(What a shame)[Sayonara Nee-chan]

"Once apon a time there was a Demon who woke up in a world unkin to his own. He used to be full of happiness, purity, and most of all, love"

"During his young age he raised 3 kids, all of which were mixed-bloods, But nonetheless with his childish personality and "way with people" he got them to get along with each other like a family and he may have done them badly by being an overly childish father"

"But neither the less, they loved him, and he loved them back. He might have loved them more than the women he raised them with, but then again, he was a incubus, so who could really tell"

"But then one day they were taken away from him, at first it was his son, a half-Winter-Eldrin by the name of Frost, which now that I think about was kinda ironic seeing as he was sorta similar to an ice elemental if it wasn't for my Demonic blood giving him a strong physical form"

"Then after that, it was my oldest daughter, a beautiful half-Aarakocra by the name Athylene, she was just like her mother, I adored them both, not that I didn't adore them all, but I found the bird folk to be an interesting bunch seeing as they always were fun to be around... Don't get me wrong!"

"Trust me I know, I remember Avery," Izumi said as she remembered that prick who wouldn't leave her alone at one point.

"What about your other child, you said you had 3, surely she didn't die as well... But then again, that was also 300 years ago, so they're probably already dead"

'The last time I saw you Asmodeus was about 370 years... back when you well... nvm, let's not remember that, Also you just had your firstborn son at the time' she thought trying to forget what they had done that month they re-met.

She then looked up, but as she did, she saw a strong grim expression on his face, had this been caused by her mentioning his youngest daughter, or had it been something else she said.

Still feeling rattled from many hours of... I'm pretty sure the head Demon heard them? She rolled for luck and as moved next to him, she moved her hand onto his head and patted him up there since it's been a long while since she had to last comfort somebody, well actually when by comfort, I mean commit mass genocide as a Chaotic Human Necromancer.

"I need to get out of this prison... If I can just get past the forgotten valley, then I'll know, I'll know if my baby girl is still out there"

Literally about to cry his heart out, he balled his fist and everything around started growing ice shards on there, startling and freezing her to the point where she grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around her newfound flesh.

"But it's been 300 years? Are you sure she's not already dead"

Turning his head to her, she saw his eyes glowing an icy redish-blue and an [Emperor Ice Aura] started forming around him,

"My daughter's a Nephalem, her lifespan isn't an issue! Nor is... Death"

But as he spoke those final words, it was like marshmallows getting overcooked and stringy, because his aura faded and he put both hands on his knees.

"Sigh, The possibility stands, after all, when we were separated, she was still a kid. But I need to make sure for myself, I know to you it sounds greedy of me not to listen to the facts at hand, but-"

Looking to her with crazed eyes, not that of anything but Psychotic,

"But I don't care anymore, I will get my way even if it means I have to shatter all of reality"

Hearing his words a vile grin emerged in her mind as she felt his words shake the dungeon, if she could get the last living Devine-Demon of the Divinity Era to rampage throughout this realm... Well forget about becoming a Supreme ruler, she could start everything over and be the one true-

But her thoughts were broadly interrupted as a pair of arms wrapped around her collar and she felt ahead against her shoulder and neck.

"Asmodeus I'm still all tingly from before~ Don't tickle me" she jested half as much, but then several muscles suddenly tensed up as she heard him whisper with his cold breath against her skin.

"Use me as a tool and I'll eat your soul, don't forget that litch progenitor Izumi" ah shit! God damn it! How'd he know!

Call it high perception.


As the final bell rang and everyone was walking and talking on their way to the gates, Tina found Peter and Hiro as they were walking since she spent the entire day in the infirmary.

But as they were walking she noticed ya girl Hestia also walking with them, we're they cheating on her? Why did they have another girl around them when she was clear about being the only girl other than Remi and Zarifall in this friend group.

Getting jealous since she was pretty and looked kind but hid a wild side, she butted in and found out Hiro invited her to tag along with them to Karaoke which was what they were all about to head to.

Not knowing how she felt about Hestia, she had another option to outway... Wait for theirs another girl with them, she hadn't noticed it before, but that silver-haired girl was also tagging along with Peter.

The both of them truly had been cheating on her BooHoo( ;×;), but nun the less she had a plan, and it involved her calling over more people to increase her favor.

Waving down Mari, Isabell, Remi, and Derek, they joined in on the group meeting which was just them walking to the gates, and despite her confusing them all, she knew what she was doing, she was building up the mood since she was going to need to show these attention whores which she called her best friends, that she also had friends too, other than the both of them... humph.

