Deity in Hiro's mind - thee grand choice of the mana? or something entirely different?

A/N: Before we start I have to make this clear.

1. Each realm is actually an entire galaxy, 9 main galaxies are ruled by the one true Creator, he has 2 siblings and one of them is Mana, the other relates to decay, but is mainly known as Time.

2. Sub-realm are smaller worlds subpar from the main/which harbors more life and space. Those sub-realms can be worlds in that galaxy or even dimensions in the space gate which is all connected to the tree of life, as well as other Galaxies.

3. Each realm has a total of 25 sub-realms and 10 forgotten realms from the war of the old gods and Demons.

That's all, bye-bye now, (•w•)/


Birth of origin, the 5th Devine realm, planet name, Earthrum. He was born on the 3rd continent and in the Røsary Region. He lives in the kingdom of Nefumia and was born and raised in the town of Rossa marine, district 3.

(She's currently looking at his life from 1-5 of birth)

Name: Hiro Natsu

Race: Human

Sex: male

Alignment: lawful good(LG) + Mana enforcer

What she's noticed and her thoughts:

His soul's purer than mine, and I'm a God, my physical and spiritual body is a mirror manifestation of my Devine soul. He's as pure as a gold dragon and I think it's cute that he inspires to be like his father, a heroic paladin who fights in honor and for justice.

But despite him being of the Mana's children, high in magical affinities and not so much in physical powers, he couldn't comprehend the words just give up, because he never had and after many seasons of blood, sweat, and many tears that he forced apon himself for hundreds of moons, he never gave up and he even earned the admiration of his father which he hadn't realized but I have.

Hiro fought at a young age to accomplish his dreams, the dreams which almost seemed impossible as his mother attempted to force his dreams down the drain so he could join the rest of the clan as a full-fledged phryic sorcerer, and even his sister bullied him and called his dreams nothing more than stupid, idiotic, and no more than fake reality. But he pushed their words out and like a Saint, he believed it was them who were truly hurt and needed his love and affection to heal, akin to the holiness of the church he tried, even tho it didn't work.

He had the heart and soul of a holy knight and his father had seen it, so he taught the young lad 2 main sword arts. He was very weak in one but extremely strong in the other. But out of principle for his beliefs, he refused to use it to hurt anyone, no he didn't even want to showcase it, instead, he used the [sword art: dance of the 8 swords] which he was weak in but preferred as it was something which was multi-beneficial and used by his paladin father. He tried to perfect its most basic forms, and he had.

But later on as the pressure overwhelmed him and started eating away at him, he found himself becoming distant from his family his flaw was that he cared so much about this and it hurt him to hear that everyone have such strong disbelief in him, but that was mainly because of who he looked up to in his family. All looked down on him.

And even tho he had his friends little Peter, Tina, and Remi, including mystery girl who he played and talked to but ended up finding himself contemplating his life within the end. They hadn't really affected him much, as he was still hurt on the inside.

[Age 5-10]

Learning the secrets and flaws of Hiro, even his strength and weaknesses,

His flaws had outweighed his pros and he started developing psychological scars that he tried his best to bury away, but it got harder and harder to hold it when it all suddenly came crashing down like an arrow to the knee.

When the FALL came at the age of 6, that's when the great litch progenitor had started taking everything over with their 6 litch generals and legions of undead and even monsters that had started gathering, seeing as it was their opreturnity to drive out the beings who pushed them back the most.

Humanity and the beast tribes had hidden behind kingdom walls as the power the undead had shown had overwhelmed them as they cursed all of those weak and below rank 2, making them grow in number and strength as the litch progenitor wasn't a simple litch.

[Age 10-15]

He looked, acted, and he even became but a normal boy, and disguised sorcerer, but something hadn't felt right about him and as she continued her journey throught his memories, she needed to learn more about him, it was her craving for knowledge that had filled her desire.

