emergency mission pt.2: meeting

"QUIET DOWN NOW!" T(teacher)

Turning to the siblings, he pointed them out, and with nothing but seriousness he yelled to the newbies/pagelings,

"Listen up! Your chances of survival have gone from thin to slim! You all might just make it back alive now!" T

"The hell's that supposed to mean!!!" Shooting up from his chair, Derek's fur spiked and he looked at Hiro like he was the enemy.

"Isn't it obvious? What he's saying is that the both of them are the real deal, nitwit" Timmy(HB1)

Mocking him, Derek turned to HB1 balling his fist as he looked at that "human boy", but he couldn't say anything back as the teacher clapt his hands together.

"That's correct Timmy, both of them are Rank 1 slayers, they've been apart of the association since even before I was a slayer. So if there are any chances of y'all surviving this, it's me and these 2"

But as he said that like it was a good thing, he found one of the human girls(HG) raising their hands and standing up.

"Sensei! What happens to be the qualifications to become a slayer? Because from what I've seen so far, all 3 of you so-called slayers are prime examples of how the slayers requirements have lowered drastically" HG2

He took great offense to her words as she not only called him not qualified but also talked trash about all of the guardians of Nefumia.

"HAHAHA! Qualified you to say! Listen up, little girl! The standards haven't dropped, they increased, but do you know why? Do you know why they've made it harder? Because due to my, no, our enemies gaining more strength in the last year and nearly wiping out a quarter of our fucking forces! We've been forced to increase everything!" T

"So before you talk trash you little dumpster munchkin! Look at these 2! To even get close to where they are, which is to be considered the lowest rank of slayer, [Rank 1!]. You must complete a full 4 years of apprenticeship, which most slayers will tell you it was considered hell! Then thou must complete a slayer's tribute! And this isn't some bull shit kiddy thing either, because you have to hunt and slay a strong monster by yourself! Or a group of undead that has been starved and hungry for your tasty raw flesh!" T

"Now look back to the both of them, Hiro Natsu might seem like a complete dumbass but don't underestimate him, because believe me I used to!...[Looking at Hiro he hesitated]... And I still do!..." T

"As for Mari Natsu, just don't get on her bad side! I once saw her kill a Goliath Grade monster by herself, and when I say she plays with fire, I wouldn't get close to her when she does!" T

"The both of them are prodigy's in their feild! And they're both known amongst the slayer core as the [Twin Flames Of Apollo!]" T

Shouting his heart out with passion, his words roared as he told who they were, but he never actually stated why they were called that, and that was the greatest mystery amongst the local slayers... Also, Hiro had never admitted to being a slayer, he's just being forced into doing it as a side gig, and well, he does, but doesn't care for it.

Hearing him yell at them the class got a quick understanding and HG2 looked away as she couldn't believe he did that, but fuck her and not literally, as looking to Derek, he turned to Hiro and with a stupid expression written all over his face, he showed how stunned he was.

"Now back to the main issue!!! We have a crisis on our hands and all we have is you newbies and these 2 available!'

"Sir, what about the other slayers?" the Dwarf(DB) asked.

"As of last week the slayers have been out on an extermination mission, they're traveling to a local city near Nefumia and they're going to eliminate a hive of zombies, and when I say the chances of them all dieing is possible, it is. Because I don't expect half of them to come back home... DON'T FORGET THIS CHILDREN! Outside the walls of [Nefumia], there are hordes of undead awaiting our destruction, by order of the litch progenitor and his legions of evil, along with the monsters of this land which some have found their way inside the kingdom walls!" T

They understood and the ones who thought everything was all peace & rainbows, they were hit with a dose of reality as people die every day and the reason why their gathering more and more slayers and expanding their military to not just humans. Is because the evil factions are winning and they have no other choice but to ban together and fight till all odds are against them and they die with honor and in glory!

"Now your mission involves a not so problematic monster race which used to be passive-aggressive-!"

"Used to?" A beast girl(BG1) said.

"Yes, something or someone has severely angered them. We have yet to discover the reasoning behind their aggression, but the lab is still researching. But thats the problem, we have no time to just wait and find out what's wrong with them. They've started Killing innocent people and the military had done one hell of a job keeping the people safe. But how long can they be safe with their protection? The shadows will feed on others or themselves and if we wait too long powerful shadows will appear and it may be too late before we even know it." T

"What exactly are they, sir?" EG 1

"They hail from the [plane of shadows known as Shadowfell] and are commonly known as one of the 10 [Forgotten Sub-Realm]. These creatures are of the [Undead] category and are known as [Shadows]" T

Saying that it brought back memories for Hiro, he clenched his fist so hard till he found his nails digging into his skin and he himself, reimbursing in the past, the very one which led to where he was now.

