Curse of Deathlock, dying

"We're phyric sorcerers!"


Pushing himself he needed to find the corpse of that Deathlock, the fates had fucked Hiro big time as he could feel the strong urge to kill himself come at a faster rate.

[Curse of Deathlock]

The Deathlock was a warlock born from Necromancy and had been bound to serve a master to which they are loyal to as long as there was a pact made between the Deathlock and the Necromancer.

This race of undead is very rarely motivated by its own militia and usually not masterless unless they were born of conventional/traditional means as a sort of punishment.

The Deathlock's abilities involve using necrotic and dark magic, and depending on the level the warlock was before death and or knowledge of magic, the Deathlock may be able to use any type of evil arts.

[Curse of Deathlock] The curse of the Deathlock is one that is serious as it takes only a few hours to kick in. once exposed to the necrotic and negative energys of the Deathlock, it leads all to join it in death, and if the Deathlock is killed and had a great resentment or grudge/hate twards the killer, than it will not reform and instead personally attack the individual it had cursed.


Marcilina had fallen asleep and as Oliver was helping search around the rubble of the destroyed buildings in hopes of finding the Deathlock's body, he could feel a bloodcurtling pain rush through his body and screaming from inside his mind as pain came from both inside and out, it was enough to make him want to give up as it wouldn't stop.



He had been there for hours and as he felt a surge of negative energy attack him from inside he threw up blood onto the wall of a standing building.

The negative and dark energy mix was too strong for him to handle, if he didn't find the body within today or even if he can get to the end of the week, he was bound to die.

But it wasn't just that, he could feel the curse and as it made him feel like shit, suicide came as a come and go to him.

He felt all mixed up and he was fighting himself both physically and mentally the entire time while searching.

Until, "Ahhhh!" his eyes flickered orange and he punched the concrete, hitting rubble and discharging a light burst of fire from his fist.

the agony drove him to hit many thing up until the point it lessened but only when his knuckles were bleeding.

This was infuriating, not a single Damm corpse and a bunch of debris, if he didn't find the corpse and bring it back to... if he didn't bring it back to his mom to help make a cure, he was going to die.

This Deathlock despised him because it remembered its life before death, and it resented sorcerers. To him it hated how they were saved from persecution, they weren't the ones being hunted down like freaks, while they were able to live normal lives like everyone else... Even tho they were just like the witches and warlocks except for the fact they had a Supreme entity backing them.

The Deathlock's grudge wasn't personally against Hiro, it's grudge was against his race, but Hiro was going to have to suffer for it.

"Maybe I should just end it here, the corpse is nowhere to be seen, so I should just di-"

But then he punched himself in the face, he striking himself again and again and he didn't stop until the thought of his death was out of his head.

Standing up he clenched his fists and roared,

"No! I will not fall to such a level! Who the hell do you think you are Deathlock! Your power is no match for me! I will survive no matter the cost!"

This was still hollow Hiro, due to major use in his ability it was going to take around 12 hours of sleep to return to normal, which is most likely when he'll fall victim to the curse and die, so this hollowness is a blessing in disguise as it's just focusing on his own survival and no one else.

But as he did, there was still something he didn't want to do but he knew he had to and he was rethinking killing himself because it was the last thing he wanted to do...

"Fuck my life" he knew he had to do it, he needed help,


Walking out of her house she had red bags under her eyes and as she looked all fine, on the inside she felt like shit and it was most likely a hangover from last night's drinking.

Getting some fresh air, she took a few steps onto her lawn, and as she could smell the fresh doo, she could see the beauty of what was around her which sounded hella delusional, but now she was ready to head to the FTS and head to school.

But as she looked to the opposite side of the street, she saw Hiro, he was crossing the street and this was ironic as he was just the person she needed to talk to.


He turned his head over to her and as he saw he looked away and continued walking away, ignoring her.

"Hey, Hiro wait up!"

She started running after him and as he saw that he dipped, nope not today, running away and not looking back she followed him down the street,

"Hiro stop running from me!. . . We need to have a serious talk, this is important!"

She was gaining distance and fast, 40 feet soon became 20 feet and before she knew it she was 5 feet away from him.

"Hiro stop! Stop running!"

She got close enough to grab his shirt, and as she attempted to, he felt her hand touch him but she fail to grab onto his clothes, and she did, she then heard his voice.

"Evoke the air and blast a gust of wind!"

Turning around he pointed his hand at her, but as he did... Oh shit, Yeah so. . .She was way to close.

His hand cuffed her boob and she squealed as his hand automatically squeezed her boob,


She tripped and so did he, and as the both of them crashed into the ground, the spell which he originally tried firing at her didn't go off due to the trip disruption.




'Well, this is awkward?' Hiro

Landing on him, their faces were mere inches apart and as her heart was beating out of her chest, she was heated and huffing.

"Hiro... hahh, We... haahh, Need to talk"

But as she said that she felt something pressing against her boob and as she looked down, her face became pepper red and she started embarrassingly blushing.

"Hiro you big pervert!"





Soon after, he had a red mark on his face and as she crossed her arms, holding her breasts as she was embarrassed from being accidentally groped by him.

Looking at him all red-faced, she pointed her finger at him and yelled,

"Look, now because you held my boob you can't run away and you have to talk to me! Got it, Hiro!"

