Never Judge A Book by Its Cover

[Next Day, back at home]

With his back to the bed and his backhand over his eyes, "Oh my, it looks as if I've buried myself in a pile of shit. and to top it all off, who could have thought my nee-chan could have done something so funny, as well as that girl. . .But I have to give them props, they managed to bewitch me with that spell of theirs. How wonderful, to think that's all it took for me to spill the beans and ruin all that I've tried keeping together...hahahaha"

He laughed merrily as he sat up and placed the shaman's staff which was in his arms for whatever reason, aside.

"My sister's really funny... But I think I can do much better"

With a devious smirk, he stood up and took a step forward, but as he got to the middle of the room he heard an unsettling voice,

[Marcilina: you remind me of one of my disciples from a long time ago]

Hearing that voice in his mind he found himself forgetting that he was bound to some spirit that called herself a goddess/deity.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you existed. How come you've been so quiet lately?"

[Marcilina: Shut up you foolish Demon!... But that can be answered easily. I've just been observing you and sleeping since you never summon me, which you should do a lot of since I'm a literal deity! Also, you should feed me too, I'm starving and you never give me anything to eat...] sounding gloomy and down she said that.

"Wait? Why do you keep calling me a Demon?"

[Marcilina: Maybe because your mean to me, rude, you've tried killing me 2-3 times already, and you deny me freedom by never summoning me. Also, you don't feed me like I've been requesting(has not)]

Saying that he scratched the side of his cheek, despite not remembering trying to kill her which he didn't doubt he might have, but he had to admit she had a valid point, he's been treating her like a captured bird, a creature which just sat in a cage and acted pretty instead of treating her like a person/spirit which she probably was.

"Okay, okay, I get it, just tell me how to call you out and I'll do so already"

[Marcilina: just call out my name and say I summon you, also you could say it in a worshipping manner if you'd like, I'd like that]

"Hmmm... What would you give me in return if I do say it?"

(Turtle: are you serious?)

[Marcilina: what is it you desire... Oh and you better feed me too"

Thinking about it for a few seconds he had a light bulb idea to try and... well, let's say he was hoping to use, I mean make a friend rather than an enemy.

"You mentioned a student before, you said I was like her. Is it possible for you to tell me about her so I can understand? You don't have to if you don't want to. I was just curious since you called her your disciple"

[Marcilina: very well then, I'll tell you, now call my name and summon me]

"I call thee from the heaven's, may the great Marcilina answer my calls and come to this mortal Plaine, here me, I summon you"

As he said those words, he blinked, and as his eyes opened there was a red-skinned girl who looked human and she wore a Hanfu.

"It feels so good to be back out here, let me tell you, my Astral body is very uncomfortable when I'm in it for a long time. I envy those who can use [ethereal-travel], I heard it was comfortable"

But as she spoke he looked at her and he could slightly recall her, but it was in different moments at different times.

"What? Are you baffled by my bueaty~? kekeke"

"No, you are indeed beautiful, but I'm trying to remember where I know you from, I don't remember"

Looking at him, she squinted her eyes as he could have been serious, but as she looked at him he was and... Well, that brought a smile to her face as whatever he had done, had made him forget, 'what a stupid Demon, all bronze but no brain' she thought.

"Hiro, you shouldn't worry about that. All you need to know is that I am your goddess and you should worship me, take good care of me, and treat me well"

But as she said that he gave her a questionable look and coughed before speaking,

"Sorry but I'm not religious, nor do I worship the gods..." saying that, she paused,

"If anything I pray to the ALLMOTHER, my eternal lord and creator, she is my true mother for she is what I believe in and what I enforce, henceforth that's why I follow her orders without question"

Looking at him stupidly, she forgot he was one of those people, and by that, she ment a follower of the ALLMOTHER, which she was of the ALLFATHER faction, so that's why she was content on Thinking this over.

"So, there are no gods that you give thanks to? Or even give offerings or sacrifices to?" she knew the answer but she just needed to ask in person out of principle.

But he shook his head and she had a half-dead smile as she looked at him, but then he put his hand in his chin and looked at her grim expression.

"I won't worship you, but if anything I will lend a helping hand"

"Oh okay, thanks," she said rather gloomy,

[Faith -1]




With him sitting down on the ground and crossing his legs, he looked at her as she was sitting on the bed and he deliberately had her look down at him,

Now with that out of the way and making her seem like she wasn't being looked down apon and instead looked up by him, he asked,

"So, Marcilina-san, can I hear about your disciple?"

