Self sacrifice and an harsh wake up call

[Hiro: Rank 0]

[half-human: 1%]

[curse: Lv.2](effects: Unknown)

[stage 1: enhanced jealousy(EJ) + emotionally unstable(EU)]

[(stage progress!)]

[stage 2: EJ, EU, Medium fiend, weak Temptation, weak lustful, hands-on Ero, selfish traits, ...unknown... ]


(- might not look like it, but he is, in fact, changing to become more like his new brothers and sisters, half-blood has acquired a unique trait, [medium fiend] )


It's been around 5 hours since their departure from the temporary house, and they've traveled many miles and into a city, one with tall buildings and streets covered with plant life and even some small non-aggressive animals like squirrels and a group of hedgehogs that had moved in a long time ago.

"Why is it so dead out here? We haven't run into a single zombie, ghoul, or freak?"

She said looking around to the streets overrun with plantlife and vines, it looked as if some shy nature spirits were lurking around, but she ignored them as they weren't the enemy and the undead was, and she was 100% sure that they would of at minimal, run into a mini hoard of zombies...Or at least a group.

"Maybe they sensed our awesomeness and got scared, haha" he jested

"The probability of that is less than 1 percent, there must be a more reasonable and logical answer?"

He sighed as he knew that was a joke, but she probably didn't?

"Well let's see? the facts have already been stated, the obvious conclusions is what we have to worry about next"

He said and she didn't answer...

'If cities are natural hotspots and breeding grounds for zombies, then there's no way they all could of just up and disappeared, especially during the beginning of autumn. So the only logical explanation for this is that they're not migrating, but instead becoming organized, and rallying in a disclosed location at that... But for what?'

"I don't get it?" Emily said after a few seconds of thinking.


"The facts? the "obvious" conclusion? I don't see anything, leading up to anything? so would you enlighten me on your philosophy?"

But as she asked him to enlighten her on his outcome, he scratched the side of his head and laughed...

"Don't know... I just wanted to sound smart"

He gave her an idiotic smile and she sighed like I'm going to hit this fool...Nope, never mind, she slapped him over the head.

"Idiot, unless you actually have an answer to this SERIOUS participant, then shut up and don't say a word!"

Hitting his head he was like a bobble-head figurine as he shook and booked, leaving himself dizzy as he was just having fun while stressing her out.

But then as he playfully went about, his gaze shifted upwards and his eyes widened as he saw someone... it was a cloaked figure but he saw their white cores shimmering and looking at them... hungrily.

Looking around his gaze shifted to the roof of another building, and then another, and finally another, there were 4 people with glowing white cores and they all gave him a terrifying shiver.

He stopped, leaving Emily as she ignored him and continued walking, he looked at each of them and they pulled out their weapons, their intentions were clear.

The new problem had him feel as if he needed to flee, something told him that the light would not be the next he saw if they came down from there.

But as they all crouched down, it looked as if they were ready to leap down from there. But then they stopped themselves, It could have been because that would have been a 90ft fall, and they realized their bodies couldn't take the impact... Or, that something else occurred...

And that seemed to be the case as they stood up and turned around, they all had their guards up and it seemed all of them weren't alone up there.


*Similar roars came but less intensity*

Hearing that the both of them jumped, they heard the great roar from up above as well as little ones and then a bunch of little ones from all around them. What the hell was going on and what were these roars?

She used her ears to hear if any was coming after them and he... well let's say I swear to God he saw something with large curved singular claw like a mantace and a slithering body in the distance, it was huge and it just slithered behind a large building.

"Natsu! we need to go, I hear freaks!"

She said snapping him out of his thoughts, "But where? I think we're surrounded senior?" but never say never, because she thought differently.

She rushed and grabbed ahold of his arm as she suddenly heard clashing from all around, "Trust me", but that confused him, "what??", "just trust me!" she yelled and he hesitated, "I... I trust you!", After he yelled those words, she pulled out a crystal and yelled.

"Teleport to slayer #143! Location, fallen city of Kantaku!"

But as she yelled that and the emergency teleportation crystal activated, it shrouded the both of them in a merry blue light akin to a candle oil's flame, he suddenly pushed her...

Shoving her aside she gasped at his action, looking him dead in the eyes as he had a solemn expression and said as she fell in the air,


With her falling to her butt and clenching tightly onto the Emergency-T-Crystal, she screamed,

"What are you doing!"

But as her words came to ear, the light enveloping her became a whitish-blue,

"Sorry senior... Emily"

But as she heard him and saw a soft smile arise on his face, she suddenly vanished. leaving him all alone to the empty street with danger learning around every corner.

Left in the empty street he heard clashing nearby and his smile faded.

"I trust you Emily, but you shouldn't trust people like me"

He then started walking and as he did he took out the pack of cards from his tool belt, he opened them, and as they were just regular cards, and he started shuffling them.

"I'm surrounded by freaks and what I can only assume to be ghouls, how can I escape? let's see... I could just run past the fighting, but that would lead to them both targeting me or me getting in the middle of it and ending up hurting myself. I could always wait it out. But then the victor would come for me, or at least some travelers. or I could just force my way through"

After a tough decision, he walked into an office building and he heads up the stairs onto the second floor. He walked past bones and blood staining the walls, it grossed him out but he shook it off as he walked down the hallway to the very end and entered an office room.

