Vamp to the rescue!... Hiro and Tina encounter the Iron wolf gang!

After an intriguing morning they walked to the FTS/train station and on their way they had seen a few other associates...but no Peter? But then again he's been with that girl a lot lately, so he was most likely in another district taking another train or walking to school with her.



As they walked from the train station, she couldn't stop thinking about this morning, it was still fresh in her head and as she looked over to him she felt a mixture of emotions as he just casually went on and was playing a game on his phone, paying her no mind.

She didn't understand what was up with her. He was one of her best friends and she knew he was kidding around... Yet she reacted completely different.

She really couldn't tell what the signals were, and if there were any? This was like dealing with a chick and coming from one, she could finally feel how most guys felt. Because this was hard to understand.


"Hm?" without looking off his phone, he responded.

"Are you interested in anything right now?"

"No need to think, boom, pancakes. . .And maybe strawberries. But only if they're on the diced up and mixed in with the batter"

"I ment are you interested in anyone, also what's with you and pancakes? Is that your new thing now?"

"Yes. And when you mean interested, are you asking do I want to start dating again?"

She nodded her head and he rubbed his chin as he generally needed to think about it? He hadn't thought of dating anyone other than Remi this entire time, so he was a bit lost... And he didn't even know where to start either?

He didn't know how to counter the question, and she saw him thinking hard about it. It made her put her hand on his sholders and as she was going to give some optimistic words of advice, like how "it's not the end, after the first" but he spoke too soon,

"I need to think about it some more in my free time, actually I think It'd be better to get advice from a game"


"Yeah, one of your games"

"I don't own any games"

But as she said that with a confused expression, he looked at her and her eyes opened wide as he ment... THOSE games.

"Hiro... You know, I don't think that's the best idea, all of my games are... Lewd... Like, Degrees of lewdity, Hentai Heroes, and some eroge love simulators-"

She had no idea why she just openly spoke her mind. Because now people were looking at her as she was caught in the moment.

Looking back to him with a flushed exterior because of what she said,

"Yeah, I take back what I said. I think games have the best impact. 'not so much on me, but you...Probably' Just ask when we're back home and I can let you pick one... Nope, I take it back, I'll pick it"




Talking for a while they got to the 1st building and as they walked in and turned corners in the busy hallways, they bumped into a ground of people, well actually... It was more like they bumped into someone particular

"Hey, watch where the hell you're going!"

The girl who they crashed into droped her drink and as she did she instantly reacted to it and grabbed the both of them by the collars, it was uncertain but it looked like she wanted to shove them into a locker.

Looking directly at them she was pissed and without even 2 seconds passing, they were encircled by 5 additional girls.

This lady was a nun other than Zora Subaru. She had black hair and eyes, she was an overall tomboy up from her short hair to how she dressed. . .But that wasn't important, what was important was how strong she was, it was almost inhuman.

"Uh, W-We don't want any trouble, Zora"

"You think we'll let you off for hitting the boss like that, your sorely mistaken bitch" G2

"Get on your knees and beg, the boss might just spare you, hahaha" G3

"How stupid can they be to walk right into the Iron wolf's gang leader" G4

"RIP..." G5

"We should teach em a lesson boss" G1

With both Hiro and Tina not knowing what to do, they both let it play out as sweat came slithering down them. But Tina was anxious and feeble as she knew Zora. Zora used to not just bully her, but also a few other of her close friends including Hiro... But he didn't know that, he was very gullible back then.

Meanwhile, Hiro was put in a tight spot, that chick who had him by the collar was chairman Subaru's eldest daughter, don't ask how he knew... So she wasn't just holding him by the throat, she was doing it both physically and mentally. Because he was currently itching to fight her, but that would lead to him not only getting expelled. But it would get back to his mother, father, and Juan, who would use this as an opreturnity to force him to do full time at the academy until his expulsions ended the next semester.

'Or I could just lure them somewhere private and off them?'

But then as that thought ran through his mind he immediately mentally slapped himself as he couldn't believe he just thought of killing innocent humans.

Well... Not so innocent, but innocent at the soul.

"Good to know you can think Suzy. Now come with me you 2, we need to have a quick talk"

She let go of them and walked away, causing the others to move close to Hiro and Tina, grabbing ahold of the both of them by the sleeve and making sure they didn't run off as they got them to walk behind Zora.


He said to himself which led to him thinking differently, but that was because he was a bi-polar Tiger who went from ferrous to innocent in a snap. But unlike him, Tina knew what she ment by talk.

One of the girls heard him and as she was next to him, pinching his sleeve. She proceeded to wrap her arm around his and she walked right beside him.

"The boss wants to have a quick chat, but I'm afraid afterward. . .I don't know if you'll be doing much talking big guy*wink*" G5

He might have been an idiot in some situations, but as she clearly said that with a thirsty smirk, he felt a faint blush rush onto his face.

