Chapter 15

As the two heroes ran off to find a lead but unfortunately got caught, things weren't going any smoother for the other heroes.

Canvas was so unfortunate that she met someone that was literally her weakness. The moment this girl screamed toward Jess, she couldn't move and it seemed to hurt her WAY more than the others.

Her hearing was highten as she was completely useless with the constant screaming it even made her ability not work. The girl screamed while walking up to the black and white goopy girl. She already seemed to have a plan as she had a syringe with red glowing liquid inside.

"I'll end your suffering." She said while holding near her neck seeing her weak and unable to recover.

This was the moment that a certain someone wasn't distracted with another fight. He went into action and threw a screwdriver at the girl. The moment it hit the syringe and caused it to shatter all over her. He noticed how the liquid was burning the girl. She let out a pained scream which activated her power. He tried his best to rush to her aid but her ability was making it so his ears would pop out of his head it hurt so much.

Pushing through the pain, he covered her mouth with his hand and wiped off the burning substance on her suit. Seeing her with many burns and she was clearly in pain. He still had his hand on her mouth as he looked around for any healer. Then it hit him. Where is Kite and Ghostress?

He didn't have time to think about that.

"Kao!" He shouted out.

Seeing she wasn't much help in a fight. She was rushing to anyone's aid if they needed healing. She perked up and ran to him.

"Please heal her, it won't seem to stop burning."

She didn't ask why he was wanting her to heal an enemy. Considering her condition it would be cruel if she didn't help her in this state.

Kao placed her hands over the burns and used her ability. "If I do this, someone will have to watch my back."

"I will and please check on Canvas too? She didn't take her sonic wave ability all that well, I think she's weak to it."

"Alright. Please make sure no one stops me. I can't stop or it'll have a bad effect on them."

"Alright just please do something fast."

As the two were having their own problems, they weren't the only ones. Mysterion and Evo were trying their best with their martial arts technic with the bloody villain. He was down right horrifying. They were blocking all his attacked with his bloody sword causing him to know what he had to do. Seeing how Mysterion was simply a martial artist to this boys knowledge. The fact this girl is too and a shape shifter. She was the first unfortunate victim to this boys new game. 'puppet show'.

The boy held up his hand and dropped his sword.

"Alright you win. I give in." He said.

"We too fast for you?" Mysterion asked.

"It's not that, it's simply I can't help but take my eyes off this young girl in front of me. You know you'd make a really good barbie doll one day. Oh wait, why don't I have one right now?" He asked while holding his hand out. The moment his viens were glowing red, Evo froze in place as she grinded her teeth feeling her muscles spasm in pain. The fact she was grunting made Mysterion realize something was wrong.


"What you don't like my new doll? What if I want her to say hi to you?" He asked while having her lash out at Mysterion. He had the smallest time to react as he was now on the ground with her chocking him and bashing his head on the ground. He placed his hands on her wrists and tightened hard on her pressure point. The fact she cried it but didn't let go meant she literally had no control at all.

"Evo, fight this.. *cough* y-you're strong.. please fight..." He managed to say as his breathing was completely cut off.

She was already crying as she was forced to watch this all happen and she couldn't do anything about it.

"Alright Evo. That's enough."

The moment she was forced to sit up. Mysterion gasped for air with all he could take. Letting out harsh coughs, he looked up to see her walk up to the boy. He handed her a collar and whispered in her ear. The moment she shook her head and screamed at him. "I won't do it!" She suddenly was forced to bend backwards in an unnatueral way and her arms and legs twisting. "Don't you know when someone doesn't like the Barbie anymore they can take off her limbs and get a new one?"

"STOP! LEAVE HER ALONE!" Mysterion yelled out loud.

The boy looked back and snapped. That was when she collapsed on the ground unconconcious.

Mysterion grew more furious as he threw himself at that boy. The boy dodging all his attacks. His actions were really quick, so quick something fell from his neck and landing in front of the two boys. Mysterion looked down at a shiny item but the fear in the boys eyes as he tried grabbing it was Mysterion's instinct react to kick into action and take advantage of this. For this HAS to be this boys weakness.