
[Hiro and Tina had just got to the infirmary]

Walking upstairs, Zora Subaru and her 5 Iron wolves opened the door to the roof and as they walked out, they saw an opposing girl gang.

[Owlbear Gang has been located]

With 17 members on that rooftop, they all looked to be equipped with wooden bats and waiting for Zora and her Iron wolf gang to show.

"Look who finally decided to show up, and here I thought you wimped out, I guess you do have some guts"

A Gal with a metal bat up against her shoulder said as she walked forth. But she didn't look too pleased to see her as she looked at Zora like she was an insufficient Barbie Doll.



But Zora had no intentions of speaking as she unexpectedly jumped forth and clocked that iron-batted bitch in the face.

"-You talk too much"

With a surge of force coming off that attack, she send her back several feet, and then her girls pursued along with her action and charged at the Owlbear's girls.

They turned the whole rooftop of the 3rd building into a battlefield.



However, it wasn't long before Zora was sitting on a throne of mindless girls which she had brutally beat.

But in return, she had blood dripping down from her nose and also an injury on her forehead that had opened up.

"1 down, 9 left... My gang will not submit to anyone"

She said and the girls who were also hurt, but not as hurt as her turned to face her, looking at her and kneeling.

"We won't fail you, boss!" G1-5

Glancing at them and looking back at herself, she clicked her tongue as she didn't believe they could fight and win against any other gang here.

They won this one because they knew the owlbears were weak but had numbers and weapons to make up for it. But, to Zora, anyone could have won against them, she didn't even need all of her members to show.

Thinking deeply about their next battle, and even considering the next one she was going to target. They were no amateurs, even if she were to increase their fighting power and train her girls to [rank 1 fighters] like she had already been doing. The opposing gang would still scrub the floor with them.




After a while, she came to a decision,


Watching from a distance the silver-haired girl saw what happened and she was taking notes on every one of them, evaluating and keeping tabs on them, along with this school's hierarchy.

It was mostly power-based amongst the students, this was year 12 of the apocalypse, and knowledge was required of people alongside strength and will. They were the true qualifications to survive inside the walls of any remaining kingdoms and even outside in the dangerous wilds.

They needed everyone to be at least "almost" prepared, even if they didn't know how to fight, then they could contribute to society.

She had learned this from a young male teacher after compelling him.

Also, no one bothered the teachers for some reason? It was mostly just a conflict between students? And he didn't know why since he was a new teacher there.

But Sanibel could care less about conflicts relating to the humans or beasts tribes, to her all conflicts here were a means to an end and just used to teach their children young instead of having them learn later on.

Actually her people weren't so different, in another continent, theirs still vampire hunters.

But forget about that, this was the SAN Continent and the humans were a food source which her people could eat, and that also ment her race was in charge of protecting their livestock, so she was going to keep track of everything here and keep an eye on her food while also trying to build a reputation so she could... Well, that's a secret. Oh and as for the beasts, well forget them because they're not so important.


[In the infirmary]

Tina slept in one of the beds as the nurse gave her a strong pain reliever and a strange bitter elixir to help speed up the healing process.

The nurse had stepped out soon after as he was needed in "another" area of the school which was restricted to ordinary students.

Hiro was just chilling and plotting, but he didn't listen to the author's Godlike advice and with a sharp smirk, he pulled out his phone and typed in someone's number.




Unknown "~~~~~"

Hiro "Hey, it's been a while"

Unknown "~~~~~"

Hiro "I've been good thanks for asking. But hey, I hade a question, are you available this afternoon?"

Unknown "~~~~~"

Hiro "Awsome! you wanna come to karaoke with me, it'll be really fun~♡. Plus Tina, Peter and a few others will be there, so it'll be like a mini party

Unknown "~~~~~"

Hiro "haha, yeah I know I can't sing, but that's why you're my secret weapon..."

Unknown "~~~~~"

Hiro "Hey stop laughing, I'm serious!

Unknown "~~~~~"

Hiro "Oh Really, well you can-

Unknown cut him off "~~~~~"

Unknown "~~~~~"

Hiro "Yeah, that sounds great, if you meet me at RIU's front gate we can all just walk to the karaoke palce~

Unknown "~~~~~"

Hiro "you're indeed a genuine, oh and by the way, bring your boyfriend, I wouldn't want him to feel left out"

Unknown "~~~~~"

Hiro "hm? you broke up? I'm sorry (¡w¡)"

Unknown "~~~~~"

Hiro "Oh Really? damn, but don't worry, I gotchta, by the end of the night, you'll be walking home with a new man, got it~"

Unknown "~~~~~"

Hiro "I know, I'm the best little bro you got, oh and don't forget to save my number this time! We still have a lot more to talk about, but maybe it's best to talk another time, got it"

Unknown "~~~~~"

Hiro "see you soon"

Hanging up, he then called another person.

