EM: Derek vs Hiro

With the clashing of mortal combat, on one hand there was Derek's wolf claws that dealt more damage and could rip and tear throught the low quality metal of the slayers sword. While on the other hand there was Hiro who's weapon might not have been the best, especially against a wolf-folk out for blood, but with his wits, nimble movements, and steady mind, Hiro used his sword and he cut through the air, striking with precision and accuracy as death following every slash.

He looked emotionless and his abilites in combat strengthened. What was happening was a mystery to all, but thou will findith in the following.

Just like a sword dance, it was almost graceful as his sword moved through the air and his body twisted to shift both his weight of gravity to attack and while body his body evaded.

'What the hell, its as if he's a different person'

With the parry of every attack, they were getting nowhere, but Derek was clearly on the defense as Hiro forced him into it.

[Sword Art: dance of the 8 swords]

[8 sword dance - 1st sword: brave sword]

With the shift in his stance, he displayed a sword art taught to him by his father. But the only downside is that his skill in this art was that of the he only basic level.

[Brave Sword]

- lack of hesitation

- +2 strength & Agility

* * * * *

[ PoV change ]

'Somethings off, why aren't the shadow dew hiccys attacking us?'

With him getting distracted he almost lost an eye, perception is a gift and he wasn't taking advantage of it. Especially with his being Hyphaned by his wolfish nature.

Looking over he noticed a blade coming directly for his eye, with the concept of death flashing before his eye, swear to kami that Goku was his spirit avatar, because his body moved before he could even think.

Without delay, his hand moved as fast as the light pricing the trees and he hit the flat part of the blade, knocking it to the side and away from the direction of his head.

With the slap of the blade, his sight adjusted to his situation and as they moved to the owner of the sword, his reaction was overdue as the motion of an elbow attack came for his head, smashing against his face and throwing him off as that attack actually effected him with a strong dose of power.

With Meliodas being Hiro's spirit avatar, Hiro's twisted in mid-air, and with a spin kick, he landed a heavy attack throwing Derek backward and crashing against the dirt.

With that hunk of a wolf smacking face-first into the ground and rolling around, it was as if every shadow was alive because they were lively as they erupted into silent cheering, with no voice but a lot of actions.

But as this happened, he wasn't like one of those wrestlers from WWE, he didn't get chocky and gloat about how he was winning this, he was like a litteral boss from a game as he took a step forward and his sword scratched the ground as it was now cracked and scrapes layed on the metal's surface.

Rolling he shifted his wait, going back up to his feet and leaving a slight claw mark from his feet as they scraped the earth.

"Rise from ashes"

"Claws of the earth"

"Bite down and hold all who oppose me"

Looking to the visible enemy, he heard an incantation and he raised his guard as he's never heard that spell before.

But then the earth started rumbling and small spikes from the earth surround him, he looked around him but that's all that was there.

"HAHA you failed, and you call yourself a mage!"

But as he said that, the earth under him split and it was as if he was in a trap because the ground from the spikes started rasing and it seemed like this was some sort of crush trap.

[Ashened earth-golem]

They slammed against him at a hyper speed and as he put his arms out, he was like Hercules as he tried not to get crushed by this monstrosity of a trap.

But then as he felt the walls squeezing him harder, and his arms bending from the overwhelming force produced by this thing, he looked out from the space which showed the world outside of this trap and it seemed as if he was getting raised into the air.

He then felt his vision shift horizontally.

With the shift of this, he felt the dirt under him sift and swish around until he was violently spoken inside of this thing as the spiked transformed and closed out the lights from the outside world of this trap.


He was then spit out of whatever the helm that was and as he was in mid-air he felt something slam against his head at a strong force.

It was Hiro and as he punched Derek he was yet again sent flying back into the direction of that trap but this time another force hit him and it was even stronger as that large solid thing like a wall hit against him and then forced him down to the ground smashing him against the ground like it was a giant fist.

With the ground around them shattering into a bliss of cracks he felt minor damage to his entire body but major damage to his left arm.

With his vision blurry he felt the pressure lift and with his breathing heavy and a sense of danger from every direction, he opened his eyes to see a fucking titan!

With a darkened earth giant there, its hand moved and grabbed him and lifted him, he saw its face and its teeth were like that trap, no it was that trap and as he realized that it wasn't some off-hand shit spike trap, he understood he was in the mouth of that shithead.

