Just another person

"Of course, you can stay here! Your always welcome here sweety"

Tina's mom/Ms. Zarutoen had said last night, but for how long? Sure he saw both girls excited about the concept, one because she could always annoy her best friends, while the other thought this could be a good turnaround since he and Peter were good influences on her daughter.

But they didn't even know why he asked to stay with them for a while? Sure he'd tell them if they asked, but they didn't even wonder why?

Well then again, when he came there yesterday, he nearly had a breakdown and he needed someone who's just as emotional for emotional support, so Tina for example... More like it was her.

. . . . .

As it was early in the morning, Hiro found himself waking up while leaning onto Tina, she had one of her arms around him and the other on the backrest of the couch.

Looking up at her, his expression became soft like jelly and he layed his head back against her, to him, Tina was good people, and he wouldn't let anything bad come to her.

*Shuts eyes*




*Opens eyes*

He remembered he forgot to file the mission's report yesterday.

Getting up he found himself tiptoeing out to not wake the others, he just needed to file the report at the slayers association before the sun rose in a few hours.

* * *

It's been a few hours and they both were awake and eating breakfast, Tina was tired and she yawned as she wanted to stay home and sleep in, and her mom was casually poring coffie as she wondered where Hiro went.


Looking over to the living room they both saw Hiro enter the house and he was holding something small as well as smiling with a rather smug expression. It already told them he had done something bad...

"Okay, so you know how raccoons lay eggs"

Or he was just being stupid... That was another possibility?

They gave him "the look" as that was a weird question, "no?" Ms.Zarutoen responded.

"Well I found one"


They both looked at each other and then at him as he held out a brown egg with dark pokidots. this was irregular and they were both clueless on what concoction that was...Or was it actually Racconeggs.

Bringing it over to them,

"Can I see it?" Tina said, "yeah, but be careful with it" but as she took ahold of it, it slipped... And fell... To the ground... Cracking...




The 3 of them looked down at the cracked egg and Tina panicked while her mom was just like "I ain't see nun" and then there was Hiro who just stood there blank-faced

'My egg'

"I will Bury my new friend..." he said overdramatically, RIP chilly the raccoon.

[Marcilina: animal or beast egg?]

But then as Tina looked up to Hiro all like omg I'm so flipping sorry and she was going to apologize for Murda, he picked up the egg and then softly hit it against the table, Cracking it open... Exposing its contents.

"I lied, it was actually a chocolate egg, hehe"

in the end, we all have our fun, and we all have our "moments"... And then there's a point where you just shake another person violently because they scared the hell out of you.


As Tina was getting ready for classes, Hiro and Ms.Zarutoen were sitting side by side on the couch. She was holding her coffie in hand and he was just sitting there, legs crossed as he had nothing to do or say.

"Ms.Zarutoen, have you heard from Peter, me and Tina haven't heard from him in a while and it's quite unusual?"

Putting her hand to her cheek, she gave him an honest answer.

"You know how that boy can be, he's way too social, so I bet he was probably at some party, talking up a storm and meeting new people and passing... Ahh, to be young"

She said with a genuine smile on her face, he could tell she really liked that boy, in a motherly way, actually, she had looked at him in the same way, that's why he enjoyed her company.

Straddling his arm around hers, she was surprised by his action, but as she looked at him, he had a glimmer in his eyes,

"Ms.Zarutoen I want to take you and Tina out for dinner tonight as a thank you, pick any place you want!"

He said overly childish but also genuine, she didn't refute as she could tell he wouldn't take no for an answer, he was determined, so she appreciated his generosity and she teased him by grabbing his nose between her finger and slightly picking on him for sounding so childish.



But it took a sharp turn as when Tina was ready to book it, and she went outside and waited for Hiro to join her, he had given Ms.Zarutoen a kiss on the cheek as well as bid her farewell and it made her heart pound.

"I swear, that boy can be so... uh"

Her heart was thumping and her face reddened, to think someone like him could get her like this was bewildering, the last person to make her blush as hard as her husband, or at least her ex-husband.

"Boys are so crude! Humph"

But despite saying that she had a smile on her face, those 2 boys truly have grown up too fast and she still couldn't believe it...


As the both of them got to school Hiro was immediately jumped... But not in a fighting way or even a bad way, like he was literally jumped on by some elf.

"Natsu boy, I found you!"

He tried forcing her off of him but she was too strong, or it's more like his physical strength was just too normal.

"Looks like you're having fun, I'll see you later Hiro, imma go talk to a cute boy, 'hehehe' see you," Tina said running off and leaving him with this crazy chick.




After a quick scuffle, he was practically dragged over to a disclosed area where it was just the both of them, and the sad part was he recognized this girl, she was a slayer.

