
[A Couple Of Hours Ago]

Hina walked down the hallways, leaving the school along with the students, all alone. The boy whom she usually goes home with, wasn't her today.

Today I'll study some English. Wait, did I even bring my English notebook? She thought to herself, stopping.

She opened her bag and looked inside of it, confirming if she had it. It wasn't inside the bag.

Ah right, I forgot it in the class. She suddenly remembered. She closes her bag.

She turned around and walks towards the direction of the classroom.


She was now at the class. She was in front of the door. She pulls the sliding door open.

What she saw on the other side of the door was something she didn't expect. It was Kiriyu, whom left her behind, and her teacher. They were at the teachers desk. They were so close to each other, it was as if they were about to do something... not normal. Something between couples. It was like they were a couple themselves.

She stood there with her mouth wide open, shocked by what she discovered.

Emotions started brimming inside of her. It was as if tears were about to burst out of her eyes.

She stood there silently in shock.

"Ka...zu...?" She manages despite her shock.

The two looked at her and were also in a state of shock, similar to her.

"H-Hina...?" He looked at her with his eyes wide open.

She just stood there, frozen. Not knowing what to do, she started running away. It was like her body was moving on its on.

She ran down the hall with her bag while tears flew out of eyes as she ran.

In the end, she never did get her notebook.

She made it home after a little bit. She unlocks the door, making a clank sound. She opens the door, closing it behind her and starts taking off her shoes.

"I'm back...." She says, in a low and gloomy tone.

"Welcome back!" Her says, coming out of the kitchen. In contrast to Hina's gloomy tone, she had a energetic one. "Whats wrong?" She says, seeing the gloomy expression on her face. As she said those words, her tone turned from energetic to serious.

She doesn't say anything.

"Ah, I see..." It seems she understood why she was all depressed.

Her mom goes back into the kitchen and Hina walks upstairs to her room.

She opens the door of her room and places her bag down on the floor near the door. She walks over to her bed and flops on top of it. She was laying on her stomach.

She was a little sad he left her so he can spend time with Miss Sakurai.

Even after all those years we spent together...


The long night, the nightmare-like yesterday came to an end and it was now the next morning. 'A new day calls for a new change' as some say. Though, maybe something like that isn't really 'reality'. Some also say life is like a game, but, in this game there is no restart, meaning, there is no new change by each day.

Kiriyu woke up, pulling his blanket over him.

The event from yesterday was still vivid in his head, as if it just happened.

Along with the vivid memories, came the feeling he couldn't shake off. The hurt and unpleasant feeling that felt somewhat like guilt.

He turned on his phone. As he expected, there was no new messages. From both Miss Sakurai and Hina.

He left his room and made himself breakfast.

Along with breakfast he made his lunch and left his house, making his way to school.

He walked alone today. Unlike the other days, she wasn't outside of his apartment, waiting for him. She wasn't there to greet him with her bright smile after seeing him.

It's been a while since I've went to school alone. Ever since I entered this high school, we've always went to school together. The last time I went to school was back 'then'.


After a while he finally made it to school.

He entered the room that was filled with students. He looked over to Hina's desk. She wasn't there. Her desk was vacant. There is still a little bit of time before class starts so she's probably coming later.

He walked over to his seat and hung his bag on the hook of the desk. He then pulled his chair out and took a seat.

After a couple of minutes classes started and Miss Sakurai entered the room. She also looked at Hina's table. It was still empty. She still hadn't come.

She then looked at Kiriyu. He looked back at her. Miss Sakurai averts her eyes after a couple of seconds and continues walking and he looks out the window. It was kinda awkward after yesterday.

She soon took attendance and then started her lesson.

She seemed pretty normal to him. Her way of speech and her lesson and everything was the same as before. It was almost as if the event from yesterday hadn't affected her. Though, he knew deep down it must be affecting her- maybe more then it's affecting him.

After all, if their secret is out, then, not only would their relationship be over, but, she would most likely- no, without a doubt lose her job. Pretty much leaving her with nothing. Losing her job/getting fired is already bad, but, to be fired because of a relationship with a student will make her resume... hell itself(for her) and of course, having a relationship with a student will also destroy her social life. Making her not able to be a teacher ever again, and losing literally everything.

Though, Miss Sakurai was prepared. From the moment she proposed this 'secret', She knew of the consequences.

Classes went by and it was now lunch.

Kiriyu looks at Hina's desk from his seat. Unlike the days before, she wasn't there to invite him to eat lunch with her.

He stares for a couple of second. He then stood up and left the room, his lunch box in his hand.


He didn't feel like going to the cafeteria and went outside. He didn't sit on the bench he sat on a couple of days ago. The bench where he saw Miss Sakurai with Mikasa-Sensei.

He sat at a bench that had a tree above it. It produce some good shade, covering the suns bright light. Though, unlike the bench from the other day, it wasn't quiet. There were a couple of students nearby.

