As Token and Clyde were having their little moment and Token was getting his strength back to continue using his teleporting technique to quickly travel the whole space ship in a fraction of a second with each teleport, two others were doing the same. The other teleporter known as Devon had a tight grip on his partner of the name Scarlett. He didn't stop at nothing to try finding the exit. He was so desperate to get out of this god forsaken place that he actually cracked an aliens skull without flinching. It frightened him that he killed someone and he didn't even show the slightest hint of fear nor panic. He didn't want to tell his best friend Scarlett this. The thought of her fearing him was haunting him ever since he threw the dead body in a freezer.
Scarlett could tell that Devon was straining himself as he was breathing hard and losing his grip on her. She looked over and saw his eyes flashing the glowing blue then blue liquid oozed out from his nose. "Devon, stop!"
He didn't seem to listen as he thought he had one more in him. The moment he appeared back from teleporting, he collapsed on his hands and knees while gasping for air.
"DEVON I TOLD YOU TO STOP!" She scolded while squatting down and pulling out her rose. He placed his hand on hers that was currently holding the magical flower.
"Don't... waste that on me."
"Devon I swear to god, you keep up this stubborn act and I'll smack you on the back of your head harder then your mother ever did to you."
It was silent until he let out a small laugh, finally catching his breath he tried getting back on his feet to have her grab his hands and help him up.
"Now are you going to listen to me this time or are you going to tear yourself in half with this damn ability of yours?"
He let out a sigh as he stole a quick glance at her. "The first one." He muttered.
"God, you never changed you know that." She said with a smile as she gave him a soft punch on his arm.
The statement caused his heart to sink DEEP. The moment he looked away and showed guilt, she knew something was wrong.
"Devon, what's wrong?"
He remained quiet as if thinking to himself. Then he shook his head and pushed past her. "It's nothing, let's get out of here."
He didn't get far before she grabbed his wrist while pulling him toward her. He didn't look back or make eye contact. His arm was extended behind him while he was staring at his feet.
"Devon, seriously what's wrong. It's me."
"I just want to get out of here OKAY?!"
It was quiet for a good few seconds until she let go of his wrist. "Fine, if you're keeping secrets then I'll be sure to find a different best friend." She said while walking to the door.
This small comment made him look back at her and speak up, "I killed someone."
She froze in place then turned around with a shocked expression on her face.
"You what?"
"Remember how we ran into those two heroes and I told him this place was going to blow up? Well... it's because of me. I killed the one controlling this ship along with the control room. I killed him and I didn't blink. I wasn't scared and I flinch. I knew what I did but it didn't stop me from dragging his body and disposing of it in the freezer. You say I haven't changed but I did. Nothing will be the same after what I did. I just want to go home." He said while his eyes burned but no tears were forming. It took so much to hold back his emotions.
It didn't help the fact she didn't speak up.
"Scarlett, I didn't want to tell you because no matter what happens to me I would never lay a finger on you. I don't care if someone help me up to gunpoint and told me to hurt you, I'd take the bullet for you."
Looking up at her, he tensed up as he saw her with glowing purple tears that matched her eyes. This caused him to quickly act out and hug her tight. "I'm sorry Scarlett, I'm so sorry please don't cry. I promise I won't hurt you. I just want to get out of here and have our normal lives back. Please don't be scared of me."
His heart ached in so much pain when she didn't hug back.
It was at that moment he broke down into heavy tears and buried his face in the crock of her shoulder. "Please.. I can't lose you Scarlett. I'm so sorry but I changed.. But the way I feel about you has never changed. Please understand that."
Scarlett couldn't seem to speak as she didn't know what to say. In fact this was all new to her. The fact that he was saying he killed someone just so he could get to her and the fact he just admitting he was giving her his own life. She trust him with her life but this was to the extreme. He wasn't kidding when he said he changed. The question was, could she accept this change?