House Invitation

AN- btw, for the future, I just got this thing in me that says, 'You have to do 2000 words minimum no matter what.' Also, I kinda made a mistake. Hinata should be called 'Hanabi' (When Miss Sakurai talks to/about her)


"So, How do you think you did on the test?"

"Huh? Hm... I guess about average,"

The morning sun shined brightly on the two as they walked down the streets filled with students going to school and adults in a rush to make it to work.

"What about you?" He asks.

"I would say pretty good."

It was another day of school. Another day of working hard. And another day of torture. Though, this world in general is 'torture'. As a child you go to school, as an adult you have work. No matter what stage in life your at, in the end, you have to do something. Something hard or what some would call, 'torture'.

As they were walking they heard noises coming from behind them. The sounds got louder and louder. Kiriyu looked behind him and saw a bunch of guys jogging on the side walk, coming straight at them. They were still quite a distance though.

"Hai! Hai! Hai!" They yelled out as they jogged. It looked like they were from a sports team. Though, they didn't know what school they were from or even what sport they were associated with. They were tall, muscular, high school boys.

These guys didn't even move from where they were. They kept going, unconcern about the other people.

Kiriyu takes Hina's shoulder and pulls her closer to her. There shoulders touching each other. The boys pass by them, unfazed there were people even there.

Hina's face turns red as she noticed the distance between them.

"Um, t-thank you..." She said, still pushed up against his shoulder, blushing.

"No problem!" He says, smiling at her. He didn't think too much of it.

The two walked until they made it to the school. They enter through the gates and get through the school door and walk over to there lockers. There lockers were pretty close to each other so they continued to talk a little as they put there outdoor shoes away and changed into there indoor ones.

They put them in the locker and then went up the stairs, making there way to the classroom. There class was on the 3 third floor. They went up the flight of stairs and then made it to the third floor. They started walking down the corridors, passing by countless students from all classes. In the distance they noticed Miss Sakurai. They greeted her.

"Good morning." The two greet, taking a stop on there walk, bowing.

"Good morning." She greets back, looking at them for a second and then continues walking.

It seemed she was going back to the faculty room to pick up some things. They pass by each other. Kiriyu turns his head and looks at her, as she walked, not noticing his gaze. He turns his head back, after a couple of seconds and begins chatting with Hina again.

"How do you feel about English now?"

"Thanks to you, I feel much better! Thanks for the help yesterday!" He smiles at her.

"Huh?" Her cheeks turns a little red, embarrassed. She didn't expect him to say that. "Uh, yeah..." She took a slight pause. "Well, I'm glad you feel better about it!" She smiles back at him, brightly.

The enter the classroom and took a seat at there designated seats.

Miss Sakurai entered the room with papers in her hand. She began her attendance after standing in front of the class.

She finished her attendance and put it to the side.

"Come pick up your test when you are called." She said, holding the papers she held as she entered the room. She started calling out the names of the students.



Hina stood up and walked up to the front of the class. Miss Sakurai handed her test to her. She took it out of Miss Sakurai's hand and walked back to her desk. She sat down and looked over it.

Yes! She thought to herself, satisfied by what she got.

She continued calling other students.



He stood up and did the same. He took his test paper and looked over it when he sat down.

Oh! I did much better! He thought to himself, as he looked at his paper, happily.

The lesson began after all the students got there papers.

"Today's lesson is based on the test, so, don't put them away and get your pencils out." She holds one of the test papers in her hand. "Also, if the people that got poor marks on the test don't listen... be ready for whats next." She sends the students a death glare.

Shiver ran through there spines, enveloping there body with fear. The students that got bad mark were trembling in fear and the same could be said for those that got good marks.

"With question one..."

The lesson ended and it was finally lunch time.

The students were slightly shaking throughout the whole lesson. Then, as lunch came and the lesson ended, the shivers were slowly fading.

Kiriyu left the room with Hina and started making there way to the canteen.

"So, how did you do on the test?" She asks.

"I got 70!" He replies, smiling, joyfully.

"Oh! That's good!" She says, the tips of both her hands stuck together.

"What about you?" He asks.

"Hehe~ I got 90~!"

"Whoa! I see your as smart as ever!"

The two made it to the canteen and started eating there lunch.

"You should come over tomorrow for dinner." She says, after finishing the food that was in her mouth.

"Tomorrow?" He asks, confused. According to his memory, tomorrow wasn't any special day.

"Yup! Mom said so, so, you have to come, okay?" She said, slightly pouting, her index finger out, as if she was scolding him.

He giggles "Sure!" He smiles at her.

[On Miss Sakurai's side]

Miss Sakurai entered the faculty room. She walked over to her desk and saw Mikasa-Sensei filling out a form. She looked like she was almost done. Miss Sakurai put her stuff down and just watched her filling it out.

She finished and then leaned against the back of chair, and then noticed Miss Sakurai in the corner of her eyes.

"Ah! Kyo-chan! I didn't see you there!" She says, immediately siting up, surprised while smiling at her. "Lets go to lunch!" She pulls her lunch box out of her bag and pulls upwards for her to see.

They leave the faculty room with there lunches in hand and walk down the hallway and make there way outside to there 'special place'. The 'special place' is a place- similar to a secret hideout-; A place only they know of/go to. The two go there for quite and peace. It was also the place they first met.

"You should go a little easier on your students, Kyo-chan." She says, looking at her.

"Huh?" She looks back at her.