Hiro "Hey wanna come do karaoke with me?

Levi "I would love to, but I can't, Mrs.Natsu wants me to keep training in the Yang Isolation Chamber to increase the strength of my fire"

Hiro ". . ."

Hiro "how long have you been training in there when your not in school?"

Levi "I'm never not training, she said if I wanted to become stronger I would have to dedicate all my free time to this"

'I swear...'

Hiro "okay, listen up Levi, I love you as my little brother and if you respect me as your brother and the one who cares for your well being the most right now, you won't ever step back onto that chamber until you become a rank 3 phyric sorcerer"

Hiro "So come hang out with us this afternoon and if you come back with me to where I'm staying, I'll write down a cultivation method for you to train your flames without ending up unstable and self-destructive"

Levi "what do you mean by unstable and self-destructive"

Hiro "imagine a Minotaur combined with a Cambion... and red dragon"

Levi "is it really that bad?"

Hiro "Yeah..."

This ended up being a 10-minute long conversation and it wasn't even about the same topic, it was completely irreverent.

After talking to Levi for a bit, he ended the call and then immediately texted Mari plus a few others, after all, the more the marrier right~♥︎




Hopping off the bed in a delighted mood, everything had been set in motion, but something was missing and it was information on that girl, but he had his ways of getting information, so no need to worry Isabell... You're next.

Hiro's plan was coming to action and as he turned to Tina who was snoring across the room, he turned back around, but then immediately jumped back and bared his teeth and I swear to god he almost growled.

Looking in front of him, there was a lady with glowing yellow eyes and red skin, she wore a Hanfu and she had startled him.

Catching his breath, it was just Marcilina.

"Marcilina-chan, you almost gave me a heart attack!"

Basically turning into a chibi animation, he pouted and steam rolled off of him as he was distressed by her sudden appearance from out of the blue.



"I have a question I need you to answer,"

Getting curious about what she was going to say, he walked over to her and sat on his feet before her, giving her a bit of respect since well, she was a "useful asset" of his.

"Ask away, spirit, goddess? lady?"

"It's about your flames, but before I continue, what you tell me about them first?"

"Their a manifestation of my phyric energy bestowed on me by the Mana at my birth"

"Good, now can you tell me about your red flames"

"Red? Oh yeah, those... I don't really know much about them? Sowwy~"

'This is what I get for talking to an idiotic Demon, let's see if this works'

"Have you ever heard of the flames of purgatory?"


Getting frustrated by him, she put her hands out and she grabbed his hand, using both hands she opened his hand and had the palm face upwards.

"Can you show me your red flames"

Looking at her confused on why she was asking such things or even going to the point where she wanted to see them in a public place, it kinda excited him and he fell for the act.

"sure, I'll try my best"

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath out, he felt the phyric energy in his hand surge smoothly and as he opened his eyes, his once scarlet eyes had mixed with orange turning them into a radiant redish-orange and a normal flame of mostly orange-based, conjured on his hand.

"I said red, not a normal flame?"

"Sorry but this is all I can do"

Looking at him stupidly, she was hella irritated now, and as she let go of him, she turned around and walked away.

But then she stopped 10 feet away from him,

"I want to come to that karaoke thing with you,"

Not even hesitating to respond,

"Sure, through your skin and unhuman features might be an issue, you can pass as a beast person with traditional body paint on~!" he was excited about it because that ment he could paint and dress her up.


Turning to face him, her complexion turned Roman like his and her Devine features disappeared making her look human, but with yellow eyes.

"Have you forgotten that I'm a Deity, mimicry is fools play for me, little boy"

She tried acting high and mighty to show how more superior she was than a pathetic Demon which Hiro was still quite debatable about...☆)>

But as she looked down at him he had a glimmer in his eyes as he clapt his hands and looked amazed as he was still facing her and sitting on his feet.

Getting the attention she wanted, she didn't like how astonished he was and since she was a God, and he was a Demon... it was a conflicted judgment call.

"No, I don't like it, it makes us look like equals"

Snapping her finger, this was like skrim because this character creation of mine changed yet again, just like my Nord and Orc campaign.

Returning to how she was originally, this time she just left out her Devine features and she even hid her 1 Celestial marking, making her look like a regular human but masked in a uniquely textured body paint.

'Much better. But now my backside feels cramped and my feet hurt, also the Devine energy used for my transform skill is almost depleted now, ugh... I'm getting tired now...'

"I think you'd look good with some face paint? Probably some Fay markings too?"

Not listening to what he said, she faced him and said,

"I have bestowed apon you the sight of my Devine mimicry, don't you dare forget the sight of this Demon-"

*Stomach growls*

Being embarrassed as the room became silent,

"You think... You think you can feed me now?... I've been good and all, so I think I deserve it..." she suddenly immersed in being humble.

