unknown: 1%

It was his first day in this strange land and his vitality was almost depleted, his strength exhausted, and his mana completely dried out.

He struggled to survive as his life subscription was coming to an end,

"My oh my, what's this, your not dead yet young man? Did the girl not succeed?"

The shadowy shillohet said as she saw him trying to crawl away with all his strength... But to only get an inch away.

Looking at him closely, she had a malicious smile that evoked my intent,

"You have a lot of potential young lad, to think you hold that much mana and phyric energy in you? You or indeed special, and I only know of one subspecies of human that can inherit the ability to hold and use magic energy... Like phyric. You're a Sorcerer aren't you?" Unknown

He continued his attempt to flee as she spoke, but it was a huge fucking fail as he heard the crunch of a bone.

Groaning in agony he saw a foot soaked in blood stomping on his arm, breaking it,


"It really is a shame that my experiments have no use for a human under the Mana's faction, plus you are quite a rare and valuable subject... So, nope never mind. it's too bad your no use to me" Unknown

Looking to the one who broke his arm.

"Now do as you failed to do before and devour him... Oh, haha I mean to kill him for good this time dear~"

The foot instantly disappeared and as it had, he suddenly heard footsteps from behind him. He knew it was her and he was terrified.

barely Looking around as he was in agony and dazed from what she did to him beforehand.

He saw his shredded clothing lying everywhere and as he saw his shredded pants, he saw that his pockets were empty... She took his last hope for survival...

There was now truly nothing to help him now.

Hearing them being him, the creature reached his legs and then got down. He heard their knees hit the wet muddy like dirt, and then he felt their hands on him... What were they an animal?

But his thought soon changed as fear evoked him, he felt them coral over him, and he felt a pair of breasts on his lower back and breathing on his shoulder, it made chills run down his spine as it made him feel all tingly as he felt a hand suddenly move up his shortened hair and grab onto him,

Making him tremble as they were going to eat him alive or–

But then they suddenly sniffed him and got up.

Fearing for his life he did a silent prayer, one to that of the old gods, his gods, but then it was intruded as he heard strange voices speaking some strange tongue. The thing? Was talking to the shillohet and they went back and forth before he felt something sharp hit his foot.

Before he knew it his eyes shut and it was as if the trio of bitches named fate, were playing a sick game on him, because as he pleaded for death... Yet they denied it.

He didn't care how he died, after mainly all his vitality was taken by the monster, he wanted to die, in any way possible. No matter how bad he suffered, or how merciless it was. He had beads of water rolling down his face as he embraced death with open arms.

But life was a cruel joke and he woke up with his blood dried like the mud on his body,

His neck, arm, and back were sore while other parts of his body were broken.

But he also felt a warmth... It was the warmth of another person.


As the next day after the party came quick, he was still sleeping in his bed as his body was sore, however, things could have gone a lot better yesterday.


Getting up Derek was pissed,

And as he did, others around the room gasped,

"Did y'all see that? That guy just punched the alpha wolf of the Kuro pack"

"Man look at that damage! The wolf leader's nose is bent!"

"I'm still asking for that baddie's number" G1

"Holy crap what just happened!?"

"Oh crap, that guys fucked, he actually dared to fight a beastman, especially a wolf alpha at that..."

"Yup he's totally fucked"

"Am I the only one getting horny from this?" a random girl said.

"Naw, I think I am too," a random guy said as he was intensely watching Hiro and Derek.

Regardless, as talk went around the room Derek growled, flashing his teeth and shooting pure hostility at Hiro,

"Who do you think you are! You lowly fucking human!" Derek

However Hiro didn't respond with words, he impulsively attacked. And this threw Derek off and he flinched as he wasn't expecting this. He predicted a whole monolog on something in depth about why Hiro did it, and what caused this. However, that wasn't the case.

And Derek dodged by the hair on his neck as he twisted his body, doing a while spin strike, and striking Hiro right on the head with the point of his shoe, hoping to give him a fluffing concussion.

However, Hiro took that attack to his head dead-on, the attack which was supposed to knock him out only fueled his anger.

Because it might have bleed, but it didn't work and Hiro grabbed onto Derek's leg and using his own foot, he went beast mode on my man's Derek.

He fucking kicked him in the balls.

Derek could say goodbye to having puppies, because in a real fight, in the real world, the one to survive is the one who comes up on top.

"Ouch, that has to hurt" Peter stole the narrators' mic.

As Derek's eyes widened, he fell to his knees and grabbed his nuts. That was the most painful thing he's ever experienced and as his head was bulging like the bumps in a vain and his balls were numb in pain.

Hiro proceed to sidekick Derek and he took my man's out on a date to the world of blackness. Because he was gonzo and not even Dream could save him from this speed run.

Hiro was the victor, but as he saw Derek unconscious in front of him, it's was as if a voice called out to him and he only heard one thing.

'KILL him! KILL him! KILL him! KILL him! KILL him!'





Tina yelled snapping him out of his trance, he didn't repeatedly kick Derek. But it was as if an impulse... No, it was as if his entire being was ordering him... To kill Derek.

