fuck you I quit!

Waking up in a clinic the 4 of them had been checked by doctors, the reason why was that they had just came back from what seemed to be an undead war zone and they didn't want to risk infection being carried in by them, also they needed to check their physical conditions, especially Tabiru, and then there was Emily and Hiro, Levi was healthy.

* * *2 days later* * *

It's been 5 days since she called her little brother. Bitting her nail and tapping her leg she mumbled.

"Where the hell is he?"

. . . . .

Meanwhile, he knew she was still in there, he just didn't bother with going to get her, plus they were all still in the clinic so she could just wait a bit longer, or that's at least what he said in his mind.

Also, he lost the shotgun so he didn't know who was going to be in more trouble, him or her, that was one of dad's favorite artifacts... oof.

* * *Another day passed* * *

Finally being released Emily went and joined Sui who had reported the incident to the higher-ups and they proceeded to send scouts, and they were given notice for Levi to be sent to another branch of Natsu for residency along with Tabiru,

But it was Hiro's branch and well... Let's just say it wasn't as impressive as all the others, it was just a small old traditional house that got resupplied once in a while by the servents of that Natsu clans branch.

But before they actually went there, they needed to visit the branch head who was yet to receive the notice from the higher-ups... They needed to visit Mary Natsu, Hiro's mom.

Who was an uptight bitch and she either looked down on everyone or scared everyone?

* * *

Standing before Mary as they were in the living room of Hiro's house, it took a few minutes and they informed her about all of what happened and she hadn't shown any expression other than indifference.

She stood up and as she walked in front of him he gulped, her mere presence frightened him and as he looked at Hiro, Hiro was just picking at his nails which was unusual seeing as he feared his mother more than all of them because he knew what she was truly like and how... Overwhelming she can be.

She put her hand on Levi's shoulders and looked at Tabiru and she smiled brightly

"The both of you are welcomed here anytime, if you ever need anything, just ask and my son will grab it for you anytime~"


Levi was utterly speechless, but then Tabiru bower deeply showing the highest respect,

"Thank you, lady Natsu"

"No the pleasure is all mine, I've always wanted to pick you forgers brain's about the use and power of your flames, it's always intrigued me and it could help with my current research"

Of course, she saw a way to benefit herself in this situation, they all almost forgot she was a magic-loving nut who saw potential in everything to gain more knowledge.

"I'd be honored to help you in your research ma'am, if you'd like to know the main purpose of our purple flames, it's mainly used in our forging, and my level of smiting is of the advanced level, but I do have to inform you that my flame control is weak, so I can't take anything stronger or even create magic weaponry"

He said and she held onto his shoulders tightly as she was just so excited that her face gleamed along with her massive ego.

"That'll be no issue, I'll personally train you like I did my kids to strengthen your flame, I'll even provide you with a forge of your own so you can continue your craft"

His eyes sparkled as she said that.



They had some sort of weird bond now and Hiro was about to leave because he got bored and found no reason to stay any longer.

But then mary looked over to him,

"Hiro fetches your sister since you're well... your not doing anything?... I'll have her teach him the basics of flame control while I set everything up and probably attend a branch meeting later today"

Looking over at her, he sighed "do you know where she is?" he forgot...

"Don't know just go find her. She's probably with some friends anyway, you know how teenagers can be~"

'I'm a teenager too you know?'

He had the look of I don't care and she noticed it too well as his sister did it to her one time, but that was a never again... Problem solved

"Please...???" she tried going easy on him.

After all, as a fellow Sorcerer, she took his actions during this mission as highly justified, plus Levi was here, so she took decided to go with what others called a nicer aproch, for today.

Hearing her response, 'please' he smiled and his shadow wiggled.

"Ooh, look who finally learned some manners, hahaha. Of course mother, I'll bring her back home"

He said and she picked up on every detail in his expression and tone, but what stunned her was how offensive he just was?

Her face shifted into a frown and as she was going to say something he poked his toung at her and left leaving her teased and offended by her own son.

He simply didn't give any fucks.

. . . . .

Leaving home he walked for a few seconds and he thought about where she could be. But then something occurred to him, she had been locked up... He couldn't believe he forgot something so,




'Where the hell is he! Where the hell is he! Where the hell is he! I swear to god I'm going to beat the shit out of him if he forgot about me"

*Metallic creaking*

As the large doors opened, a jail guard walked with a man wearing a tank top and he was laughing as the man talked to him so casually.

They continued walking and she heard them cut the corner, and come onto the same hallway her cell was in, she heard them laugh and joke before,

"So Hiro, you said your sister was the brown-haired one?"

"Yeah, thanks Joisten, I owe you one"

"Maybe a date with your sister and I'll count it even"

"Oh? let's see, I think I can get that arranged?"


But as he said that they got to the cell she was in and he patted his sholders as he had a smug look on his face.

My guy's face brightened and he patted Hiro's back like the absolute bro he was. But then Hiro stopped playing around with his old friend as he asked him to set her free, which he graciously pulled out the key and started unlocking the cell.

Looking at the cage to see his sister in between 5 people, they were all an odd bunch as they looked at him like they had a staring problem.

As the door was opened he said "miss we the guard of Nefumia apologize for the misunderstanding that had happened, I hope you forgive our rudeness" he said bowing and Mari looked at Hiro like "what you say to him?" but he just half smiled and winked at her, basically telling her, he got this.

And as she walked out of the cells, she looked at his surprisingly toned body, seeing as it was just out there in the open as he had a tank-top and shorts on... Wow look at them arms...

"Holy shit did you get a tattoo!"

She was the only one to notice it as she looked at his muscular arms to see his shadow markings.

Yelling that he turned around and just walked away, leaving her greatly fucking confused, where the hell was he going. And is he going to answer my questions? she thought deeply in her head.

