Chapter 26

This is the last Tyde Chapter. (BOY LOVE) If you are not interested in seeing any Tyde please skip this chapter you are not missing out on the story. This is just a heartwarming chapter for those that ship these two South Park characters.


Everyone with there said objectives were in action well... Most of them.

Tupperware had a tight grasp on his partner's arm as he teleported room to room in no luck finding the one with their friends in. Teleporting so much that his nose began to bleed and he was starting to get dizzy. It wasn't until Mosquito could smell the blood that he forced Tupperware to stop.

"Token, stop your striking yourself!" He said while placing his hand on his partner's shoulder.

It wasn't long until Token began leaning up against something afraid he would faint. However he couldn't hold back some tears.

"Dude calm down. We will find them we just need you to take a breather okay?" Clyde reassured.

"Why don't you wait here for a second and I'll.." Clyde was cut off by Token speaking up.

"No! Don't go." He cried out.

"I'll be back don't worry." Clyde said while putting in an attempt to walk away. However Token reacted without even thinking. Seeing Clyde the way he last was nearly killed Token himself. He wouldn't be the same if Clyde actually isn't wake up. It wasn't until nearly losing him best friend he was realizing be himself what he wanted. The fact Clyde was here all better, he couldn't risk having him die out there. There was no way in hell he was going to pass this opportunity up now.

"Clyde, please.. I CAN'T LOSE YOU AGAIN!" He said with his arm out.

Clyde looked back with a confused but surprised expression on his face. "It'll be okay.. I just want to get this all over with so we can move on with our lives. To go back to our home and be with our family and go back to our boring old jobs.." He began to trail off then grow quiet as if he wasn't to continue but he stopped himself.

Token took the first step toward Clyde but his leg went a bit numb as he managed to get close enough to his friend that he leaned up against him and fell with his arms wrapped around his partner. This caught Clyde off gaurd but also caused him to blush slightly. He didn't understand what was happening, not until Token spilled the beans. With what Clyde told him at his house during the bonfire stuck in his head, he felt butterflies fluttering all over while hugging Clyde. This was all so different and unexpected, the next part was mind-blowing for the blood sucking hero.

"Why do we need to go back to our boring old lives when we can start it all over and have the fun and amazing life we always dreamed of?"

"What, what are you getting at?" Clyde asked as they were still hugging. He was still confused why Token didn't seem to release from the tight embrace.

"Clyde, I.... I want to try." Token said while burying his face in Clyde's shoulder which muffled him completely. Clyde was even more confused as he didn't understand what he said.


Token was blushing as he wanted to do something but couldn't seem to do it. Letting out a sigh, he removed his helmet and backed away enough. Clyde was looking at him with with his mouth slightly opened. (Mosquito doesn't have the long red bill. He is pretty much a vampire.)

Token went down and closed the gap between them as it seemed time itself stopped for the two. For their lives did indeed change for the best.