Trust and skeptical pt.2

"The hell you think you were doing out there! Did you even listen to a damn word I said this morning!"

Juan scolded Hiro and it made him even angrier that Hiro was holding onto the staff of the great shaman of the 1st floor.

"You ripped his spine out and stole his fucking staff, Hiro! Like what the absolute fuck was going through your head while this was happening! Seriously, I need to know or I'm afraid I'll have to court Marshall you! So fucking say it!"

Yelling in his face as he was looking down, he looked up at Juan and he opened his mouth... but the words didn't come and he bit his tounge and looked away.

Juan then grabbed him by the head, forcing him to look him in the eyes.

"Hiro, you used to be my teacher when you were an aspiring paladin, you can tell me anything, was it related to your ruler... Or was this of your own doing"

"I didn't..."

Gulping as he huffed, Juan could already from the tone in his voice it wasn't on purpose, meaning this had to be of her doing.

"I couldn't control myself, I'm sorry"

Letting go and turning around he clenched his fist, this was the 2nd case this week he heard about a sorcerer being commanded to enforce that of the ALLMOTHER, this was very strange.

But it wasn't the ALLMOTHER who had enforced him, what he ment to say, was he couldn't control his desire, his lust for what he wanted, his own selfishness which was brought out not by the shaman and his men, but the staff itself.

"You're free to go, I'll send you a document on the other case similar to yours. Look at it and tell me what you think. He's of the Green Getsu clan, I believe you're familiar with them"

Nodding his head he turned back around and walked to the door, but then dramatically stopped before leaving.

"If your worried about the others don't be, and if it's about yourself, don't think about it. I got this, let's just call it a favor from a friend, after all, I still owe you for saving my life 6 years ago"

Walking away, he left, and soon after, so did Hiro.




But as he was leaving the building he heard gossip about the city of Kantaku and it piqued his interest.

After hearing it, he was out of the door and on his way back, with the staff which he wasn't letting go of. But he did find what they said to interest him, he was definitely looking into it in his free time, preferably when he skips his academy classes Monday.



Getting to Tina's after an hour, he didn't hear or see anyone in the living room, so he went up to the guest room and then to the bedroom where he put the staff under the bed and grabbed some clothing to change seeing as these provided ones weren't to his liking as they were tangerine-colored.




As he was changing he looked to his wounds and he had a stab wound on his stomach/now stitches from which he got from the battle as well as a small but long cut on his arm right arm, while a few other scratches on him from poor makeshift stone weapons as well as bruises on him.

He then looked at his nails and as they had green blood under there, he went to the bathroom after applying another layer of bandage and then tried to get it out of there before he ended up tasting Goblin blood which he could remember the taste of for some reason.

***After just getting himself together***

He walked out of the room with a purple hoodie on. And under it was a dress shirt with a waistcoat over it, along with cargo pants and a beanie on his head.

He had found a note on his bed along with nice clothing, and it was from Tina, she wanted him to dress well for something she wasn't telling him about, tonight after they went out for a bit.

He felt a bit cold, so he put on a hoodie and beanie... Just because he could.


"Oh hey, Hiro your back early than Tina said you would?" Ms.Zarutoen said as she saw him leave the guest/his room.

"But I never told her what time I'd be back? well, I did say before 12, but... You know what never mind that. so yep, here I am"

He said in a silly fashion but she hadn't seen a smile on his face,

"Well, I'm glad your back, Tina went out and I... Well I wanted to talk to you"

"Oh yeah, last night"

Saying that her face blushed and as she looked at him, he was thinking.

'Wait! Is he thinking about what if it was a mistake, that an old bag like me isn't good enough?! Or is it cooties... I hope it's not cooties?' the thoughts of this 36-year-old woman?

"Hiro I-"

"We forgot to clean up"


Looking at him she knew what he said, but she didn't get it? Was he talking about her bed because she, well she cleaned that earlier, or was he talking about?... DID HE FUCK TINA! WAS THAT WHY HER FACE WAS RED THIS MORNING... BECAUSE HER HORNY ASS FINALLY GOT SOME REAL DICCCCCC!!!

"We forgot to clean up the beer, when I came in there were still beer cans open and well, I think we're both are responsible for that?"

'What? What about the naughty?? Are you not going to ask about that???'

"Actually that's recent, I was morning drinking"

She said scratching the side of her head like she had done something bad, something she wasn't supposed to... And it excited her.

"Wait I'm a grown woman, why am I acting like this!"

She grabbed her head, but then not so soon after she heard,

"Maybe it's a good thing, adults who act all serious are no fun, now are they. Well unless they're Being sophisticated"


Looking over at him he crossed his arms together and gave her a serious expression.

"Ms.Zarutoen, when was the last time you went on a date, you've been cooped up with Tina for too long. and I know, that's not the best feeling in the world, so you know I know you know. it would be a good idea for you to get out and meet someone, or just have fun. And Tina isn't a little girl anymore and you also have me, so when you gave the free time, just go out and have some fun, got it!"

He said being a good friend in her mind, but at the same time it sounded like he was scolding her... Also,

"Hey, that's my daughter you're talking about"

"Yeah, and I know her lifestyle too well, it's a bit... I keep forgetting you're related, so you know, you and her. . .Well, I don't know about you, but, her... It's trifling, yeah, that's what I'm trying to say, and I'm not taking it back"

"Just stop talking"

"I think that's for best..." he agreed (;-;)

"But I do have to say, I think she needs a boyfriend more than you tho"

Looking at him like, ayy, that's my daughter your talking about. . .She couldn't help but nod her head as he didn't know how right he was, and that was something the gods... Yeah, we're calling you bitches out. Need to find for her!

[Marcilina: well... *licks lips* I can be a guy...]

