and went to bed. Just like that, the weekend had ended and the weekday once again started.