But as she did, that, Hiro saw what she was doing and then did the same, waving down Albert, Martin, Richard, Karl, and even Jose to join in as he needed backup from whatever she was doing.

Albert as shy as he was somehow ended up there, but he was mostly sticking off close to Jose who he knew would take the cover for him since Jose was more sociable.

Having brought along 1 of the top 10 attractive guys in RIU. Mari, Remi, and Tina were both shocked because... cough cough they knew about that list, and they 100% agreed on it.

Everything went along with fun and games as Peter and Jose suddenly spiced everything up and as they gathered the most attention with their overwhelming personality.

"Hiro! Over here!"

Yelling from the gates, they heard a voice, and from the others, it was just another student, but what Hiro heard was the person he was talking to on the phone within the infirmary.

Everyone looked to see who it was, and as they saw someone standing in the middle of the gate with a [small] high-schooler next to them, Mari's eyes jerked open as she wasn't looking to Levi, she was instead looking next to him and at,



Hearing Connon's voice Hiro looked over to the gates where he saw Levi in school uniform standing next to him, but instead of being like hey back at ya.

He broke out into a full-on sprint and as he was super overjoyed to see Connor, Connor opened his arms and smiled as Hiro jumped at him.

"Bro, you have no idea how much I've missed you!"

"Same here"

Meanwhile, next to them Levi looked at the epic bromance and he coughed, "I'm feeling left out, you've never done that to me elder brother Hiro, humph" jealous much.

But never mind them, because as that was going on, Remi, Peter, and Tina all looked to Mari who was fidgeting as she looked to Connor and Hiro.

"What's the matter?"

Isabella said as she looked to Mari who was acting strange as she looked to that boy, this was generally confusing for her.

But before she could ask about it, Hiro turned to face them and with a bright smile he yelled over.

"Hurry up everyone, let's head out!~!"

Looking at Hiro. Remi, Peter, and Tina looked at him and they all had the same thought in mind as they looked at the genuine smile on his face and happy personality as he stood next to Mari's ex-boyfriend.

"More people huh? It doesn't matter who you bring, I'm still whooping everyone here" Zarifall said as she now joined in after being late, and she walked past everyone.

"Lizard breath you can't sing so you have someone else fighting your battle huh? But don't worry, I'll make sure not to go easy in you, ha"

But as Zarifall started changing the atmosphere, Hiro stepped forward,

"Who said I needed them to fight my battles, if you wanna throw down, then let's see who's better, you or me"

With sparks coming off the both of them metaphorically, she grinned,

"Just don't go crying home to mommy when I demolish you"

But Hearing those battle words, he put his hands on his sides, and with a challenging tone,

"Watch out hun, because those are going to be the final words you say before I make you eat the rest"

With the others catching up and Tina dragging the delusional Mari along, they just walked around Hiro and Zarifall as they were clearly antagonizing each other but also encouraging as, well shit, one of them is going to try-hard it.




"What are you 2 doing, hurry up before we leave you?" one of Mari's friends who tagged along said as the others were around 10 feet past them.

Turning to her they saw them all leaving and Hiro turned back to Zarifall and,

"Race you to the karaoke place!"

He dipped and it took her brain a whole 3 seconds to process this before she suddenly ran after him "I'm not losing to you!" the others believed the both of them to be lost causes.

***He Took A (L)***

Arriving at Rosa marine's only karaoke place, the both of them had got there first and Hiro had seriously underestimated Zarifall as her speed was inhuman, but that didn't exactly lead to him detesting her abilities, instead what could have been jealousy turned into admiration and then desire.

He was emotionally excited and as he booked the place for them, he wanted to pick Zarifall's brain on how she got so fast because he was pretty sure after reaching a certain point, his own body had stopped growing in terms of physical stats like strength and agility.

But he couldn't find any chances as the others arrived and his whole, "wow, how'd you get like that" plan flunked like my math grade.

Short on sight but upright and tight, they commenced in a strong battle amongst each other.

Hiro whom ya already know was shit at singing got the short end of the root because he ended up in last place, but he felt it was worth it as one girl was trying to help him to the bitter end, and not for competition reasons.

You might have thought it was Remi or Tina, but no, and it sure as hell wasn't his sister or Bella, because one of them is pissed at him and the other was having too much fun.