"Watch out Alex, I think this guy belongs to this bitch" G2

"And?" G5

"Fair point~" G2

"Why not take it a step forward and make her watch" G3

"5 copper pieces(CP) he brakes before Alex can even get off" G4

"If we're going to play that game. I bet 1 silver piece(SP) he breaks and quivers before us, begging-" G3

"For more?" G4

"No, I was going to say, to stop... But either way goes" G3

"I bet an electrum piece(EP) he's still virgin" G1

"Really?! that's a whole 50CP you know!" G3

"Did I stutter" G1

"Ight, bet" G3

"Okay, I'm in on this as well" G5

"Agreed" G4

"Same here" G2

'What are they talking about over there? This chick(G2) is just pinching my sleeve and swarming all around Hiro? Wait are they planning on Making him their surf?... That could lead to a kinky restrained collar Hiro or even a pet dog Hiro... AHHH! Why are all these ideas coming to my head!' Tina

'The hell are they talking about back there?... nvm, let's just kick their asses and go on with the day, I need a smoke...' Zora

With the 5 of them looking at Hiro, waiting for an answer, he was all flustered as they were just casually talking about this and making him all nervous. Sure he thought about maybe Killing them off a moment ago, but now he just wanted to hide his head in the dirt like an ostrich.

"Yo, so you virgin or what?" G1

With a pause, his face started beaming a cherry red and he nodded his head.

"...Yeah" Hiro

Saying that she hit her chest like an Ape,

"Easy 200CP/4EP" G1

"Damn it" G 2,3,4, and 5 clicked their tounges and scowled at him with daggered eyes, looking him up and down as he didn't look like a virgin, especallg since he was a decent man... actually taking a good look at him they all were taken back as they got a complete picture of him. And they couldn't deny it,

"Damn... you fine as hell?'


But they lacked something important, and that was their attention to details, and the key details right in front of them... And I'm not just saying this because they were thirsty for a piece of him.

The 5 of them were known to be serious at all times when their boss was around, and this was the first time they had actually spoke with their own interests in mind while they were with her, also they all didn't give a shit as they just bet to make him squeal.

There was something about him. His voice, His smell, His look, The way he allured them with such little details and made them want to force him into submission was completely riling them up.

But forget about that! thats for another time! because they were missing out on a key detail which they should of kept in mind... And that was how easy they got comfortable around him.

Because let's say if Tina said just 1 word, they wouldn't have cared and would've shoved her while telling her to shut up and keep walking.

Meanwhile, there was something about him that made them act more casual and get comfortable with him being around, it was almost as if it was a soothing breeze that washed over them. It allowed him to bypass as someone with little respect earned and enough to be in neutral terms with them.

But this wasn't the case for Zora, she wasn't affected by this strange occurrence, and as it happened she was the only one acting hardcore and just going on.

Could this be a new trait of his?


Walking around the back of the 1st building, they went to a secluded area and as one of them made sure no one else was around, G2 punched Tina in the gut and Zoar whacked Hiro there as well.


She dropped to her knees and he was caught off guard as he hadn't expected that. What happened to talking? he didn't know, and he fell for their words as they ment talking with their fists.


Sitting at the edge of the 1st building's roof, she kicked her feet and watched as that girl named Zora striked Hiro while G2 beat up Tina.

But she got excited as she watched, because Hiro fought back, and as he dodged her punch, he moved quickly and threw his foot up, kicking her chin and knocking her flat on her ass.

But as that happened, when she landed on the dirt, she turned over on her side and kicked his shin, using enough force to force his leg back and make him fall forward.

Which gave her enough time to use that same foot to kick his knee and deal some damage as the others stayed out of her way.

In just a few moments she had evaluated Zora's fighting style and from the looks of it, she used basic fighter martial arts. It was nothing special but she felt like there was much more to what it seemed like.

She also knew something about Zora that no one else knew, and it was the reason behind her immense strength. Sure the others were also strong, but not as strong as her, and that was because she was a [Rank 1 fighter]. The strength and perception displayed was proof of her findings and from experience and just watching the fight, she could tell Zora wasn't even using half of her strength.

She was toying with Hiro and as she made it an equal fight by matching him in strength, she had a smile on her face from meeting someone who actually dared to fight her back.





Halfway during their fight, the others hadn't seen it, but a charge of electricity surged through his hand and without glancing at them, Hiro shot a little string of electricity at G2, fucking up her hand and making her back out as Tina was already hurting enough.

He tried doing some more to help her, but he was occupied with fighting his own battle and he could only do so much on his own.

With the fight going on still, the both of them huffed and puffed as sweat covered the both of them, she had a blast as that smile on her face was wide and he looked mildly serious as he underestimated her.

