Bright-Forge and the fallen city of Kantaku. . .

Gasping for air his eyes jolted open and like Frankenstein he was alive! but then he miraculously rolled, falling off what seemed to be a bed, and then hitting the slabbed floor.

His breath accelerated like a car going vroom vroom and his eyes were shimmering a murky red, his mind was clouded and his state of self was unstable, pushing himself up he failed and punched the ground in frustration, and then before he knew it, his body erupted in small red flames and he had been hyperventilating this entire time... His state of mind had cracked yet again.


The fire gave him strength, it gave him courage, it gave him power, and he was getting swallowed by it, "GRAAA" slamming both hands against the ground, the flames shrouding his body exploded! setting all ablaze... But then fading as it had not affected anything?




Collapsing to the ground completely, he was heard by someone nearby and as he was still conscious, he heard footsteps rushing to the door. But he couldn't do anything, he felt hollow and he just wanted to lay there.

Rushing to the door, a young man found his way to the entrance, but he found himself and Hiro between a blast door.

Opening it and letting the streamy heat in which was equivalent to a mothertrucking blast furnace, he ran over to Hiro and checked on him as he was collapsed but not unconscious like before.

"Elder-brother Hiro, calm down! It's alright your in the bright forge's longhouse, you're home brother!"

He yelled but he was the one who needed to calm down because it was clear, Hiro was panting and not giving him any attention... He helped hiro up and gave him a brotherly hug, but Hiro found himself in a dilemma as there was something strongly calming him down, but he still felt hollowly lost... Looking Down at the man before him, he then slightly remembered that hair and face, that man who looked like the definition of a teenage boy, was Levi Natsu, a fellow clanskin and Apprentice-Level Sorcerer in training.

Without thinking and going ultra instinct, his hands glided up to Levi's back and he embraced him as it seemed to be all he could do, he didn't know why?... But he had truly felt hollow again.

It was a similar feeling to when he used that strange emotion transfer ability against Marcilina... Now thinking back to it. He could recall a little of what happened... All 6 ghouls were still alive, he didn't kill them, he only tried killing her... No, it's not as simple as that, he did it again. He did another E-Transfer... But not to Marcilina, she fled at the sight of his flames, this time the ghouls were the ones to feel his pain.

"I never want to feel that way again... It hurt too much... And I don't want to feel empty either..."

Before Levi, he began sobbing and this brung a bewildered smile to Levi's face, "Brother?" he was meekly confused by this, but he was young and naive, and he knew that all too well, so understood how to cope with this. He decided to comfort his elder brother, seeing as he was going through something?

* * *

As Hiro fell asleep after sobbing for a bit, he calmed down and the heat of the bright forge was a great helping hand in doing so as well, seeing as it was relaxing to all Natsu sorcerers.

"I heard Natsu was awake!"

A bunny girl wearing boyish sportswear came rushing in, it was Emily and she had tried seeking help of them when she was transported here since well ya know, he shoved her and she was TP'ed to the city, and they ended up meeting again, but not under the best of terms.

"Shush, elder brother Hiro is sleeping, if you dare wake him I'll kick you out of the longhouse"

He said with something against her.

Well, he didn't really have a problem with her, it's more like he hated outsiders, all of the bright forge Natsu's hated outsides...

"Y-Yes, sir..."

She said bowing and showing high respect to the kid who looked about 16.


Levi Natsu - a quit-witted young man whose personality acts closer to immature when it comes to his Natsu brethren and sisters, unlike his 2 biological brothers, Horus and Alan, he's the one to think of a plan instead of going in blazing.

He's [small](4ft 11in) in height but don't let that fool you as under his clothes is the body of an Egyptian god, he's silver-haired and his eyes radiate the same color as his flames, he has bright purple eyes and he had a brown-skinned competition. He tends to keep his face cleanly shaved and he's a prodigy in his crafts but not so much in his Flames.


Glancing over to the rabbit girl, he signed and patted next to him, telling her to sit down and not just stand there like an idiot.

She obediently sat next to him and as she did, she hoped to God that he wasn't about to do what she thought he was going to do...

Emily Kaze was a 23-year-old woman and he was but a 16-year-old child, however that didn't stop her from thinking about the worst. Since the worst has happened before, and she wasn't thinking about the slime incident.

Anyways, she thought way too much about this, and as he opened his mouth, she was relieved by what he had said,

"What's your relationship with big brother Hiro?"

"Strictly business associates, partners if you'd like to see it as that" She didn't stager or show anything in her words, that's simply how she saw it.

"What about the other 2 who you dared bring into my home, and I refer to the Werefox and... Sea Serpent"

"Gara and Sui are also slayers as well, we are all partners and teammates in this mission to escort the boar of bright-forge to Nefumia"

"I meant a deeper relationship"

Saying that she relied on only what she could recall from looking at their files.