Hestia helped him out and he even got his secret weapon Connor in the mix, which brought along Levi and after a duet. the four of them Kranked it up a notch, and I don't mean from Minecraft. They wiped the stage with their final song and they all just had a blast before finally being able to rest.


After many hours of fun and excitement, the large bunch of them rested in that room, some still singing but the others were resting at a floor table.

Sure their might have been like 16 people there, including Taylor and Jessica who got invited late and then Mari's 2 friends Iclit and Chelsea, plus another one of Remi's pals. But they all sat in a room and with drinks in hand they all were continuing the fun.


"See, didn't I say karaoke was a Good Idea"

Tina said with a tipsy smile and can of beer in hand as she was leaning onto Hiro's right shoulder and was already tired out.

"Yeah, it was a blast~ And I'm not just saying that because I had nothing better to do today"

Connor replied but she gave him a meager look as he had Hiro's other shoulder. Had he wanted to join the friend group was debatable, but she wasn't really that willing to add more members to the party of 5, but all she knew right now was-

"Why do the hot guys always have to be gay, Connor if you ever change your mind give me a call...hiccup"

She raised her can and his face was flourished with a pepper blush as she started downing the can and leaning on Hiro.

"W-W-What?!" Connor

"Oooh, was that a confession I hear" Jose

"Have no shame, I support ya" Albert to Connor

Getting drunker Connor was embarrassed but then he felt a tap on his sholders, "Tina's pretty manly I have to admit, but don't forget what I promised you" Hearing that a wide smile formed on his face.

"Bro, I love you" Connor

Saying that he turned his head away, and as the others paid attention to them, well since they were snacking or drinking, Hiro replied with,

"Cut your sweet talk bro, or I might get pregnant"


Remi, Derek, Hestia, and Peter spit their drinks out as they clearly heard what he said and-

"GUYS CAN'T GET PREGNANT!!!" they yelled in unison.

"I don't know, if you wanted I wouldn't mind getting you pregnant Hiro"

Tina said with another beer that hand and-

"Get your shit together woman!" Levi + Derek

Looking at each other as they yelled that at her drunk ass, the wolf and sorcerer nodded at each other.

"Are you guys usually like this?" Hestia

"Eeh, today's more of a fun day, so meh" Remi

"Derek-" Hiro


"I wasn't even going to... Wait are you?"

With a vein-popping on his head, he went across the table and grabbed Hiro by the collar which Hiro then started to delusionally laugh.

"You're really pushing it!" Derek

"Oh, how kinky" Hiro

"You bastard!" Derek

MEANWHILE, with Connor grabbing Levi's wrist, Levi was on the verge of attacking Derek with his flames as his eyes shimmered purple and he unstably acted out of impulse.

Leaning close and whispering to Levi,

"Mari and Hiro wouldn't like it if you were to show you flames in public and even more for hurting their friends in the possess. He's just having fun, calm down"

"DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME TO CALM DOWN," he unstability said with insanity wrapped all around his eyes as he looked to Connor already ready to attack him.

"Let me ask you again, please calm down, if not for me, then for them, or him" with a soothing voice, his eyes shimmered goldenly and Levi gritted his teeth.

"Only for Hiro got it, not you or that bastard, or the rest of these fucks" the bright forge Natsu's generally hated everyone.

But, using an innate ability on Levi to calm him down and smooth out his heart rate, Connor successfully averted conflict tonight.

This was Connors ability [soothing touch], an innate skill/ability he was born with and he had gotten a hand of, over the passing few years.


Looking over at Connor, touching Levi, no holding Levi's hand, or that's at least what she saw, she opened a stronger can of beer which Remi was actually drinking and she judged it.

Meanwhile, next to her 'Bella's having so much fun, big sister, Bella's really glad bella came here' the fuck is Isabell/Bella thinking???


With the 2 backing away from each other and Derek getting all grumpy, Hiro mocked him by laughing and he was really annoyed, but it wasn't just that, something about Hiro was bugging him and it wasn't just how he was acting... He was up to something.

With a group of them now getting up and going back to singing, but now drunk, Hiro shot up and he pulled on Connors's arm trying to get up,

"Hurry upppppp"

"Give me a momenttttttt"

Getting up, he and Hiro were almost the same height, but he was an inch taller, so he could say he had to slightly look down at him, muahahaha....eeh?

"So what it is-?"

But then he was immediately dragged over and ended up talking to and meeting Albert, Martin, Richard, Karl, Albert, Jose, iclit, Chelsea, Taylor, and Jessica. And joining them as he wanted to do something with all of them up.



