Trust and Skepticism pt.3

On a beautiful Saturday afternoon, there was a girl masked by the cloak she wore. Standing in front of Remi's doorway, the 3 people off to the side paid no mind to her as they talked and she hesitated to enter.

But this wasn't a vampire thing, she was simply contemplating on what to say, mainly because she had no words prepared for what came next. Well, she did for the others, but there was one person in particular which she wasn't ready to see yet. And it bugged her the hell out, as she had everything planned... But this!!! And that was because someone had changed the plans at the last moment without telling her... And it ruined her whole gig!

'No, you got this, all you have to do is change the environment! and cast another spell or 2'

'wait do I even have enough mana for that?'




Grabbing ahold of the handle and opening the door, she entered the house, but as she did, her cloak shifted into formal clothing. A jet black sweet styled Lolita mini lace hem dress, with knee highs with black shoes.

Walking in and down the hall to get to the living room, she heard talking and she peeked her head from around the corner. She saw 6 people.

With 4 on the couch, 1 behind the couch talking to the 4, and another a few steps away from her, she looked to the one behind the couch and she froze up.

She remembered the last time they met and it wasn't so pleasant. Looking at him made her remember how dangerous he was, and it made her want to back out as she wasn't ready to face this psychopath yet. Especially since most of her power had somehow disappeared after she encountered him.

"Yeah, I think I'll just watch from the sidelines, for now," but then she grabbed her mouth as she realized she said that out loud.


'Damn it'

Looking over she had been caught by Mari, so looking at her she had a weary smile on her face as she couldn't believe she messed up already.

"Hey, Mari... I thought we were going to meet up at the abandoned train tracks... Not another person's home?"

In saying that Mari scratched her cheek, and looked away as she chuckled.

"The plans changed, we're going to do it tomorrow"

"Why's that?"

But as she said that Mari walked over to her and whispered, "well, I don't have "the stuff" with me right now. Some of it got confiscated when I was locked up. But I'm going to get the rest later today, then we can meet up tomorrow for some real fun" she said and Isabell nodded as she said it.

"But still, we still could of hung out there~. . .nvm... Anyways, who are they?" she said pointing out all 5 of them.

"Well, as you already know, the one that looks like me and is wearing the purple hood, is my idiot brother. And the 4 of them are his friends. Well that blond-haired one is his ex-girlfriend, but still a friend or at least someone he's obsessed with"

"Is it okay for you to be sharing such private information with me?" she said with morals in mind, but also 'oh hey? She's right... He does look like the boy version of her... But more scary and rebellious, and probably still fucking insane which I already knew hahaha...haha...ha' oh shit, she was still terrified of him.

"Why would I care? I literally brought him here to humiliate him... But I instead got this shit, so why not!"

Talked mildly loud, she was mad, her entire plan had backfired on her, and the funny part about this "plan" was that she knew exactly how he was going to react, she knew it down to the last detail. That's why she chose to do so, after all, she knew he'd react negatively to the sudden appearance of Zarifall... But, he didn't even flinch, his reaction wasn't that of anything she predicted, instead that motherfucker didn't even pay her any mind, he just kept that expression he had from the beginning, and it even turned into a smile as the others brung him in to talk.

He played the role smoothly and it made her want to kick the fucking wall. But she knew! Yes, she knew! The others may have been fooled but she hadn't! She knew their past and it wasn't a good one. They despised each other and throughout she didn't exactly know why, she knew it had to be very strong, especially from what she heard and saw and she was sure as hell as to go ahead and take advantage of it! If not now then later!

And this wasn't just because he looked down on her with a cold gaze the other day, or how he called both her and their mom narcissistic, or even a few other things which she should have been mad about but didn't! Totally not that! HAHAHA...Haha..ha. . .Nothing with vengeance at all...Maybe?

"I guess if that's the case them do tell, I want to know an about him?"

But listening to Isabell say that she raised her brow, "wait, you mean my brother?" and Isabell nodded,

If you want him to be humiliated that bad then I don't mind helping you, I know a thing or 2 about how to mess with people, both physically and mentally" she said with the cutest smile that slowly crept into a Jeff the killer Cresent/evil smile.