Looking up at her, he heard 2 voices from behind him.

"Hiro... What have you done?" Mari said as she saw 3 unconscious wolf people under him and his knuckles had blood on them.

He looked as if he did it and even if he didn't, hell, he would probably have been suspected... Or Peter?


Passion quaked in Remi's voice as she saw him bleeding from the nose and foaming from the mouth as he was unconscious. While alps literally holding his balls and being scrunched up on the floor.

Running over to him "Hiro what hell did you do to my Derek!" but as those fatal words took flight, it was as if he snapped...Again.

Grabbing her by the sholders as she was in front the both of them, and practically everyone else in this room, he yelled at her in anger,

"Shut the hell up, you stupid bitch!" Hiro

Throwing everyone off with his words, especially his sister, Remi's eyes were opened wide as he had never once looked at her like that.

He looked at her like she was a pest.

Now over to his sister, she was the most shocked out of them all, she knew her brother and this wasn't like him. And she had to deal with him her whole life so she knew her little brother the best, and he wouldn't ever act like this. Especially to her.

"Keep your dog on a leash from now on or I'll year him to fuckin' shreds!" Hiro

[Unknown: 1%]

[State of the unknown: fluctuating]

Letting go and leaving her and that dog, he took a step forward and grabbed ahold of Tina's hand as she was in shock from all of this.

Seeing the tears still in her eyes made his anger build, and the thought of murder crossed his mind once more... But then it faded as he put his hand on Tina's head.

Seeing her all weepy and upset made him indifferent to all others but her at this moment,

"Hey don't sweat it, I know you'll find someone way better, until then you'll always have me and Peter to annoy you, got it"

Looking at her with a gentle smile, she looked up at him, breaking away from her previous state,

"Sniffle... Idiot, worry about yourself, do you have any idea on what you've just done"

She said realistically.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I have you and Peter, I have nothing to truly worry about"

"You're such a dumbass"

"Haha, yeah. I know I am"

He got her to smile despite it being bitter, but it was a start,

"Let's get out of here, this party blows~"

Nodding her head a soft smile developed on her face and Peter came to his side, patting his shoulder and smiling as idiotic as the both of them. Hiro knew the 3 of them were in this together and they knew that as well.

Walking to the door and voiding the yell of someone, Peter boasted about how badass he looked taking out those wolves and how he was like "pow... boom boom and boom!" and he laughed calling it no biggie... Also let's just say Peter was his right-side wingman, because both G1 and G2 slid into Hiro's DMs.




Walking the streets with his best friends, the OG Peter and Tina... He heard a voice rumble in his head.

'As the moons rises so does IT, do you honestly think you can handle it'

'You freak'

"A Freak huh? I like it"

He said to himself as his eyes shimmered red and he wrapped his arms around both of his buddy's necks, pulling them in and laughing.

"bro, what's got into you?" Peter...(/°w°/)

"haha, it's probably the adrenaline and alcohol" Tina...(^*U*^)

. . . . .

Meanwhile back at the party, today's hot topic wasn't the store, but how some mysterious man beat the alpha of the Kuro pack, and dirtily too? oh wowa.

Meanwhile, Remi and Mari helped Derek and the other wolves. Why Mari was on their side was pretty obvious, she was on Remi's side the entire time and not her little brother's.

And Remi was flushed as she couldn't get his words out of her head, it was lodged in there like a bead.


* * * *Present Time* * * *


He didn't feel good the next day, he woke up in pain and as the rising sun wasn't petting apon them for the next few hours, he wasn't in physical pain, but instead, it was his magic or more like both magic and energy.

The phyric energy within him was literally attacking him and his mana shifted, becoming a violent force.

They were suffocating and intolerable, for a pure 10 hours he felt as if he was to relax for even a second, he would have been consumed by his own power.

* * *

He survived based on pure Willpower and what little luck he had left.

Being able to sit up his throat was dry and he needed some water, but as he hoped of getting up, the door to his room was busted open,

Mari barged in

"What the hell was that yesterday!"

Just as he thought he could get some time to recover what little waking energy he had left in his body, it was zapped away and he collapsed them and there.


"Not again!"




But this time they got lucky and nothing happened. Mary checked on him and she found nothing wrong with him, so she told Mari he was just fatigued as they were in a hidden room called the [Arcaic Studies].

Both girls acted casual as this was good news, so they were just going to take it easy and wait for him to wake up... But that was before he suddenly coughed up blood. That's when things turned serious seeing as something was extremely wrong!

And there was.

* * * * * *Inside His Mind* * * * * *

Cut, slashed, and bruised, he tried attacking but his hands were caught by sentient chains, fueled by a strong magical force, they wrapped around his already bruised wrist and he suffered a bit more as they hurt him

The girl laughed as he was caught by her chains, but she wasn't laughing for long as his legs weren't chained. So he used his lower body to attack her.

But this inevitably angered her and she moved at an unnatural speed, moving from 10ft to him in a second and grabbing ahold of his throat.

Gripping his bruised neck tightly and out of anger she slashed him with her claws, adding another slash to his body.

'Why won't they let me die!' Hiro screamed but his voice was silent.