emergency mission pt.3: the attack

Arriving on scene, it wasn't what they expected.

Everything was normal? Nothing seemed out of place and this shadow field that was mentioned earlier was nowhere to be seen?

But that was their mistake, an even Hiro and Mari were at a loss as they've never been on an official slayer mission before.

However, Following the teacher he explained what the [shadow grounds] was and how it was a direct connection between the [Material Plane], [Ethereal plain], and the [shadow plane]. There as to why they called it a dungeon.

To get to the [shadow ground], they were going to need to find the [shadow that never dissipates], a shadow which stays even when the strongest of light shines on it, and as they pass through it, they'll be in the [shadow grounds], or to put in simple form, the shadow's territory, a place of their own, before they expand their domain into the material plane.

* * *

With them blending in with the regular people, they wore jackets to hide their weapons and they slipped through the crowd, and then under a bridge where they finally saw it.

Smack dead in the center was a shadow on the wall, blacker than ebony and spiraling.

"You know what? I just remembered I forgot to feed my cat Mr.mittens"

Hiro said as he looked into the shadow, but his excuse was nothing but a joke to all of them because Mari pushed him into that fucking shadow's door!



Popping out on the other side he found himself in a world similar to the tales of the abyss, with the atmosphere dim and the trees all around withering, he didn't get it, but... This place felt so familiar.

Why did this place look so familiar to him?

But then, it was as if the world shifted because of a sudden pulse within his head. The entire world around him shifted and before he knew it, he looked up to the sound of echos in the form of chanting and then a shillohet in the distance, with a sharp pointy hat and glowing green eyes... getting closer... But farther away from him.

With the shift of the world around, he was filled with terror and he didn't know why? But then a green ball shooting through the air came at him, and as it was just feet away from him, he finally noticed they attacked.

The ball of magic hit his head and as he thought he was done for... The world around him shifts back to normal from that illusion.

"Hiro get your shit together!"

Mari said breaking him from that illusion.

'That felt so real... No... It was real, I felt the magic behind that blast, if whatever that was didn't break, I would be dead as hell'

"I think you broke him you crazy ape, haha"

Derek said as he looked at the siblings, and this pissed her off and made her let go of Hiro as she was mad at Derek, pulling out her wand as she was ready to blast his ass to the blue moon.

As Hiro fell backward, he was caught by that weird elf and she helped him back up as he was shaken from what just happened.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I... I just need a minute" He said casually slumping onto his butt and sitting there with both his swords off to the side.

And as he did that she just looked at him.

She admired him, not just because his magic was dense and it was pretty hot for her in particular, but the way he endured everything, it was miraculous... Yes, she saw it, every day for the past week he's been coughing and throwing up blood in secret around campus. It was as if he was suffering, but at the same time he wasn't, she wasn't, let's say stalking him... But she found him to be a suspicious and unusual individual at first.

But now she confused him with a spirit's vessel since sometimes when a good or evil spirit forcefully possesses and or sleeps away in someone, the symptoms of rejection are server if the host's body rejects the spirit.

So her greatest theory was that he was harboring a spirit within him, and through his body is rejecting it and fighting to throw it out, it seems as if he's fighting to keep it in and make it a core of power for himself, ultimately taming it which very hard, but not impossible.

But he needs to fight it head-on all the time or it will try to kill and take over his body.

To her this was just exhilarating, to have such an interesting human was making her feel all types of ways.

'I need to help him. Yes. When we get back I'll confront him and let me help him, then maybe he could show me all the miraculous powers he got from the spirit'

She thought to herself with a mild blush as the mysterious and mystical allured her.

But what she witnessed wasn't that of spirit possession or taming or fluff... It was more of a metamorphosis, and to be particular, it was a cursed transition.

Meanwhile, looking down to his navel area, he found it to be spreading a strange energy to the rest of his body. So as that heart-shaped marking on his navel area glew mildly, he found himself in a weird participant as the last time this strange tattoo-like marking of a heart above his crotch glew, he blacked out.

"You fucking dog, I'll fry you up and eat you for fucks sake if you don't shut it!" Mari

"Try it bitch! I'd like to see you try!" Derek

As the both of them were arguing, she pointed her wand at him ready to fry him, but then he hit it away and his fur stretched to the rest of his body, growing and making him look more wolf-like, as well as making him grow into a larger form.