"I just met him a few days ago and Gara has yet to meet him, from his records, him and Sui are well acquainted, childhood friends apparently"

Saying that he clicked his tounge, he didn't like it and as much as he wanted to say something, he didn't out of respect for his clansbrother Hiro.

Looking down at Hiro, whose head was on his lap, and not in a sus way, he sighed "brother looks can be deceiving, don't fall for her..." life advice from Levi, could have used it a while ago.

Saying that they both then heard a knock at the door and she looked over at it and he just sat there silently.

"Hey Emily it's time to grab the boar and get outta here! I don't feel like waiting till the due date to leave, it's a Monday and we still have classes to attend at the academy still. Plus I don't want to show up on my first day exhausted"

Some human girl said walking into the room, practically yelling as she didn't want to be here for long, But as she had a purple firebolt shit at her and as she immediately noticed it, she evaded.

It was slow so it was easy to evade, but the fact that it was shot at her made her angry.

But before she could yell at which filthy Natsu dared to attack her despite her being in their forge, Levi yelled at her.

"Now look at what you did!"

He said as her loud voice woke Hiro up, and as his eyes were slowly opening, he sat up onto his butt, yawning and pinching the collar of his top as it was put on him a while ago, and he let some hot air in there.

"Where am I?"

Hiro Lazily spoke and Levi balled his fist at that woman as she was going to pay for waking his big brother up. But before he could just bonk

But before he could just bonk her with another firebolt, he felt someone poke his cheek.

"Dude, you look like a smore... Yum~"

Before he knew it Hiro had bitten his shoulder and he ended up a mess as he hit Hiro over the head and they scuffled.

* * *

After the epic rumble of the century and I'm not talking about the rock returning to WWE, WHICH CLEARLY HASN'T HAPPENED, Hiro found himself in the corner of the room as Levi was punishing him for bitting him.

"Can I come out now?"

"No! Think about what you did!"

"Awwwwwww... But it's so boring over here!"

"Don't care! Repent for your sins!"

There was no taking this back, he said repent and ya boy was repenting. Huh? did you just mumble! shut yo ass up! JK~~~

"Can I come in or is he going to attack again"

Sui never came in, she would rather not associate with them right now, so standing behind the blast door she took out a cigarette and lit it as was hot as balls in there and she didn't want to mettle with that purple fucking firebender.

"I make no promises you dumb Sea Serpent!"

"Fuck you lizard breath"

Meanwhile, Emily had been sitting on the bed the entire time just watching this fuckery, she was honest to god confuzzled by these "sorcerers "...

'What are you bunch?... Children?'






Suddenly it was as if an earthquake happened because the entire building violently shook, a mass amount of explosions were heard in the distance and it threw everyone everywhere as no one could simply stand in this situation.

"What's going on" they yelled.

Several more explosions shook the ground and heard the slamming of objects, braking, and shattering as they came from all around the longhouse.

"No clue!" Sui

"Ahh!" Hiro

"Don't panic or I'll panic!" Levi

"Sui get in now!" Emily

"Both of you get on the ground now!" Emily

As more eruptions occurred they had no clue if this was a natural disaster or something worst, but the senior-slayer Emily knew she had to protect these fools.



As the quaking stopped they heard screams from the background and even some ferocious roars along with screeching.

As they were all on the ground and in positions to keep them from getting injured by the quake a boar man came rushing in and yelling,

"Young master are you alright!" Boar man

Looking at Levi who was on the ground next to Hiro, he was worn out and it looked as if his arm was broken as he was holding onto it.

"Oh thank the Gods, you weren't affected" Boar mna

Pressing up off the ground as he was in a daze, Levi shook his head and yelled,

"Affected by what!" Levi

But as he said that a smaller explosion was felt from nearby.

"It's the Natsu sorcerers" Boar man

"What about them?" Levi

But looking at him he was biting his tounge as he didn't know how to say what had happened, what's happening, or how it occurred.

"Mostly all of the bright forge Natsu's have gathered... In the ALLMOTHER's name..." Boar man

Saying that Levi was filled with cold sweats "they gathered?....." With his eyes widened and the boar nodded his head, he balled his fist just gritting his teeth and becoming serious as this was no laughing matter.

"Tabiru, is there any Natsu not "gathering" in the area?" Levi

Closing his eyes, he stood there for a second before shaking his head.

"You and master Hiro are the only ones not bestowing her will" Boar man/Tabiru

He hit the ground as Tabiru said that, he fully got up and faced them, yelling,

"You're mission has changed slayers! Get me and Tabiru the hell out here and to Nefumia!"

He said but Sui put her foot down!

"I don't take orders from a child, we're here for the" But we she yelled that he injured her words as he yelled with passion, right back at hed,

"If you wish to die then go ahead and stay! But heed my warning girl of the Sui clan, you court death if you go against the Mana and her wrath! These Natsu's are her enforcers and they will burn anything and anyone in their path, cleansing everything and purifying all with their flames that bear no mercy!"

Saying that his eyes shimmered purple and she could feel the burning passion in his voice.

