Chapter 25

Tupperware didn't seem to know what to think. Not until someone else spoke up.

"She's trying to help you even thought she doesn't have to, either accept the offer or we will be on our way." The raven haired older teen said while grabbing the girl by the arm as if ready to teleport her away.

This caused Token's heart to jolt and his words come out without a second thought.

"W-Wait..." Tupperware said. Looking back at his partner, desperate for ANY help at all. No matter how risky this was to trust this woman. He knew he couldn't just leave Clyde like this.

"You can really save his life?" He asked while trying his best to hold back tears.

The woman squeezed the stem of the rose tightly while walking out of the other teen's grasp.

"Yes, we all need to stick together to get out of this. You all have abilities just like us. We all need to stop sucking on our thumbs and work together to get our normal lives back. Me and Devon don't have much time left. Either you want the help or we have to leave you two." She said.

Token couldn't seem to speak but all he did was nod.

"Alright, give me some space please. I don't want any of this getting on you." She said while squatted down to Clyde and tipping the flower to the side. Seeing the green slime drip on his wounds made Token more and more nervous. He didn't know if this would work or if it was a trick to killing his partner. The only thing he could pray for was the fact this woman could and would save Clyde.

Green slime absorbed in Clyde's skin where his ribs were cracked and the last little bit remaining from the rose on his busted wings.

Seeing the green glowing goop disappear made Tupperware's anxiety go off the charts when he still wasn't responding.

Slowly taking a step toward his partner and the girl, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning his head he saw the raven haired boy with glowing blue eyes speak up. "Give it a minute. She's not done."

Looking back at the girl, he saw her place her hands over Clyde's heart when suddenly her hands started glowing purple along with her eyes.

It was a good 3 minutes before Token could see Mosquito's wings shaping back to normal and his bruises slowly fading away. It was as if this woman was giving him a brand new body alone. It wasn't long until Clyde gasped out for air followed back a harsh cough. This surprised Tupperware but not in a bad way. Quite the opposite.

"Clyde!" He yelled while taking a few quick steps and falling to his knees and holding his friend. The woman quickly backed away as she didn't want to get involved in this.

Seeing the two hugging it out, she could tell they were close friends and cared for one another.

"Scarlett, let's go we need to find the antidote before this whole place blows up." The boy said.

This caused the two heros to look over. "What, this whole place is going to blow up?"

"Well... You see.. the alien behind all of this is now dead. Along with the computer system running this whole space ship, it won't be long until the back up generator will go down and we will all come crashing down to god knows where."


"Isn't it obvious. We both can teleport, if anything we are the safe ones." The boy said in a monotone with hardly any emotion tied behind it.

"What about the others, did you think to yourself about them?"

"Hell no, I'm only here for Scarlett and the antidote."

"Devon.. we need to help the others too."

"But Scarlett, we can easily die if we let them get in our way."

"I'd rather die knowing I saved the lives of the innocent rather then escaping like a coward and knowing their lives are now gone because of me. We are helping them like it or not." She scolded him.

He stole a quick glance at Token then back at the girl. "Fine, but don't think for a second I won't teloport us both out of this space ship when the time comes. Them with us or not."

"Alright we need to stick with the plan. Find the antidote, find the captured and find the exit all before the back up generators go out."

At that moment the main door opened with a woman wearing all black holding something tightly against her chest. The boy's eyes grew wide as he knew what it was.

"You! Stop right there?" He yelled while pointing at her.

She didn't seem to stop as she ran past the four then stopped. That's when several visitors appeared with stun guns.

"Devon, teloport me behind them and I'll charge up my rose again. That way I can heal the others. You two search for the captured. And you in all black, keep that antidote safe and look for the exit. Don't drop that beaker or this all will be for nothing." The one known as Scarlett said while grabbing her partners arm.

The four didn't seem to deny her orders as they all quickly went with the plan.

The plan going just as she planed, she drained all four visitors lives and sucked it all up inside her rose and had her partner teleport her in attempt to find the captured with the other teloporter and his now fully healed partner.

This plan had to go just right for they didn't have much time left before they would all be in flames.