His entire body was then pelted to the ground with an outstanding amount of force, his body slamming down and cracking the earth once more.

His body was majorly damaged as the giant/golem started throwing punches to the ground, throwing dust-up and making this entire area into a pit of smoke.

With a 17 combo going at him his body grew yet again and it was as if his fur blazed cause he put his hand out stopping the golem's attack.

The smokescreen of dust passed and as the shadows witnessed him getting up and slowly pushing the golem back with pure strength... something miraculous then occurred.

yeah... fuck my life into pieces type of yeah.

(bro chill)

no! ! !

With Derek in beast mode, he gritted his teeth, and as he pushed back against the giant... Another person came into the side and without realizing it, Hiro tackled Derek making them both roll backward and onto the slope of this cluster fuck created caused by the golem.

With Hiro appearing on top, Derek felt nothing but pure rage and he threw an attack to Hiro, punching him in the face and stating hit blood through the air, but as he pulled his hand back for another rageful attack.

Hiro moved faster beating the absolute shit out of him, with fire literally sparking off my dude, he threw combo after combo, hitting Derek's face and smashing him with every attack full of all his strength.

That emotionless state was just an effect of the sword art being used, but this was hiro, just a bunch of rage with a mix of all his emotions flourishing all of him

With all attacks hitting Derek, blood started splattering more than Harry Potter and his use of aim assist, because with every punch he went like,




Before he knew it, he started burning out, and with Derek reverting to his original form, he was still getting his ass handed to him, it was pretty much overkill, but who the fuck cares, love is war and war is love... Or bloodlust, one of the two.

With his attack turning weak, his eyes faded back to brown and he suddenly turned his body over grasping the ground and throwing up a stomach full of purple blood.

[@%$+$×÷$×%×:# decreased]

He then wiped his mouth, got up, and then moved out of the crater, where he then saw the shadows surrounding the area.

"Where the hell do you think you're going, pussy"

Turning around he was then tackled and with yet another roll he kicked off making them go in separate directions.

Getting up he saw an asswooped Derek and he was covered in his own blood as he was beaten to a pulp, but he wasn't finished.

"I won't lose. . . To an inferior piece of garbage!!!"

He yelled and it was as if all the shadows became ghosts because they all suddenly flew at him, maybe to kill him off?

But no, the fates fucking hated him and they joined side with mister wolf.

His skin turned gray and his form changed again, he became that beast again but this time his eyes were pitch black and it looked as if shadows were his new weapon because all of them seemed in sync with him.

"DWIIIIIIIII! ! ! ! ! ! !"

He started charging at Hiro and as he got to him he gladiatored him as he rammed him holding him against the back of his arms as he ran and then he literally pounded my guy into a fucking tree... And not in a sexual way either.

He then started ravenously pushing hiro against the tree and as every hit, hit him, it was as if the air parted and the 7 seas split, because the sound of it was like WAM POW and damn!

But then as his arms were covered in shadows strengthening him, Hiro grabbed his snout and then shot his hand up to his head.

"Burn to ash!"

Just like a jet, fire shot at him and splattered him like the past of (kutsu?), with that attack biting him in the ass, he shot back and started flailing his arms as it burned like bitch, it burned so very much, he started punching himself in the face so many times to try and get it to stop burning him.


His voice echoed like the whispering spirit of the west and it was rather demonic.

With his sight taken out, hiro then ran up on him and with a single punch he alerted Derek of his presence, and with him being a weakened and exhausted state, his attack was soft.

Derek didn't need sight as he used his other 4 senses to grab Hiro's head and pelt him to the ground where his leg shrouded itself in cursid shadows and he stomped him.

But he missed as Hiro twisted his body to evade it.

Pulling a hidden knife from out his pocket he flipped it and hastily stabbed Derek's leg ]eircing through his thick fur and hitting his tender flesh which only the tip of the blade could nip.

Derek felt it and he kicked Hiro sending him into the air and then he shot his hand out in that direction and shadows followed his attack shooting off and after Hiro who was airborne.

Getting to him, he put out his hand, and with a quick incantation he threw his hands out as someone would for a bear hug, but this wasn't as friendly as that.

With an orange Ling coming out 5 spheres of fire appeared and then launched at the shadows destroying them... But not all of them.

