Study Session

NA: Heads up, writing like this, "Hello, I am the author". Are English. the ones with one comma are normal(Japanese). fonts weren't working so I have to suffice with this.


Just like yesterday, the boy kept thinking about when they could actually have alone time together.

Yesterday, it seemed as though she was really busy. He thought to himself, taking a bite of his breakfast.

With reports cards and meetings for teachers, and exams and studying for students, the both of them became really busy.

Their barriers became more apparent at this time of the year. One wrong move can get there secret out.

Ever since that day Miss Sakurai sent him the email, the two haven't in contact. For two reasons, there schedule: they didn't want to disrupt each other so were reluctant to bother them. Two, they didn't know what to talk about. When you're talking face-to-face, you can pretty much talk about whatever, but when messaging, it leaves you with a blank mind and reluctant to say things.

Kiriyu sat at his table finishing his breakfast, that was bread with butter spread on it and some egg and milk as his drink. He had his phone close to him in case she sent him a email. There was nothing though. His ringer was on full volume but nothing changed. It was still silent.

He finished his breakfast and washed the dishes. He enters his room and opens his closet revealing his clothes. He takes out his uniform off the black, plastic hanger and wore it.

It was a black cardigan along with a red tie and white polo shirt underneath. The summer uniform for Sakura Gakuen was just a white polo shirt, but you could wear a cardigan over it.

He closes the closet and looks at the mirror beside the closet.

He had short black hair with a pair of red eyes that were like a crimson blood moon.

He took his bag and left the house.

He was once again greeted by Hina, as he left the elevator. Hina had short orange hair with a pair of purple eyes that were like the night sky. She wore a sailor uniform with a beige cardigan on top. Like male students, female students had the cardigan option too.

The two walked together until they got to school.

They enter the classroom and took a seat. After a little, Miss Sakurai entered the room. She had long black hair with clear blue eyes that were like the blue sky above.

After a little, the lesson began.

In the end, she chose to give a different lesson then the one she planned yesterday. She gave them questions similar to to the ones from the test but made it a little harder.

She was as strict as ever on her lessons. She never failed to meet the students 'expectation'.

The lesson ended and lunch came. Hina and Kiriyu went down to the cafeteria to eat there lunch boxes. As they left Miss Sakurai watched them.

If I was still a student, would I be like them? She wondered.

She left the room and went to get her lunch.

She met Mikasa-Sensei on the way and the two went to the cafeteria together just like they did yesterday.

[In the cafeteria]

Kiriyu and Hina looked around at the almost packed canteen, for a seat. Hina pointed at a seat pretty far away from the door. They walk over to the place and take a seat, and begin to dig in.

After a minute or two, Miss Sakurai and Mikasa-Sensei entered the canteen. Today, the students didn't overreact the moment they entered.

They chose a seat and sat down. It was a couple of rows behind the one from yesterday. This time they were in front of Kiriyu. The both of them noticed each other as they took there seats. They said nothing though. It was silent between the two.

They went back to there own lives. It was as if they were never together.

Lunch ended and students went back to class.

Lessons began just as planned.

Classes ended and it was the end of the day. The students packed up and left for the day. Just like yesterday, they never spent time together. They both left the room without any words.

Kiriyu and Hina walked home together, chatting about small things. Suddenly, Hina came to a stop. Kiriyu looked back at her confused why she stopped. She was looking down.

"Whats wrong?" He asks.

"Um, can I come over to your place?" She looks up at him. His eye widen, surprised.


"I-I mean for studying! You know... The end of year exams are coming up, so I thought we should study and stuff..." She says, a tad bit embarrassed. There was a hint of sadness in her voice. She was upset he might decline her offer.

"Sure. You haven't been to my place for quite some time,"


"Yeah!" He smiles at her.

Instead of separating ways, once they were at his apartment, the two continued to walk. They went up the elevator together and walk towards his house.

He opens the door, revealing his well-kept house. They enter the house.

"Thank you for having me(Ojamashimasu)." She says, as she enters.

She closes the door behind her. Now it was the two of them. Alone. Together. Man and women. Alone.

Kiriyu doesn't flinch or even blushed for a second. As they were childhood friends, this was pretty normal.

"Ah, I'm gonna go prepare tea. You could wait in my room." He enters the kitchen.


He takes out his kettle out of the cabinet and starts making the tea.

After a little, the kettle started making noises and he pours the tea. He brought a couple of snacks with him and then entered the room.

When he entered he saw Hina siting there on the floor. He places the tray that held the tea, along with cups and the bowl of snacks on the floor table. The snacks were rice cracker. He takes a seat next to her.

"The last time you came was a little after I moved, right?"

"Yup! I see your house is as clean as ever," She looks around his room.

"Well, I don't like it dirty and I don't have much to do." Even though he is already in a relationship, unlike other couples, he can't openly do things and have fun whenever he wants. Leaving him with extra time.

She pick the cup of tea up and took a sip and then after swallowing the tea she took a bite of the rice cracker.

"Oh, this is good! You should tell me which brand these are later. Ah, the tea is also good too,"

"I see. That's good."

The two began drinking there tea and snacking.

She places her cup down.

