Meeting Up

'Can we meet tomorrow after school' He pressed enter, sending the message. The message appeared on the screen, the words atop of a grey border.

He put his phone down and look out the window. He didn't expect her to reply until after a couple of hours. He then heard a notification sound from his phone. He turns to his phone that was beside him on his bed and picks it up. He looks at what it was. To his surprise, it was the reply he was waiting for. A slight smile appeared on his face. He was still a little surprised though. For a reply to come that fast, it was unexpected.

He pressed on the notification, bringing him to there message history.

'Sure.' She replied.

A huge smile grew on his face as he read the message displayed on the screen. After those lonely days, finally, they could once again meet other.

He stared at his phone for a little bit, still smiling, and then decided to go bed.

He put his phone away and pulled his blanket over him and before long, fell asleep.


The next morning he woke up and left for school.


Miss Sakurai enters the classroom. Her eyes turned to Kiriyu's, and Kiriyu's turned to hers. There eyes locked onto each other for a split second and then she started her lesson after finishing the attendance.

The lesson went on till lunch.

Hina walks over to Kiriyu's desk with her lunch box in hand. Kiriyu was sitting at his seat, staring at Miss Sakurai, his chin rested on his palm. She was piling up some papers.

Miss Sakurai notices him staring at her and then looks up, looking eye to eye with him. He shoots her a slight smile. She started piling her papers again, not looking at him.

"Kazu, lets go for lunch~" She says holding up her lunch box that was wrapped in a pink wrapping cloth.

"Huh?" He removes his head from his chin and then looks up at her. "Uh, yeah." He picks up his lunch box that was wrapped in a blue wrapping cloth.

He stood up and left the room with her.

They walk down the corridors and enter the canteen. They sat down and unwrapped there bento's. They start eating.

While Hina was eating, she notices him smiling while eating his food.

"You sure seem to be in a good mood today, Kazu. Did something good happen?"

"Hm? Do I?" He says, beaming in smiles. That's because I get to meet Sensei Today~! Though, it's not like I could say that. He thought to himself. "Nothing really, I guess."

While the two were eating, Miss Sakurai was at her usual place, eating her lunch with Mikasa-sensei after she finished some things.

As she was eating, her mind started wandering. She was starting to think about some things from yesterday.

A tiny smile sprouts on her face.


She was doing some work on her floor table. Her pencil scratches against the paper.

She heard a ring sound coming from her phone. It seems she forgot to turn her phone off. She moves the pencil that was rested against her lips and and turns towards her phone.

She picks up her phone that was beside her, placed on the surface of her table.

The phone turns on; because of the notification. She looks at it. Kiriyu's name was displayed. She started beaming. She put her pencil down and pressed on the email, a little curious as to what he wrote.

'Can we meet tomorrow after school' She read.

She was surprised by the words she just wrote. Her surprise turns into a smile.

She starts thinking about her schedule and if she was free. She was. She was happy.

Lets see... what to write?

'Ah, hello, Kiriyu-kun, I received your message, it seems I don't have anything tomorrow. I'm free so, yes, we can meet.' She types. She checks it over.

No no. This wont do. Too long.

'Its a fine night tonight, isn't it. The moon is sparkling brightly in the jet black, night sky. I-'

Nope. This makes no sense. What am I even talking about?

She immediately erases it all.

After a couple more tries, she finally came to a decision.


She sent the email.

Haah, finally.

[End Of Memory Flash Back]

Now that I think of that time, it's kinda embarrassing. Getting excited over a message, and from my student(/lover) no less....

"Hey, Kyo-chan, how do you feel about summer break?" Mikasa-Sensei asks out of nowhere, curious.

"Huh?" She turns towards her, her chopsticks at her mouth. She was staring up at the clear blue sky, that was filled with white clouds. "Well, it will be nice getting a break, I guess." She says, also looking up the sky. She stares at it for some time and then continued, "...You?" Her gaze that was stuck in the sky now lowered. She looks at her.

"Hmm~ Same as you, I guess. Its nice to have a break and all," She says, looking at her. "Though... we won't..." She looks down, her expression, a little gloomy.


"Ah, it nothing! Anyways, doing anything in the summer?"

"Hmm. Ah, I'm moving. Well, maybe some other stuff too."

"Then! How about we hang sometime!" She says, smiling, brightly, in a tone that was full of excitement. The gloomy tone from before was completely gone.


"Mhm! The both of us aren't really doing much, so we should spend some time. You know, 'hangout.' "

"Sure, I guess."

Lunch ended and the rest of school followed. It was now the end of the school day.

"Finals are coming up soon. Better start studying or else summer lessons are waiting for you." She announces.

"Okay~" The students say in unison.

The students left. Hina walked over to Kiriyu's desk ready to go home with him.

"Kazu, lets go home."

"Ah, sorry. You go ahead of me."

"Huh? Uh, okay. Well, see you tomorrow then," she smiles at him. He gives her a smile back.

She left the room, alone. Different from the days before, when the two of them would leave and come to school together.

