Foreign blood boiling in the starlight

Later that noon and near the cafeteria, his blood had started to boil and a serious mix of [Unknown] had started filling his mind till it caused him to function differently.


With the back of an unknown girl pressed against metallic lockers, she was absolutely stunned as he kissed her. Moving his hand to her cheek and making her weak to her knees as this was the first sensation she had ever felt against her lips.

Shoving him away as her face was bright red, her heart and breath were racing as he had actually kissed her, and it filled her face with a mysterious flush.

"Y-Y-You- You have no idea who you're messing with! You bastard I'll-" Unknown

But her words were treated as a mere joke as he had the eyes of a devil and a grin fighting the look, saying he wanted what he wanted and he wanted her then and there.

Threatening him, she stuttered until her words came to a hold, and it was because his hand slid up, moving up and cuffing her chin as her face was practically pleading him to tease her,

"My on my, was that a threat? So what are you going to do... Punish me~? I'd like to see you try~" Hiro

Failing to scare him, he teased her once more, shooting his shot and successfully kissing her again. Making her cutely squeal like a mouse and making her feel so mixed up inside that she felt so dirty... She knew it was wrong, this wasn't right... But it felt so god damn right~

The way he kissed her was unlike anything she's ever felt before, and her body was giving in, even the air around her started turning erotic.

This was so naughty and yet they dared to do it in the halls where they could have easily got caught by staff or fellow students.

Who the hell do they think they even are!

Caught Cough, well I'll tell you. She's Hestia Nix and he's Hiro Natsu.

Arising through the moment the atmosphere had begun getting heated and as it did, she closed her eyes, slowly giving in and allowing herself to be consumed by him.

But then-

It was like a shock ran through him because he instantly broke away from her soft supple lips and left a strand connecting their lips. They both were burning up, but as her expression looked super soft, and her face was the color of a cheery, he backed up.

It might not have seemed like it, but Hiro was in complete shock, he didn't comprehend what was going on and why he suddenly did something he would see in an Anime or K-drama. Which is slamming his hand against a locker and acting so embarrassingly edgy.

Chuckling as he kinda found it funny, he looked to Hestia and was exactly like this,

"Hestia I've really liked you for a long time, and hell, I haven't seen you for a long time so I was hoping to catch up, but this happened instead" Hiro

'What the hell am I saying, no what the hell am I supposed to say!' Hiro's inner throughs

"Shoot, after not seeing you for so many months I couldn't resist it anymore, I had to show you how I felt! After all, don't actions speak louder than words!" Hiro

He had a point but he lacked true passion and intentions, after all, he got cough in the moment and now after coming back to it, he had to improvise.

Ya boy was flustered as he was bull-shitting his entire way throughout this. He was clueless about what happened and all he recalled was walking next to her to get to their 2nd class and then getting close to her and smelling something weird. And then it was as if something warm wrapped around him like a blanket and took control after that.

Looking at him blank-faced and speechless, this was obviously a confession, but she didn't know how to take it, he wasn't the first to confess to her, but he stole her first kiss and even went above and beyond to get her attention, even if it was bad... Or was it???

"Huh?" Hestia

Looking at him his personality changed, he acted bashful, and looking at his peach blush, he gave off an innocent flower vibe unlike before when gave off that greedy and seeming like he was the person who took what he want and did as he pleased.

But then she was fooled again, a smirk came on his face and he leaned in whispering,

"Or should we have some fun... And spice it up♡"

Holy shit shut the fuck up, you're so embarrassing!

Meanwhile, with her face bright as the north star, he enjoyed this, and going through his head he was getting hungry,

'that smell, she smells... So Tasty~♡' Hiro's inner pervert or Unknown?

Her lip quivered from his words, in both terms she was struck with a tequila sunrise. It was from a jolt as she was filled with a sudden excitement and was even aroused. She felt herself giving in to her Body's urges.....

But then she snapped out of it, remembering who the hell she was, she was Hestia Nix a strong-willed woman! And no man or woman can break her will!

It was a tempting offer especially from someone like him, but she wasn't about it and she was going to tell him off. Getting angry and poking at his chest, she opened her mouth to scold. But then suddenly felt his arm wrap around her waist...-

...And she slapped him

It was an instinctive reaction which she didn't even need to think to act, plus the slap was quite deserving as he was getting way too ahead of himself.