After more fun and excitement, they were all at the table and chatting when there was a knock at the door.

*Knock knock*

Opening the door, a server came in with more requested beverages and sat it down in the middle of the table as she was next to Hiro.

"How fun~Mind if I stay?"

A pair of tender hands reached around him and he felt embraced from behind which caught a few people's attention seeing as it was none other than the server woman.

"Didn't you say you wanted to come along, no one's stopping you... Marcilina-chan"

Looking to his left, Marcilina in human form was present and wearing a female server's uniform which was a little tight seeing as she took it from someone who worked there and was mysteriously working there too?

"Well I wanted to be sure, after all-" Marcilina

Looking in front of her to Mari, then Remi Derek and 2 other girls,

"-I sent a few of your friends some photos earlier and wanted to make sure you were okay with me right now?" Marcilina

She then winked at Derek and his face became grim, meanwhile, looking at her Mari, Remi, Taylor, and Jessica. Their faces started showing signs of... Yeah, they all saw the photos and had saved them too. And she gave them a stick smirk before turning her attention to him.

"What photos?" Hiro

"Don't worry, just don't forget I might have you pose for me again~"

Licking her lips and teasing the girls in there, she saw their looks and as she prests her boobs against his back, she got in close and kissed his cheek, fucking with them all!

Gasping at the sight, Hiro got flustered, Remi's jaw dropped, Mari was like "the fuck?", Isabell who was still kinda scared of Hiro avoided looking at him, and the others were like eeh?.... Eeeh!!!!!

But, after kissing his cheek,

"Can you take a few steps back, your breath smells like dick" Hiro suddenly said as he turned his head away from her as he felt embarrassed and lewdly heated from that?

"Wait? How do you know what dick smells like?" Remi.

"Yeah, Hiro have you been... awed-gasp" Connor

Looking at the both of them,

"Please don't make this weirder than it has to be..."

"Hiro's bi???" Hestia

"I bet you love sucking dick don't you Hiro♡ I wonder if you were cheating on Remi with some guy while you dated too? maybe him or, what about... Me"

"I wouldn't ever cheat on Remi!!!"

"And I'm not into guys either, it's an expression!"

Grabbing her by the head and violently shaking her like a Maraca, she started laughing,

"What a shame..." Connor

Looking over to him without stopping,

"Bro you're supposed to be on my side!" Hiro.

"What a shame" Derek

"Dickhead, don't you start this" Hiro

"What a shame" Remi

"Wha?" Hiro

"What a shame" Hestia

"not you too?" Hiro

"What a shame"

"What a shame"

"What a shame"

"What a shame"

"What're we doing?" Tina

"don't worry about it" Sanibel

"What a shame"

"What a shame"

"What a shame"

"What a shame"

"What a shame"

"You fuckers!!!" Hiro

"What're, you embarrassed little Demon?" they thought Marcilina spoke Metaphorically.

"No, not in a million years!" Hiro

"Then why don't you prove it, show me♡" Marcilina

Listening to her out she had already got the attention of the entire room, and as all eyes were on her and Hiro, she then said with a seductive line,

"Kiss me and prove yourself, I'm not Remi so there's no worry involved since I'm not taken" Marcilina

'Wait what? What does this have to do with me?' Remi

"Oh, your right... You're not her~" Hiro

"Kiss~! Kiss~! Kiss~!" everyone except a few chanted.

Leaning in for a smooch, her lips got close to his, but then his hand pressed against her forehead and he pushed her away.

"You're absolutely right, your not her, so fuck off"

"Oooh," the crowd erupted.

"get owned!" the boys roared.

"Plus your breath really does smell like dick, no offense"

He scooted over closer to Tina who was hammered and as she saw him come in, she wrapped her arms around his arm "you're so warm fluffy marshmellow~♡" she was clearly not in her right mind.

"So Hiro, I guess theirs no point in asking since it's obvious, but do you have a boyfriend?" Zarifall

"Imma stab you in the neck" Hiro

"ooh~ Feisty isn't he" Zarifall

But as they casually joked about this, something not just relating to the Celestial bond between them had her hand shaky, something about getting rejected by her bonder, made her quiver and her face flush up completely.

"You stupid witch" Marcilina

'Wait? Did she just say what I heard her say' Remi

"What was that? I couldn't hear you?" Hiro

Looking up, tears had built up in Marcilina's eyes and throughout the others hadn't been paying attention as they were talking and joking, a few had and who saw it clearer than anyone was Hiro, but who heard it better wasn't particularly him.

