Pumpkin Spice - (Halloween special! pt.1)

Passing by a natural fulled street, they saw no zombies and they haven't heard a monster for the past 20 minutes.

"So, are you finally going to tell me who they sent for backup?"

Some young human girl said as she walked beside a werefox male, he had a slayer uniform on and a standard slayer sword while she just had a casual sports attire and a strange Saber in her baldric(sword belt holder thingy).

"They're sending 2 available slayers to back us up, there all we got for now." WB

"But who are they? I need details!" HG

"One of them is from the Kaze clan and the other is of the Natsu clan" WB

"You mean to tell me one of those hot breathed fools is coming to aid us!" HG


'The boar of bright-forge will only listen to that of the Natsu clan, everyone else will be seen as their enemy' the werefox thought to himself.

"Yeah. Is that a problem?" WB

"Of course it is!" HG

"I can just sense that your reasoning for hating them is petty" WB

"And so what if is! I hate the Natsu and they can all just burn in hell! Especially that Hiro!" HG

"Wait? You've already met him?" WB

"... eeh?" HG

"Hiro of the Natsu clan is the one coming to aid us with the Kaze girl" WB

She balled her fist as he said that, he felt the air get denser and as he looked at her, she looked incredibly pissed off.

"That fire lizard is coming huh? Well I can't wait to see him then" she said but he knew it was a fat lie.

'I'm going to kick his ass!'

Looking at her, he saw a smile of malicious intent and he raised his hand bonking her on the head.

"Bad girl" WB

"Hey don't do that! you dumba!!!" WB

Looking at him with an irritated face she walked forward and said,

"Do you know how long it will take for them to get here?" HG

"They should have left the Nefumia walls about a few hours ago, so I assume that they're in the [long sun] district, but nightfall is almost here so it may take them until tomorrow afternoon to reach us, especially with the monsters around that area" WG

"Wait, the long sun district? Don't you mean long cum central!?" HG

"What? No?" WG

"Dumbass, that area is controlled by a powerful deity! Not even the zombies can resister her powers!" HG

"I don't get it?" WB

"YOU dumb animal! Its-" HG

* * * * *

Walking in the middle of a road, they had entered a small town a few minutes ago, and what they saw shocked both of them. This town wasn't like any other in the apocalypse, it was as if the apocalypse never even came, there were street lights, street signs, bicycle stands, sidewalks and there were even Halloween decorations?

There were freshly carved pumpkins everywhere, there were cobwebs that we're hanged on every window and street light, or it could have just been real web from a spider, but nevertheless, the street lights had no power so nothing could have been emitted from it, but lanterns were hanging from it, Which made it almost spooky and haunted like.

There was no blood anywhere, but they both saw a large pool of white liquid in the middle of the street, and above it was a sign.

Looking at it they both read,

"Love with your hearts, not with your weapons,♡♡♡" they both said.

"I don't get it?" Hiro

He didn't get it but she clearly could, after all, it wasn't some fucking Ooga Booga language, so she didn't know how he didn't understand it?




Walking around the strange liquid which gave off an intoxicating odor, she looked over at him and she saw that he had his hand on the hilt of his dagger the entire time.

"I believe its genuine, don't attack anything and we'll be safe"

Turning to her, he frowned.

"That stupid idealism of yours will get you killed, do you even know where you are? There's no such place for anything to be safe, how much you bet it was a crackhead who wrote that before getting mauled!" Hiro

He said trying to use his reasonable logic, but she shook her head,

"I'm familiar with that sign and that "liquid", we'll be fine as long as we don't anger the one who lives here"

This made him question her, he didn't like where this was going and ever since they left Nefumia, he felt on edge, he felt like he had to or else the fates would fuck with him again.

"We don't have time to play games, let's just go" Hiro

He said walking off and she walked behind him from a distance, she was surprised he couldn't smell it, it was such a sweet smell, it made her fluffy white ears turn a tomato-paste red.

