Dinner At HIna’s Place

He sat on a bench bathing the wind, relaxing and washing away his troubles and worries. He always found the night the most relaxing time of the day. Being able to close your eyes, the heat from the morning sun gone, the wind slowly blowing. It was his favorite- or rather, was his favorite time of the day. The morning(on weekdays) were his current favorite. of course, because... he gets to see Miss Sakurai...

The night sky above was beautiful. Stars shining brightly and surrounding the moon. A glowing moon resting up there, slightly lighting up the clouds near it.

I wonder if shes looking up at the sky right now... He thought to himself.

He stood up from the bench and started making his back home with his bag in his hand. He walked along the concrete pavement that was lit by the street lamps until he made it back to his apartment.

He entered his house and closed the door.

"I'm back." He takes off his shoes and enters the house.

He looks up at the clock. It was already 8:00 pm.

He places his groceries on the table on enters his room and changes into his home wear.

He cooks up his dinner after leaving his room.

After finishing his dinner he did some homework and went to bed.

After about over 10 minutes he finally fell asleep.


The dark night went by fast and bright morning finally came.

He woke up and got out of bed, preparing for school.

He entered the kitchen area(its an open kitchen) after finishing everything else and opened the fridge. The fridge was filled with things unlike last night(before he went to the store).

He made his breakfast and left his house.

As he walked down the streets he saw Hina and joined her. She turned around to face him and smiled at him. He smiled back. The two started walking until they made it to school.


Time flew by and it was already lunch time.

"Kazu, lets eat outside today." She says.


They leave the room.

They walked outside and sit at a bench, unwrapping there lunches.

They start eating.

After a few minutes they heard footsteps coming closer to them. They look up and see Miss Sakurai and Mikasa-Sensei. They looked surprised.

"Ah, hello Sensei, Mikasa-Sensei." The two stood up and bowed.

Kiriyu's eyes turn to Miss Sakurai whom was beside her. Seeing him there was a surprise for Miss Sakurai. Her eyes a littler wider open then normal.

"Yo!" Mikasa-Sensei waves at them. His attention gets directed back to the Mikasa-Sensei.

"Were you guys gonna eat here?" He asks.

"Yeah. Its all good though." Mikasa-Sensei says.

"We're already done eating. Its alright." Hina says.

The two picked up there lunches and started walking away.

They walked along the school grounds, making there way to the main building of the school.

As they walked a ball came flying towards Hina. Kiriyu notices it as it came at a fast speed and blocks it before it can hit her. The ball drops down to the floor. Hina heard the loud sound as he blocked the ball. Her head turns towards the direction it was blocked, in a fast and surprised manner.

"Wha...?" She manages confused and surprised, her head towards the direction of the ball. Her head turns back to Kiriyu whom had a serious look on his face, looking towards the direction it came from, his face had a hint of anger in it. He thought someone could have threw the ball at her on purpose. Though, he wasn't fully sure. It was just a possibility. "Th-thanks, Kazu..." She says, surprised.

"No problem!" He looks down at her and smiles.

A boy came running towards them. He wasn't tall or muscular like the boys from yesterday. He was just... normal or average.

"I-I'm so sorry! Are you guys alright?" He asks in a panicked voice, bowing.

"We're alright." Kiriyu looks at the boy. "Now tell me. Was that on purpose?" He says in a fierce tone, glaring at him. It was as if a god was talking to a lesser being. His existence in that moment in the boys perspective was as big as the school.

"N-no! It was by accident!" The boy says, backing up a couple of steps shaking, scared.

"I see. Alright."

He bowed again and then picks the soccer ball up and walks away.

Kiriyu was wrong about them doing it on purpose. He was a little relived though. If it was on purpose... He might have to get 'involved'. He wasn't that fond of thought of getting 'involved'. Of course, because, he told himself he would change.

He sighs. Without a another look at the boy, he starts walking away, in fast and big steps. Hina follows behind him.

She catches up to him and passes him, now in front of him. She turns around. Kiriyu came to a stop.

"Thanks for saving me back then, Kazu!" She smiles brightly at him, Leaning forward, her hands behind her back, held together.

"Yeah. I'm glad your not hurt." He slightly smiles back at her.

They made it back to the building and sat in the class, continuing there break. There were a couple of students in the class. There were some students that were crowded around their friends desk. There was even one working while eating.