Going over to the window he looked out to see the fighting between an assumed ghoul and a freak in the distance, the fight was gruesome and the ghoul lost a hand, but he broke off the freak's claw and used it against the freak, killing it with its own weapon.

Hiro chose to wait it out, the other ideas involved him getting hurt or dieing, so he ruled them out end didn't risk it, he was inpatient but all he needed to do was wait for a little bit and them make a run for it when the enemy was weak. After all, he was pretty fatigued from exercising this morning so he needed the rest.

Closing the blinds and walking over to behind the desk, he ran through the draws looking for anything that could have been useful. But he found nothing but basic office items and a bottle of half-drunken scotch.

Sitting down in the chair, he wondered what it would have been like if the FALL never happened 12 years ago.

Would there still be someone at this desk? Looking at the photo on the side, the man who worked here had a family. A beautiful wife and 2 kids. Right now they'd probably be older than Hiro. He wondered what they'd be doing now? Wondering if they managed to survive in this new world? Wondering if they had died... But whatever, that's enough of that.

He put his rifle bag on his lap and kicked his feet up and opened it. What was inside wasn't a rifle... It was a shotgun, and in his spatial pouch was 12 pounds worth of 12 Guage Slugs/Ammunition.

***3 hours of relaxation and waiting***

As the fighting came to a stop, he found himself half-awake as the sun went down and the sky blackened with only the 3 moons brightening the sky like the stars.

As it was dead silent he heard a creak coming from downstairs, and as he closed his eyes and listened, he heard footsteps, he couldn't tell how many, but it was enough to be counted as 3-6?

He listened and waited, sure he could have jumped out the window. But there were many issues with that, and it all came back to his weakened state. He didn't understand how he reverted back to [Rank 0], but he needed to retrain himself, plus that's a 15-foot fall and he didn't feel like being bedridden for 2 weeks after this mission was over with.

The footsteps stopped and he found them still to be o. the first floor, they were talking and through he couldn't make out what they were saying that well, he was pretty sure he heard one of them say that they saw him enter this building. Their perception was no laughing matter and here was the new challenge for him to take.


He slowed his breathing and he kept his eyes closed, the blinds were closed so there was a half-half chance of them finding him if they were to take a peek in here to just Cheek all the rooms. But he didn't know much about ghouls, so if they had night vision he was so screwed.






Listening to them they all started kicking in and bashing down doors, it seems this wasn't going to be as simple as he originally thought.

[Whisper: pssst Hiro, I have a way we can get out of this]

Opening his eyes he saw a [small] girl with red skin and orange cores shimmering in the dark, she didn't have her mask nor were her Devine horns or tail out, but she had clothes on, she had her Hanfu and she had her arms crossed as she sat on his legs which were on the desk and looked down at him.

Looking at her as the room was bright thanks to his very own [DarkVision] which he barely understood, he clicked his tounge.

"What's the catch Marcelina"

Saying that her face turned sour, she wanted to yell at him but that would have gathered the ghoul's attention, and she didn't want them to interrupt her chat...So she telepathically yelled!

[Marcilina: don't call me by my name! we're not anything so you have no right to you filthy good for nothing Demon!]

[Hiro: then what do I call you, would you prefer, bitch?]

[Marcilina: call me Kami or my lady!]

[Hiro: I'm going to just call you cookie]

[Cookie: no! I don't and will not accept that you prick, I am a deity and you should respect me as one!]

He chuckled as she said that, because the last time he check, she was bound to him, it wasn't the other way around.

[Hiro: cookie, what did you come here for? You said there was a way to help me?]

[Cookie: nonononononono! STOP CALLING ME COOKIE OR ILL SCREAM!]

Be face beamed red... No that was just her skin? Okay, she got even "redder" like a bell pepper seeing as that was embarrassing and she was as equally as mad at him.

[Hiro: but I thought you liked cookie? oh well, I guess you're not grown enough to get a cool nickname, hehe you're pretty short... But so back to the topic. How are you going to help me Marcilina-san?]

Looking at him, she was ticked off but she bit her tounge as he was still disrespectful to her... But At least now he's being somewhat decent to her by having the decency to use honorifics.

[Marcilina: you're lucky I'm so good to you if you would have pushed me a bit more I'd be making you lick my boot right about now. Now onto what I was saying, if you have sex with me, I can fight off the undeads and save your sorry ass...]

[Hiro: you want me to what?]


[Marcilina: whip out your dick, fuck me good and pump me full of your cock milk, and then run as I distract the bugs you're running from!... It's rather simple if I do say so myself]

But hearing her he looked at her kinda disgusted, her reasoning was something he lacked any understanding of plus it was too tucking bold! like my dude was trying to live not to pump her up and give her his kid before he was eaten by some fucking ghouls... Plus he still needed to look after Oliver!

"No... I'll do no such thing"

Looking at him her eyes glew up and she tried using one of her abilities.