"W-Why are you being so mean to me..." Marcilina

"Even when I try my best to do what's best for you, you just push me away, M-" Marcilina

"Marcilina?..." Hiro

"I don't care about the 4 witches in this room, I only care about you, so... so- j-just... j-just... c-"

The tears came rolling down like the rolling stones and as he realized he had actually hurt her, despite not truly knowing what he did, he grabbed her head and bung her to his chest,

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings goddess? Lady? No, I mean, Marcilina... I'm sorry Marcilina"

"I-I-I just wanted... You're attention"

Surprisingly you can say she never truly purified herself of all of what he originally did to her, actually, she couldn't because she was too weak and even now, with her soul missing a whole 99% of its Devine mass, she has a small and newly reformed soul which had a greater effect on her mental and physical state seeing as it's litterally everything to Gods like them.

"Aww how cute, it looks like Hiro's got a-" Mari

But as Mari was going to tease/mildly bully him for actually caring for someone he accidentally hurt, he shot a glance at her, and with Scarlet red eyes, she jerked and fell back.

Immediately noticing it, Derek grabbed Remi and wrapped his arm around her head, covering her eyes so she couldn't see this... From experience it was better like this, or at least for him it was.

He then mouthed to Hiro,


"Derek what're you doing???" Remi said with a sunny smile on her face.

About to snap, he twirled it back up as he looked to Derek and then to Remi.

"My apologies, just keep your friend in line, okay" Hiro

"Huh?" Derek

Sitting back up after being startled by seeing those eyes for a 2nd time, she then heard Derek say,

"She's not my friend and you know that! She's your sister, so it's your job to keep her in line, dumbass"

Looking to him and then to Hiro, Hiro looked Mari right in the eyes and said with a strait face,

"She's not my sister, we're just apart of the same clan... Now if you'd excuse me, I need some fresh air"

*Mental Crack*

Her eyes widened as she felt something within her shatter, hearing that while being looked in the eyes by her little brother instantly devastated her.

Hiro suddenly got up and as he looked down, he held his hand out twards Marilina and said with a soft hearted smile,

"I need help with an issue outside? Wanna tag along?"

Grabbing ahold of his hand, she got up and grabbed a can from the table.

"Of couse, Otouto"

*Mental Crack*

Wiping what remained of tears from her face, "wait up, Otouto? Want me to tag along as well?" looking to Connor who said that, Hiro nodded his head and walked twards the door as he got up and followed.

*Another Mental Crack*

"Hold up, I'm joining in, everyone wait for us to get back" Zarifall

"WAIT!" Mari

Standing up, she walked over to Hiro who also turned to look at her, she grabbed both of his sholders as she had a grim look.

"Take it back..." Mari

"Hm?" Hiro


already drunk, these commotion happened so the soberest ones bearly payed attention to them.

"Sorry, don't know what your talking about lady?" Hiro

*Several Mental Cracks*

Her eyes started surging with a blue glow and as she looked up at him with a fierce exterior, his eyes clicked scarlet, opposing hers and now looking down at her with a cold gaze,

"Let go of me...."

Her grip on him got tighter as she tried becoming fiercer, she bared her teeth at him, but then he mouthed something and put his hand on her head.

"~~~~~" Hiro

She seemed to get mad but then he spoke some more, but this time he didn't mouth it to her,

"You happy, you finally got your wish, now leave me alone, Mari-san"

As he said that, beads of tears started rolling down her face and he started feeling hollow again... Yeah, he used it again.

And as she started crying while sticking to being angry, he leaned in and smiled,

"Have a good life, nee-chan"

Pressing his forehead against hers, he then took a step back and her grip fadded as she suddenly fell to her knees.

Watching him walk away, she reached her hand out to him and a few tears fell to the ground as she looked at his back

"Hiro I didn't mean it! I never ment any if it!!!" But her words didn't come out, her voice was silent and as she couldn't do anything but watch him walk away,

He turned his head and as his eyes snaped twards her, the entire world around her suddenly became covered in a black cloud of darkness and she tensed up.

[Demonic Fear: active]

[Target: Mari Natsu]

And just like that, she fell victim to a manifestation of a Demon's fear, the only good part was that she hadn't seen a Demon's Fear Aura.


Waking up the next day, she found herself in a bed at home, but this time the house was empty and as she tried to call her little brother... It said that the number she was calling didn't exist anymore.