[--Extreme Hunger impacts on everyone and every race differently--]

"Oh, sure? Just sit on the bed and open your mouth".

Willing to listen and forgive him for treating her like they were equal, thanks to how hungry she was. She walked over to the bed with a flustered face as her stomach howled again and she felt so ungodly as her Hunger was beastly.

Being humble, "it's been centuries since I last... you know, did it... So if you want to go all the way, I won't stop you, just tell me what to do and I won't turn tables like before"

Having said she'd be submissive if he wanted to have sex with her, she was extraordinarily blushing and she couldn't believe that a mere Demon could bake her heart into thumping with the slightest thought of sex.

"Oh really~ The why don't you just sit back and open that pretty little mouth of yours~♡~"

"Okay~" her voice quivered.

Opening her mouth wide and pressing her tounge narrowly of her mouth, as she was expecting a hot slab of dick to enter her mouth.

But as she heard him getting close, she felt something rough in texture alip against her tounge, and as she thought he was being naughty and kinky, she broadly moved her head forward and closed her mouth, flicking her tounge up and sucking on his fingers.

But then she tasted something bitter in the center of her mouth, its texture was like wet sugar, but in a murkyish way.

"Um, Marcilina-chan, my fingers aren't food?"

Opening her eyes, he pulled his fingers out and she could taste something solid in her mouth, it was almost... Cube like?

Feeling it with her tounge she grabbed his hand as he attempted to pull back, but she didn't allow that, because if she hasn't known any better, he put it in there to antagonize her with this bitter-tasting cube~

Regretfully swallowing it, she was going to say something hella seductive, but he spoke first,

"There called nutrient blocks, and they should satisfy your appetite for now"

"Wait what? huh???"

Looking at him bewildered, he had an innocent look on his face as he held out 5 other cubes in his offhand, they were like brown-sugar cubes.

"They're packed with super duper healthy stuff and you won't believe how fulling just 1 of them can be"

"Nutrient blocks?..?..?"

"There's more if you're still hungry?"

Looking down at his hand which she held into, he felt weirded out as it was coated in her saliva, but at the same time, it made him also feel weird for making an effort to feed her...

"Can you let go of me now?"

But as he said that innocently, a vain poped on her forehead as he had yet again fucked with her whole identity as it this was yet again another time where she couldn't seduce him.

Letting go of his hand and grabbing both his cheeks, she pinched his face and gritted her teeth at him.

"Ugh, you're so stressed, can't you tell when a woman's coming onto you! You dumb, dumb, Demon!"

"Hey, Wait! Wait! Wait! That hurts!"

"Feel my wrath!"

...They ended up scuffling...


With her head down in class, she couldn't stop thinking about what her brother said 'one of them is a witch, find and kill them' but she was conflicted, she knew everyone in that house and she recalled all the memories she had with them, which made it all worst...

And as she thought back to her time with Hiro, not just when they dated, but before that, back when they were buds and it was them against the world... It made her think back to what had happened last night.

His words clocked into her head like a piece of clay in a cheesecake factory, it made no sense, but it was just like that.

"Hiro I... shit, I don't know what to say" she wasn't one to swear much, so right now she was really conflicted on many things happening.

There was the loss of her best friend, well not loss, but the process of losing what was left of a relationship with her best friend/ex.lover which now it was clear to her that he still loved her.

The orders given to her, 'find and kill the witch' which was of top priority to her... Actually, she was thinking more of the Hiro situation than that, but she was slowly getting back to there.

And then there was the problem with her wolf boyfriend... hehehe, you can just say, he really can rock a girls world♡,

But, she had a problem with his strong carnivorous lust which she didn't mind, well what girl would, I mean... Cough cough, he was just a bit too rough and as you could already tell, she and her brother were a bit different, trying to keep her virginity was getting harder and harder, especially when... Just yummy and nummy and I wanna taste some cummy.

Her own sex drive was a big problem which she was fighting herself over, luckily he understood after a weird talk about her faith and mumbo jumbo.

But fuck that and take me to church, because she had received a text from both boys and well, Hiro asked her to bring some of her friends to join in on karaoke today, which she didn't get.

But that drew the conclusion that he was just like her, Peter, and Tina, and he couldn't remember a thing?

But that also gave her the upper hand as she has the needed time to think about it some more. but forget about that, so moving on to her current boyfriend.

It made her want to listen to centuries by fall out boys because as she looked at the sexy photo he sent her of him and his wolves after a workout, she couldn't stop meekishly smiling as she had been endeavored my the blush running up her face and the sweat and hot body of her boyfriend which she could peel the close off of at any time she wanted.


Suddenly Her phone vibrated and she got another message from Hiro, *buzz buzz* she then got another message from him and as she wiped the drool from her mouth because of her sexy wolf, she opened his messages.