All the students left and it was just Kiriyu and Miss Sakurai. The room was quiet for a little bit. Miss Sakurai closes the door, while Kiriyu still sat at his desk, silently watching her the whole time.

She came to her desk, standing in front of the room, looking at him.

"Been a while, hasn't it, Sensei," He says, destroying the silence in the room.

"It has. Was there any reason you wanted to meet?" She ask, her palms against her the desk, her body leaning a little forward. Her tone and facial expression were both serious, but that was just a facade, she was hiding her joy.

"No, not really. I just felt like meeting you, you know,"

Her face turns red. "I-I see..." She looks to the side, a smile appears on her face.

"Should I not have?" He says, wondering, a little desperate for an answer. He didn't want to push his selfishness onto her. He thought he might have done something wrong.

"Huh? Ah, no, It's alright." She says. "It's... great you came..." She says, softly.

"Did you say something?"

"Ah, n-no!" She exclaims. "...I wanted to meet you too." She says, smiling brightly at him.

His face turns a little red and was full of surprise. He was stunned and frozen, his mouth a little open by her smile. He was blushing for two reasons, one because of what she said and because of the sight in front of him. The shining smile she produced. He was in a slight daze.

"I see." He smiles. "I'm happy, then."

They stared at each other, a silence produced once again in the room.

"Alright, time for some serious stuff," Her voice suddenly turns serious. It was like she went back to her 'Demon Teacher' mode. "Who is that girl?"

"Huh? Girl?"

"Hinata Hanabi."

"Ah! Hina!" A thought suddenly ran through him. "...W-wait! Its nothing like that! Hina is just a childhood friend,"

"Hmmm~ She says doubtful. "You guys sure seem close though~ Even giving nicknames to each other,"

"That's only because we've known each other since we were little kids!" He says, trying to convince her.

"Really?" She says, holding her arms together, pouting while looking at him.

"Yes!" He says, nodding vigorously.

"...Okay, I forgive you..." She says, looking to side, her arms still locked together, pouting.

There was a slight pause that followed with a short silence.

Kiriyu finally stood up and makes his way over to her desk. He places his hands on the edges of the desk.

"Sensei, don't tell me... You were jealous?" He teases, looking at her straight in the eye with a smirk on his face.

"W-what?! J-jealous?! Me!?" She takes a step back, her face bright red. "I... guess I was a little jealous..." She admits, still blushing, the tip of her fingers against each other, her gaze was slightly lowered.

His cheeks in response, also turned a slight red. Too cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He screams to himself. A weird feeling struck him.

At that moment, they heard a pull. Following the noise, the door struck open.

The two were surprised and turns towards the direction of the door.

"Ka... zu...?" The girl says, shocked by what she was seeing, her eyes wide open, her mouth slightly open.

The two also look at her shocked. It was Hina.


Murphy's law: 'Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong'. This 'law' would perfectly define this scene right now.

She runs away, shocked. He tried to go after her, but he froze. His body couldn't move. Frozen in place, like he was trapped in a block of ice or someone were holding his feet down.

The two were left in the room. It was filled with an awkward silence. They were both shocked. They didn't know what to say or do.

"I-I better get going..." Miss Sakurai says, packing her things.

"Y-yeah." He also picks his things up.

The two soon leave the room, silently. Thoughts were swarming there heads. It was only natural. There secret was now out. There relationship may have to end.

Kiriyu walked down the streets, looking down at the ground, dejected. As he walked, he didn't see any sight of Hina. He looked around the area; She was nowhere to be seen.

She must have already gone home...

He enters his house and closes the door behind him. The house was filled with a grand silence. His footsteps as he hit the floor board were the only sounds in the quiet house.

He puts his bag down and flops on to his bed. He places his hand on forehead, covering a little bit of his face and his right eye.

Will it really have to end? Our relationship... will it really end? I don't want it to.

At any rate, why do I even feel like this? Shes just my friend, not even my lover. Its not like I cheated on her or anything, so why do I... feel so... bad... and hurt...? He places his right hand that was on his forehead on his heart and clenches his fist. His heartbeat could be heard. That expression she made after seeing us, felt like I was betraying her. It was like a thorn stuck my heart.

He sits up and starts doing some homework, trying to distract himself.

He starts doing some questions. He couldn't. His mind was filled with the events from earlier. Despite them, he still worked. Though, to no avail.

He decides to exercise instead. He started doing push ups.

They helped a little. His mind didn't think of those things anymore. Sweat dips down his forehead. He wipes it off and gets a cup of water from the kitchen.

Soon after, he was able to study and it was finally time for dinner.

He takes out his cutting board and takes out the ingredients out of the fridge.

He places the vegetables on the cutting board and starts chopping them, using his knife.

What was wrong with me today? That weird feeling... I wanted to do something more. I wanted to hug her and... Ugh~ how embarrassing~ He thought to himself, remembering the short time he spent with Miss Sakurai slightly blushing.

He continued to make dinner for himself, chopping the ingredients. His chopping came to a stop. He looks down at the chopping board.

What do I do now?