Hina sits at the seat in front of Kiriyu and turns towards him. The two start talking since they already finished there lunches.

"You're really coming today, right Kazu?"

"Yeah. I'm coming."

"...I see...That's good..." She says softly to herself.

"Did you say something?"

"N-no." She says, blushing.

"I see."

Time flew by fast and it was already time for the end of the day. As usual, no new development between Miss Sakurai and Kiriyu.

Kiriyu and Hina walked home together, as usual.

They pass by countless people and students coming back from school. Just like them.

"Well, then, see you later tonight, Kazu!" She says, when they make to Kiriyu's apartment. She waves at him.

"Yeah, See you later." He waves back and she started walking away.

Kiriyu entered his house and went to his room, changing out of his uniform and putting his bag away.

He made himself a light snack along with tea and ate it while doing some light studying. The end of the year exams were coming very soon. And, failing was not a option for him.

If I fail then I will have to waste my summer studying and stuff. Wait! Will Sensei be there? He came to a sudden realization. If I fail, does that mean I can spend half of my summer with Sensei!? His determination to not fail was starting to waver. No no no! If I fail, she will be really disappointed. That's right! I can't fail! He slaps his cheeks and continues studying, fire lighting up in his eyes as he zoomed through the questions. "Haaaaaa!!" His will power started soaring through the roof.

By the time he finished, he noticed it was almost time to head over to Hina's house.

He tucked his chair in and opened his closet. He looked around at what to wear. He chooses his black sweater and closes the closet.

He leaves his room and enters the washroom, fixing his hair. He turns the lights off and leaves, moving over to the kitchen. He picks up the bag of sweets that he was gonna bring to there house and exited the door.

The sun was already starting to set. The orange light lit up the apartment building and the floor below.

He left the elevator and turned right. When they go to school, they turn left.

He walked until he made it to their house.

He knocks on the door. He heard footsteps approaching the door. The doors opens. It was Hina.

"Ah, Kazu, you're here!"


"Come in!" She happily, opening the door for him.

"Thanks for having me~" He says, as he enters.

He takes his shoes off and walks through the living door that was left open. He sees Mrs. Hanabi and Mr. Hanabi.

"Ah! Welcome, Kazuya-kun~!"

"Hello, Aunty. Its nice to see you." He bows.

Mrs. Hanabi was in the kitchen doing some things.

"Yo, Kazuya, been a while!"

"Hello, Uncle. It's been a while." He bows to him too.

Mr. Hanabi was sitting on the coach watching TV.

Kiriyu places the gifts(sweets) on the table.

"Whats this?" She sees him placing the bag down. "You really didn't have to bring anything you know~" Mrs. Hanabi says from the kitchen.

"Its just a pack of sweets, nothing much."

"Kazu, lets go to my room!" She says, tugging his sleeve.

"Hoho~ How bold of you~" Her mom teases, smugly.

"T-that's not what I mean!" She realized what she said. Her face lit up red.

Except for Hina, they all started laughing. She was red.

They go up to her room, ignoring the event from earlier. She opens her room for him and he was presented with an ordinary room. It was slightly girly. Very little, But other then that, it was a normal room.

"I see your room looks the same as the same as ever." He says, looking around. He sits down at the table. She also takes a seat at the floor table. "I'm glad your parents are the same they were before too." He says, snickering.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Summer break is coming..." He says.

"That's right."

"Are you planning to do anything?"

"H-huh?" She thought of something. Her face turns slightly red. "N-no, nothing really."

They chatted some more and then heard a call.

"Kazuya, Hina~! Come down here~"

"Coming~" The two say.

They stood up and made there way to the door. As Hina got up her leg hit the side of the table.

"Ah!" She was falling down. Her eyes automatically closed. She expected herself to fall but felt a touch around her stomach.

She slowly opens her eyes to see Kiriyu holding her. He caught her, preventing her from falling to the floor. She looks up at him and then looks down at her stomach; the part he was touching. Her face turns bright red.

"That was close!" He lets out a sigh of relief. "Hm?"

He sees her red face and then notices where his hands were. His face also turns a light red.

