The "Party"

"Barber! Trim! Drip!" A day had passed and he had no idea what was going on as they just barged into his room,

"What are you even saying!?" Hiro

Looking at Tina confused like that one deacon at let's not say my church. He was confused as not just her and Peter had barged into his room, but also Mari? and she never hung out with them?

"We're going to a party later today and you're coming with us! We're taking Peter and You to a barber, and then you're coming with me and Mira for shopping!" Tina

"It's... Mari..." Mari slowly gave up hope on these people as her name was pronounced "Mar•ee" but whatever~. . .

"Why do I need to go to a barber? I'm fine as I am" Hiro

But as he argued that, they all looked to his mixed Brown/black long hair which had touched the middle of his back, his facial hair, and lastly, they didn't need him looking like he was an apocalypse survivor,

"It's not an option! Go shave now! And then we're going for the both of you to get hair cuts"

"uuuuuggggg Fine....."

He tried to be defiant but in the end, both he and Peter were forced into doing this, by the almighty great ape... Tina.



[1/3 objectives left]

As the both of them came out of the bathroom, Tina was gone as she had to run an errand for her mom, but this wasn't a good thing, because now they both had to deal with Mari who wouldn't let them decline, and she also threatened them... Which worked.

However, as they were leaving to head to the barber, of course she didn't go with them, she would rather die than hang out with Peter and Hiro. So she hung back until they called for her or she got bored.


[2/3 objectives left]

Meeting up in the market, they regrouped like the mystery gang, but as they all arrived, both Hiro and Peter looked almost unrecognizable.

With a messy slick back quiff hairstyle, his eyes doubled his looks as they were sharp and mischievous, it brought out a deviant look by default, and it was like he was ready for some misfit. - Hiro.

With a tapper fade style haircut his curly hair shot out at different places where it flicked in the back and with his soft green eyes, and soft squishy face, he looked like an open individual who you'd easily got along with. - Peter.

"I-I-I... I can't believe it... This is the first time I've seen the both of you actually groomed and tidied up" Tina

"You're both actually hot!?!?!?!?!?" She practically yelled it in confusion as this was extremely surprising to her.

And not wanting to admit to it, Mari nodded her head as she looked away, but even then, she took little glances at Peter, Hiro, and then Tina whose nose bled.

"We are? Wait! Doesn't that mean you're saying the way we were before made us look ugly!" Peter yelled out and Mari nodded, breaking his heart into pieces.

"Really???" Peter

With him down and about due to some major life choices, Tina wiped away her perverted blood and grabbed both of their arms, getting between them and smiling brightly "you're both definitely getting laid tonight~" she said with pure confidence and they both got flustered and rushed away.

Grabbing onto each other and looking at Tina who was a huge pervert!... By default.

"Hiro I believe we have a pervert in our hands"

"Super pervert"

"No wonder we haven't seen that pink dildo, she finally found a man"

"To give her the dick"

"Just like a sandwich"

"Are we really finishing each other's sentences?"

"Yup, and I bet she's not a virgin from her sex-feind look"

"Indeed, she looks like a dick hungry beast and it's scary"

"Yes it is Hiro, just imagine not being a virgin, because you'll end up like her..."

He didn't say anything after that, he was silent and as Peter nudged him to keep on going, it was too late, Tina got to Hiro and now she was after Peter.

With Hiro knocked out, she held her shoe in hand and hit him over the head.

"You're so cruel!" He yelled before getting merked by Tina

Mari laughed as this was a little funny sideshow, but she was no exception, she was also knocked out just for the hell of it.

"For the last time, it's not a dildo!"

Now everyone knew and everyone in the market needed to he merked!

* * *[L: Back At Tina home]* * *

Wearing a formal white shirt, black vest, and gray jeans, Peter looked as if he was ready to handle some business, or run the entire mafia.