Looking at his back, she glared at him and she saw how he didn't bother to hide his face with the hoodie of his cloak and how he carried 3 things on his belt, the 1st was a dagger, 2nd was a spatial pouch, and 3rd was a pack of cards? Reasons for it were unknown?

Looking away from that, he carried a rile bag where he seemed to have some sort of rifle on him, she didn't understand why he had one of those old weapons as they were too weak and a simple dagger or bow was more effective, but she sort of liked how he was a bit old fashioned with it on.

"Hiro? What's that rifle in your back for, you're not going to use it in combat are you?"

'Did she just call me by my name? um... That's unusual?'

"I am" Hiro

"Why is that?"

'I have no intention of becoming a fucking zombie that's why!'

"I'm running low on mana, so I need time to recover it" Hiro


She looked like she understood but she didn't.



Walking deeper into town, and the more pumpkins he saw, the more detailed the pictures got, before there were silly goofy faces, but then it became becoming like a story, and then scary faces also came.

After going about this for some more time, they both got startled as they were hearing groans, and they heard a lot of them.

He went to go see what it was, but as he did, she grabbed his cloak, stopping him.

"They're zombies, I can hear them"

"Then let's take them out-" Hiro

"There are around a hundred zombies in the town center, do you believe we can take them all on?"

He was about to say yes, but then he thought about it and he looked at her,

"Then what should we do?" Hiro

He said softly, she then looked over to what looked like a house that had a bunch of pumpkins surrounding it like it was some sort of ritual sight and he frowned.

"I don't think that's a good idea" Hiro

But she shook her head "we have to go there, don't you smell it, that's where the sweetness is originating from. We have to go to it"

He didn't get what she was going in about, but he felt an ominous aura from it so there was no way in hell he was going there. . .

He ended going in there.

As they walked in there, it was a normal house with Halloween-decorated candles everywhere and there was even Jack'o lanterns brightening the hallway.

They walked throughout the hallways, well it was more like she pulled him deeper in there, and this went on for several minutes. Which was impossible since the outside was super small.

Unless, they were in some sort of space gate that led somewhere else, but even if it was, how did she know about this?

. . . . .

(A/N: Rank and level are the same when it comes to monsters, I'm considering just using the level system, but it's debatable. all you need to know is rank and base are equivalent to level unless it's in specific cultivation things)

. . . . .

Outside the house, 500x Lv.2 zombies surrounded it, and they weren't any normal zombies as they didn't move to flood the house.

They all stood outside the pumpkin circle surrounding the house and they all wore Punkins on their head, and inside the pumpkins, you couldn't even see their face as it was like burning fire filings it to light the pumpkin face.

[500x wild Jack'o zombies have surrounded the house of operations!]

. . . . .

As they stopped outside a room with demonic marking covering the doors, she opened it and it was another Halloween-themed room, which was odd to him since it wasn't even October? But that didn't matter.

What mattered was that there was a statue of a naked woman with a mask, medicating, and as that door opened he smelled something strange filling the room.

The rabbit slayer grabbed ahold of his hand and led him into the room, where the door then slammed shut and the wooden floor below them suddenly had an array magic array set. He was shocked but not as shocked as to how when he got to the middle of the room, the rabbit slayer, suddenly grabbed him, wrapping her hands around his head and suddenly jumping him, trying to steal a kiss.

"The hell are you doing!" Hiro

Stumbling back she caught herself and then stomped her foot as she pointed at him,

"What the hell was that for, Hiro!"

"What do you mean, stop being such a fucking weirdo! What the hell was all of that about?!" Hiro

Yelling back at him!

"Isn't it simple you idiot! I'm in love with you! And I always have been!"

Saying that she flipped her hoodie off and showed her heavily blushing face, it showed her passion and that all her words were indeed true.


She was taken back by this,


"There's no but's to it! We met yesterday! So let me get this to you straight, so your idiotic brain can handle it! It was yesterday! AFTERNOON!"