She gets up slowly, still a little embarrassed. Kiriyu starts making to the door. Hina did too. They accidently trip over each other. Kiriyu was losing balance and fell to the floor, creating a thud noise. He felt an extra piece of weight on him. He opens eyes and sees Hina sitting atop him, her hands placed above his shoulders, as if pinning him down. They look into each other eyes.

They got off each other in a hurry.

""I-I'm sorry!"" The two say in unison, embarrassed.

They walked out of the room, this time with no accidents.

They walk down the stairs and see Mrs. Hanabi there, her expression a little worried.

"What was that loud... sound..." Her expression turns to a shocked one. "Oi oi oi, don't tell me... you guys... really did something?...." She asks, coming to a conclusion based on there bright red faces.

"N-no! We did nothing!" She says, flustered. Kiriyu nods his head, conforming what she said.

"W-what did I just hear?!" Mr. Hanabi came dashing out of the living room and faced towards them with dramatic stop. "K-Kazuya my boy, don't tell me y-you did something to my daughter?!" He looks at them shocked.

"No no, I didn't do anything. Really!"

"Hmmm~" He stares at him, trying to intimidate him, doubtful. He looked at him as if he was some delinquent from an anime.

"Alright, enough joking around now. Lets eat!" Mrs. Hanabi says, smiling, her fingertips together.

They all enter the kitchen, washing there hands and then sitting at the table. Like Kiriyu's house, there was no door to enter the kitchen. It was just there.

They sat down, the awkward and embarrassing atmosphere from before was now gone.

The food was already there on the table, placed on the plates.

"Itadakimasu!" They all start eating.

"Umm! Your food is still as delicious as ever, Aunty!"

"Really? Thanks!" She says, smiling at me. "Our little Hina's cooking is also getting better, make sure you try her food out sometime, okay?"


"Ah, right! The fish was made my Hina, what do you think?"

"Huh?! This was made by Hina!?" He looks at it surprised. "Whoa... Its good!" He smiles at Hina. "I'm sure she will be a great wife one day!" He says while smiling.

Hina's face turns bright red, blushing. She looks down, hiding her face. Her parents look at him surprised.

"Oh my, you've became quite the player, haven't you?"

"No, no, no." He denies it, waving his hand around.

Hina continues to eat while her face bright red.

"S-stop teasing me so much...."

"Hm? It can't be helped. your reactions are co cute, isn't that right, Kazuya-kun?"

"Huh? Ah, y-yes."

Her face turns even more red.

Dinner ended and Kiriyu started helping Mrs. Hanabi wash the dishes.

"You really don't have to help me, you know."

"It's alright. After you fed me, I should at least do this much."

"You've really changed, Kazuya...." She says, smiling at him.

The two finished washing the dishes. He was called to sit in the living room.

"Kazuya, come here!" Mr. Hanabi called.

He walked over and took a seat on the couch after being told to. Hina sat on the same couch as him. It was a double seat couch. Mr. Hanabi was on another couch. That one was a three seat.

"How are your parents?"

"They're good."

"How are your studies?"

"Uh... well, they're average."

"Huh. Only average... How do you plan on taking a wife with only 'average'?!" He says freaking out.

"Uh...-" He was cut off.

"B-but! Kazu Is working really hard! I'm sure he will get better! And will be able to take w-wife..."

"Hina..." Kiriyu says, surprised.

Kiriyu wasn't annoyed by Mr. Hanabi. He was just worried about Kiriyu as his father was his friend. Since his parents don't live with him, he acts like a kind of father from time to time.

"Kazuya-kun~, I made some dessert, try it out."

It was some pudding.

He stood up from the coach takes a seat at the table and starts eating it. Hina got one too.

"How is it?" Mrs. Hanabi asks.

"Its good!"

A couple of hours had passed and it was time for him to go home.

"Thank you for today." He says, bowing, his shoes on, currently at the door. They were all there bidding him goodbye.

"No problem~" Mrs. Hanabi says.

"Come whenever you like, okay?" Mr. Hanabi says.


"See you tomorrow, Kazu!" Hina says, waving at him.

"Yeah! Bye bye." He waves back at her and unlocks the door and leaves.

It was already night time. He walked until he made it home.


He sat atop his bed looking at the night sky, the light in his room were off. It was all dark in the room. The only source of light was from outside.

He picks up his phone and went through his contacts. He presses on Miss Sakurai's icon.

'Can we meet tomorrow after school?'