And he was also wondering if he should use a flash spell and make a break for it with Tina. He was fine in his own but he was more concerned with having her okay than himself, so fleeing looked to be the best option..

But he spaced out for too long, and before he saw it coming, she took it a step forward and used a bit more strength and speed.

Hitting him in the chest 3 times, spinning a single time, and with her foot following her, he couldn't dodge in time as it planted against his face and he was sent back onto his butt.

With his nose probably broken but noticeably bleeding, he groaned.

"Oh, it looks like it's my cue to step in, ha, this is going to be fun"

Hoping off the building and going through the air to the ground, she looked in front of her and she saw the track feild and a few other small buildings over there, they were empty but beautiful.

Landing on the ground, red particles came around her legs and hand which touched the ground, and as she stood back up, she walked around the corner and looked to where she saw Hiro and Tina on the losing side.

"This might be easier than I thought, usually when people are saved in these situations they cling to their hero, and let's say it's me, I can use that to my advantage, especially since it seems like he's weak-"

But as she said that she felt an ominous aura suddenly swarm the area, she didn't get what it was or where it came from, but it immediately put her on edge, it wasn't something she'd be easily worried about, but it kept her on guard...

But then as she took a few steps towards them she could feel where it was coming from and as she looked forward she saw and heard,

"hahaha. this is fun, I haven't felt so alive since I fought Derek a while back, it's really amazing to see people like you, your always so much fun, and look you even broke my nose, heeh, well isn't that just wonderful~"

His voice was filled with insanity and as Tina was in agony, she managed to look over at him and she saw that Chaotic smile which even made G1-5 take a step back, something about him scared her and she could litterally feel something dangerous coming from him. it was like her instincts were screaming for her to flee... From him.

"You're not so bad either, even tho you sound hella crazy right now" Zora responded.

"Crazy?... Oh, I can show you crazy~"

He said sounding hella hungry, getting off his ass and back to his feet where she put up her fists ready for round 3.

Locking eyes with him, she could clearly see that "not so noticeable" shade of scarlet in his eyes, but she didn't really care as she had other things to worry about... Like kicking his ass.

But what she failed to realize was, it was only her who could see that on him, and she couldn't feel what he had displayed. because all around the 5 girls felt the same thing. And that was a Demon's hold on [Fear]. Just like what he did to Zarifall's Sui back in the fallen city of Kantaku, he used that same ability.

"Let's dance"




Those were the final words he said before she kicked his ass, it was a 3 round long battle but in the end, it was almost as if a mutual connection was placed borm between them, because instead of beating him to a pulp, she gave him a shrug of a aprovment and left as her phones alarm went off.

Meanwhile, plan Vamp to the rescue failed as it didn't seem like he needed help, and she didn't even know I'd she wanted to help, because it wouldn't benefit her, if anything it'd make matters worst... But oh well... plan B...

Using her supernatural speed she went around the building and as she got to the other side she peeked her head through the corner and as she was thinking how she should walk out and pretend to stumble apon them, she saw him crawl next to Tina.

"Stay still... I'll do what I can to heal you, but I'm no medic"


"Don't sweat it"

Putting his hands over her and closing his eyes, he silently chanted something and a yellow light came off of his hands and onto her.

[Life up]

[Life up]

[Life up]

Using a weak heal spell 3x, he healed her enough to where she could breath strait and even move her right arm which had been majorly hurt.

With her feeling barely decent, she sat up and took a deep breath before chuckling, "that went better than expected" she says despite not doing anything and being nothing but useless.

"Wait? You expected this? You could have said something!? I thought they wanted to talk???"

"Ehh, I thought you knew what they ment? You know you can't rely on me foreverz plus, your equally as scary sometimes so, humph"


"But next time, I'll warn you, k"

"There's not going to be the next time, because I'll-- no I can't do that, maybe blackmail? Bribe? Fight? Ahh, I can't think of anything good"

"Or just avoid them, because that's a lot easier and I'm not going to let you try anything stupid, Hiro"





"How about-"


"Maybe just-"

"If you say mug them Imma mug you"

"Damn it"

(Wait? Was he going to say that?)

With a sigh because her idiot friend didn't know how things go around here, she looked over to him and she was going to explain the situation to people like then, but then she saw his nose and it was bleeding, and the blood was already down to his neck.

"Holy crap! Hiro your nose!" she started panicking as blood dripped down.

"Don't change the topic, we need a plan to-"

But as he said that she went over and pinched his nose, getting all close and personal as she tried stopping the bleeding to only get close enough to feel his breath.

"You're doing too much?"

"And you're doing too little! You're nose looks like it's broken!"

"Oh yeah... Don't worry about it"

"I'm going to hit you with a textbook, infirmary now!"

"Ugh! Fine!"

Vampires-san got confused watching this stranger things bloody Mary, shit!