With him asking that, she looked down at him and as she felt the mood of the room shift, she was thrown into a state of superiority as what he did was intentionally making her overconfident and think she was superior to him.

"okay young Demon, because this is about another Demon whome I knew and had accepted as my disciple, and yes I know, it's unusual for us Gods to take in Demons, but back in the day, there used to be a few Demon species which were an exception. I'll tell you about her"

"This Demon's name was Viola, or that was the name I gave her the day she was accepted into our heavenly essence sect and then taken under my wing. She was a young succubus who I found to be the most interesting amongst all of my disciples"

"Since I'm not one to simply tell another's a life story, I'll just tell you this, she was a wild card and the personification of lust, but at the same time she was daring and brave, and she even found herself to fall in love. yes, I know it's ironic right? I sort of mocked her for it when she told me... But I also respected her and idolized her for it"

"But back to what I was meaning to say, she reminds me of you because even tho your both in love, you... Fuck it, what I'm trying to say, you both are Chaotic lovers. She acted on impulse and didn't deny her true nature while still being able to balance her love life, while you're doing just like her!"

"But don't get me wrong I'm not judging, for heaven's sake, I'm a goddess of fertility, if I had a lover I would still have sex with my nabor, and it's because I'm a fertility goddess I can't exactly control some impulses when they happen... But I'm also a goddess and unlike you filthy Demons, we don't act in impulses. So sure they're there, but we have control. And I've never been in love, so the nabor thing was just an example"

Hearing her out, she just left him confused, "So I'm Chaotic?"... looking down at him as he frowned, she nodded,

"Well, yes"

Looking back up at her, he suddenly became grim and as he pulled his knees up to his chest, he heard her say something again,

"But your Chaotic isn't something to be ashamed of, actually, I've thought about it and well, you could make almost decent fertility God, and I say that because if you play your cards right and lose the Demon stick, you could get the one you love back, while still being able to balance out your job as a fertility God, so basically, tending to crops, blessing births, and having sex with different people"

"But I'm human, when have you ever heard one of us ascending into Godhood and taking the role of a proclaimed God"

Looking down at him, she crossed her arms and closed her eyes, she then thought for a few seconds, but it had nothing to do with what he asked, she was thinking deeply about how he had no clue he was... Wait?... She just thought about it too, he wasn't exactly a Demon, he was... partially Demon.

'Hm, I was just joking before but, looking at him, he's right, he isn't actually a Demon, if anything he's 1/4th Demon. And he doesn't even have the physical traits, power, features, and or abilities of a Demon. But that makes this problematic on my end, because he has [Demon eyes], the Demon eyes are a manifestation of power and ranking amongst Demons, meaning even if he would be deemed more innocent by the heavens, he would still be considered a monster and an official Demon'

"If you become strong enough, you can break through mortal limitations and ascend to Godhood, but even then, that's only the start, because being a God is just the beginning of one's cultivation path, once you reach rank 10, that's when you can truly understand"

He clapped his hands as she was passing over some of her knowledge to him.


Meanwhile, as Remi was casually wasting waffles, she felt like something was missing, when she woke up yesterday, both Hiro and Zarifall were gone and she couldn't recall anything... None of them could. The last thing the 3 of them could remember was that Hiro embarrassed Tina by talking about the dildo and then everything went blank as Tina got off his lap.

"Brother, you were home yesterday, do you know what happened yesterday, because I can't remember a thing"

But as she asked him that, he walked behind her and put his hands over her eyes, covering them.

"I know exactly what happened, and I'm disappointed that you were bewitched by that witch. I'm not surprised about the others as their only human, but I expect more from you... But I guess I can forgive you if you promise to not let this mistake happen again"

"A witch? there was one in our home yesterday? who was it?"

"No clue, but you'll find out for me later won't you?"

"I will"

"Good, now remember what had been forgotten"

Saying that his eyes shimmered a murky green and a faint light came from his hands covering her eyes.


Remembering everything that happened and with her mouth dropping from what she could recall she wasn't even able to process any of it as her brother suddenly whispered.

"Now that that's out of the way. I'm going to need you to find out who that witch is"

"And kill her"

"Yes, brother"