The imprisoned Demon

In what used to be the lands of Kersin, there was an ancient dungeon which no creature living or dead would dare to step near, and the name of this dungeon was the Dungeon of Endless Dreams.

But this was unlike any other dungeon, it wasn't simply filled with monsters, treasure, magic items, and artifacts!... Well, actually it was. But that's beside the point!

This dungeon was the home to someone special, someone who's been around for a long time and had even been alive when the litch progenitor was still mortal. shoot, he even--- Well, that would spoil the author's other Novel.

But fuck it, and fuck her. They're not even there yet, so let me tell you about it like the bitch from the south side of Miami.

He was probably the cause of the apocalypse, they used to be in a serious, ya know what, fuck it. The litch progenitor had just walked into his Territory so let's find out for ourselves.


Walking down a cobblestone path, in what seemed to be a steep mount, there was a figure completely covered from head to toe in a ragged purple cloak.

They walked down the path, all the way until they reached 2 large doors, the doors seemed to be old but sturdy. But unlike normal people, she could tell that they were ancient artifacts ment to conceal the darkness of what was within.

With the doors seemingly unguarded for whatever reason, she taped her foot on the ground and as she did, all that was brown suddenly turned into a dark gray, but that wasn't all because as she turned her head...

Suddenly there was an army of around 100 rank 6 Death Knights,

"Stand guard. And behave yourselves"

She said seemly before she put her hands on the doors and opened them. Walking in as no one was around and entering the dungeon.

She didn't know why this place was so quiet, it was unusual and it made her keep her guard up, sure she could have brought in her personal army, but there were many reasons why she couldn't do so.

***no long after entering***

she suddenly heard cheering as she was on the 3rd floor, she walked to where the sound was and as she looked over from a corner, she saw a bunch of monsters all similar to each other, drinking rum and cheering.

She didn't want to know, but she heard relentlessly "everyone this isn't a time to spill tears, blood, or seek vengeance! Tonight we will triumph like our brothers and sisters in the afterlife! Tonight we will get so hammered that we'll make the dead wish they were alive! Tonight... I don't know about you, but I'm a little horny so I might fuck one of you against the tables!" he said razing his mug up... and as he did it came with roars and more mugs as they roared and drank.

Looking at them and thinking of them as a bunch of weirdos, she couldn't help but shake her head as they all had such a weird way of increasing morale.

And now after hearing that, she definitely wanted to hurry up and get out of there, so with the snap of her boney fingers, she suddenly started sinking through the floor and as she did, she started traveling throughout the walls/floors of this dungeon.

***After a while***

Finding a red slime commonly known as a magma slime, she followed him as he was in human form and while he talked to her cheerfully, he was leading her to the boss's room,

This little guy's name was Zim and he was the head guardian of this place. But he liked to refer to himself as the vice commander in chief, it made him sound cooler.

Walking for so long, they appeared in front of a gigantic pair of dark metallic doors and as she took a step forward to open them, he stopped her,

"Wait! That's the head Demon's lair, that's not the boss's room!" he warned her, and before she could ask him what he ment by, it wasn't his room. She saw that he was pointing off to the side where a normal door on the wall was and if she had a not-so undead body she'd be frowning right now.

"Are you sure, because usually, bosses are in these big rooms and not the small ones which usually cleaning agents are found in" she said sarcastically but he laughed as he found her to be amusing?

"I'm super sure, now come on and go in, I don't want to, so I'm just going to leave the both of you alone"

"Zim, why is that?"

But as she said that, he transformed back into slime,

"Well, you see I don't have any more ice resistance potions on me, so I'd rather not wake up master right now. And since your null to all senses and you came here without notifying us, you should do it"

She crossed her arms and he rolled back, "no offense, but I like my slime hot. Have fun and make sure to notify me when your done chatting with Master, I'm going to go play checkers with lady succubus from the 9th floor" he turned back and then walked away as he was in that kid human form again.

"Farwell lady Izumi!" he yelled out.




Turning to face the door, she grabbed the door nob and as she turned it, she opened the door and walked in.

walking into what seemed to be an ancient bedroom, she saw trinkets and decoration all around, nothing fancy but from the age and design of it, it had to be over 10,000 years old, but she wasn't impressed as she had no use for material objects that don't fit any combatant purpose. So looking to the walls which were covered in frost, she looked around for whoever was supposed to be in here.

And she found him.

Walking over to the bed, she went to the side and as she pulled down the hood of her cloak, it revealed her skull, and yes she was a skeleton.

Looking down at them, he was casually sleeping, and she thought nothing of it, then again she was undead and that ment she was null to emotion because I'm pretty sure if she could she would be smiling right now.