But as she clicked on his name and opened his messages...

Hiro: [Image 1]

Hiro "hey don't worry about who this is, but look at Hiro, he was being rude to me so I tied him up"

Hiro "also check this one out, don't worry about what I did, just look!"

Hiro: [Image 2]

Looking at the 1st image, she instantly saw that he was shirtless and as she was... Well curious after reading the messages first.

So moving her phone to under her desk/table, she bent over to look at it with full privacy and she saw it all(figuratively).

[Image 1]

With him seeming to be sitting on the infirmary's bed, she saw that he was indeed shirtless and his entire upper body was showing, but not just that, from the angle, it looked as if his hands were bound by a blue tie and he was all pouty towards whoever took the shot.

But what hit harder than her rapidly beating heart and sweaty palms was that monstrosity of a body he had, which she inescapably noticed 3 markings.

2 red markings which seemed to be 2 small lines, 1 on each shoulder and they were both a bloodish red in color but looked too Well toned into his skin to be an inked tattoo?

Her eyes then moved to his left arm and she saw the large black markings which spread from his biceps to the forearm and looked dope as hell, but she wasn't going to think too much about it as she was just surprised to see them on his body in general.

But actually, her attention only lasted on the both of them for a mere second before she came back to the full picture and admired her Hiro tied up.

'You have good tastes mystery person~ Hm, did tina do this to you? Ha, this is pretty funny actually'

But then she opened up image 2 and what she saw made her almost drop her phone. Her eyes widened all the way at the sight of something so... Dirty.

[Image 2]

His back hit against the bed, sweat ran down his body, and a lewd expression devoured his face as he had saliva slathered down past his lower lip to his chin.

What she saw made her body pulse with an erotic shiver as it was like she had a dog collar wrapped around her neck and a hot boy with the devil eyes holding the chain and pushing her down onto the bed.

She couldn't believe it, but the indecent sight of him as he was a hot mess and forced down on his back had made her wet and imaginative, which she shouldn't have been, but was.

Slapping her cheeks as that were her close friends, 'stop looking at the naughty photo girl!' she held onto the photo and as buttons appeared she went for the delete button but... She downloaded it by accident.


But then she received another photo and message, and she was going to tell whoever it was to stop sending these, but...

[Image 3] another lewd shot of him came in and this was the opposite of the other ones because using his feet he grabbed the hand of the person holding the camera and pulled what looked to be their painted hand in while holding onto a sexy smile which said he craved either her or the one holding the camera.

And shit, it made her pretend to be hungover, because...

...Without a second thought, she saved the photo. . .

Hiro "I'm going to delete our conversation, but I'd really be a shame if you didn't save these to your gallery... Because trust me, I'm going to make him take it off soon and this is all your getting~×♡×~ girls"

Leaving Remi with these mixed feelings and an irrational hornyness from these sexy guy photos... Which didn't help as she knew that guy!

The camera holder waited a minute before deleting the conversation and also ignoring what Remi had texted in response to all of this.


Looking down at Hiro's phone, she had only deleted the conversation to Remi's phone... But as for the 6 other girls she texted this too. . .Well, let's just say his lewd photo's going to be scattered around for a bit.

"Are you finished being a photographer? This is really embarrassing"

[Half-human: 29%]

Walking over to him, she leaned over and grinned, looking him in the eyes and then bopping his nose.

"No can do, we might have had fun staging these photos, but now that you're tied up~"

Moving her hands to his cheeks, she moved onto his lap and started slowly kissing him, taking her time with it and building up the passion and momentum.

But then she broke away from him as she could feel that she had kick-started something within him.

[half-human: 30%]


The bell rung, telling eveyone that it was time to switch classes and get lunch, or take a break.

But she was on his lap and as she gazed into his scarlet eyes, she wanted to start again, but she quit relentlessly.

"That's for being a good model, but it would be best to head to class, after all... You really shouldn't skip class, You're too much like my old disciple and if you continue this, I'm going to punish you"

But as she said that, she was dealing with the wrong one because,

"How fun, then punish me... Master♥︎"

She jerked back as he said that, that was the exact line her disciples had said when she made the same threat towards her.

"I swear to the heavens! Are you and viola related! Because your acting just like that succubus!"

"Maybe~ Why don't you find out♡"

Frustrated by this she used her mimicry and turned into that human-looking girl and she got off of him.

"Nope, not today, I'm not doing this with you, especially with you pulling a Viola" comparing him to her succubus disciple from a time back then, she didn't even bother to unbind him as she just walked off.

"Wait, you forgot to untie me?"


Looking back down at her phone, she noticed something at the end, and that was because, well she couldn't help but glance back at the photos.

But in the last 2, Remi saw that his eyes were scarlet red.


"DUDE, I'M NOT GAY!!!" Marcilina sent it to Derek as well.