With a few left, he was done for, he had no way to fight back and he was lost on magic and couldn't cast anymore at the moment without taking major lashbacks.

But then out of nowhere an earthy hand darted past him hitting the shadows and making them dissipate.

Another hand then flashed out of nowhere and grabbed him, it was his golem and it was still in this battle.

More shadows came after them, but as it swiped its arm, it was as if earth shards shot at them, hitting and destroying all the shadows clustered up with each other.

It then moved his hand hitting them and poofing the rest flying off them.

Derek roared ferociously but it had no effect on the golem, the golem simply moved to stomp him like a pancake and flattening him, it did it a few more times before it then kicked him and smashed him against a tree.

But as it did its time was up and as it looked too hiro it put its arm out like a bridge and threw him up there, where hiro then started running on its arm as it started decaying and crumbling back to the ground.

With the earth behind him falling he ran and ran until he got to the back of the golem's hand and then jumped off, landing a pure defening punch to Derek as he was against a tree.

His hand covered in a mix of both their blood he threw another attack but then Derek grabbed his hand crushing it and then throwing him off to the side.

He then threw up another stomach full of purple blood and as he groaned in agony, his eyes shimmered red again and he bit his lip sucking it up and then punching the ground making it with his bloody fist and pushing himself back up as that wolf came limping at him.

Holding his hands out he then started chanting and as Derek got closer and closer, he could see the shadows trying to possess Derek's body, His rage was mixing with their suffering and he was falling deeper into their trap.


He then moved his arms like a flow of water and as he twist and turned, he kicked a stick up that layed on the ground and as he grabbed it he kicked the ground jumping at Derek and going over a wrapping 2 meters without touching the ground, he stabbed Derek in the stomach area with the stick.

[Paladins Magic: purge]

With a shock of yellow coming off of and throughout the stick and into Derek, all the shadows screened as a bright light started shining from his eyes and mouth. It was blinding as he opened his eyes and mouth wide. the shadows screamed as if they were being torn apart by hell hounds.

[Alpha wolf defeated]

With the passing of a few seconds, Derek fell to the ground finally defeated, but instead of going for the kill, Hiro fell backwards, hitting the ground and laying I his own blood.

Both him and Derek were bloody messes and to think this all started from the instigation of Mari, or was this the plan of a third party... who knows, but all he could assume is that that white light in the distance is his call to the holy land.

Reaching for the light he felt comfort, was he dieing?. . .was it finally his time?

He grabbed onto the light and as he was lifted to enlightenment, he opened his eyes to see a blank plane were he just stayed walking in search of Valhalla.

But what he saw was a door and as he had a smile on his face as that was the door to the afterlife, he went and opened it.

But what he came to wasn't the gates of Valhalla or a valkary to guide him, what he found was a room, in particular, his room back home.

He walked over and as he was slightly confused he took this as what his afterlife was going to be, just an eternal rest.

So he walked over and took a seat, looking around and taking a deep breath as this was nice, a peaceful place and if he was right he could travel around his house and probably go outside, maybe others like him will be there.

Closing his eyes he saw nothing...

But opening his eyes, he was no longer in his room, instead, he was in a plane of green.

Already standing up he walked and the world shifted until he arrived at a door where he then opened and walked into it.

But what came out on the other end was just a room with a mirror in it.

He walked over to it and as he looked into that mystical mirror he saw himself.

With the horns of a ram, the wings of an infernal creature, and the tail long but thin and spiked at the tip,

It was him... But not him. He looked like himself but different and as he raised his head up to look at his own face he saw a pair of pitch-black eyes glaring at him.

He was taken back and as it all hit him harder than a belt, his whole world became black.


Filling his lungs to the brim with air, he shot up and he was back to the battle feild, with Derek in front of him and still unconscious and everything dim.

Looking around and to himself, he patted his head and back to feel no horns or wings or tail.

It was all just a dream...

"Looky at what Bella found~ Bella found something interesting for once"

He looked to his right to see a girl crouched down and staring at him with confusion.

He was panting and as he was fucking disoriented, she then moved her hand to his cheek and smiled with curiosity written all over her.

"Boy, you interest Bella, Bella doesn't usually get interested in anyone"

The hell is she saying, who is this chick? and why is she in this shadow dungeon?

"You're not human... so what are you?"