But looking at her, he gave her a questionably stupid gaze and be sighed as he didn't have to,

"Remi-" Hiro

But as he said her name, she grabbed his face and she pinched both of his cheeks.

"No, you gave to listen to me! No barging at all or I won't forgive you!" Remi

With a solemn expression on his face, he stared at her and she took a very deep breath before speaking.

"Hiro, don't lie to me, I know-" Remi

"That you're like an expired cupcake?" Hiro

"Huh?" Remi

"You look sweet and delicious but you're sour" Hiro

Looking at him confused by his metaphors, she thought of it being like either she or he were sour about something behind the scenes which made it easier for her to say this,

"Yes but no, just listen" Remi

"Hiro, I know your-" Remi

"In love with you?" Hiro

She froze up as he said that, his voice lacked any and everything, yet as he said that, it made her tense up.

"I know..." But maybe that was because it was the sound of defeat that got to her in his voice.

But as she said that and looked down, he smirked and bent over, getting in her line of sight and saying this as he looked at her,

"Yet she went on her own path, leaving behind someone she hurt and not even making an attempt to keep what remained of her hurt ex and an emotionally damaged friend. My oh my, how selfish of you~" pirate voicing this.

Full of content he smiled and she took a step back. She was suddenly thrown off of what her original topic was, as this was something that made her heart hurt, especially hearing how he saw it...But not how he said it, fuck that pirate voice, it can go look for some booty...But not snoo snoo.

"What are you talking about! You're the one who ghosted me for a whole 4 months! And when I saw you at the beginning of the semester, you avoided me! There's no me throwing you aside! It was the other way around!" Remi

But as she said that he straightened up and laughed, hearing her say that was funny to him.

"What's so funny?!" she got mad

"We live a block away from each other? I hate my family with a passion? I'm always with either Peter or Tina? And you haven't seen me for 4 months? Now that's real funny, Remi" sarcastic Hiro

She frowned as he was being sarcastic,

"Shoot, I bet you wouldn't believe me if I told you I have no memory of those 4 months I "supposedly" ghosted you and everyone in my life" fun melontime Hiro

He was still a bit sassy about when he came back, but with a smile on his face he opened his arms and stepped back,

"Oh, but don't worry Remi because everything's okay now. I'm perfectly fine~ Actually, I can't feel a damn thing? I don't even know why I brought any of this up?" hint of insanity Hiro

"Because I don't like you, love you, or even hate you, well actually that's how I feel to all of you. Because why should I care when I don't even care about myself" damn Hiro

Walking backwards he put his hand to its chest and his other one to his side, bowing and sophisticatedly saying, but in a cutesy happy tone.

"Ellow lady~ My names Hiro Garamiah Natsu and this is my son Oliver, and were in search of adventure~ because why not~¿" fun adventurous Hiro

Her eyes widened as his shadow flicked up and coming from it was a shadow, a shadow cat, and as it moved onto his shoulder, he giggled as he looked to the shadow cat and a pink shadow thing came from its mouth and what seemed like its tounge licked him.

He then looked to Remi who was shocked beyond imagine and as he smiled, he chuckled.

"What? Cat got your tounge~?"

Laughing at his own ironic joke, he looked her in the eye as she froze up and his tone was cutesy again,

"You look surprised? What? Don't worry I get it, you've never seen something as adorable as my cute son Oliver, now have you lady?"

"..." No response

"Hm? Oh well? It was nice meeting you, I have to go, I have something important to do, so goodbye lady~"

Turning around he walked off and left Remi there, but as he did, her hand was fidgeting. She was looking at his back and there was no more denying it, or even trying to ask questions to prove herself wrong.

"Hiro's the witch"

(Was this a black cat, witch stereotype?)

Her blue eyes had a shade of green in them and as she looked at him, she gulped, this was very unfortunate and the fates have came back even stronger than before...To fuck with his life.

Her mind was flooded with thoughts and her eyes were filled with Chaotic swirls, what to do next? Why? Damn it!


*Knock knock*

After Leaving Remi behind, she hadn't followed he or he didn't think she had, he didn't really look behind him as he went to a house and knocked on the door.

After knocking he opened the door and walked in, as he walked in he saw a Roman lady already up and walking to the door,

"Mom, I need your help"

Standing at the doorway with Oliver on his shoulder and a blank expression on his face, this was the last thing he wanted, he didn't care for having Oliver out, but just asking her for help was something he didn't want.




"Oh look who came crawling back? Why'd you come back, I thought you were running away? And what's with this help business? Why should I help an ungrateful brat like you" she said crossing her arms and looking at him very displeased.

But as she said that, he started hysterically laughing and Oliver jumped back into his shadow

Hiro then proceeded to move his hand to his side and he revealed a dagger in which he pulled out and she frowned deeply,

"I'm not impressed, boy"

But as she said that, he moved the dagger to the collar of his shirt and then slashed down, tearing his shirt open and revealing the half-decent bloody bandages under his white T-shirt.

He then threw his shirt off to the side and said,

"Now you're going to think this is funny, shoot I think it's funny as well, but I'm dieing"

"Now you already know I don't like you, and you probably down like me either-"

With a sweet smile on his face, he pressed the blade against his chest and the tip stabbed into his flesh, soaking the cleanest part of his bandages which was on his chest with a small leak of blood.

"Now shut up and help me... Or I'll kill myself in front of you"

[Oracle: To be continued]