"Learn some self-restraint you filthy dog! The next time ever try that on me again, I won't be so forgiving! And if you can stop off of THIS, then I may even consider making someone like you into a footstool for a high-class woman like myself!" High-class Hestia Nix

Storming away from him, her blush died down to a flush as she tried acting high and mighty to change everything. But it was to no avail as she only covered her own weaknesses and that's not what she ment to do.

Having her walk away from him, he chuckled at the same time as he rubbed his stung cheek because he knew he had heard those magic words,

"So, there is a next time~!" Hiro

As a Beyblade let it rip, she spun around so fast-

"Shut up Hiro! Just go get yourself lunch or something!? Hell, eat a shoe for all I care!" Hestia

She yelled at him trying to be mad, but her blush deepened back to how it was before when he kissed her. Seeing as he had an idiotic smile on his face and truly looked delighted towards her,

'Does he really like me? He's not messing with me, is he? Ahh, stop smiling you, idiot! Get out of my head! You dummy! Sleazy! Roughagen!'

Her face burned a pepper red and as she looked at that honest to god smile, her heart thumped. The taste in her mouth was all she felt and as her blue eyes looked at him and she found herself getting angry as she couldn't believe this!

'Like seriously! How dare he treat a pretty young lady like me like I was some normal girl who would get wooed by a bad boy! Hiro, I know you, and you're not that type of person! So get ahold of yourself or I'll beat you up!' Hestia's inner thoughts

Turning back she darted her way to her 2nd class, rushing and leaving him all alone in the hallway, and as she had, as soon as she turned corners, she had veered her head, looking at him, and as she did, she saw him waving her bye, and the dish on her face deepened,

"I Said go to class Hiro! No! I'm mean don't go to class go get lunch!!!" She glew peachily as she couldn't believe this guy,

And as she had left, his nose kinda bled, this was too much excitement for him...




However, seeing her go, he chuckled to himself,

"Aii, she really is a cute one~"

But then as those words caught wind and he heard himself, he clapped his cheeks, which were already stung from her slap.

"What the hells coming over me, ahhhh!"

'Why'd I do this! Why'd I do that? Ahh, I hate myself now! I'm such a Mormon!'



Heading behind the 3rd building, he took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one. Hiro was going through shit and there were no excuses.

He didn't know what was going on with him lately, right now he was contemplating on this "situation" he was in.

Like how he could recall that he was in love with only Remi but he just kissed another girl? And he didn't even have a good reason for it too. He didn't know why this was happening to him... Or did he?

He was covered in stress and he hit the wall, with his knuckles bleeding, he stayed back there thinking back to some of his life choices.

But despite everything going on, he could agree with himself on one thing and it brought a devilish smile to his face. Or at least after smoking 2 cigarettes and calming his nerves.

"It was all worth it~".

(Where the hell did he get a pack of cigarettes from?)


Meanwhile, as Hestia was in class just looking out the window, she yawned and leaned back, but as she did, she felt something missing, reaching for her butt, she couldn't feel anything there?

Usually, they had skirts but she wore shorts under to hide fluff, but in her butt pocket, there was nothing there?

Her cigarettes were gone but her matches were still in her butt pocket?

***[L: RIU, 3rd Building]***

Getting to his 2nd class and sitting down before the bell rang, the professor started reviewing basic information about the beastal language and culture.

But he didn't pay attention. Looking to his side he saw Hestia who was in his language course and as she had her head on the table and was asleep, he found it rather cute.

Also. . .He wasn't giving them back either~

***[L: RIU, Main/1st Building]***

Returning to homeroom for his 3rd class, he saw his homeroom professor and she taught [Basic Principles Of Profound Magic] for her 1st class and then [Regional History] in her 3rd.

His 1st class was required by his family, but the other 2 were of his choosing, he wasn't big on school but he found those to be not as boring and easier to pass.




After taking notes for a while, he was burned out and he didn't even feel like getting up to go home. But he had to, the train would leave him behind if he didn't hurry up, and if it left he'd have to walk home and a while 2-3 hour walk.

Hopping up he saw both Peter who was in this class with him and without needing to say a word, they both ran to the door.

They both knew what was up and that they were repeating offenders of missing that train on the daily. Especially since their university was in [district 6], so they were screwed if they didn't make it to the FTS(fast transport station).

Braking through the crowd of people in the hallway, they ran near the wall and as he lost Peter he found himself in a cross hallway,

He forgot which direction he was supposed to go in, but he took the left hallway and as there was a huge crowd of people, he ran over the wall and jumped,

Kicking off the wall, he leaped over a student and then ran to the nearest exit, leaving them hella impressed by the sudden parkour!