Meanwhile, in a full-sleeved casual kimono cardigan, he looked as if he was ready to just go out for drinks with our mob leader aka Peter, yep they both looked hella ready for trouble and the funny thing was Hiro was just borrowing this from let's just say the blacksmith wasn't just as simple as she seemed, hehehe.

"Wanna trade" Hiro

Hiro offered him his outfit in exchange for the formal vested attire, but Tina grabbed both of the arms, and she smiled happily at them, "no trading~" she looked at them and those clothing just fit them too well, like I mean too well~

And to think she was lucky enough to have 2 B-grade-looking friends. Just having them around her would make all the other bitches hella jealous.

(B-grade was in terms of style/and general looks)

Leaving Tina's home, he was curious, Tina had never actually mentioned who's place this party was at?



Walking up to a familiar house, he didn't want to go in. But it wasn't a choice. He went in with the both of them and as he entered Remi's house, he gulped as this brought back a lot of memories.

"Hey! I'm I'm glad the 3 of you could make it!... Wait? Who are they?" A girl with dreamy blonde hair and light blue eyes said as she stood at the entrance with a bright smile on her face.

But then as she looked at all of them, her eyes broadened as this girl named Remi looked at Peter, finally recognizing him as he had a noticeable scratch like a scar on his neck.

"Wait? is that Peter!? Wow, I couldn't even recognize him!" Surprised to see him she gleamed

"Peter you're looking as sharp as ever, I like bro~..." But then looking to the other side of Tina, she was confused as she didn't recognize that blade sharp man,

"But who's that?" Remi

Recognizing Peter as she greeted them, she looked at Hiro but he looked completely different, and it was almost as if he was a different person in truth.

And as she said that in front of the 4 of them, Tina gave her a strange look?

"You said to bring Peter and Hiro? So I did"

And just like that, she was dumbfounded as she looked at that hot deviant, hearing that, that was Hiro came as a surprise to her, and she couldn't believe it!!!

"There's no way that's Hiro!" Remi

"H-W-Who did you think I was?" Hiro

With his face flushed, just looking at that blue eyes and blonde hair girl made him feel all fuzzy, with Remi so close to him he could literally hear his own heartbeat and he didn't know it or not, but his heart was about to burst out of his chest if she got any closer.

"Hiro? Wow. . .You've changed a lot? I really can't believe it? In a good way tho. But I do guess you're still you~ haha" Remi

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Peter instantly got defensive for his bro.

"Hiro is Hiro? That's it? He just a good friend~" Remi

She playfully hit his chest, but as she did, Hiro was like a popsicle because he just froze there and was melting on the inside. Peter saw this and he grabbed the booze from out of Tina's hands and raised them to curve this situation.

"Forget about that! Who's ready to get wasted! We got the good stuff~!" Peter




Peter had gotten everything moving along and he even hinted at Tina to break the awkwardness by chatting with ya girl Remi. Somewhere away from Hiro.

"Bro, you good?" Peter

"Just friends. . . . . . . ." Hiro

"Ouch that has to hurt" Patting his back, Peter followed his own words by honestly saying,

"Let's go get some drinks, it'll just be better to speed up the night... Or slow it down?" Peter

Hiro just nodded his head, tonight would just be something he wanted to forget anyways, so let's bongiza!



With Peter by his side, he took a sip of alcohol which was honestly disgusting as hell to him, but at this point, it was the only thing he had to force these feelings down.

(A/N: just gonna say this, but you shouldn't bottle your emotions up, it's not healthy and from personal experiences, it never ends well, keeps that in mind)

"Wow you were right, this is some good stuff!"

"I know right, it was like 50CP-"

"It tastes horrible..."

"Huh? you just said it was good???"

"Eeh, Don't know what you're talking about~"

He gave Hiro a stupid look as Hiro took another sip of the "horrible" alcoholic beverage.

"Then why drink it if you don't like it?"

Peter actually made sense, but in this fight with the liver and that liquid, pineapple won the game of life.