Something about this woman irritated the hell out of him, he honestly wouldn't have been this rude by choice, but he felt it was a need. . .

"You're so mean! Don't you know women have feelings too!"

(Um... No comment)

"See! Not even that bitch of an author agrees!" Hiro

(Stop breaking the fourth wall ya cunt!)

"Suck my dick!" Hiro

(Kiss my ass, you twat!)

"Sounds like a fair trade" Hiro

(For real?)

***one epic eroge later, and watching 21 jump street on Netflix after a cummy situation***

Back to it,

*Take 2*

"You're so mean! don't you know women have feelings too!"

"As if I care for your feelings! The only thing that matters to me is finishing this mission and learning the secrets to shadowfell!"

"Shadowfell??? Why would someone like you want to know about that forgotten realm?"

Looking at him and saying that, it really ticked him off and he gritted his teeth as he grabbed her collar and yelled,

"It's none of your damn concern! Right now we just need to focus on our mission and get to Kantaku city!" Hiro

But as he yelled that she grabbed his wrist and as she squeezed it, she was completely crushing him, and it was to the point where she loosened his grip, and then forced him down to his knees, with only her one hand.

"You're not being honest with yourself human, you came into my lair yet you still lie, lying is a sin, or did your people not learn that?"

Looking up at the rabbit, her eyes shifted to orange and they looked as if they were trying to burn into his soul.


"Let go of me you bitch!" Hiro

He managed to yell out and as he did his shadow fluctuated under him, it was almost as if it was alive.

Grabbing his face with her other hand, she looked deep into his eyes and he couldn't look away as if it was a trace, tentacles then appeared out of nowhere and then restrained him.

"So you seek the one who marked you?"

She knew what he desired? But how?!

"Sorry child, but those aren't as simple as the dark-wash rise in the fountain of queen ravens darkness pool"

"Those are witch markings, preferably shadow witch markings, meaning your a witch or... Well, it's impossible..."

"But, you ate a witches soul"

She grabbed his cloak and then tore it off along with his sleeve under,

"To be precise, you ate half a witches soul?"

She looked at him in denial, she was frowning and looking at him with disgusting written all over her face as that looks to be the only possible but impossible answer she had.

"The only creatures in all of existence that I've heard of earing souls were the old ones, the Demon race"

She grabbed him by the neck and growled,

"Now listen up mortal, you're going to tell me everything you know, and with the help of my pheromones, you won't be able to lie your way out of this or even hide your true nature either"

Several tentacles popped out of the ground and they all had flowers blooming and spreading some yellowish-white steam-like mist in the air.

"Because as a deity, I don't have 1 job, I have 2, and that second one is Demon slaying"

Looking down at him as he could barely breathe, she had a ticked off smile,

"And I suspect that you're of the Demon race... Boy"

Her form shifted and the statue completely disappeared, as her body glew in a orange light.




Appearing before him was a [small] girl(4ft 8), with red skin, core orange eyes, red horns that popped out of her head and she wore a mask like that of the statue, it looked ancient and she wore a Hanfu(a long flowing robe with loose sleeves and a belt at the waist).

"As a Greater Deity Of Fertility, I will now be the judge of your fate, as I plunge into your memories and know everything about you, I will either kill you, or just this once, I'll let you go peacefully with just a slap on the wrist if your not of Demon kin"

With him paralyzed, she got on her knees and the tentacles lowered him to his knees as well, where she then grabbed his cheeks and kissed him.

Linking their brains and allowing her to search all of his brain for demonic origins.



But little did she know, as she kissed him and looked into him, a strange pink energy was being stolen from her body and stored into his.

[Oracle: they stole the personification of domination throughout their lust, and spared all who treated them with kindness with love, but thou should never trust this race, because not even their own, trust eachother]

His eyes were tinted with red as she searched his brain, but as she dulled into his first memory, his eye became pitch black and his irises/cores, became blood red.

[It has begun. . .]

[Lust released]