Childhood Friend

Kiriyu woke up fully awake and headed to the washroom, washing his face and brushing his teeth. He went back to his and wore his uniform, getting ready for school. He finally prepared breakfast and left his house, feeling excited for the day. He was excited because he would get to see Miss Sakurai, but... he wasn't so excited for the torture; work. Though, even with that, he didn't let himself feel down.

He left his house, locking his door behind him. The sun woke up as early as ever, shining its bright light on him as he walked over to the elevator. He enters the elevator and presses his destination. He leans against the elevators rail and looks at the roof, thinking about some things.

The elevator finally arrived on the floor he wanted to go to and he left the elevator and a heard a voice call him. "Ah! Kazu~! Over here!" A girl called, after noticing him leaving the elevator. She waves at him. He looks over to her direction, a little surprised.

"Oh. Hina!" He walks over to her. "Good morning. Your as early as ever."

"Good Morning." She greets, smiling brightly at him. "If you don't want me to come anymore then tell me, humph." She teases, pouting, her smile from a couple of second ago, gone.

"No, no. I'm grateful you come every morning. Please don't stop." He sarcastically say.

"Hmph, I guess I have no choice then." She smiles at him. They stare at each other for a second.

"Pfft! Hahaha!" The two mildly laugh.

This was Hinata Hanabi. She was Kiryu's childhood friend. They were good friends that knew each other since they were children. Most childhood friends would drift away as time past, especially if they were of different genders, but these two were as close as ever.

The two walk to school together, chatting.

"So... on Friday, how you had to stay after school... are you alright? I mean, mentally, that is." He jokes.

"Huh?" He says, surprised. He came to a stop. "Uh, I'm all good." He says, a little nervous, smiling at her. He cant tell her the truth was he was actually happier then he was before the lecture. She thought he might be so traumatized he may not be able to see her. Though, the truth is he also saw her on the weekend, so, if he was 'traumatized' he would probably be over it.

He starts walking again, smiling cheerfully, thinking about the events of last week. She turned to look at him puzzled. Though, she didn't really pay too much attention and kept walking. She was happy he was so cheerful. She lightly snickers.

"Whats wrong?" He said, confused by the light laugh.

"Nothing." She smiles at him.

After a while they made it to the school and pass through the gates and head inside the building. They walk over to there lockers and put there shoes in them and change into there indoor shoes. They then head to the class, passing the numerous students and a couple of teachers.

They enter the classroom that was filled with people and take there seat. Kiriyu sat beside the window, while Hina sat at the back in the middle row. Kiriyu looked out the window, waiting for his dear teacher to arrive and bless him with her presence. He started reminiscing of the past.

Everyday used to be so empty... Morning would come and then night would fall. The moon vanished and the sun appeared. Everyday was pretty much the same; Like it was put on an endless loop. When I finally met her... or rather, when she accepted my confession, things started getting much more interesting. I felt like everyday counted and it felt much clear. It was like I was stuck at the corner of a dark room until you reached out your hand and brought me to the outside.

She entered the room. Her presence filling the room in an instant. The once talking students immediately turned silent and faced the board. the students that were out of there seat immediately returned in a hast. It was like people were trying to escape a plague or mass murder. The room was filled with the students, hurried steps. when they all sat down, the room was filled with the clanking of her foot, as her shoes hit against the wooden floor boards. It was like a scene in a movie; when some big boss arrives and there is no background noises. One step at a time. the closer she got the more the students feared there lives. The day hadn't even started and the students were already mentally fatigued. Kiriyu on the other hand turned towards her happily, smiling slightly.

She got to her desk and stood there, staring at the students. The class rep stood up.

"Stand! Bow! Sit!" Himself and the students followed as he said those actions.

After they finished, she started her lesson. It went on until it was lunch. Miss Sakurai left the room and the students were left with there lunch break. The moment she walked out of the room the class sighed in relief. They took out there lunch and got into there friend circles and started eating. some left the room to eat in the cafeteria, others ate in the class some in other classes or outside.

Hina walks over to Kiriyu with her Lunch box in hand, "Kazu, Lets eat together!" She smiles at him, holding up her lunch box.

"Sure." He goes into his bag and takes out his lunch box.

Hina took a seat on the chair in front of Kiriyu. They opened there lunches and started eating. The class was once again filled with chatter.

Lunch ended and the teacher came back. She began taking attendance.



After a little...



After a little...



She finished her attendance and began the lesson. The subject this time was history. The students got there textbooks out.

"Hanabi-san, Can you tell me what era was after the Edo Period?" She says, turning around, looking at her.

Hina stood up and and answered the question. "The era after the Edo Period was the Meji period."

"Correct." Hina sits down. Miss Sakurai turns facing the board writing things down. "When was the death of Emperor Meiji? Kiriyu-san."

"Uh, Yes!" He stood, up slightly smiling. This time he was listening. "The Emperor died on July 30th 1912."

"Hmm... good. I see your listening this time." He smiles at her. No one else notices his smile.

"Roka-san, what took place..."

The day ended and students started packing up there things. Kiriyu looks at Miss Sakurai and sees shes also packing her things. She leaves the room and so did the students. He looked a little confused, but still packed his things and left the room.

When he left the room he was once again greeted by Hina, staring out the window, waiting for him. He was a little surprised.