"So, wanna get a drink before Tina comes home, I think this talk sobered me up"

But before he could decline, he had already got to the stairs,

"Sure but whoever makes it down strait lasts has to drink one can in a single go or take a dare"

He didn't win... ... ...He slipped... And fell... And on top of that, lost...


As the door opened, "Mom is Hiro back yet!" she asked thinking she was upstairs.

"Over here"

She heard her mom and as she walked in with 2 other people behind her, she saw Hiro on the couch next to her mom and he had a deluded expression on his face... The both of them were playing on a game cube.

"Is that the GCE23!" Peter said hyperly as he with Tina and other.

"Yeah, I found it in an old box in my room, it's super fun and this punk hasn't won once," she said with a grin as she was kicking his ass in [Combateer's XIII].

Rushing over to them, the other one spoke and it was none other than Mari "it smells like beer, were you drinking Ms.Zarutoen?"

"Yeah, just a tiny bit and--Oh hell yeah! SUCK IT!!!"

Tina might have been a sports freak, but she... well she was a game freak and a competitive one at that.

Walking over to the other side to get a good look at it, Tina was the only one at the door and the 2 spectators saw that he wasn't even getting a chance to get a hit as they continuously bashed them with different sets of combos.

"W-We... We have to go"

But no one was paying attention to her... But what the hell, she hasn't seen her mom like this before so she might have just shifted their plans by a little.

***20 minutes and another pure domination***

"Haha, I'm unstoppable!"

But as she said that Tina stood up.

"Actually speaking of that, guys we have to go, we can't be late the others out waiting for us"

"Huh?" Ms.Zarutoen

"Eeh?" Hiro

"Wait, I thought it was just gonna be us?"

"Didn't you get my text? Peter and a few others agreed finally got back to me to come with us"

"Oh..." he had no idea,

"Okay, now hurry your drunk self up, I have to... wait wait wait, We have to have a group talk outside, give us 3 a minute!"

She said Rushing the other 2 outside and closing the door as she had a happy smile on her face.

'I can't wait to see his face, he's going to love this' she plotted?

Getting up he almost fell back, but he was just in luck as a hand pushed him back up, so he didn't fall.

Turning around he bowed.

"Thanks for all the fun and drinks Ms.Zarutoen, I'll make sure to beat you next time tho"

He said with a grin as he looked up teasing her since he knew she didn't back down from game challenges or rematches.


"Oh but before that, you owe me something"

But as she said that, he got confused and a whole question mark apart above him, like zonks scoob, what's she talking about?

"What do you mean? We didn't wagerer anything?"

He said standing up straight, but she didn't like his answer and she stood up getting in his face. But she was slightly taller than her daughter so she looked up at him, also despite not being that much shorter than him.

"I never told you the dare, so how about it... Kiss me back"

She said sliding her hands to his sides and then kissing him, moving her soft pink lips up to his, and full-on rolling for Seduction.

And she hit that nat 20 as he took that free exp and kissed back, but he did even more as he exited her and spooked her. He moved one hand to her lower back and the other to her butt, pulling her in and being like the X ambassadors and not letting her go.

It was all hot and steamy and as he forced her I I a tough spot, she was... He got her horny... Very horny... Tina is level horny...

Moving apart and sliding her hands to his chest she was heavily breathing as their missed saliva was hanging down her lip.

"I- I don't want things to be weird between us... 'but I want this... I really want this...' So we can't. . .We can't do this"

"It's so wrong 'but it feels so right' Hiro I wan-"

But as she said that in an all steamy way, he pressed against her soft supple lips and as he kissed her, but then broke off and then licked his lips as he looked ready to Bite her tounge for her.

"How about this, let's play a game, I'll be your familiar, and I'll also be Hiro. I'm me when I'm me, but when you call for me... When you call my name... I'm all your's"

"I-I-I... I like the sound of that♡"

saying his her eyes shimmered a mere second before he kissed her again and she closed her eyes, making love with him before going all steamy without the hot again. But this time, her eyes returned to black and his, well his became brown again.

"then have fun with the others. But I hope you wouldn't mind me summoning you once in a while, If that's alright with you?"

"Of course Jennifer, why wouldn't it be~"

Saying her name again, just like yesterday, it got her blushing and she was blushing hard as he said her name so close to her ear. It was almost seductive... Or was it full-on seductive~

She was going to do something more, so as she went on her toes to going up... She suddenly heard the door and she literally jumped back and then fell onto the couch.

"Well, I'm going to keep playing!"

She said grabbing the controller and burying her face in the couch as her face was steaming red.

The door opened and as he wiped his mouth with his sleeves, peter told him to come out now and he then walked over to him, and as he took a step out the door, he poked his head back in and said "bye Jenny♡" before closing it and finally leaving.


'OMG stop, you're making my heart pound you, dummy!'

***After a bit of teen stuff, which being honest, was hella boring, they went to their final destination***

Arriving back at Remi's house, he had gotten halfway sober and was still buzzed, but he didn't know if this was a good idea.

He hadn't been trying to avoid Remi or even how he felt about her, but he's just been thinking and also doing stuff that made him, but less time into his thoughts about her...




Both Tina, Peter, and Mari(?) were excited, and as they entered the living room they didn't just see Remi who was as brightened as them, but sitting next to her and talking with her was...

"Water girl?"

Hearing that Remi and the girl looked over to the three of them and as she layed eyes on him her face turned sour...

"Lizard breath"

Meanwhile, the other 2 who ran and jumped at her,



(Oracle: another author message by your truly. We all just agree on how his thought process is already inhuman, as he hooked up with Jennifer but still loves and thinks of another girl...right? It's almost as if this is a game and the peice of shit character the oracle Hates but Mc loves is the final boss)






(Oracle: see you next time on pt.3!)