"I know you want to, after all, that hot rough sex is all you can think about isn't it, you just want to pin me on the table and make me out to be your cumdumbster, you crude man"

...But it didn't work...

"I don't know who the hell do you think you are! But I only want and need 1 girl, her name is Remi Tanya, and you're not her!"

My boy yelled at her... The demonic state he was in was like a dream he half-remembered it all but knew felt right. So that's how he adapted to all of this when he woke up yesterday.

As her yelled at her, something about it triggered her and it could have been from how she cleansed herself from what he did to her beforehand, and I mean dumping the emotions and fluff... so she was more out of control and easily angered if anything.

"Oh, so that's how you want to play it huh?"

Looking at him with a frown on her face she wasn't hesitating on throwing it all out there, she knew his story from start to beginning and she knew him better than he could ever have...Especially now.

"Listen here you good for nothing Demon, I offered you kindness and a way to save your skin and this is the gratitude I get. is this really how you want to treat your savior! You dare treat me with hostility? So this is how I'm going to repay you... So here's the hard truth, you delusional child"

"She's nothing to you! Absolutely nothing! What do you see when you look at her Hiro, I'll go ahead and tell you! Because I sure as hell know it's not someone you "love"... It's a distant memory!


You don't actually love her! You love the sight of her! The thought of her! But not her. And that's because Remi will never be HER!


You chose her and you latched onto Remi because of that hole in your chest, and as a deity, I can sure as hell root out that she's just your excuse, your gateway, your drug... And she's what made you never look back!


Why didn't you look back, Hiro? Oh, wait I know the answer! and it's because the one that should be in Remi's place had been erased and hidden from your mind, nothing more than a blank space.


And I only know of this is because when you gave me your emotions, she was the strongest regret you had! she was the only light you ever saw!...


Hiro, you're living a fantasy of your own creation and you need to snap the hell out of it and listen to yourself!"

She wasn't finished and the people downstairs heard them up there.

"You know what, I know what will bring you back to your senses. How would you like to hear about the human you replaced with Remi and the Demon who you hated so very much, but ended up falling in love within Shadowfell"

"Zarifall and Lilith!"

Saying those words the door was bust down and 5 humanoids with white cores rushed in, they all had blood covering them and blunt weapons as they came in and looked over to Hiro and Marcilina.

But as they looked at the both of them, they saw tears forming on Hiro's eye as Marcilina triggered something.

They readied their weapons, but as it raised Hiro's eyes became scarlet. They noticed it and it made them get cautious as eyes usually didn't glow without purpose, especially for monsters.


Those words came from his mouth and before they all knew it, Hiro had grabbed Marcilina by the throat and slammed her down against the desk, completely ignoring the ghouls.

He was extremely pissed off and as he yelled something in a strange tounge they looked at each other than him. They could care less about both of them and their conflicts, they were starving, especially after today.

As they rushed at Hiro, Hiro looked up bearing his teeth which seemingly changed to be more canine and fanged, and then they saw it...

They all suddenly saw scarlet flames burst out of him.

"The flames of purgatory?" Marcilina uttered looking up as it engulfed him and all of their surroundings.

***2 hours later***

As smoke was seen in the distance, they all caught wind of a humongous fire that had caught a 6 story building on fire, the flames were raging and they were scarlet red and only burning the building and nothing else.

There was one group inside of the walls of Kantaku, and as they had just finished chasing away a werefox and human, they went to the city walls to investigate the smoke seeing as it was throwing every one of them off.

As they looked at it, it widened their curiosity, it was clear as day to them that those were the flames of their Natsu clan, but those flames... That color... The type of flame?... It had never been seen before in their people,

And seeing as they were the Heart of the Natsu's clan, they knew that there was no such branch in the Natsu clan that held such variant of phyric energy?

"What the hell am I looking at?"

He said as those flames were the opposite of light, they were dark and not a mild or exaduartion either... This was dark realm-type darkness.

He contemplated on what the Mana had birthed, but before he knew it his brothers had started shaking him as they yelled something and pointed to the ground.

Looking to where they pointed, he saw a lone sorcerer, he walked with his half his clothes burned off and the other scorched and embedded, he left the smell of ash behind him with every step he took and his body stumbled as he walked closer and closer to the walls.

But then he collapsed and as he did the phyric energy that shrouded him in what looked like an aura faded, along with the rage coming off of him which had been felt by the 3 brothers.

The young man was clearly a Natsu Sorcerer and from what they all understood, those scarlet flames belonged to him.

But then something shocked the main brother.

"Brothers, that's cousin Hiro, let's go get him!"

The youngest brother said, but the oldest brother looked at him in disbelief.

"But Hiro belongs to the holy brach, the blue flames of light?"

But looking down there at him, this wasn't the case, because his flames were the opposite of light and so was his phyric energy.

"Why did the Mana change his flames to scarlet and his energy to darkness... I don't get it?"


[Curse: lv.5]

[Incubism: 25%]

Plunging deep into Hiro's mind space the deity found herself worsening him, as she looked closer, she fell and as she did, she went through the ground and into black water which she opened her eyes to see him burning on scarlet flames and he was Psychoticly laughing.

"what have I done?"