Death and Rebirth

"Now shut up and help me... Or I'll kill myself in front of you~" sweet but psycho.

Looking at him, her expression hadn't changed,

"Are you threatening me with yourself? Ha, your bluffing, that sick sense of humor you have won't work on me"

But as she said that his eyes flicked scarlet and with that same smile, he moved both hands onto the handle of the dagger and moved it away from his chest.

"That's what I thought-"

But then he plunged the dagger into his chest.


The dagger ran through his chest and stabbed into his flesh, moving past his rib cage and piercing his heart.

"Hiro! ! !"

Her eyes opened like she saw the holy ghost and as he spat out a sliver of blood, the world around him slowed down.

In the 1st second, he felt the fondness of the metal being heated by his blood.

In the 2nd second he felt nothing, his blood started slowing down.

In the 3rd Second, he felt his body go numb.

In the 4th second, he felt his heart stop beating as it had been torn by the dagger and even the wounds on his body started reopening as his body went flail and he fell to his knees.

In the 5th second all his thoughts were shut off, he didn't have any regrets nor did he have any joys, those 5 seconds revolved around his nothingness and everything else around him including how he physically felt in the moment.

In the 6th second, he saw the ghost of the Deathlock, it was grinning as of watched him fall victim to its curse.

[The fates 3 fates had won. . .]

As his knees hit the ground, in a flash Mary appeared next to him instantly through a fire warp and as she clenched onto her son, she screamed his name but he couldn't hear her.

"What the hell! Hiro! Stop playing this isn't funny!"

But as she yelled that, she saw movement but as she looked down, it was only his hand falling and pulling the dagger out as he gripped it with his final breath.

"Hiro Noooo!"

[Half-Human: 35%]

[Half-Human: 40%]

[Half-Human: 45%]

[Half-Human: 50%]

[Half-Human: 55%]

[Half-Human: 60%]

[Half-Human: 67%]

[Hiro Natsu: Dead]

[Medium fiend - Revival: 1 year after death]

[Revival location - Abyssal realm ]

[Abyssal location - Shendilavri]

[Shendilavri: The 570th layer of the abyss, known as the Succubus Queen's Realm]

(Abyssal realm - Common realm of Various Demon Races)

***Summary of Day***

Everything went as regularly had, but with a slight change as Remi was a bit shaken as she had to kill Hiro now, and it might have been because she still had feelings for him it just because she was still his friend, and a friend that she had known for like forever. But she hadn't seen him all day, and as she asked around, none of them had seen him.

Tina was bewildered as she had no idea what Levi was talking about, and as he brought up sorcerer and some weird monolog, she just acted like she knew what he was talking about.

Sanibel was looking for Hiro as he was still her hard-to-get target and challenge she wanted to try and see if she could claim, but hadn't gotten anywhere yet.

Derek found it to be inconvenient.

The pagelings including the other friends saw nothing in it but had them wondering where he was since he never showed any of his classes some of them wanted to talk after a fun karaoke bar experience.

Peter was under a vampire's compulsion and hadn't a clue or worry for anything other than his commands.

Hestia saw it as he was skipping test day.

The only one who got truly suspicious was an elf who was still curious if he was a spirit vessel.

Meanwhile, Emily was looking for him, she needed him for her mission as she couldn't do it alone, or it was more like she couldn't do it alone.

Also, Zarifall was looking for him since she was pissed off that he had been voiding her calls, he even went to the extent to cut his number off and he was now just acting like a ghost as she even stopped by his house.

***1 month later***

Mary had told everyone that he had moved in with his grandparents, they lived in the northern city of Nefumia and he was incredibly busy now as they were metalworkers.

No one other than her had known the truth about Hiro's death.

[Half-Human: 72%]

***2 months later***

Everything went along as normal, but Mary had fallen depressed at the loss of her son, and with her husband returning from a long mission, she couldn't find the courage to tell him that their son layed dead in her branches morge of fallen phryic sorcerers, which she rarely visited.

[Half-Human: 75%]

***3 more months have passed***

It's been 6 months since Hiro died, and as the legions of dead have been quiet and not causing any trouble, they caught wind that the undead had attacked the giant race and other strong races, but not to infect or kill, but to steal rare materials.

Izumi had been busy and she had no interest in taking over the continent right now, so she ordered all her litches to put all concurring plans on hold and help her gather materials to free the Demon lord, Asmodeus.

[Half-Human: 81%]

***2 months pass***

Laying down, Asmodeus was sleeping when he suddenly felt his soul rattle, yes, he felt his soul shake, and that had never happened before.

Opening his eyes he felt something familiar, no he knew it was familiar,


Looking around the room, it had been covered in his ice spikes from meditating earlier and he had no time to make them evaporate.

"Come to me! Axialis!"

Throwing his hand up, an Ax materialized in his hand and as he jumped at the door, he clashed his blade with the ice and blew a hole in the wall!


