Faculty meeting

The sound of scratches could be heard in the dark, empty room as the pencil rubbed against the paper.

The curtain was open and the lamp was on, exposing the light from the moon and the light from the lamp in the room. Other then those sources of light- that didn't cover the whole room, it was dark.

After a little while, the scratch noises stopped and Miss Sakurai got up, piling the paper and putting them in her bag.

She closed the curtains, withdrawing the moons light, and moves over to the lamp, shutting it off. The room was now dark.

She climbs into her bed, laying down, and places her blanket over her, covering the lower half of her body.

After a little bit she finally fell asleep.

[The next morning]

She woke up and opens her closet to get dressed after eating her breakfast. She looks into her closet and picks her clothes, putting them on. She wore a black miniskirt that wrapped around her waist and black suit with a white dress shirt underneath. After putting on her black stockings, she left the house.

It was currently 6:30 in the morning. As a teacher she had to wake up early. For some, it was very annoying, but for her, it was normal, she was already used to it, so she didn't care.

The sun slowly rose up. The sky was filled with white clouds that were painted a light gold color as the dawn sun lit the clouds.

As it was the usual time for working adults there were lots of cars and adults outside. She was among them.

Maybe the message yesterday was too long... She thought to herself remembering the email she sent to Kiriyu yesterday when she got home. I guess I won't be able to see for some time though... She sighs.

After a while of walking, she finally made it to the school.

She enters the building and saw a couple teachers on her way. They greeted her and she greeted them back.

She passes by the student locker and on her way to the stairs she saw Mikasa-sensei on the other walking in a fast pace towards her.

She wore a red tracksuit and had brown eyes and short black hair that reached to her nape.

"Ah! Kyo-chan!" She steadily walks over to Miss Sakurai.

"Mikasa-Sensei, I told you to call me 'Sensei' while we are working." She says, with a stern tone.

"He~ No need to sweat the small stuff, Kyo-chan. There aren't any students either way, so, we aren't really working right now. Hehe." She smiles at her. Miss Sakurai just glared at her.

This was Mikasa Hiroko, A.K.A, Mikasa-sensei. She is the gym teacher at Sakura Gakuen. Miss Sakurai and Mikasa-Sensei were employed at Sakura Gakuen at the same time, so Mikasa-Sensei chose to be friends with Miss Sakurai but of course, was rejected. After persistently 'asking' (bothering her), she eventually gave up.

[Short flashback to A couple years ago]

It was lunch time and Miss Sakura had gone outside to eat her lunch on one of the benches. There was no one around her.

the outdoors were the one place where there was less sound and you could have peace.

"Yo!" a women's voice suddenly called out of nowhere. Miss Sakurai turns her head towards her direction. "Your the other new teacher, right?" She says, smiling at her.

She ignores her and begins to eat again.

"I'm also new here. Lets be friends!" The women says, cheerfully. Miss Sakurai glares at her.

"No." She says, coldly.

"He~ Why not~?"

"I'm eating. Stop bothering me."

"Oh! then lets eat together!" She pulls out her lunch box and sits together with her on the bench.

Soon after that, every time she had seen her, she would ask her. She was like a bug that was attached to her.

She gave up in the end and they became friends.

[Back to the present]

The two start walking up the stairs together.

They stopped at the third floor and head to the room that had a label saying, 'Faculty office', and enter.

There were lots of teachers inside working and preparing assignments.

"Good morning." The two of them say.

"Good morning." The other teachers look at them and then reply. They went back to there work afterwards.

The walk over to there desk and sit down, finishing the work they were planning to give to the students.

Mikasa-Sensei's desk was next to Miss Sakurai's.

For today's lesson, Miss Sakurai was planning to do a mini lesson at the beginning and then a small test and in the end, a free-study period for the students to study/work on whatever other subject they have.

A couple hours have passed and school had now started for the students. The halls started getting filled with chatter and footsteps of the students.

She and the other teachers; Including, Mikasa-Sensei, left the room and went to there assigned room.

Miss Sakurai entered her classroom and saw the students obediently sitting there. In the corner of her eyes she saw Kiriyu. She stared at him for a split second and then looked away, trying to make sure no one notices.