The fates are cruel bitches.

"How do we kill them? What's their weakness" EG2, one of the 3 elf girls said as they had a notebook similar to a monster journal open and ready to fill.

"They're Weak to Radiant Attacks, Blessed Weaponry and Tools, Holy Attributes, and that of Light as well" T

"Sensei! Doesn't that mean we stand no chance against them, even if we were fully trained, we have no way to actually hurt them, we don't even have to bless talesmen to ward off evil spirits and such things like the very Shadows were facing. And the only ones to possibly have a chance to fight against them is the 3 elves in our class and they're as useless as the rest of us here... No offense. So either way, we have no way to fight back, this is basically a suicide mission" HB3

"Good observation, it looks like you are a step closer to becoming one of us. But from what you said, I already thought about that and you yet again correct these 3 are useless as they have no combating attributes. But this is where my 2 come in, as well as myself. They have the power to vanish the monsters, if I recall it they have 1 clerk spell, and then there's me. I can bless your weapons temporarily" T

Saying that he upsetted the elves and an elf raised her hand and stood up,

"Then how about Mana Attacks, will it be able to kill the Shadows, because if so then we-" EG2 was interrupted by him,

"No, it's practically impossible, if anything they'll be forced to dissipate and travel to another place or they could even shadow dash if strong enough, and it's hard to catch them when they do that. So listen up, to know that they die if let's say you do something like that, they'll drop a small white sharded crystal piece called an [Energy Fragment]" T

But as he was going to say some more, because why the fuck would you send in people who have no clue what's happening, he heard this annoying little tick over to the side... Oh wait it was just Hiro,

"Excuse me "Sensei", but my [mana missile] can destroy them. Actually, that quake in the 3rd building was caused by me killing a shadow early this morning" Hiro

Hiro casually said making the teacher look at him dumbfounded. To be honest, this was his first time hearing that a tracking magic missile could actually kill a Shadow? It was just too shocking to believe.

But then again, he remembered what Hiro and Mari were. They weren't normal magic casters, they were of the sorcerer lineage meaning that all their attacks naturally dealt radiant damage to evil beings.

"I know... You and your sister are special cases though" T

"Also when did I decide to become a slayer?" Hiro

"It was decided the day you were born," T

"That's fucked up" Hiro

"Hiro... Literally, you have no other options, you're people owe us, especially since when you all go to work, we don't interfere" T

"You're right, my apologies Juan, I'm just a little tense" Hiro

"It's sensei, don't call me by my name in here" T

"My fault jua- Sensei" Hiro

"Now everyone, here are the details!" T

* * *


[Basic info]

(Human girl, therefore, HG #

Human boy, therefore, HB #

Beastfolk boy, therefore, BB #

Beastfolk girl, therefore, BG #

Elf, therefore, EG #

Dwarf, therefore, DB #)

(Names will be spoken but these are easy ways to state people but with large quantities and groups)


* * *

With the details of the mission out of the way, to put it in summary, this was an annihilation mission, they're going to travel to the nest of the Shadows and kill their king and wipe them out before they can breed and make more.

They're a hermaphrodite race, so to make more they gather strength + mass by devouring others and then they combine with each other, before splitting apart, but this time, they come back as not 2 but as 3, making a new Shadow.

But there is an interesting fact about shadows, they don't form a nest without leaders and whenever a new Shadow is born, a portion of mana is consumed to [Dominate] the Shadow and bend it to his will. So that was another weakness, the weakness of mana loss.

And maybe if they're lucky, they will catch the king off guard and attack him while he's trying to take in another shadow.




With the meeting adjured, the teacher left to gather weapons and resources to bless their swords and give both Hiro and Mari [standard swords], that of basic material and quality.

"I don't need a sword, if they come for me I'll just blast them all until not even Thanatos could save them"

Mari gloated to herself as she couldn't believe she could use simple attacks to defeat them, she had forgotten that they could deal damage to all evil creatures until now and so she was a bit happy about his ignorance.