She didn't waste any time as she crouched down and moved her boney hand to his purple hazy hair, she brushed it off of his face and glided to his cheek where she then said,

"It's time to wake up, Ashmedia..."

Her voice echoed like the wind as it was silent like she whispered, but bounced off the entire room to get back to them.

His eyes slowly opened and he didn't look at her, well that's because when he opened his eyes she wasn't in front of him anymore, she disappeared.

He lazily started sitting up until he was crossing his legs and rubbing his eyes, he swore he could have heard a voice, but there was no one there.

The boy who just woke up had a young teenage body, his hair was a hazy mist purple and his eyes were an icy blue, his complexion was Greek and his body was tiny(4ft 9in), he also looked very tired.

"I've always wondered, are you a vampire?"

Hearing a voice behind him he didn't turn his head, instead, he yawned and spoke,

"Um?... Nope, guess again"

He said with a sunny personality and stretched his arms.

But as he did he opened his eyes and he saw a skeleton wearing a cloak in front of him, and just staring at him as the inside of its skull had eyeballs made of green flames and it was just looking at him.

"I can guess want you are, your a skeleton~"

But in saying that, she put her finger up and shook it.

"Nope, guess again"

She said he crossed his arms, "hmm.... I don't know?" he laughed and fell over onto his side.

"I'm not going to tell you if you can't even guess 10 times"

But as she said that, he disappeared, and she hasn't even blinked?

The ice on the walls started evaporating and as she turned her head to see where the hell he disappeared to--


Her bones made noises as she was suddenly pushed and fell onto the bed. Turning around quickly she saw him and as both her hands kept her pressed up on the bed, she couldn't react in any way as he was suddenly over her skeleton self and fiendishly acting.

"Wha!? Wait Ashm-!"

But as her jaw opened and words came out, she saw his hands move to her sides and as he got close up, she saw 5 different things suddenly appear on him.

2 black horns shaped like a rams, a pair of bat-like wings and an armored tail with a sharp spike at the end.

"For an undead, you smell really tasty," he said as his eyes shimmered an icy blue and he licked his lips hungrily.

"Stop this at once! I am the litch progenitor of this continent! If you continue I will declare war against you!"

But as she said that he giggled, "then go ahead, that sounds like fun" she was taken back by his words, her threat had no effect on him and as she moved her hand and an undead fire suddenly conjured out of her hand he grabbed it, nullifying the flame as cryogenic frost seeped out of him and he moved his kissing her boney mouth.

'You bastard, if you want war then let there be war!'

But as she thought that, she felt a hand on her leg... Wait a damn minute, she felt?

Looking down, she saw white peachy skin and it wasn't his, she looked down and then up and out of nowhere she suddenly screamed.

But before sound can come out he put his finger in front of her and it pressed against her lips.

"Congratulations on ascending to litch progenitor Izumi, I'm sorry I wasn't there to see it happen, so here's this for a present, it's a vessel"

He said and then moved off of her, sitting on his feet and idiotically smiling as she was just frozen from all of what was happening.

Slowly turning her head and looking at him, she had her mouth wide open and as his tail wagged and swayed, he seemed happy.

"Oh, and to answer your question from before, I'm not a vampire, I'm a Demon... To be specific, an Incubus, the first Incubus"

*She mumbles words*

"Hm? what you say?"

Moving her hands in front of her, she balled her fist and then opened them, she then looked at him and she switched forms, returning to a skeleton as the flesh was burned away by a green flame and then the flesh came back like brand new as she went back to her vessel body.

Waving his hand in front of her face and ahs then looked to him with wide-open eyes and she finally spoke.

"Wait you said you were a Demon? Did you steal my soul?"

But he shook his head to her words,l

"I don't want your soul, the vessels a present from me to you"

"For real! And there's no condition!"

"Yeah, it's all yours. Oh and I harmed no one in this process, I just used my magic to create a flesh puppet of what you used to look like when we first met, and then I attached it to your... Soul"

'Well actually, we first met when I was poisoned and killed your mother who was apart of the holy church back you and I were both children, but this vessel is after we split up for a long time and then reunited back when you were... 19-years-old I think?' He said pondering in his mind.

She completely ignored what he had said as she was overjoyed and examining her new young living body.

"I can't believe I can finally feel now, wait I can also taste! No, wait! All my senses are actually there while in this form. OMG this it's so awesome~!"

Feeling herself to recall all of these feelings, she saw he was patiently waiting and she pointed at him.

"Ashmedia! Whatever you desire! Whatever you want! It will be yours and that's a promise!"

But as she said that he laughed, "Well how about we start with you not calling me that name, I prefer the one given to me by... My master"

"Very well, what is thou name"

---[Deep Flashback]---

Deep in the Ancient Ruin of the Forgotten, there was a group of heroes that traveled far and wide in hopes of gathering strength to vanquish the Demon lord that threatened these lands.