And as music came to her ear which was actually just Isabell talking, she smiled maliciously,

"By any chance, are you studying psychology?"

But she had something even better than music to sing to the vengeful Mari.

"The arcane arts is what Bella is most strong in, cough cough, I mean, I know a thing or 2 about illusion magic, and not just some cheap magic tricks either, I mean real magic"

'Ugh, talking like them is so insufferable!'

"Oh, how intriguing Isabell, I guess that makes the both of us"

In saying that, she surprised Isabell, "I guess we really have a lot to talk about then" Isabell said, but then Mari wrapped her arm around his neck and said,

"But first, how about you give me a demonstration of what you can do, after all, this isn't a party without a magic trick now is it"


Meanwhile, as those 2 plotted for whatever reason. Probably because they were both lunatics or whatever,

"I'm really glad to have us all back together like this, it's been ages yet I still feel it was only yesterday we were playing tag outside before it rained and we'd splash in the puddles!~" Remi

"Right! But there's a major difference now, Zarifall, look, I grew a whole 3in since the last time we meet, and look at Hiro, he grew even more, unlike Tina who's remained the shortest one! Peter

"I might be shorter than you four, but unlike you slackers, I'm a hard worker and I succeed in everything academically. Meanwhile, Hiro's a complete slacker! You're barely making average and Remi's the only decent one who's able to balance everything out while still keeping high enough grades to not get fucked over" Tina

"Hey guys, just calm down a bit..." Zarifall

"You might be the brains, but you completely lacking in everything else, especially the looks. If anything your just a bookworm, so blehhh" Peter poked his tounge out teasing her.

"Wait, what were we talking about again?" Hiro?

"You trying to call me ugly" Tina

"I'm not trying, I am" peter

"Hey, I think you both look great, isn't that right Zarifall, Hiro" Remi

"Yea and looks aren't everything, I think personality is better" Zarifall

"Seriously, what are we talking about? you can't just change topics so suddenly?" Hiro who's still (?).

"You trying to pick a fight Peter" Tina

"So what if I am" Peter

A storm was brewing and as the 2 girls off to the side were just baffled by this sudden hate, they looked at each other not knowing what to do...

But then Hiro jumped the couch and landed in between them, getting perfectly in the middle and wrapping his arms around the both of them as he put his leg up on his other leg.

"And scene"

Saying that the both of them broke the seriousness and started laughing, generally confusing the others and making them wonder, what in Thor's name just happened.

"Wait! Did you 3 plan this from the start!" Zarifall.

Looking over to her, both Peter and Hiro smiled, "So what if we did, you got a problem with it?" they both said,

"YES, YES I DO!" Zarifall

"Yeah, you 3 scared the heck out of the both of us!" Remi

"But what I was saying was true, tho" Tina

"Same here" Peter

But as they said that they then looked to each other and squinted their eyes, just gazing into each other and then just nodding as they agreed on this love-hate honesty.

Meanwhile, Hiro just laughed,

"It's great we're being honest and all, but I would have to say, your both missing major details here, plus Tina's kinda the best combination of us all"

"What do you mean?" they all wondered.

"Well, what she said about us was right, and it's not that Peter's under, average it's just he's too reckless and he gets board during exams and tests, so he drifts off shortly after starting, it mainly relates to him having a short attention span if he's not interested in what's taking place" Hiro

"As for Tina, she's the brain, the bronze, and the looks, she has to be one of the cutest girls I know, plus she's highly athletic, great at sports, plus is generally a fun person to be around, a 10/10 for anyone to be friends with... But then again, she's a massive pervert, and I mean massive, as she has a pink dildo and everyth-"

Tina grabbed his mouth, forcing that bitch shut and moving herself onto his lap to force it closed as her face was burning red from humiliation.

"For the last time, it's not a dildo!" Tina

"It's a dildo" Peter


But as her war cry came out, she was about to beat up the both of them when she suddenly felt something hard twitch under her...