She took her stand, at the front of her desk and addressed the students. She took attendance and soon after started her lesson.

The room was filled with silence as she spoke. Her voice resonated in the room.

The lesson ended and she got the class rep to hand out the test papers.

The class rep went around placing the sheet of paper on every students desk.

"Alright. The test will now begin! Remember, no cheating, or else..." She glares at them, fiercely. The students shudder in fear. Kiriyu just smiled at her.

The room was filled with groans as the students were getting stuck on questions and scratching of pencils as they wrote on the test paper. Miss Sakurai took an empty chair from the desk of a student that was absent and placed it at the front of the classroom, taking a seat, watching the students as they did there tests. Having her stare at them so intensely made the students a little more nervous then they already were.

She looked over the students, looking left and right, scanning the whole room and seeing if there is anyone that may be cheating. For now there was nothing out of the ordinary.

The time given for the students to complete there tests ended and they handed there paper in. The looks on the students faces varied from displeasure to smiles. Some students were disappointed with the work they did while others, happy.

The bell rang and class ended. It was now lunch time. Miss Sakurai left the room with the test paper and the students began eating.

She walked over to the faculty office that was on the other side of the hall and pushes open the sliding door. She was greeted by other teachers just like this morning. This time though, they weren't working but rather taking there lunches out and leaving with there groups. There was less teachers then this morning. The ones that were already gone, went for there precious break.

Miss Sakurai pushes the door close and walks over to her desk. She places the papers that were in her hand down on the desk.

"Yo!" A voice called. She turns and saw that it was Mikasa-Sensei. "Wanna eat lunch together?" She says, smiling at her.

"Whats the point in asking? Your gonna join me anyways." She replies.

"Hehe!" She just smiles at her.

The two take there lunches and walk down the corridor, passing by students. The students greet them and they greeted them back.

They walk down to the cafeteria and the moment they step foot into the room- the once bustling room suddenly became quite. All the students that were inside the room suddenly turned there attention to the two standing at the door. Mikasa-Sensei noticed them looking this way and waved at them while smiling.

They walked in the room and chose an empty seat in one of the corners. There were a couple of other teachers in the room as well.

They sat down and placed there lunch boxes on the table. Before she leaves her house in the morning, she makes her lunch along with her breakfast.

They open there lunches and start eating. For lunch, Miss Sakurai had, rice, tamagoyaki and fried chicken.

"Oh! karaage! Don't mind if I do!" Mikasa-Sensei took her chopsticks and snatched one of her fried chicken. She places it in her mouth and starts chewing on it. "Delicious! Your so good at cooking, Kyo-chan!"

"I said not to call me that at school. Also, stop stealing my food." She looks at her.

"He~ if your gonna show if off like that, then its only right to take a bite," She says, using a poor excuse. "Ah, Here, you can have this," She holds of one her omelets with her chopsticks, Smiling. "Say ah~" She raises the chopsticks higher so she could take a bite. Miss Sakurai just stares at her blankly for a sec and then gets closer and takes the omelet into her mouth. "So? How is it~?" She says, resting her chin on her palms, smiling.

"I guess its good." She says, bluntly, not caring much.

"Fufu~ You have to be more honest Kyo-chan."

The two continued eating and then Miss Sakurai noticed something. She saw Kiriyu, a couple of tables ahead of them. He was with someone. It was a girl. It was Yui. The two were chatting.

Who even is that girl? she thought to herself. She knew whom she was, as she was one of her students, but she had no idea what there relationship was. Well, obviously they're friends. Even though she said that, she felt something inside of her as she saw the two together. She ignores it and continues eating.

"Is something wrong?" Mikasa-Sensei asks.

"No." She lies, hiding the truth.

They finished eating and left. Soon after, lunch break was over. The students and teachers made it to there classes and began there next lesson.

The lesson ended and it was finally the end of the day. Students left the room making there way home. As the students left, she noticed Kiriyu and Yui again, leaving together and walking down the halls.

They sure are close... She thought to herself, watching as they left the room.