"As I was walking from one of my classes, I heard students talking about how scary you were,"

"Hah?!" She said, annoyed. "Well, your one to talk, Mikasa-Sensei."


They made it out of the school building and then to the place and took a seat at the bench.

They unwrapped there lunch boxes and began eating.

"What was that form you were filling out?" Miss Sakurai asks.

"Hm. Ah, that! That was part of my marking,"

"Oh. I see."

They finished there lunches and talked a little. They went back to prep for there lessons a little later.

Lunch wasn't over yet and Kiriyu and Hina were still in the cafeteria. During lunch time, the cafeteria is always packed with students and the smell of food.

They sat a seat close to the door.

"Did you see the other kids when Sensei glared at them?" He asks, slightly smiling, while reminiscing.

"Yeah. They were shaking so much. Well, she can be kinda scary sometimes, I guess."

Lunch ended and two walked themselves back to class.

It was now time for history class.

The lesson began short after her arrival in the class.

The lesson was about the Second Sino War.

"Hinata, when did the Second Sino war start?" She asks.

She stood up. "It started on July 7th 1937." She sat down.

Kiriyu stared at the board thinking about the circumstances between himself and her. 'Her' being Miss Sakurai.

When could we spend time again? He thought to himself.

"Daigo, when did the war end?"

There was no answer. It was dead silence. The students all look towards his direction.

Oh, crap!! Poor soul. Rest in peace. The students thought, praying inside there hearts. Why? Because the boy was sleeping!!!!

"Oi, Daigo! Get up this instant!!" She yelled, furious. She wasn't even trying to hide the irritation.

"Huh..." He woke up confused. "Whats wrong?"

"Whats wrong!? What do you mean 'whats wrong'!? Your sleeping in my class!" she says, hitting her palm against her desk. Making a sound that resonated across the room.

"Huh?" He then remembered. "I-I'm sorry!" He says, standing up and then bowing many times over, his body enveloped by fear.

"Tch!" She clicks her tongue. "Kiriyu, When did the Second Sino war end?" Her tone back to normal.

"It ended on September 9 1945." He says, answering her question.

The lesson ended and it was already time to go home.

Kiriyu left with Hina, as usual.

He made it to his house and decided to take a bath.

He took his uniform off and wore his home clothes. He then took out his towel out and left it on his bed.

He went to the washroom and heated the bath, waiting for it to turn hot and for it fill up.

He went back to his room to do some things and entered the washroom again, this time, with the intention of taking his bath. He hanged his towel on the hook and took off his shirt.

He sat in the bath that was filled with hot water.

The hot water clenched against his skin, leaving a relaxing feeling. He leans at the back of the tub, his hands placed on the sides of the tub, his legs stretched outwards facing towards the end of the tub.

He takes some of the water in his hand and splashes it on his face. It got up to his hair. He pulls it back, his eyes closed. It was easily pulled back because it was so wet. He opens his eyes and looks up at the the roof of the washroom. A little bit of smoke could be seen as it rose above him due to the hot water.

Sensei sure was 'scary' today. Or so I'd to say, But, the truth is, she is super cute! He thought to himself, lightly snickering and remembering last week.

He finishes his bath and goes back to his room to study.

Because of Hina, English seems to be easier now. He said to himself with one hand on his desk, looking at his English textbook.

"I... love you..."

He was reminded of the incident yesterday. That was kinda embarrassing, I guess.

I should go outside to get some things for tomorrows dinner. Oh, also for my dinner. I've been running out of things lately.

[at Miss Sakurai's house]

What a tiring day today was... She thought to herself, exhausted.

She just arrived home and was currently taking off her shoes.

She changes her clothes and started cleaning her house.

When can we meet? Its been a while. I've been really busy with those staff meetings and marking. Lately it seems him and Hanabi-san have been pretty close.

She shakes her head, vigorously, warding off bad thoughts.

Sigh, why do I keep thinking about those things? Whats wrong with me? Is this what love is? Uuuu~ She covers her blush face with her hands.

She began working on her report cards after a little bit.

[Kiriyu's side]

He wore his clothes and left his house.

He wore a black sweater that went up to his waist and matched his black hair. He puts his hands in his pocket.

It was already night time. He looks up at the night sky and looks at the moon. It was a full moon. It was a bright moon.

It was around this time at night I went out with the others and did 'those' stuff.

He left the elevator and walked down the streets. His destination was the super market. It was still early into the night so there were more people.

The night was dark, but was filled with lights from the street lamps and the stores.

He was in front of the bright supermarket. He went inside.

There were lots of people. They all seemed to be buying dinner. It was bustling with smiles and laughter. It was also bright in contrast to outside. You would wonder if it was really dark outside.

He gets the things he needs for dinner and for other meals such as breakfast; Rice, meat, vegetables, etc.

Now it was time for him to get the things for her house.

He didn't know what to get. Hmmm... What do you even bring to someones house anyways? He started thinking about the times people came to his house while he was living with his parents. Ah! Desserts!

He goes into a specific section and looked around at the options.

He took a pack of tea biscuits and sweets off the shelf.

He goes to cashier and pays for his stuff.

He leaves the store with a bag in his hand and walks home.

The wind was quite nice right now. He felt like staying out a little and bathe in the night wind. In the morning it was hot, but at night it was a little more chilly: but not too chilly

He sat down at a bench and put his bag on the side. He places his hands against the bench and looks up the sky, the wind slowly blowing his hair.

It's been a while since I've seen Mrs. Hanabi... He thought to himself, Gazing up at the night sky.