Everything started balancing out in those 5 years, but the apocalypse had taken a toll on everyone, and the most important reason is they hadn't found a stable source yet, and magic was a no go as it would change the crops which weren't good for normal humans and more importantly beasts, but never mind that was somehow the world ending shifted his luck but also his downfall.

One day he had been ordered to quest into the Frontline with his father, who at the time was known as the ancient knight in white or the white dragon, he was a mysterious paladin to all, and that day, his son had been ordered by the high council to protect the southern wall of the kingdom with him.

Using a Dwarven sword forged from a Lv.3 magic crystal and Dwarven Steele, he used that sword art which he swore to himself that he wouldn't and as it was him and his father back to back, without backup to slay the undead... They won.

But something happened that day and before he knew it, it was just him and his father on a battlefield full of corpses and blood that to this day stained the earth turning it orangish red and it was enough blood to fill a lake.

Wounds had covered his body leaving scars and luck enough nothing internal, but he felt something surging through his body and it was the peaks of his rank 2 general cultivation, he was about to brake through to Rank 3. . .But he couldn't do this anymore.

After that day he suddenly gave up his dreams of becoming a paladin and he gave a big fuck you to his mom as he stopped magic and sorcery all together, despite being one of the few people to discover mixing a sword art with his powers was the best and most beneficial.

But more importantly his alignment had dropped down to Chaotic Good(CG), and his values were all good in nature, but now he started acting according to his own conscience.

The deity could understand what had been running throught his head as she paid more attention to these 5 years than all the others, and let me tell you, when she said she saw a Warrior she saw a Warrior and I don't mean the armored titan. Hiro was breaking and falling into despair, the only one who truly knew what was going on with him, was him, but he was in denial.

At the age of 15 the girl he had been madly in love with asked him then and there to marry her... Which hold up and wait a minute because I know many steps were supposed to happen before this! But she wished to get engaged to him and with this not only bound their clans by blood but also them with each other. The deity thought it was rather romantic and she could recall one of her disciples doing the same thing to a virgin Angel which made her think of it as ironic, but as she wanted it play through, she cried while wishing she had popcorn to watch this.

But his answer had fucked her up like when christ left Chicago. Becuase he completely rejected her and to add some salt to the mix he told her that love was meaningless for people like them, and that it was useless.

He was cold about it, and as he watched her cry his eyes were full with guilt and regret, but he was willing to live with this decision, but she wasn't.

And as the deity watched this, she was wondering how he felt when he said it, because he was definitely telling the truth, but he was also hella lying, my Boi was deeply in love with her but refused to actually love her for some odd fucking reason.

Not willing to accept this she attacked him, full with sorrow and rage, they clashed and this had been the first time were he used it. He awakened the full potential of his flames and let me tell you, they weren't like his branches as they weren't a holy blue flames.

Scorching her bare skin and burning her, if it wasn't for a few slayers breaking them up, he was sure to creation that he would have killed her. . .No he was sure of it, he was going to kill her... But not by choice, the flames consumed him had commanded him.

After that day he truly lost her and they both became distant, but he had always harbored feelings for her, after all, he knew her for over 10 years, he was the only one to know her before the FALL, but nonetheless, heaving on with his life, he became cold to everything and everyone. . .To suddenly one day return to his joyous self, after playing Mr.Perfectly-okay with his 3 pals.

The deity couldn't comprehend this, none of his memories connected and or added up, there were too many blank spaces in there and as she could only count out 15 years worth of memories, she counted a total of 3 years worth of memories missing and filled in with blank spaces . . .She had never seen anything like this before. Unless it had to do with the Mana? but she surely doubted that.

[Age 15-18]

Going through the rest of his memories, she found his life to be peaceful and the hardships of his life to lessen for a while. Even his annoying sister who hated him became less of a bitch. . .Well actually that was and always had been debatable.