[Rage of the wolf]

Looking like a whole werewolf, he had a wolfish face, large body, claws, and he was covered in black fur.


He roared, but that only gathered the attention of everyone else, he was truly a wolf, nothing more or less, just a wolf evolved and given a partial humanoid form.

And as he looked like a huge monster, she took a step back, he looked serious about fighting her and his power increased 10 folds, she could feel pure bloodlust and anger coming off of him, and as she back up, he took a step toward her.

"Hey I was just joking around no need to get all serious," Mari said with a meek smile.

But he wasn't having any of it, with the rise of his hand, he took a strong step forward and slashed his hand across, trying to kill her.


Human blood splattered all over the dim grayish dirt.

But as it did, all their eyes broadened as he attacked his own comrade, but what came as a surprise to Mari was that it wasn't her blood that was thrown in the air with shards of metal.

But her little brother's...

And with the metal from a shattered sword flying in the air, the blood from his chest flying out and those wolf claws caused all this damage.

"Derek I'm warning you, you don't want this" Hiro

He said as Derek was right there in front of him, ready to attack again seeing as his first attack didn't kill Mari.

"Someone stop them!" HG 1

But as the human girl yelled that, Derek snarled and without a shred of hesitation, Hiro was keeping his promise when he said he'd tear Derek to shreds, or at least him into it.

Kicking the earth below, Hiro came at him with a straightforward and open attack, and as his blade came thrusting at Derek's head despite it being a slashing weapon,

Derek twisted his body, dodging the tip of the blade, but what he hadn't seen was that Hiro did that on purpose, he didn't want to hit him with the sword.

Because following right behind the blade,


And as it exploded against him, the air became cloudy, and with the sounds of battle rummaging through the air, Mari flopped on her butt while being on the ground as the others were just around, seeing the others scrapped with each other.

With the air clearing, they saw Derek with his clawed hand wrapped around the throat of Hiro, as Hiro's back was hitting the ground.

"Aii, the battles over you two, now get your asses over here we have a job to do" T

But no one listened to the teacher as they conflicted with another issue. As the students were off to the side and ya girl Mari was still stunned like a Lil bitch over on the ground close by, we had them both in conflict glaring into the eyes of each other as a great tension surfaced.

But then it swiftly ended as,

"I'll kill you and then guess what's next you foolish monkey... I'll make love to Remi and make her forget all about you"

But as had spoke those words, Hiro bared his teeth, the tint of red turned into a full cluster fuck, and Derek saw as Hiro's eyes were a viable red,

But not like before to where it was a mild shade, They were like staring into the eyes of a beast,

His expression was that of fierce and as he grabbed his wrist of Derek, he gripped on tightly.

[Ordeal: their too emotional for their own good, their too attached to see right from wrong, they are the race who lusts for love but triumphs through bloodlust]

[Hiro's blood is beginning to boil]

[Unknown 5%]

The ground turned black and it surrounded the both of them making everyone think this was some type of magic.

But the elves knew for a fact that this was not Magic, no... It was alive.

And as the 3 elves backed up, only they could a laughter in the distance, it was maniacal and the 3 of them grabbed their swords looking around to where ever it came from... But they didn't know? It came from all around?

No! It came from the shadows!

Suddenly bursting out of the ground in a spiraling vortex, ghost-like shadows were flying around them, and within milliseconds they grabbed each slayer in training and transported them by using themselves, as for Derek and Hiro, the last Derek could see was pitch black and 2 red eyes.

* * *

Appearing in a new area, with Hiro not under his hand, he found himself in an open area and he looked around as the area smelled odd.

But then he heard a feminine giggle.

Looking around him, he found himself surrounded by scary-looking shadows, but what got him a bad feeling was how did this happen and what happened to his prey?

But then he heard the steps of another person

Looking up at the edge of a small mount, there was a certain someone with a cold expression glaring at him.

[ Boss room entered ]

[ Hiro: the twined flame of Apollo has appeared ]

With a standard slayer sword in hand, he leaped down to the battlefield to where he landed kneeling.

Standing up, he pointed his blade at Derek.