emergency mission pt.1

With it being the 3rd week since school started, he found himself lost and in search of his 2nd class which he desperately needed to get to. If he was to fail that class... Well, let's just say the consequences would be dire, forget about his Mother, Tina was the biggest threat to his life right now.

But as he was looking left and right to see which classroom was his 'which one was it again?' he even forgot the number... Wait was he even in the right hallway? But that's when he suddenly thought he caught the glimpse of something mysterious?

So out of pure curiosity, he decided to check it out, which is probably to 1st rule on what not to do In any horror movie.



He went to investigate, and as he walked to the side by the girls' bathroom, he saw it... It was a Shadow! And it was just following a girl as she went into a stall.

With him seeing such a thing he took no time to worry about what would and could have happened, as he put his hands together and he focused on his mana, charging it up.

As the shadow was about to shift and slip under the stall, he put his hand out and as his mana pulsates through him, it was then released into a flash shot.

But something was different, it wasn't blue, it wasn't his mana?

[????? blast]

Shooting something similar to that of a lightning bolt from the palm of his hand, it swam through the air and halfway to its target, it became bigger and it was as if a fanged snake came into the bolt's head, opening wide and going in to bite the shadow.

killing the shadow it dropped a [Shadow Fragment] in its place and that fragment fell to the ground as it was from the core of the shadows being.

But that was unusual, the shadow fragment was like an essence, it was too refined and the shadow should have dropped an [energy-shard fragment]? So why did it drop a shadow fragment?

But he was forced to ignore it as–



The girl in the stall screamed as the blast was close to her and she was, ya know, using the restroom while a trucking like blast was fired off.

So like any reasonable person, he dipped before anyone could find out it was him.

* * *

He found his class and not even 7 minutes of being in there, he ended up falling asleep, he was tired after what happened and it might not have seemed like it, but that [Mysterious Blast] was mentally exhausting.

But it wasn't his Magic Attack? That wasn't a Mana Blast? What was it? It wasn't his because he only knew like 2 attack spells and that wasn't any of them?

Other than his instant Magic Attack [Mana Blast] which didn't need an incantation for him to use, he knew [Shock Bolt] which was a stun spell, and then [Wind Blast] which was a blunt attack spell.

But either way, he only knew those 2 spells? Those were his actual attack spells and they cost him 100 points of mana from each use, it was just like his advanced magic attack [Mana Missile].

But this spell... This spell...


And it was just so unbelievable to him because the strongest spell he knew only cost 100 points...

sigh, nonetheless, he fell asleep before he could think anymore about this exhausting dilemma.

* * *Many Moments Later* * *

He found himself starving and woke himself up to the growl of his own stomach, he didn't know why but after he woke up he was thinking about a yakisoba bun? Don't know why he thought about food seeing as it would make him even hungrier... But he found it less appetizing this time.

He shook his head as the more he thought about food the stronger he found his hunger got, but as food imaged through his head, it suddenly turned into a girl.

A food girl!

No, not really.

His thoughts turned dirty as he imagined a blond-haired girl with shimmering blue eyeballs crawling to him seductively and as she reached him she opened her mouth presenting her light pink tongue out and awaiting the DDDDDDDDDD!

(So his type are blonds huh? meh)

But then he snapped out of it as someone tapped on his shoulder, looking behind him he saw Hestia, and she had a solemn expression as she poked his cheek.


He said casually throwing up the peace sign.

But she didn't say a word, she just walked next to him and sat down, usually that spot was empty, so it wasn't like it mattered if she sat there.

"I forgot my textbook at home, can we share?"

She said as she yawned, he looked at her, and then his eyes scrolled down...

"So is that a yes?"

Looking up, he nodded his head variously.

"Yeah of course!..."

He said but then they both looked at his empty desk... He was clearly not paying attention or studying this entire time... No wonder he was doing poorly in this class.

"Give me one sec, I was... Mental studying hahaha"

She knew he was bluffing, he was totally asleep before, and now she was contemplating on asking him or the girl that was sitting behind her... But she chose him out of hatred for the other girl.

"Please just don't take long, Hiro"

She was starting to take pity on him, she then thought maybe she should sit here to help him like the good Samaritan she is... Well, also mainly because she fucking despised the girl behind her, at her original seat, and then again it could be useful to have him owe her.



As his final class ended, he found himself in a tight predicament, standing in front of him was his sister, and next to her was Remi, but before he could ask what they needed, Mari spoke first,

"Brother we need to go, now"

She said but then Remi looked over to her and said,

"Wait before you both go, I need to talk with Hiro alone, It's... Personal"

But as she said that Mari had already grabbed him by the arm and started pulling him with her to leave the classroom.

"Sorry, but this is more important than whatever you have to say to him Remi"

"No it's not! Mari, I'm not stupid, I know what's going on and it's so very unfair to me! I don't even know what happened between the both of them and I hate how you are all keeping me in the dark about it! Don't you think I deserve to know the truth! Don't you know how much it hurt me to hear those words come from Hiro's mouth! I actually thought he... he... lo..."