During these years he even started dating one of his oldest friends named Remi, the deity acknowledged that he was doing good for an 18-year-old virgin who had 0 experiences with women as a normal man, but she didn't like how he was too casual and playful with Remi, he was even a bit pervy-... Which she had to admit and plead for she had sinned in thoughts because she would have done the same thing.

But ultimately he was truly getting there, he was becoming a normal boy as ponokio had only ever wanted, but she was very displeased that his alignment had dropped down to neutral.

He lost all his good faith and had truly become like all the other humans...

But then she was hit harder than a tree by a truck as something had happened a few months ago, from today.

Watching him get dragged by the shadows, everything suddenly became black, it was like there was a lock, or a block, or even a cock?... No, just a lock.

But this was a waste fix for a God, using just a bit of magic she unlocked the door and slipped inside as she didn't open it. there was a reason why it was closed and so she was honored that, so she kept it closed.

Shortly after she was met with a floating black haze in the shape of a sphere and as it was just a little fluff ball that made our noises, it floated around her and wanted to play.

Allowing to its small ram horns she glided down it with her eyes and saw its small ball-like body, its solid black eyes with Scarlet cored and it even had a little tail and wings, she found it rather cure so she left it be.

But then it began bumping into her creatively and as she was going to put on a cute voice and ask what was wrong in an embarrassing tone? And it made her follow along as it seemed to want to be her guide in here.

Following the little guy, her eyes widened as the world was all armor. She shifted into that of the memory and she was actually in the memory. And so laying next to her was an unconscious Hiro, a Demoness, and a witch.

For some reason, this little guy wanted to personally spectate the memories of Hiro in person. And she didn't get how it could have been possible but it resumed she started watching.

[4 months passed]

Blood flows like rivers and as it was splattered everywhere she could have sworn this had been way longer than 4 months, it was like 8 months, no it was way more! And everything that happened terrified her, and right now as she looked at his cold eyes as she stared off and into the distance, she followed him and walked around him but he was splattered in the blood of may and it was so very unclear of what had been his motives.

But then out of nowhere he looked at her and fucked over the fourth wall, well not my fourth wall, but hers, he could 100% see her and she looked it his eyes which were surging with a sky blue light like an Angel, and she could tell this is why they were called Mana enforcers because he was enforcing the Mana's will right now.

His flames burning hotter than they ever had, and was burning the entire darkwood forest to ash and as beads of tears rolled down his indifferent face, he looked down at the girl he killed and as he seemly started breaking down, his entire body caught ablaze and the deity was ejected out of the locked room.

The next memories had been about when he woke up in the hospital back in Nefumia and when he was bright back home to his family. But after that there were many changes to him and I don't just mean how he hadn't been acting anymore. But all of his pain, suffering, and all scars physical and mental had magically vanished into thin air?

But there were some things that had stayed the same, and it even got stronger even though it was never supposed to be there. Like the one he had for Remi, it had stayed and he still loved her, and even his friends, those bonds increased and made him think and feel more towards them...

But there was absolutely none of his family or anyone else, he had even lost his old interests and Dislikes, he truly had changed like a mirror, but the same old material frame had stayed the same for the outside.




Looking over the next memories up till now, she got a deeper understanding and she confirmed he was a changeling. Not literally, but he was changing.

"So that's what happened? How could the Mana allow such blasphemy? No, it was ordered by the Mana for him to become a Demon..." she assumed

"But why would the mana require a Demon? Is this a sort of redemption path for him to hold?... No, it's not even about him, but at the same time, it is? Why is the mana doing this to one of her children? I just don't get it?" She assumed

"Unless... Oh no... The mana is trying to create a-"


Ejecting herself from the deepest of his mind/memories, she woke up but then immediately saw she was in trouble. His eyes clicked and shifted and she could feel it, he was eating away at her.

Shoving him, she hit him across the room and into a wall, and as she saw him fly through the air, a pink substance had connected them. And she found it terrifying. . .

Because he was eating away at her soul.