The class was empty and in a state of complete silence. The only source of sound being the shuffling sound as she piled up her papers.

The teachers; Miss Sakurai included, had another meeting to attend. The end of the year is always the busiest for teachers; Report cards, Graduation, etc.

Being a teacher sure is hard(at times). She thought to herself, gathering her things while leaving the room, locking the door behind her.

After the meeting was over teachers would be allowed to go straight home so that was one thing that was good.

She walks over to the faulty office and places her things on her desk and goes towards the meeting room. The meeting room was where the teachers met up to discuss many things, including, problems in the school, school budget, school culture, Et cetera. She enters the room and the teachers were already there, waiting for the time of the meeting; 4:00 pm.

She took a seat at one of the seat and waited along with the other teachers.

It was time for the meeting. The principal stood up. She was a tall women with a serious and cool aura that swarmed around her. 'The perfect leader', as some people call her. She is respected by both students and teachers. She had grey eyes and long black hair that reached to the middle of her back. She had blue teardrop earrings on both ears and wore a black coat that hung over her shoulders and a purple dress shirt underneath with sunglasses in the pocket of the coat. Her lips were coated with red lipstick. She was pretty. Some thought she was a model.

"Alright, the meeting will now be starting. Thank you all for coming!" She looks around, looking at the teachers. "Mr. Sasaki, is the equipment in the photocopy room in good condition?"

"Yes! The printer and the computer there are working just fine."

Mr. Sasaki was the Vice principal and almost like a secretary of a company.

The meetings starts with a small checkup with the teachers.

"Alright. Mikasa-Sensei, how is the gym equipment?"

"They're good! The school has a good amount of tools for the sports and they are in top shape!" She says smiling.

The principal sat back down in her seat. From her position she could see all the other teachers. The meeting table was almost like those in a company.

The principal sat the front chair and the vice principal on the other end. Finally, The teachers had there seats on the side of the table.

"Now, on to the sports teams. How are the teams right now? I heard the volleyball team got made it past the quarter finals. Rai-sensei, could you tell us a little?"

"Uh, Yes! Our boys are working really hard. We recently had a practice match against the neighboring school. It ended as a tie. We are gonna do our best though and make the school proud!"

"I look forward to the results. Now, Miss Sakurai. How is your class doing?"

"They're doing well,"

"Well, don't go to hard on them."


The meeting finally ended after a little while.

The teachers got up and left and the principal went back to her desk to finish a little bit of work along with vice principal.

Miss Sakurai bid farewell to the two and left the room, making her way downstairs.

After a while she made it back to home and entered, locking the door behind her.

It was currently 6:00 pm.

She enters her room and starts unbuttoning her shirt and changes into her home clothes. She wore a light shirt and a pair of thin pants.

She closes her closet and places the test papers from this morning on her desk.

She lays down on her bed, thinking and planning.

For tomorrows lesson, I'll probably do a review period and give some work based on that. Maybe even taking up the test. Because the end of the year is so busy, I can't meet up with Kiriyu-kun or anything. And that girl...

She jumped up, sitting on her bed instead of laying down.

Wait, what am I thinking about?! She yells to herself, a little flustered, a strand of red could be seen on her cheeks. Hm? Is this... what they call... J-jealousy...? A-anyways, its getting late! I should make dinner! Mhm! I also should do some cleaning!

She got up from her bed and got her cleaning tools and started cleaning her house.

Time passed and the house was thoroughly clean. She wipes her sweat with her back of her forearm.

I should put the AC on.

She puts the AC on and enters the kitchen, making dinner.

When she finished dinner it was already 8:00.

She eats and then goes back to her room. She picks up her pen that was in her holder and starts marking the tests from this morning.

After marking almost all of them, she was finally on the last paper. It was Kiriyu's. She looked it over and was a little surprised.

It seems he's doing a little better. He's still only a little above average though.

She finished marking his test and shuffled them all up putting them back on the table.

She yawns and turns on her phone, looking at the time. It was now 9:32.

She puts her phone down and goes to sleep. Tomorrow would be another early morning for her and the other teachers.