He opened lunch box and started eating.


He ate all alone. She still didn't come to school. He looks past his shoulder, over at the side of the bench. The side she would usually sit on. It was empty. There was no one beside him.

Its been a while since he ate alone. It was different. It was kinda lonely after being together with her for so long. It was something he wasn't that used to.

For lunch he had a sandwich.

He looks up at the sky while eating.

The wind blew against him and in the background there were the noises of students talking to their friends. Just like that, lunch ended.

The afternoon was no different from the morning. Lessons went as planned and nothing out of the ordinary happened.

Classes finally ended and it was now the end of the day.

'Well, see you tomorrow then.'

She never did come. He thought to himself, remembering what Hina said yesterday before leaving the classroom.(Before she found out about the secret.)

He picks his bag up and walks past her desk, making his way to the door. He notices her English notebook on her desk as he walked passed it.

He walks over to her desk and picks it up. It had her name written on it, confirming it was her notebook. He picks it up.

"Ah, Kiriyu-kun, can you take these to Hanabi-san's house and give it her?" Miss Sakurai said, holding today's worksheets. She gave it to him because of what he said yesterday. They were childhood friends.

"Sure." He walks over to her and she hands him the papers. He takes them and bids her goodbye. She bid him goodbye too. They acted normal, trying to prevent anyone seeing any odd behavior.

He leaves the room, bringing both the notebook and worksheets along with him.

After about ten minutes he was now in front to her house. Now that he was here, he didn't really know how to face her. When on his way to her house, he didn't really think much about it. But, now that he's actually here, those kind of thoughts started swarming him.

After yesterday, it would be kinda.... awkward to face her.

Will the hurtful feeling inside of him trigger? He wasn't sure.

He takes a deep breath and knocks on the door.

There was a silence. He was about to knock again, but at that moment he heard footsteps coming towards the door.

They suddenly stopped and then the sound of the door opening was produced.

On the other side of the door was Mrs. Hanabi. He let out a soft sigh of relief seeing as it wasn't Hina on the other end. The nervousness he felt slowly faded with every passing second.

"Oh, Kazuya-kun. Whats wrong?" She says, surprised.

"Um, I brought some worksheets from today's class and her English notebook."

"Ah, I see! Thank you!" She smiles at him. He hands her the things in his hand.

"..." There was a slight pause for him. He stood there, looking slightly down. Mrs. Hanabi looked at him a little confused. He clenches his fists. "Is... Is Hina there?" He says, looking at Mrs. Hanabi with a serious expression. He was ready to confront Hina.

"Huh?" She was a little surprised. "Oh, Sorry. She's caught a bit of a cold and is a little sick right now. Shes currently sleeping."

"...Ah, I see." He was a little surprised. He didn't expect her to have caught a cold. "T-then, I'll be going then. Have a good day." He says. he slightly bows and then makes way out of there fence, leaving there property.

"You too. Thank you for bringing her belongings to her." She says waving him goodbye while smiling.

After he left her sight, she closes the door.

"Is this really what you wanted..." She turns towards the living room door. Towards the girl peaking out of the that door. "...Hinata."

She exits the door she was hiding behind. "...Yes. Thanks Mom."

"..." She stared at her. "I see." She walks over to Hina. "Here. Kazuya-kun brought these for you." She hands the notebook and the worksheets to her. Hina takes them.

She saw the English notebook she left yesterday on her desk. She was a little surprised but then a slight smile formed on her face. A very tiny smile. Barely see-able smile. Her smile turns into a saddened expression after remembering what she saw yesterday.

She started making her way upstairs with the things her mom passed down to her. Her mother on the other hand, entered the living room.

[Kiriyu's house]

So she never came today because she was sick, eh. He thought to himself while sitting on his bed, looking up at the ceiling.

After giving Hina's thing to her mother, he came straight home.

There was still plenty of time left before dinner time so he had some free time.

Its all my fault... He said to himself, remembering yesterdays event. Why do I have to be like that all the time...? He was a little disappointed in himself. Whenever I'm with Sensei, its like I'm a whole different person. His expression turns a little glum. There was a hint of sadness and guilt. He picks his phone up from the side of his bed and sends Miss Sakurai a message.

'I'm sorry, Sensei... This is all my fault... I'm sending this message because- after what happened... it seems it better not to meet... for a while.' He sends the message. If I only wasn't always like that... I could've prevented- been able to make an excuse for what happened. It's all because I can't hold myself back when im with Sensei... I want to keep teasing her and stuff. Now, because of that... we may have to part ways.

[Miss Sakurai's house]

As expected, she was also thinking about the event from yesterday.

She heard a notification on her phone. After seeing it was him, she was once again a little happy. A slight smile forms on her face.

'I'm sorry, Sensei... This is all my fault... I'm sending this message because- after what happened... it seems it better not to meet... for a while.'

Her face loses it's smile.

Its not your fault, Kiriyu-kun...