Not knowing what it was because she was delusional in the heat of the moment, she looked down as if didn't feel like his phone going off, especally since... Wait? Looking down she had then realized she was sitting on his lap and as she was currently wearing a sundress, so as she slightly moved hmthe cloth came upnand over and she suddenly felt a bulge against her thigh... ... ...

Her face burned brighter and brighter as what pressed against her thighs wasn't a phone, it was something she was used to but had never experienced for real, and it wasn't any phone, it was a real dick.

Slowly moving off of him as her hand was fidgety, she went back to being next to him and she looked to be dazed or overheating as steam clouds rushed out of her head. This was way too much excitement for her to handle in one day.




With a freed mouth and a subdued wild Tina, he had an issue down there but decided to continue talking instead of handling it.

"What... What just happened?" Remi

"Is she going to be alright?" Zarifall

"I wouldn't worry about it, she's just overheating, it happens when she gets too excited or overwhelmed in something" Peter

'Did the room just dim???' Peter

"Oh and Hiro, you talked about us, what about Remi and Zarifall, come on, let's hear it" Peter

Remi was going to say something about that, but hiro had spoken first and well, let's say he was a bit too honest.

"Well, you're going to have to be specific on what to say about them~," he said rather jolly, "because what's there to even say about them" but then it turned icy

Saying that he shut Remi up but piqued Zarifall's interest.

"Forget that how about you start with how you feel about us? And let's be honest here I think we all want to know how you feel about us since you've been to yourself this entire time. And even back then you used to not show or tell us your emotions. So why don't you go ahead and tell us our best and worsts, our most noticeable Characteristics and or just how you feel, even if it's only a few words. But I do want to hear about you, it's been a while, I'd like to hear about how you've been... How you've all been" Zarifall

But as she said that Peter found all of this to be strange, Zarifall had never acted like this or had ever shown this much interest in something trivial, shoot, not even he would have had said that and he was the only one to have this kind of outcome in his head, also why was he talking like this, he couldn't get it but it felt so natural to him?

"Yep just speak your mind, don't hold back, we can handle it" Remi

"Hm?" Peter

'I swear the room just got dimmer?' Peter

But he sighed as they said that,

"So you all want the truth, huh?"

"Yep, The truth and nothing but the truth, and trust me in Uriel's name I can't tell if your lying," she said with a cute smile meanwhile, the other 2 looked at him intensely as they were awaiting his response,

"I guess I'll talk about myself first, I know it's narcissistic but whatever" Hiro

"I'm delusional... And I know that... I want what I can't have, and if I try to take what I want, I'll only end up hurting the only one I hold dear to me" Hiro

Saying that he had felt it wasn't all, and he knew it wasn't all, deep down he knew everything that was wrong with him yet he ignored it and kept going, and the other 3 knew it wasn't all he had to say, so as he thought about it for 3 seconds, both Peter and Remi put their hands on his knee,

"Go on" Peter mouthed to him, telling him he was there to support him through all of this and he would have a shoulder to lean on if he needed. So looking to him and then to her, he took a deep breath and said... But then he bit his lip,

"But I guess that's not all... No! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS! Like hell I'm doing this!

Shooting up from the couch he turned to them and threw his arm out as he suddenly got mad,

"What the hell is this, therapy! I don't need a therapist and I sure as hell don't have a problem! So... So what if I'm selfish! So what if all I can feel is Jealousy! Who the fuck cares if I let the only girl I love just walk away to another man's side while I sit on the sideline holding of a fucking "Good for you" sign and keeping some stupid smile to keep myself sane!"

"Hiro..." Remi

"No!... Don't call my name... Because Remi... Remi I'm so fucking in love with you yet you can't even see it. I can't tell if your blind or its just me, but it's hurting the hell pur of me and I can't stand it. That's why I was distant...