Causing the whole dungeon floor to shake the head Demon rushed out of his boss room and as he looked down he saw the kid looking Asmodeus,

"Master what's wrong!?" he yelled but Asmodeus hadn't answered, instead he was looking all around and he looked very focused.

"Master! what's going on!" humanoid Demon's started rushing in from the other side of the boss door and as they appeared he looked over at them and they paused.

His eyes were glowing a crystal blue and as he looked at them, they saw his tanned skin turning pale, his purple hair started turning silver and ice shards started forming on his hands like clawed gauntlets and his armored tail grew longer and his body had started forming a natural ice armor.


Looking at him, his breathing came in and out rapidly, and they saw the cold white breath coming from him and ice shards started forming around the entire humongous hallway.

It made them back up as something wasn't right.

"Asmodeus!" Yelling that he turned his head to a child-like boy with red eyes and the ice hadn't formed around him as he released a fire aura.

"What's the matter with you! You're scaring everyone? And why are you going into juggernaut mode and why do you have THAT weapon in your hand" he was pretty sure he locked it away for his master's bad behavior a century or 2 ago.

"I feel Sarah! I can feel her presence! she's near!"

Yelling back he was surprised, but at the same time, he was also mildly confused as he remembered Sarah as that perverted human girl which Master Asmodeus was bound to protect at one point before everything had escalated during the Demon kings era.

"But didn't Sarah die? Asmodeus that's...Not her"

But as he said that, Asmodeus gritted his teeth as he knew she was dead, after all, he saw it happen, but he felt her, her spirit, could she have reformed or could it be she was reborn... No, this was different, it was her but it wasn't.

[Mysterious whisper: Azy, save him] It was her, it was her voice, he could hear her, but where was she, where was Sarah!

but as the moment came, she whispered something to him again and his eyes widened as he listened to her.

Closing his eyes, his skin fully turned snow-white and his body fully formed ice armor.

With his eyes closed and his mind focused, he felt it, she was connecting him to something, and he could feel a soul, one as pure as an Angel. No it was similar but it was not quite there, or could it have been a mix, yes that's it, it was one of Sarah's!




A faint smile formed on his face as whoever it was lived as a human, but they were for sure a Hiragi, and not just any Hiragi, because he didn't truly belong to the hiragi clan, he was adopted by them 300+ years ago, but this one shared their blood.

Whoever it was, was part of the true hiragi lineage, but their soul was converting, it was slipping somewhere else and he felt something dark plus his race involved in it.

If he didn't know any better, the soul was preparing to spatial jump to the abyss, and that only had ment that whoever this was, was dead, but soul bound.

"If you can hear me, you're my descendant, you were Born from one of my children and as your grandfather, I will personally handle you this one time"

Saying that a dense and God-like power suddenly erupted out of him, and without a care for any life in that room other than Zim's, he released all his cryogenic power and focused it into one attack


attacking at the wall, the entire wall was destroyed and not just that, everything past it got affected . . . He destroyed a whole mountain plus God-Kenzime which had him sealed.

And as he saw the open world, he looked to Zim who was still alive...Unlike all the other Demon's who died during his attack and his ice armor vaporized,

Looking at Zim with open eyes, Zim was shocked that he destroyed all of that, and as they looked at each other, a pair of black feathery wings sprouted from Asmodeus's back.


Flapping his wings once he disappeared and left feet prints in the cracked stone from where he stood before.

But as he was gone, Zim saw the wall and mountain slowly regenerating, and as it did, a yellow light shot out from the damage and chased after where Asmodeus flew off to.


With a beer in hand, Mary was sitting down and leaning against a metal wall as just behind her was where her son's corpse was being held

She had been day drinking and as she was talking to his corpse despite not being able to see him since his body was past the metal and in the body coffin draw thingy, she did it anyway and as she had several cans of empty beer all around, she kept talking.

Sad as fuck this was how she could cope with everything,

"It was good talking to you, I promise I'll try to come back soon, and the next time, I'll have a good story to tell you. I know from back when you were a small kid that you liked exploration and adventure, so I might go on one and come back to tell you all about it"

"see you later"

Standing up and leaving her cans, she walked over to the door and as she opened it, she looked back and sighed as yet again she has just been talking to herself, maybe he had been reincarnated? She didn't know and the Mana wouldn't tell her.

Walking down the hallway, she got all the way to the end, and as she went for the door she,


She heard an explosion from the morge, she broke out in a full-on sprint, and as she did she slid and grabbed onto the edge of the door, pulling herself and breaking through to see a cloud of smoke.

As she saw nothing but a smoke cloud and then she heard a young male voice,

"You have the soul of a God inside of your vessel? It looks like you've already had the qualifications to come back. You just don't know how to? Don't worry, I'll show you"

Looking into the smoke cloud,

"Who's there! Show yourself!"