At the final level of the ruin/this dungeon, they were led into a small room by a red slime named Zim.

Walking around it was a nice room full of trinkets which they found valuable, but saw no such lord or coffin which they had been informed of.

But as they were going to look to the slime who tricked them, they saw Zim run over to a long black box "found him!" he said exactly and the Angel walked over to him and the coffin.

Wiping the dust off of it, she was able to identify this box was a real coffin and there was something inside.

But it was hard to tell, she's never seen this material before, 'he said it was the coffin of eternal darkness, but what does that even mean?' she was thinking to herself when her disciples spoke,

"Ay let's bust it open and kill the bastard inside," the Rouge Hero said as she ran over to them, "yeah, let's just get it over with, it's really cold in here and I feel like if we stay any longer I might get hypothermia" the Ranger Hero complained.

But it wasn't that easy and the Angel hadn't disagreed with them, but she knew they couldn't destroy this coffin, they needed to open it and then destroy whatever was inside.

Turning to them she asked them something weird, and even tho they all detested, the priestess didn't and they all soon followed her example, drawing blood and pouring it into a cylinder, they all had done it even the Angel and as if was full the Angel put out in on the coffin and it started to sink into there, it was almost as if they were making an offering.



Minutes passed and as they were all frowning because of this "what was the point of that, it was so fuc-" but then the coffin shifted and opened.

Seeing this their faces brightened, they clinched their weapons ready to fight the Demon inside... but then as they looked inside the coffin, they saw a small body inside.

With long dark purple hair, a Greek complexion, and a tiny body. He was curled up in a ball, with his knees to his chest as he was sleeping.

The sight of this made them all back away and it even took the Angel by surprise,

"I'm not against it, but I don't know if I am willing to kill a kid, especially if they're so weak that their cultivation isn't even that of the 1st rank," the Warrior Hero said protesting.

"Yeah and looked at him, he doesn't have horns, wings, or even a tail" the priestess looked at the human-looking boy,

"It seems as if our information was wrong" she gave a death stare to the slime who tricked them. Because It seemed as if it was just a coffin to preserve an Ancient human, probably a trophy of the actual boss.

But then as she looked at him, his expression turned hyper-active,

"Asmodeus? wake up you free" Zim said and they all started smelling something sweet as they watched this.

His eyes opened and they took a step back in case he was hiding his power to fool them and it was actually the boss.

With steel blue eyes he looked to them and as he sat up the frost and ice on the walls started evaporating.

Suddenly a pair of bat-like wings sprouted from his back and then they saw an armored-like tail wiggling around his back, and horns that appeared in the form of a crown became visible.

He suddenly started stretching and then it all faded away as the necklace suddenly lit up for a second, it seems as if the necklace gave him the ability to hide his demonic features.

He pressed himself up but then he just sleepily looked around at the eight people, seven of them looked hostile and one looked like he was happy to see him.

"Excuse me... But where am I?" he asked as he rubbed his eyes and then the slime spoke, "you're in the dungeon of endless dreams, or what the human's call it, the demonic dungeon of the forgotten," he said as he had a glimmer in his eyes.

"Oh?" he didn't know how to respond with that, but then he yawned "who are all of you?" he asked and then pointed to himself "I'm Zim and from what I've heard those are some friends of yours, they call themselves the Hero's of Camelot" he was lied to, the Angel had deceived him.

"Aren't you happy master~" he said but the boy tilted his head in confusion "my name is Asmodeus?" he looked at them and he sunk into the coffin and slightly popped his head out.

"Not really, they don't look so friendly, they look scary and they have blades pointed at me" he complained, and then the Angel signaled them to sheath their weapons.

"It seems like the rumors were wrong, it's just a weak lesser Demon, and if anything this Demon looks like he might have amnesia too? Seeing as he didn't even know his own name" she sighed.

"Well this was a waste of time, let's dispose of him and go," the Rouge said but then the assassin stepped forward and crouched down, getting closer to him and the slime, and touching his cheek.

"He's kinda cute, let's keep him~," she said and as her hand touched his cheek he smiled. Just like a cat, he rubbed his head against her hand.

"Huh?" they all recoiled in shock from her words "you know it's forbidden to harbor a Demon! There all supposed to be killed on sight!" the priestess said but then she looked at him and saw his tail as the only thing still out, and it was swaying around happily.

"I know, but with this amulet, he can hide and live as a human" she then turned around "please, this is all I'm asking for," she said and then they all just looked at her and then at him like he controlling her.