"You know you could have just waited inside right?" He said

"Well yeah, but... I guess I just felt like walking a little...?" She replied, not really sure herself.

The two walked down the hallway, making there way to the exit of the school and see Miss Sakurai walking with another teacher. It was a female teacher. As the two passed by them they greet them.

"Goodbye Sensei, Mikasa-Sensei. Have a good day." Hina says, bowing.

Miss Sakurai and Kiriyu look at each other eye-to-eye for a second then he greets them too. "Yeah... Have a good day." He also bows.

"Yeah, Be safe out there!" Mikasa Sensei says cheerfully smiling.

"Stay safe." Miss Sakurai says with her usual cold tone.

The two teachers were like the sun and the moon or hot and cold. Miss Sakurai being the moon/cold and Mikasa Sensei being sun/hot.

They pass by each other and go there separate ways.

After a little bit, they made it to the front gate and left school property.

They walk down the streets talking. Kiriyu was a little sad after today. They couldn't really talk or anything. He told himself this is something he should get used to if he wants to keep the secret and persevere the relationship but he couldn't hold back the feeling. It hit him hard.

"Is something wrong?"

"Huh? ah, no." He fakes a smile at her.

"Hmm~ okay then. Well back to what I was saying- what did you do on the weekend?"

"T-the weekend...?" He got a little nervous. "Uh... I went for a jog." He wasn't lying It was true he went for a jog. He couldn't tell her he spent his weekend with Miss Sakurai.

"Hmm~ that's it? Oh, well." She sounded like she wanted to hear more.

"W-well, what did you do on the weekend?"

"Me? Hmm, lets see... I went outside with my parents. It was pretty fun,"

"He~ sound cool." still a little nervous, but relieved that subject was over.

After some time they finally make to the point where they go there own ways.

"See you tomorrow, Kazu~!"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow, Hina!" He says, smiling at bidding her goodbye as he watched her go to her house.

He walked a little more and stop in front of my apartment complex and stares at it. He noticed the afternoon sunlight and the blue sky filled with white clouds and projected his attention to them.

He soon broke out of his focus and started walking towards his house.

When he made it to his floor he opened the door was greeted by an empty house.

"I'm back." The house was silent. No response was given. It felt a little lonely but he was used to it since he's been living alone for a while. He takes off his shoes and enters the house.

He walks over to his room and opens the door placing his bag on the bed. He then moves over to the closet and takes off his uniform and changes into his house wear. He sat on his bed, not sure what to do. It was a little too early for dinner and way too early for sleep. He then got an idea.

Exercise is a good way to get things off your mind. he thought to himself, as he started doing push-ups.

He pulls his body up and brings it down. Sweat starts dripping down his forehead. His breathing studiedly got heavier. His mind was getting more clear, just as he said and he was able to think straight. His mind wasn't clouded by negative thoughts anymore.

After a little while he switched to crunches. He laid down on the floor and began his sets.

Finally, he started doing Plank after his crunches.

When he was done with his exercises he was sweating a little and thought it would good to take a shower.

He stood up, still breathing a little heavily and took his towel and enter the washroom.

He took off his clothes revealing his abs on his stomach and his slim, white body and enters the bathtub. He turns the tap, unleashing water from the shower head.

The water was warm and felt relaxing against his skin. The water dripped down from all over his body, making its way to his feet and then to the base of the bathtub. His hair was now soaked. He pushes up and opens his eyes.

On days like these I remember what my life used to be like. He thought to himself, touching the wall in front of him looking downwards towards the water that formed on the bottom the bathtub.

It wasn't just that we didn't talk- but it felt like she was avoiding him.

When he thought of that, his heart started aching.

Wait! could it be shes starting to get tired of me?! Well... I guess that makes sense... I have been teasing her a little too much. No no no! I'm just being a little dramatic. Mhm! There are days like these too. Not all days are the same. He tries convincing himself.

Could this be what they call anxiety of first love? Wait, is that even a thing?

He thought about a couple of other things and finally finished his bath.

He turned the tap off and got out of the tub, taking his white towel with him. He uses his towel to scrub himself dry. He rubbed it against his head, drying his hair and then making his way to the other parts of his body.

When he finally dried himself off. He wore his clothes and put his towel around his neck and exited the washroom, turning off the lights behind him.

As he entered his room he heard a notification sound coming form his phone. Out of curiosity he moved over to it picked it looking at what it was. It was from Miss Sakurai. He looked happy just from seeing it was her. The uneasy feeling he had a couple of seconds ago eased up a little.

He clicked on the message and then email was displayed.

'Sorry I kinda ignored you today and stuff. I had a meeting today so I was really busy.'

Oh, so that's all it was. He sighed, in relief. Gosh, I cant believe I was so dramatic. How embarrassing. The uneasy feeling he had completely vanished and relief stuck him.

'From now on I'll be a little busy because- since its the end of the year- we have to prepare report cards, and all the other things. Also, the teachers have lots of meetings at this time so we probably wont be able to sp-pend time together or anything...'

He replies, 'Alright, I understand! Do your best!' He presses he send button and the message popped up there chat history.

He smiles at his phone, a little happy. He was happy it wasn't anything extreme like he had thought.

He puts his phone down and began his homework.