Pushing back her overwhelming ego and differences, "if the Mana orders so, then this city will fall, but I still have unfinished business and I need to make sure Senior Emily and Quhamua make it back, so if that means dragging your ass to Nefumia then so be it" she said having no choice but to accept her mission change.

Looking at him intensely a thought came across her head and it might have been quite psychopathic, or not, she felt the air get denser, and with just one move she could-...

But her thought was interpreted as,

"We need to get out of here! I heard the command but she never ordered me to act, Levi the Mana has sparred us, we need to leave before the city is overrun... And not destroyed by our clan... But the monsters of dark"

Looking at who said that her eyes broadened as it was the boy she collided with at the market and even took a picture of.

What the hell?!

'Is that... H-Hiro?...'

Standing up and facing them, Hiro looked towards the girl of the Sui clan and said,

"Water girl, an E-Teleportation crystal has the requirement of only being able to activate when it's set to the location of another E-Transfer Crystal, and it can only be used by a single person. So use it and inform the higher-ups that Kantaku has fallen to the undead" he commanded

"B-B-But-" Sui

"Just do it! We don't have any time! Or do you wish us all death!"

He yelled and his eyes became a sharp Scarlet, he stood up, and below him his shadow wasn't that of a human, if anything it looked beastly.

"Shut up! Don't yell at me you ignorant prick!" Sui

But as she was acting defiant, his shadow was fucking flipping out, reaching in 3 directions and they became even less human as it started forming what could have been only a form of creature.

"Do as I say woman or I'll kill you myself"

Saying that a feild of water shrouded her and she looked up for a fight, but then Emily jumped forward and in between them,

"Zarifall what are you doing? Hurry up and inform the council before its too late"

Clicking her tounge she listened to her senior, pulling out a blue crystal and talking into it, she couldn't believe she had to listen to HIM but as their senior commanded her to do so, so she did it.

As a whitish-blue light enveloped her, she looked at him and was ready to tell him she awaits their next meeting because the next time they would-be enemies. But as she looked into his eyes, it was as if everything around them turned pitch black with only him being able to be seen.

As she looked at him it was like some supernatural opening shit because his eyes screamed a violent death and it was like a ghost flashed because she felt an ominous aura coming from out of him and as he took a step forward she swears to God his form was about to shift as she saw that his canines sharpened like a werewolf but more demonic.

*Swoosh* she teleported,

[Demonic Fear: broken]

Appearing in a large building and next to a chick who she startled the hell out of, she took a deep breath as something about Hiro fucking scared the hell out of them, and this was some nura clan shit because it was like she was set in a horror genjutsu.


Walking forward his mental attack was broken and he turned his head and smirked "what are you waiting for? Let us head to Nefumia little Levi, Tabiru... And senior" his voice was malicious and as the 3 of them looked at him, they saw his shimmering eyes and it sent a chill down their spines,

She was startled by it, but Levi had seen it so he knew his big brother had the True power of his flames at his disposal... Or so he thought.

Meanwhile, Tabiru whose arm was crushed and destroyed from before just looked at him nodding his head, "you'd make a badass stripper young master Hiro" at least his words were positive.

[Marcilina: I can't tell if your Evil or just plain Chaotic?]

Following him without hesitation Levi looked at Emily and she took a deep breath before going with them, there was no time to waste and they headed underground, through a bright-forge secret tunnel and they after a while they escaped the city.

* * *

But as they got back to the surface it was close by the walls and as they walked onto the roof of the building they caught a view of what was happening and they saw a gigantic hoard of Rank/Lv.3 and Lv.5 zombies and a whole bunch of Natsu's with purple flames fighting them to the bitter end.

What they noticed was that all the Sorcerer's eyes were like an angel's, their eyes glew brightly a light blue and it reflected the Mana's will.

They fought a heavy battle and as 3/4 of the zombies were defeated, something destroyed a large building by itself and as Emily looked closely she saw... holy shit is that a Zombie Champion!?

Looking at them practically holding in a scream, she said.

"Yea, so we need to get the hell out of here"

They couldn't agree with her any less and they all booked it, leaving from the shadows and keeping it safe as the 3 of them would travel the day away to get 3 quarters of the way to Nefumia.


It's been a day and as they woke up in some random place they broke into, Tabiru's arm was making him suffer, the best choice of option was to cut it off.

And so after a hard decision, Tabiru knew what needed to be done and it bought Levi to tears. Tabiru knew he needed it to be amputated. So as Hiro who returned to normal used a belt and tightened it around his arm, Emily did the doctor work as she sliced his destroyed arm off and Levi used his flames and the alcohol they found in a cabinet to use on his arm before wrapping it in bandages they found in the bathroom.

With his arm amputated, he was a strong man as he told them that they needed to continue on and so that's what they did, all the way up until they got to the gates of Nefumia and were met with the city guards who saw the 4 of them as a complete fucking reck.

"Were back... We're home" Hiro