He ran through another crowd and after a few minutes of consistent directional change, he finally got outside,

But he was in the back of the main building.

"God damn it! At this rate, I could be late!"

He ran around the building and as he was on the side of the main building he ran past the brick wall and as he ran past the corner, he saw her... And him.

But as he saw Remi and Derek, they both looked at him since he made a lot of noise, especially with his bag on.

Remi smiled and waved at him as she noticed it was her Hiro who she was surprised she didn't hear from or see at all, after their break up.

Meanwhile there Derek who was already acquainted with Hiro, seeing as they were both in the same senior classes, and he gave Hiro a menacing look, or he had tried to without her noticing him.

Hiro saw them but at this moment he chose to ignore them, especially with that furry fuck who's glaring at him and touching what's his.




Avoiding them he ran off and in the direction of the gates, which was quite far, it was a big campus.

Meanwhile, as she wanted to talk to him, but she was ghosted as he ran off and WOW he was fast.

'H-He... Ignored me?' surprised Remi

She had a blank face as she looked at his back. Usually, he was very different apon seeing her and she even bothered to wave at him? Something wasn't adding up? She was confused as ever because of this...

He would never have ignored her? Why now? Now thinking about it, it was probably because they haven't spoken since then.

But no, balling her fist she was going to speak with him this week, she needed to talk with him.

"You ready to go to see a movie bae... Or... Would you rather we skip that and head back to my place~♡" horny Derek

He said all flirty as he embraced her from behind, kissing her neck and moved his hand down to her skirt, squeezing her butt in a lewd passion.

She looked at him and with a sweetheart expression, and she went on her tippy toes and started rubbing his head.

"Aww, your so cute babe. But I think I'm going to head home for today, lets go out another time"

'Did he just say go to his place? Probably not?'


Both he and Peter made it with an hour to spare, they thought it would have left early but they were miss informed, being in a college district ment that there was a different schedule completely.




After a bit of time, Tina arrived and Peter was the meat to this sandwich as he was between the both of them.

Haha, become the meat my fellow Patric!

***[Rosa Marine, District 3]***

Returning to district 3 after a 30-minute train ride, he didn't go back home, after all, the slayer's academy was from the afternoon to evening and he was technically skipping it, soooooo, with a family who involved themselves with the slayers alot, he was just going to try to avoid any complications.

But forget about them,

In his room, there was a locket and it absolutely terrified him, it made him not want to return... But it was more of a pendant if anything, anyway it was very troublesome for him.

And the worst part about it was that he was unable to touch it, he didn't want to, and even if he did... He couldn't!


Aimlessly wandering around Rosa Marine, he decided to stop by a weapon shoo to visit an old friend who he asked for... Let's just say a quest.

And for the rest of the afternoon up till the evening, he ran around the doing errands and coming back covered in soot when he was required to finish up before nightfall.

But he wasn't done,

And so, for the rest of that week, he spent his afternoons and evenings helping out and doing stuff until the "quest" was complete, and finishing it, he was in her favor now.

And let's just say, he needed something to get done, and only she had the capabilities to make it.

***[L: Uptown Rosa Marine]***

It was another Monday and he skipped the academy again, he was walking around Rossa marine and as he smelled something strange, he walked into an alleyway and into the darkness which the sun couldn't reach.

As someone entered the alleyway shortly after, he was sitting on the wall and watching as that person was looking for him. He even cursed after losing Hiro.

Hiro found it funny, and as that person suddenly shifted forms, he became a beastly grey hound and it started sniffing the ground to search for Hiro.

It looked up after a few seconds, but as it did, it was too late.

He hopped down and as he did he didn't make a sound, with it looking up at what seemed like an empty wall ledge, its vision shifted and it felt a pair of hands on his head.

It tried reacting but its body fell to the ground and its eyes closed.

[Gree hound killed]

As Hiro looked at it with a cold expression he clicked his tongue before rolling up his sleeve and then stabbing his hand into the corpse of the [Gree hound], he grabbed something, and as he ripped out what seemed like a green gem, the body of the hound turned to ash.

"Oh, a fully developed energy fragment? how intriguing?"

But then to surpise, he popped it like a Xanax and as energy filled his body, he felt a sense of euphoria as the depleted energy in his body was fully restored.

*His eyes shimmered red*


[next chap: the party]