Looking at Hiro, he had a good look at him and a smug expression formed on his face, 'hehehe, this is Hiro's first time drinking, he's already drunk, I just know it' he plotted and his face said everything.

Hiro was in fact... Tipsy, and as he looked over to Peter, he moved his cup holding hand and he bonked Peter's forehead.


"Huh? Wait I didn't even do anything yet!"


'Oh no I was found out, ahh I gotta play cool, come on Peter you got this!'

"So... You still upset about the break-up?..."

Bro what the fuck!

'Oh shit, I didn't mean to say that it just slipped out! He's so gonna kill me!'

But as he was expecting to get bonked again... He felt nothing and looked over to see Hiro fully leaning against the wall, just looking up.

"I don't know, I haven't shed a tear in months, but I want to, it's internally tearing me into pieces"

"Eeh? That's a surprise to hear, but that's also pretty normal," Peter said being able to relate to how he felt.

Hiro took a cup that was just off to the side and then jugged it, with no regard to whoever it belonged to, he just needed it.

"Bro, you just need to forget about her and move on"

"Easy for you to say, your not at your ex's party"

'He has a point... But I'm not going to give it to him!'

"But she's still your friend ain't she? After all you've known each other since grade school, and the both of you have been closer to each other more than you've ever been with Tina and me?"

But as he said that, he remembered someone who was even closer to Hiro than any one of them...But forget about them! They moved away! No need to think about that crazy person!!!

"I don't know"

"That's no excuse! Bro, you haven't even slept with her! That counts for a lot, I would hate it if you lost a good friend like her for something as trivial as a young sweetheart break up!"

"So there's no excuse for any of this to be awkward! You're you and she's her, your both still friends and to think of it, there may be a bit of feeling mixed in, but you'll both see friendship is better than nothing!"

Can I hire this guy to be my therapist?

(Aye! shut it)

"Now if you did sleep with her, then wow... I'd pat you on the back and say, it'll get better someday, hopefully"

He laughed and got Hiro to cheer up. But he didn't know if it was because of his words or the fact that Remi was across the room, talking with Tina and a few other girls.

His bro was seriously a lost cause...



As the moons rose he was steadily coping with reality. he even found himself in a corner with 3 guys around him, including Peter, and they were talking about that lego death star set.

Meanwhile, as this happened, there many whisperers in forms of groups of people there. . .This was a large house so a lot of people came.

"Woah, look at that hottie" G1

"He has a mysterious atmosphere to him, it's like he's saying with he does what he wants when he wants" G2

"He could do anything he wanted to me~ G3

"I'd let him do anything to me" G4

"Stop being such horny sluts, I saw him first!" G1

"No fair, he's fair game, bitch" G3

"Did you just call us sluts???" G2 chuckled as she was a hopeless virgin.

"I heard from my mom that if a guy pee's inside your no-no zone, you'll get pregnant," G4 said innocently

"He can pee in me any day♡♡♡" G2

"Jessica what the fuck!" G1

"Shut up, I think he just looked at me" G4

Looking over to the group of guys, they saw him taking another shot of the extra strong stuff and as he lowered his cup, they all looked at him.

Hiro noticed this and to their surprise, he decided to humor them. So with his sharp eyes piercing them like a knife, he raised his cup like he was saying hello ladies~

They felt weak to their knees and they were all pretty sure G2 just came from that, seeing as she grabbed onto 2 friends and she felt her legs quiver with excitement and a tingly feeling drip down her leg.

"I-I-I'm not leaving here without his number," G1 said boldly.

"Agreed" G3

"Wait... What if he's gay?" G4

"Then while he's fucking a guy... I'm gonna... I'm gonna, I'll suck his dick!" G2

It didn't make sense, but the girls around her didn't judge, and to be honest, it was a common idea in their heads that they could all agree to do.

They all then looked over to that extroverted boy aka Peter, and as he was talking and gesturing stuff to Hiro, they all looked at him like he was an utter menace to society, and in case their case, he was, and he was also a possible competitor. . .