"Other than informing you that you are required to take your slayer classes in the afternoon, which they put me in charge of making sure you get to class, I have a few questions for you"

"I evoke the 5th"


(Hey this isn't civics! You're not supposed to use that!)

"Question one, what's with all the blood, I did a bunch of research and I couldn't understand any of it, because what's happening to you is way too frequent to be as simple as a spirit capture. Unless you did something to extremely anger the spirit or it was an abnormal and powerful one"

"Wait? What?"

"Second question! what type of spirit did you capture and why are you trying so hard to make it use your body as a vessel, I could never understand the reasoning behind it...You? Are you a tammer or is there more to what you're doing?"

"I think you have me confused?"

"Third question, is there any way I can assist you, I've always been intrigued by the spirits and it's always been a dream of mine to interact with one!"

Looking at her like she was a crazy person, he had no clue what to say, like was he supposed to say that he had no fucking idea on what she was talking about, or was he supposed to just go along with it...

"I can't believe ma secrets been exposed, oh well I guess it's all over now..." he got all dramatic and it actually worked on her, she put her hands up and took a step back as she didn't mean to cause this reaction.

"Nonono, I haven't told a soul, your secrets are still safe, only I know it!"

"Oh well, I have nothing left, so I guess I only have one choice left!"

"What's that one choice?" she wasn't paying attention and as she looked back at him he was standing straight and he pointed his palm at her with a mild glow from the palm around his hand, she could sense it and he was about to use a mana attack.

"You're going to have to die"

His words came as a shocking surprise to her and as she flinched and put her hand up... nothing happening... as she had her guard up he burst into laughter.

He was fucking with her and as she peeked she saw he leaned against a tree and kept laughing, she couldn't believe how he toyed with her like that.

"Don't play like that you asshole!!!" she screamed as he went too far and it got her to the point where she was about to go up to him and tell him to go fuck himself or even blackmail him into letting her work with him to learn more about the spirits. she saw him simply walk away.

"Where are you going!"

But as she yelled that he turned around and had a coy smirk,

"Weren't you the one who was in charge of making sure I got to class in time, wow I can't believe you forgot and even made me forget all about class? haha how irresponsible, you failed your only task, I would suggest heading to your class while you still can and trying again in the afternoon"

He said as they had 4 minutes till class started and both classes were on the other side of the campus.


Having a point, he left and she stood there regretting her tactic, she wanted to know about it so bad, but the tactic she used had too many flaws and she even added another flaw by telling him she was the one to make sure he went to class, even tho she didn't mean the university's class.

"Damn it"



Getting to his first-class he completely forgot his bag at home, he forgot to grab it yesterday when he stormed out.

"You forgot this"

Looking to his right it was Mari and she had sat next to him and placed his bag full of class stuff in between them.

"Thank you"

She didn't respond, instead, she took out her workbook and textbook and she got ready for today's lecture, he looked at her and as she ignored his action he found it strange she wasn't with her friends in the back of the room and in the middle with him.

Taking out the 2 books of his own, he found himself actually participating in today's lecture, unlike before.

* * *

Class ended and as it was lunch, he had 2 choices, he could either grab lunch from the cafeteria or head to his second class. Actually, he didn't look forward to it, he was missing days and Hestia would probably make him strictly study to catch back up.

As he got up Mari grabbed his forearm, he didn't get it and as he looked at her, she looked back at him, and the both of them didn't say anything.




1 second passed, his expression towards her was calm and gentle, hers stayed indifferent and chillaxed.

5 seconds passed, no words were said but he was questioning what was going on, in his head. Was this some sort of sibling morse code or sum? Meanwhile, people started walking out of the classroom, others stayed and chatted with their friends as they had the free time to do so. Even some of Mari's friends stayed behind and waited for her as they talked to each other and one of them. One with jet black hair and eyes glared at them...But mainly her.

10 seconds passed and he had given her a cold look, he then proceeded to tear his arm away from her and he grabbed his bag leaving her there. Meanwhile, her expression had stayed the same as she didn't even bother to look at him walking away.

But as she stayed there the girl with black hair disappeared and Mari uttered,

"That look, he's never given me that look before... he didn't even say anything either"

. . . . .

Leaving the class rather annoyed he went to look for Peter, he knew that Peter liked eating in the courtyard so he decided to go there to look for him, he didn't understand it but he felt like he needed to find Peter, even if it ment voiding everyone else.

But just as he cut corners and almost found himself close to the exit he heard another voice as it came to.

[Marcilina: hm? Little Demon, was that girl just another person to you? Or is that girl your sister?]

He gave her an answer and as he walked out of the double doors be saw Peter sitting at a little circular table with a pretty girl in white next to him.

Looking at her he found an empty feeling in himself and just like the answer he gave Marcilina, he said,

"Just another person"