"Mari, are you coming or not? We shouldn't be keeping mom waiting"

Saying that she jolted and stiffened.

"Y-Y-You t-told her..."

"No, but she needs you so we should go before she throws a fit-" Turning around he had a pure smile and said, "or would puppy like to go out on a collar and a leash before we go to her"

Saying those words, the guard cracked up as he was re-locking the cell.


"Don't forget you owe me nee-chan~"

Saying that with no shame as 6 other people were around and not including the unconscious humans around in other cells, she got flushed and yelled,

"No, you got here 3 days late! That deal's over!"

But as she said that, his smile turned crescent,

"We'll see"

He said laughing to himself and walking away, meanwhile, his bro who he went to high school with, aka the guard just laughed as Hiro was being cruel. In a way, he felt bad for her, but after knowing all about her, he didn't feel a shred of remorse.

She ended up walking behind him as he just held his hands together behind him and hummed as he was just casually walking home.




But before they went home he told her they needed to head to the market first, she didn't get why but she soon understood as he bought a dress in her size and told her to wear it along with a hair clip he bought.

He thought about Making it less suspicious for her since she was in the same rags for like 5 days, plus he found some alcohol and splashed it on her face, in which he almost got hit for, but he explained that she smelled bad.

Which actually... It made her punch him, but she halfway got it, despite wanting him to beat him up.

Basically, he was actually being kind and masking her scent with booze to make her seem like she wasn't just locked up,

Which she had really fucking appreciated, despite wanting to hit him again for not telling or warning her.



Getting home, he had a new shirt on and it covered his arms seeing as he had forgotten about the markings, he needed to keep them hidden, and now that Mari saw them he needed to find a way to keep her silent as well.

"Mari you're back, look who's here~," Mary said pointing to Levi, and Mari hadn't ever met him, so she was clueless about this guy?

But as she was contemplating on what to say, Hiro walked next to her,

"Mother, Mari had just woke up not too long ago, before you ask her anything let her go bathe and get dressed before she plays with cousin Levi. After all, you know how she can get, don't you" Hiro

"What the hells that's supposed to mean!" Mari

"Very well, go tend to your business Mari, oh and as for you Hiro-..." Mari

But as she was talking to him, he was already at the door opening it,

"Where are you going? I'm speaking to you boy?" Mary

"Oh sorry, I wasn't paying attention, well mainly because I don't care, plus I have an important file to report from my mission, so I'll be back soon... Got it... Love ya... Bye"

He said and a vein showed on her forehead, listening to his tone she got up, and as she did her magic pressure filled the atmosphere of the room.

And it frightened the hell out of the 3 others in the room, Tabiru, Levi, and Meri.

She was majorly terrifying them as she was upset, but her magic pressure didn't frighten him as it had the others. You can just say he got it from her genes.

"Boy! Watch your tone with me or-!" Mary

"Or what? The Arbitarian will possess me again~" Hiro

Hearing him say that she was going to yell something like you insolent brat, or something threatening, but he responded faster than a first responder.

"Hahaha, I wonder how much you despise me to make that up and just keep going rolling with it~" Hiro

"What?..." Mary

"Because what type of bull-shit was that, like seriously an arbitarian. I really wonder where you came up with that because that was the best joke I've ever heard when it came to me disappearing from everyone's life for a while and them coming back just like nothing had ever happened?" Hiro

Saying that her words came to a halt, and he wasn't finished as he was holding that door nob rather tightly.

His face was like hers it went from a jokey fun to serious like a Bi-Polar snap. He wasn't going to hide his true colors, and he wasn't going to pretend there were no obvious facts either.

"The last time I checked I wasn't just some sorcerer who lived in your damn house, I'm your son, did you know that?" Hiro genuinely asked

"From that look it's obvious that you didn't, after all, your not answering me..." Hiro

"But just this once I'm going to pretend you actually see me as your son and not just a useless sack of shit just hanging around you" Hiro

With him saying that Tabiru kinda understood where he was coming from, he knew them and Mari wasn't really that we'll set when it came to parenting.

"I'm your son so how about you treat me like it, and I'm not your petty little bitch, just as you've always seen me for half of my life. Actually, where the hell have you ever been for half of it? You were never there, none of you fuckers were, but one, and he's the only exception. And last time I checked the only people I've ever looked up to is myself and dad! And you know what? I'm done. I fucking quit. You don't need to say it because I'm not coming back, you narcissistic assholes!"

With him getting angry and upset like a bipolar chick, he turned around walking out, but as he did his mom took a step forward and yelled,

"Don't you dare walk away young man! If this is the fight you wanna have then this is the fight your going to get!"

But as she yelled that and started Storming over to him, he balled his fist and he turned around, exposing his scarlet eyes and tears that had built up and formed on there. This threw her off as his entire expression brimmed with pure emotion.

"I said I quit..."

As his words came to a toll, his red flames flared up from within him and he wasn't taking this. He wasn't dealing with this. And so he turned his back to her once more and slammed the door, leaving for good and shocking everyone in that house by every action he took.

"In the end, I will end up as the one who triumphs," he said as the shadow under him was that of a horned and tailed humanoid, no...

A Demonid.


[Oracle: for those who didn't get it and the turtle-chan just forcin- I mean asking me to tell you this.

The incubus/succubus are creatures weak to emotion seeing as that is actually what their biggest weakness is and the whole 1 stage making him emotionally unstable made him act rash and like a teenage girl on her period, so he just threw everything out there and he found that separation was best, seeing as from the last chapter he said he didn't want to feel anymore, in terms of pain, sorrow, suffering, and all the shit that made him feel so... Human]




[Oracle: also, don't forget to Check out the tags and leave a heart♡ I suggest your favorite ones and ones you'll prodict could win the lead(•w•)/*