"Well, we should start the studying now," She says.

"Alright." He also places his cup down. The both of them were done with there drinks and snacks.

Kiriyu stood up and takes out his textbooks, notebooks and pencils from his room. Hina took her things out of her bag. The start.

"Okay, what do want to start with?" She asks him.

The two sat perpendicular to each other. Sitting next to each other on the wooden floor table.

"Hmm~ how about English. That's my worst subject."

"Okay!" She smiles at him. "Lets start with the worksheets."

'Translate these sentences from English to Japanese.' Those were the instructions written on the paper.

'Question 1,

'How are you?'

'How you are?" He wrote.

"Ah, Kazu, you replace that character with this one," She lunges in closer to him and points at the wrong characters he used. Her shoulder brushes against his shoulder.

"Oh, I see." He softly smiles at her. She noticed the distance between them and backs up, going back to where she was. It didn't seem he notice the brush against there shoulders.

He takes his eraser and smudges it against the paper, making the mistake disappear and then he writes the correct answer.

Question 2,

'I am very tired'

'I am very tired'

"Correct." She says.

He moved on to the second part after a couple more questions.

'Translate These sentences from Japanese to English.' The next section said.

Question 1,

'I like that too' It said.

'I like that too'

He wrote.

Question 2,

'In the past he was...'

'Past in the was he'

"It written like this, Kazu. There is actually a easy way to remember the order and stuff. Here. Let me show you." She places her right hand out, palm open and he places the notebook on her palm. She took her pencil and wrote the formula she was talking about.

"Oh! This makes it so much easier!"

He finished a couple more question.

"Okay, Lets start with the reading aloud part."


The move and now sit parallel to each other. One sat on one side, the other sat on the other.

The point of this exercise was to improve pronunciation.

"I want... to tell you something... I... Love you..."

He looks up at her. There eyes meet.

Her face immediately turns bright red. She didn't expect that. His pronunciation wasn't like actual English speakers the best but she still understood what he said.

"Hm? Is something wrong?" He himself had no idea what he said.


"So, what does that mean?" He says, Completely innocent and ignorant.

"Y-you said, you l-love me..." Her face turns even more red.

His mouth was left a little open, shocked. There was a brief, awkward silence.

"I-I see..." His face also turns red. "Um..." There was another silence. The both of them looked down. There gazes hitting the table.

They started working independently without any talking. The room was filled with scratches of pencil, smudges of erasers and a heavy silence. It was really awkward.

"I-I'm gonna go to the washroom!" He says, standing up, slowly making his way to the door, leaving her behind in the room alone.


He leaves the room and makes his way to the washroom. He closes the washroom door as he enters. He was left all alone in the quiet room.

He places his hand the sink ledge and looks in the mirror for second and then looks down at the sink.

How embarrassing~ To think I said that in front of the friend I've known since childhood. He screams to himself while still looking down at the sink. He took deep breaths to calm down.

He opens the washroom door and leaves. He walks back over to his room and saw that Hina's face wasn't red anymore.

He steps into the room.

"Um, Lets begin?"

"Uh, Yes!"

The whole time she was helping Kiriyu, so now she was finishing some of her work.

She would still help him a little.

It was like the awkward atmosphere from before never happened.

After a little bit, there study session ended and it was time for her to go home. It was currently 6:00.

The both of them pack there things. Kiriyu put his things back to where they were before, and Hina put her stuff in her bag.

They leave the room and make there way to the front door.

She put her bag to the side while putting her shoes on. Kiriyu stood there at the door with her, leaning against the wall. She picks her bag up.

"You should come over sometimes. Mom wants to see you." She says, looking at him eye-to-eye.

"Sure. I'll come over soon."


His eyes widen, a little surprised by her childish attitude. "Pfft! Yeah!" He smiles at her.

"Well then, see you tomorrow, Kazu!" She smiles at him, unlocking the door.

"Yup! See you tomorrow, Hina!- Ah, wait." He moves his closer to her. She turns back towards him and looked a little confused."There." He takes something off her face, using his hands. "There was a little crumb on your face." He smiles at her again.

"Uuu... T-thanks...(for telling me to be safe and for the crumb)" Her face turns red. She opens the door and leaves the house, making her way to the elevator.

"Be safe!"

She leaves the elevator and walks herself home.

She reaches her house after a little. Her house was a typical Japanese house. Kiriyu lived alone in his apartment, but she lived with the rest of her family, which included her, her mother and her father.

She takes her keys out of her bag and unlocks the door. She was greeted by her mother whom was cleaning near the door.

"I'm back." She closes the door behind her.

"Welcome back." Her mother says. "Where were you?"

"I was at Kazu's place," She smiles to herself.

"Oho~ Kazuya-kun's place, huh. So? What happened?" She teases.

"What happened?" She then remember the 'confession' "N-nothing happened! I just went to study with him!"

"Whatever you say~"

She takes her shoes off and walks up the stairs to her room.

She open the door of her room and closed it behind her. She leans against the door. Her room was silent.

Uuugh~ How embarrassing. First that English thing then the crumb, then mom. She thought to herself, bright red, blushing and embarrassed.

She walks over to her closet and changes into her home clothes.