Peter is the final boss for thirsty girls!



Yeah... So Hiro had no idea what was going on? He just saw them glair at him, so he thought they were the ones who brought the booze, and he was just trying to say it was decent/or fair, in a way.

But forget about them, because as he was listening to Peter talk about his new lego set! Which was pretty fucking awesome if I do say so myself. He was watching Tina.

However it wasn't in a creepy way, it was more or less like a guardian in a kindergarten.

Because as he observed her, he saw that Derek had joined the group, and from how it played out, he didn't need to take a guess and say that she wasn't very successful 4 months ago. Because it was very obvious.

Tina was mentally wretched from it and as he listened closely to her words, she was all jumbled up,

She was nervous, and as Derek had barely even paid attention to her, she couldn't even make eye contact with him or the others around her due to her nerves being all over the place.

Nonetheless, at some point in you're life you go through phases, like being depressed at one point, jealous in another, all to where you wish it was you, and then regret, and other emotions that all lead back to that regret.

But sometimes... Sometimes you just need to let it go, like how they once said in Frozen.

But then there's also times where you have to yeet it out the window and have your friends back no matter what, and that's what he was doing.



Finally getting comfortable, she was normally talking a bunch and he was finally able to relax seeing as everything was alright.

But then, suddenly as soon as Remo left to help out one of her other friends with something, and Tina was still talking, Derek clicked his tongue in annoyance, finally looking at her, but with an annoyed expression,

To where he then said,

"Will you shut up already? You're so God damn annoying that I can't even hear myself think"

As as he said those words, the ones who talked and laughed with her. . . They were all silent, no one in that group stood up for her,

But then again, why would they?

After all, other than Remi, she was the only other human in that group, Derek was a beastfolk Wolf and the other girls with them were also wolves... Of his very pack.

"Yeah, you've been rambling on for an hour and it's so damn annoying, your annoying" The closest wolf girl confessed crossing her arms.

And as she did, Tina was taken back, she thought they were all getting along, it was all good until Remi left... So why?... Why are they being so mean?

But they weren't finished, and as one stood quiet as she had actually enjoyed Tina's talking, she just stayed quiet, not uttering a single word.

"People like you piss me off the most" Derek bluntly stated as he looked her dead in the eyes,

As he did, little tears formed in her eyes as it was like she was getting verbally attacked, she didn't know what she did wrong... Or was it just her?

But as she was mulling over everything that happened in those few seconds, she felt a hand on her shoulder, and as she looked behind her with tears almost falling down her face.


Going right past her Hiro punched Derek in the face using all his might, sending him back, and crashing into the wall making a loud thud that gathered everyone's attention.

But he wasn't finished, in the same motion, he reacted in a split second, *splash* he splashed both wolf girls(WG) with alcohol throwing them off due to their wolfish noses that we're strong to smell,

And then he proceeded to kick WG 1 in the stomach making her hit the wall like her boss. But he made sure to hit her harder as she had made Tina tear up just like Derek.

"Boss! Sakura!" WG 2 yelled out.

With a tint of red corrupting his eyes, his fist was balled and as he looked over to the 2nd wolf girl, his sharp eyes priced her very soul and she felt if she attacked he wouldn't hesitate to rip her spine out.

But she was a proud wolf, and a fearless one at that, so she bared her teeth at him and growled.

And as Derek was slowly getting up from that heavy attack he looked to WG 1 and she was knocked out cold next to him.

Looking up to who punched him, he saw WG 2 throw a punch at Hiro and he easily dodged, grabbing her arm and planting his fist into her gut making her spill out saliva.

With one basic attack, he knocked her out, and then he looked over to Derek as she was thrown to the ground.

"I'm going to kill you"

* * * * *

Meanwhile sitting in an opaque room looking through a crystal ball, a woman laughed hysterically as her eyes shimmered green.

"I found you my runaway pet~"