She yelled strongly mixing her emotions into every word, and it even got Mari to holt and look over to her... But Mari simply squeeze his arm with her tightened grip as right now that girl was bugging the hell out of her when she needed to be somewhere important right now.

"Sister, you know it's not that important, can't we-"

But his words were interrupted by,

"The world doesn't revolve around you Remi, grow the hell up, just because my brother hurt your feelings and punched your boyfriend doesn't mean that it has anything to do with you, so if you want to talk to anyone, how about you go to that dog you call a boyfriend and not me or my little brother"

She said shocking him, where the hell did this come from? Like seriously who pissed in your cornflakes to make you pick Hiro's side over hers? Wowza.


"Shut up, we have more important matters to deal with, your trivial bull-shit is getting on my nerves"

With those words, she looked at him saying she was also talking to him and he kinda already excepted it already, as well, he may have deserved it.

With those words, she clicked her tounge before looking at Remi and mumbling to herself,

"My brother has poor choices in women"

'And it's been clear as day since the both of you broke up'

Leaving everyone shocked, she then whispered something into Hiro's ear and it made his eyes widen, Remi who was filled with jumbled emotions looked at them and she could bet they were probably talking about her, and this made her mad with all her emotions in a mix and she felt it getting bottled up.

Hiro nodded at Mari,

"Then what are we doing? let's go we don't have a second to waste"

Hearing this it brought a half-smile to her face.

"Good to have you on board for once little brother"

Leaving the room they left Remi who had a Chaotic look in her eyes, some of it was unfamiliar and crazed.

* * *

Running in the halls and out of the building, it was as if he was boosted with the speed of Hermes because he was at least 5x as fast as her.

Getting to the fence of the sealed-off building, he jumped at and them kicked off a tree, twisting and leaping over the barbed fence.

But as he was in the air he couldn't see his sister, she was way too far behind and she was probably now entering the forest.

Landing on the ground he could himself with perfect balance...

But then,


He suddenly gushed out a mouth full of blood, falling to his knees and he was barely able to press himself up as he kept throwing up blood, something was right and it kept coming out? But how was he able to keep himself awake with all this blood leaving his body?

[Agility minor decrease]

[Unknown +1]

[Unknown: 2%]

When he finally was able to stop throwing up blood, he felt his body pulsate and a strong pulse shot throughout him, widening his eyes and tinting them with a scarlet red.

But then just like a vampire diary's werewolf, he arched up *Crack* his spine suddenly cracked and his body flourished in agony.

* * *

Arriving at the gates of the sealed-off building, she bent her knees and threw her arms up catching some air and leaping over the fence with the assistance of magic, avoiding the barbed wire and landing on the other side.

But upon landing on the ground she felt something off, she smelled a strong scent of iron and it was weird as she shouldn't have been able to smell this? Looking off to her right, she looked right at a tree and to the grass around it.

Looking to the grass, she saw a pool of blood and that was a big fucking red flag.

Looking to the dried dirt, she saw a trail of blood droplets and without needing to even think, she suspected a monster had infiltrated the secret meeting area and had already taken out one of the fledglings.

With her guard up she followed the trail into the building and as she turned a few corners she ended up with a few dead ends, but then she found the end of the trail and it stopped at the corner of a dead-end.

With there being blood ok the floor, she went down to touch it, seeing if it was warm and if the monster was still close... But then she heard steps behind her.

Her mana surged and she immediately turned around blasting 4 [mana missiles] in every direction so the beast couldn't avoid all of them.





With 4 [mana missiles] hiking their target she looked at who this monster was, but then her eyes widened as she not only missed her target, but it was also her idiot brother.

"Hey! Watch where you're arming those things!"

"Then don't startle me like that, dumbass!"

"It's your own fault for not telling me where to go!"

"Then why'd you run so fast you idiot"

"Oh, yea... You have a point"

"Of course I do you dumb bitch! Now stop arguing with me!"

"Yeah, you're right, this is pointless, we need to hurry up and meet the other slayers"

"Don't you dare talk back to m- Wait did you just agree?"

"Yeah, this is important, so let's go already"

She looked at him with disbelief, but he seemed to already be walking off so she ran up to him, walking right behind him.

"It's room 403" she stated.




As they were walking she noticed something was different about him.

'Where'd his jacket go?'

Totally not covered in blood and in the trash.

* * *

Getting to an old dusty room, there were 13 people already in there, 6 humans, 3 beasts, 3 elves, and 1 dwarf.

All dressed in their school uniforms, they all carried a basic katana/sword, and they all looked up to the 2 new people entering the room.

"Okay, everyone's here, let's start the meeting"

But as a man in a teacher uniform was about to speak, Hiro and one of the female humans locked eyes.


It was that girl from the party, the same one that got his number.


But then appearing from the midst of the room, there was a [large] wolf.


It was Derek.