The main hero looked at him like an enemy "I'm against killing the weak and innocent, but this mother-" but then the Angel walked up to her and crouched down, doing the same to him and he reacted the same way, but he seemed happier when she came.

"He's a Demon, not a devil, he lives off of his own pleasures and displeasures, he lacks control and will impulsively do things like a while beast," the Angel said to her and she nodded "I know but-" she was then interrupted as the Angel stood up.

"I'll let the heavens know we killed the Arch-Demon of the forgotten, it was a tough battle with a new Demon lord and you almost lost your life," she said and the others gave her strange looks.

"But there was a weak Demon who was a slave of the new Demon Lord, he saved you from an enviable death instead of his own Demon lord" where was she going with this.

"So for all your troubles, we'll grant you permission to keep the weak Demon as a servent, he's your responsibility and all his actions will reflect on you and you'll also be held responsible" her face became bright as she said she could keep him.

But then the Angel sighed.

"But what I'm going to tell the council is that he's a devil and also a child, sorry but devils are the only thing they'll ever make an except too, especially if it's an innocent untainted child," she said as devils were like the human's of the Demonic community, meanwhile Demons were savages that were hunted down by both humans and devils.

"Thank you master" she got up and bowed confusing him as he didn't really understand them that well.

He wasn't a native speaker of the common language, but he somewhat knew how to speak it and there were some gaps in what he heard, but he didn't pay attention as that bed over there was looking very comfortable and he wanted to play.

She then turned to him and pointed to herself "I'm Mahiru hiragi and from now on your Asmodeus Hiragi, okay~" he looked up at her and smiled "okay" he was lost in a drift so he saw them as a shimmer of light.


Remembering the day he was released from the coffin of eternal darkness made his smile fade, it wasn't something he wanted to remember. After all, he was so young back then, and the whole world was just an adventure which he could enjoy,

But now he's back in the very dungeon he was sealed away in, but the only difference was he wasn't in a coffin, and he wasn't as naive either, well he still was, but that was just his personality.

But he had grown and learned from his time in this realm, so he couldn't say that it was all fun and games.

"My name is Asmodeus Hiragi, I'm am a Demon lord who has been sealed away inside of this dungeon for a way too long. If you can set me free from my prison! I will assist you litch progenitor, Izumi!"

Hearing his words, her eyes opened wide, did he just offer her a once-in-a-lifetime opreturnity? Well yes, he did, and as she heard that she also took it with no hesitation.

Standing up just like him she put her hands on her hip and grinned.

"I'm assuming all the monsters in this dungeon belong to you as well"

"All that reside in this dungeon are my Demons"

Extending her hand out,

"Demon lord Asmodeus, let's free you from your cage and conquer this realm"

She said with a Cresent smile, but he didn't take her hand, instead he "grabbed her hand" and used his other hand to wrap It around her neck.

"Sorry, but you're dealing with an incubus, if you want to make a deal with me, then-"

But then she shut him up as she moved her hand to his back, hugging onto him and putting her hand in his chin so she could kiss him.

He wasn't going to go here just yet, he was actually just going to tease her. But then again, he forgot his scent drew out people's naughty desires and since she had a new body, she had no resistance to his pheromones.

"Azy, I- I"

But she couldn't say it, he found it funny as she looked so lewd but serious at the same time, it made him just want to bully her.

"What's that Izumi Hana? You still love me?"

Saying such a thing made her break seriousness and her face showed the definition of burning with blush.

"Who could ever love someone like you" she retreated as her heart rate accelerated.

"You used to and I'm wondering if you still do~"

But as she was going to counter that, she saw stream sizzle off of him and in an instant he changed from young-teenager to a young-adult and he was around a medium-size too and he looked... Well, maybe he was still cute in her book.

"Nvm, I'm not interested in you anymore. I think I prefer humans much better"

He said and she gritted her teeth, "Then I'll kill every last one of them!" But then she quickly covered her mouth as she didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Oh so that's how you feel"

"So what if is!?"

But he chuckled as she was pouting,

"Then why don't you make me fall for you all over again? Unless you think you can't handle it"

And this was how the incubus Asmodeus found himself having sex with the realm's greatest threat/evil, the litch progenitor.

But what's next and why the hell is Asmodeus in this novel and not in his own, well that's simple.

It's because what do you think will happen when 2 Mc's meet each other and they are both on the opposite sides of the battlefield, well you get one hell of a...oops I said too much.

[Oracle: see you next time]

[Oracle: also, if you ever want to check out Asmodeus story(Incubus's pride) go do so. It's a work in progress, but aren't all this idiot author's novels. So see you ya there]




[Oracle: But something was wrong with how this played out in the flashback? Maybe, just maybe... That's how he saw and not how it actually played out? But who knows, well maybe you will soon enough~]