I did it because there were so many words that i held back, so many that I kept in, and so many things that I wish I had said and I regret it every day. There was so many actions I could have done, but I done but i didn't"

"I didn't say or act because I feared loosing you more than I already had. And every time I thought about doing it. . .The next throught was about you... How it would affect you and only you... Because I only care about you"

And even now, I can't even help that I'm thinking about you and only you... but this time I can't say uts for good reasons... because I can smell him. I can smell him all over you and i don't want any excuses because I'm litterally about to rip my heart out from the pain in my heart..."

"He marked you hadn't he, and don't make any excuses because I don't want to hear it Remi... Because I can litterallg smell his scent masked all over you"

"Ha... But then again, here I am yet again being nothing but obsessed witt you. I don't know, I can't let go... Do you see how much power you have over me, because I can't leave, and I can't walk away, shit I can't even look forward... I can't do anything and I can't even confess and try to stay again... Because at the end of the day, I know you'll always chose him over me"

"I'm sorry, I-" Remi

"No, I don't want tk hear it Remi, I don't want to hear it... because all do is listen and hold onto everything like a sponge"

"I'm sick and tired of this everyday hide away and I just want tk forget, but yet I don't want to be hollow as all I do is want to forget... I want to be whole, I want tk be happy:

"But I guess I'm handing from a threat because I'll only be happy with someone like you... But why is that? Why am I so attached to you? Especially when everything we have was nothing more than a funny joke... to you:

"Even now, I bet your laughing in the inside as I ramble away with my emotions out on display. And here I am again wanting to get rid of it all again... just like how I can feel my mana slowly fading away..."

"I can feel my mana fading away. . .Wait?"

Now realizing something great, his breath accelerated and as he looked to the 4 of them, who looked hella shocked by his deep confess.

He gritted his teeth,

"It's not real... None of this is real!"

Yelling that his eyes shifted a bright orange and his hands caught ablaze. This startled everyone and as he looked to be going into a panic but also a violent burst of hostility. Zarifall's eyes shifted blue and she shoot up, putting her hands out like she was trying to calm a wild animal and speaking before anything could escalate,

"Wait Wait Wait! Hiro, this isn't an illusion! Calm down before you end up doing something you wish you hadn't!"

In saying that both Peter and Tina, stood up holding their hands out like they were approaching a while animal and trying not to get on its nerves.

"Yeah, this isn't an illusion and you're not going crazy, sure your acting very weird and maybe a bit jumpy, but still, you need to chill, and not toast us with your magica" Peter

"Peter's right, just calm down and let's talk this over-"

"No, shut up! I'm sick of the lies, I'm sick of the tricks!... I'm sick of humanity"

But as he yelled that, Both sorcerers felt a chunk of their mana get sucked away and they immediately turned their heads to what had taken it, and it was from behind him, so they looked to across the room to the only 2 who hadn't said a word this entire time. Mari and Isabell

Looking at them, they immediately sensed a rise in a mysterious mana and as they looked at Isabell, his eyes turned scarlet and her's became blue like the Atlantic.

Suddenly the chaotic auras of the Natsu and Sui clans had filled the room and startled her with its violent nature. Looking up and to them, they were looking at her with murderous eyes and she could tell she was fucked.

"Oh shit"

"It's you"

As soon as Hiro said that, Isabell grabbed Mari's hand and she dipped, as soon as she did the color of the room suddenly got brighter. But as it did and the atmosphere of the room changed, the 3 humans fell to the ground.

Turning around he saw that Remi, Peter, and Tina had passed out and the only one left standing was Zarifall, and she was fully powered up and ready to take down someone.

But instead, she looked at him and into his eyes, to where she then gulped and said,

"From what just happened and those 3, I can already assume it was an area spell which affected all of us and from what happened I already know it's a spell from... it's one of phanuel's spells, and from your outburst, it has to be none of her than [the truth of phanuel] spell" she said but then walked over to the others just looking down at them and them to him.

"Hey, Hiro... About what just happened? let's get some fresh air and away from the others because we need to have a major talk right now, and this is too important to refuse"

Biting down he looked to the side and as she looked at him she saw him nod his head one agreeing to it..