But as she said that she saw a pair of glowing icy blue eyes, looking at them, she froze, her body was paralyzed and as she was stuck there a blinding pink light appeared and glew from the side whereof her son's corpse was.

"Whoever you are! if you touch him I'll will make you suffer!"

Breaking free from the paralysis, she shot her hands forward and a raging cylinder of flames shot out like a spiraling flash and as the smoke was blown up and out of the hole in the ceiling, she saw her flames hitting what looked like a wall of ice.

But past that, as her flames stops shooting out and the wall evaporated, she saw what was going on.

In front of her was a 4'9 kid with silver hair and snow-white skin, he had icy blue eyes that glew and wings on his back that looked pure white. It wasn't an understatement to say that he was none other than an Angel without a halo,

And he was standing next to her son who was pulled out from the wall and where she saw her son's body hadn't decayed? even after 8 months? but forget about that, because she saw a pink glowing sphere floating above his corpse.

Her eyes widened as she had never seen one before, but that was an Angel and what was on her son... it looked as if it was a soul, and what could have been her son's soul.


[Fire Warped/Phyric Flash-Step]

Instantly moving in a step of fire, she appeared before him in an instant and she threw a punch to his face.

But as she did he instantly reacted, he dodged, grabbed her hand, and performed a [Takedown], by grabbing her fist and in the same motion, he threw her over his shoulder and slammed her against the ground left of Hiro's body.

She tried getting back up, but then he kicked her and she flew across the room, slamming against the metallic wall and crashing again the wall. on the left side of the room.

Looking at her, he was very displeased and almost angry enough to where his [mimic] almost broke and his Demonic form showed.

But as he turned to her his wings expanded, just like an animal trying to intimidate,

"How dare you call my great-grandchild your son! How dare you offend the last of the Hiragi clan! Especially in front of me!"

But as he said that, he heard another one of Sarah's whispers and it was kinda mocking him. But she was right, it took 2 parents to make a child. So that ment her spouse was Asmodeus's true grandson.

Looking down at her, he couldn't kill his grandson's wife...Even if he wanted to. The last thing he wanted was for him to hate Asmodeus.

So as she tried fighting herself to get back up, she was hit by the words, Great-grandchild, that ment that... But how? There's no way any of them could have a relative of the Angel race? But as she couldn't stop thinking, blue ice started shooting out from all around her and it formed chains that latched onto her limbs

[Ice Barron arts: chain bind].

Getting bound she spoke without thinking as she tried rushing at him to only not being able to move from that small spot by the wall.

"Stop whatever your doing! Can't you see he's already dead! Just leave what I have left of him alone! Please I beg of you! Sir Angel!"

Yelling that she felt weak, she felt helpless, she was a Rank 7 phyric sorcerer, and yet not even her flames could melt mere ice, nor could she best this Angel to protect what was left of her son.

Looking at her, he looked contempt but then shook it off as he walked over to her and then crouched down in front of her as she was pleading which she had never done in all her life for anyone.

"I don't get why your so upset?" you be rejoicing

"You're trying to take my-!"

"When you should be rejoicing, after all, I'm about to revive my great-grandson and your son"

Hearing his words it was as clear as day and her eyes expanded in disbelief, did the Angel just say-

"You humans are really simple creatures so you should understand this, death isn't permanent, and that very well stands for us"

Gradually looking up, tears started falling from her face,

"What. . ." her voice was shivering, tears were rolling down her face, and she had shown a face that hadn't ever been seen before, even after losing many things in her lifetime. And never once had she shown this side of her.

Standing up he turned around and he started walking back over to Hiro's corpse, but he explained to her in a way she could understand,

"My name is Asmodeus Hiragi, and today I am here to bless you with a gift my dear granddaughter. Oh, but I do have to warn you? And it's about him, I noticed it as soon as I got here and I believe you should know as well"

Turning to her as he got next to Hiro, he put his hand on top of the pink soul and he smiled, but on the inside, he had nothing but unethical intentions coursing through him.

Pushing down on the soul, it sunk into Hiro's chest and with a cutesy tone like a little kid, he said

"You're son ain't human anymore"

"Actually he's never been human, same as my grandson/your husband. They've never been human like you, your just a human and not a Devine so you could never could have guessed it~"

But then a wicked smile formed on his face.

"Whether it be an Angel or a Demon, that's what they are, and my great-grandson seems to have favored in my bloodline"

His form shifted and a pair of black angel wings appeared, along with crown-shaped horns, and a thin armored tail, which made him seem like he was lucifer.

"Because he's a Demon, just like me~"

Her eyes broadly opened and her world froze as a cloud of darkness had formed and her son's body had disappeared,

But when it suddenly faded and his wings folded, she saw him, she saw her Hiro.

Looking at him with driblets of tears running down her skin, she saw blood scarlet eyes and a solemn expression as he stood behind Asmodeus.


[Half-Human: 99.9%]