But as she was in a good mood Derek started up to them and with heavy steps, he had a few others walking behind him.

"We have unsettled business! I'll repay you 10 folds for what you did!" Derek

But as Derek said that, this wasn't no void Stilies you can't kill me a moment, by the gods, Mari walked up to him and she fucking punched him on his broken nose. Making it bleed again, but he didn't wince. Like a badass, it was like she punched a brick wall and blood came from that wall as he was a strong wolf who wouldn't go don't as easy as that.

"Listen up you stupid mutt, I'm getting sick and tired of you! Stop this foolishness before I make sure you don't even get a taste of true combat!"

She yelled and he growled with hostility as she attacked and threatened him... But it had changed as soon as she started charging up an attack which caused a chain of lightning to sizzle in the air around her. And as he looked at her mouth, he read her lips.

And as he did, he stopped as he read that and he clicked his tounge as what she had said was right and there was no going back to take it back.

"This isn't over" Derek

Walking back to his seat he might have wanted to take revenge or probably just get even. But one thing was clear and everything she said was genuine. The look in her eyes was like his wolf brethering hunting, it was feisty and hungry to pick the fight, or maybe something else.

With him leaving, 6 people had swarmed about the siblings and they started bombarding them with many questions, which made Hiro's head spin. Meanwhile, she answered them with grace.



"Wait so who exactly are the both of you?" HB2 had asked as they were too young, and he still hadn't believed it to be true.

With passion, they riled her up and she grabbed Hiro's shoulder, pointed to herself with her thumb, and said.

"I'm Mari Natsu and he's Hiro Natsu, my little brother. So listen here younglings, we're powerful and all might sor-!"

But as she was going to say you know what, Hiro slapped her over the head making her bite her tongue and stop her from revealing they were sorcerers.

"You're getting too excited nee-chan, calm down a bit. Listen up we're just Mages, we're nothing special but we do know various arts due to our mother who taught us magic at a young age"

She hopped around as he explained and as she was going to punch him, he kicked her knee making her jump again, she then realized as she was hoping what he did, he just kept their secret, the very one she almost revealed due to her being too prideful.

They casually ignored how he hit her over the head and stopped her from saying sum... Totally nun going on, just a bunch of heretic hentai in roll.

An elf suddenly put her hand to his chest and it made Mari look at the elf weirdly and he looked down at her. but his expression wasn't calm or friendly anymore... it was cold.

"We elves can have a strong affinity for magic, and with our power, we have greater mana proficiency. But when we all looked at the both of you, you're magic power was just so overwealimg, it made us weak to our knees with how dense it is" EG2

EG3 had gotten closer to him and even EG1 had went behind Mari doing the same and acting all horny. We're they turned on by their magic?

Just like a click, there was a mix of dark orange and light blue swarming both Hiro and Mari, but then it suddenly started getting sucked in by the both of them until it was all gone around the room. The room was once dense with magical pressure but not anymore...

[Magic hide]

They both sucked in their magic aura(pressure) and all 3 elves looked at them with disappointed expressions. They were saddened by the both of them hiding their magic pressure, it was such a turn-off.

'I forgot weirdos like them existed?' Hiro and Mari thought to themselves.

'wait? Why am I being so mean and off to everyone? Ahhh I feel like I'm just cracking! Aren't I the kind idiot, not the reality spoken man who accepts reality isn't an illusion person!'

He shook his head as he was contemplating on this too hard.

"Wait? Aren't you of this class Hiro? Sensei was looking for you for week 3 weeks ago?" HB1

"He was? Ehh sucks to be him then" Hiro

He said honestly as he wasn't even trying to be a slayer...Plus he was already one which made no sense for him to have to do this?

But due to issues in the high council, all Born sorcerers have to retake admissions when the required age is met, just to make sure their power is under gov.control, and in case of sorcerer received an order from the "ALLMOTHER" they'll be able to keep a record on it and send troops to monitor them and their mayhem.

* * *

Their teacher came back not to long after, and as he handed the both of them a sword, Mari rejected it, so Hiro took the both both of them.

And just like the weeb he was, he thought of kirito as he was now going to be duel wielding them~

But anyways, after their teacher came back, all they did was prepare, and after an hour of blessings, talismans, and preparations, they left.

Using 2 separate vehicles, they traveled to the known sight of the shadow hive.

Or what they all called it, the Shadow Dungeon.