Faker pt.1

Warm... Warm... I feel so hot... My body's burning so hot, I don't get it, what's this feeling, I want her... I want her so bad... Remi... I want Remi... no that's not it... I don't desire her... I desire... I thirst for... A female...


Brushing her teeth as everyone was awake, she needed some fresh air away from them as she had the most bizarre dream.

She couldn't get it out of her head and she couldn't stop blushing as it felt so real.

"You idiot boys"

She fell victim to [Lewd 4 dreaming] which turned her dreams naughty and sexy, which she ended up getting fucked by her 2 boyfriends and Hiro.

But this was her first time experiencing it, so she knew that dream must have been caused by Hiro being here, and after yesterday and what they all did, it made her feel lewd, plus it was that same little devil who wasn't the shota Hiro who had been the evil mastermind and main boy in her dream.

She couldn't stop blushing as she was thinking about that dream, and the more she thought about it, she couldn't even brush her teeth as the thought of it made it feel like it was happening "hahh~" she was getting wet as she imagined it, and she couldn't stop thinking back to the dream and all the naughty placed HE kissed...

Meanwhile, as Sebastian was stretching on the floor anf Hiro who still had ONLY been wearing that big school shirt was on the bed, he sniffed the air and looked at Hiro,

"Are you in heat?" Sebastian


Taken back by Sebastian's accusation, Sebastian took out and threw what looked to be a pack of pills at Hiro, missing and landing next to him.

"Here, these should help until you find someone tonight. Also, be careful your pheromones are leaking everywhere" Sebastian

Looking at Sebastian he took out another pack of pills and popped one out of its pack before eating it, Hiro then looked at the pills thrown at him and he picked it up,

"What do you mean by find someone? And what phata mons? big brother?" Hiro said as he looked at the pack with 12 pill.

"It's pheromones and oh yeah, I forgot your younger again meaning you probably don't remember, but your already past maturity age so you're going to be affected like the rest of us" Sebastian

"Okay so let me explain little brother" Sebastian

"Our 3 moons are shining bright and~... Okay, nvm, I'll make it simple, 1st you're in [Heat] but that's good because if you were in [Rut] I think you'd be trying to fight me" Sebastian

"But thankfully we're not and we're both in heat, hehe" Sebastian

"2nd, your releasing pheromones as we speak to attract attention whether it is good or bad. But usually we're more dangerous when hungry, so. . .oof" Sebastian

"3rd, well this is more of an "IMPORTANT" warning to avoid going into a [lust frenzy], you need to find a-" Sebastian

But as he said that the door was opened, he stopped talking as Remi walked in and he switched form his info given face to a sunny puppy dog expression which he then turned away from Hiro and to Remi

"Morning beautiful~ Sleep well?" Sebastian

"No, I didn't, you both need to take a shower, your dirty and smell 'lewd', so go get a towel and take one before my brother wakes up and poisons you with his cooking" Remi

But wanting to admire his lover a bit more, he turned to Hiro about to offer him the first shower when he noticed... Looking at Hiro he was 100% sure he saw pink hearts in his glowing scarlet eyes.

"Oh shit"

Jumping at Hiro and tackling him before Hiro pounced on Remi, he took out a pill and forced it down Hiro's throat seeing as he didn't eat the pill.

"What are you 2 doing?"

Sitting on Hiro as he successfully got it down, he turned over to Remi and smiled,

"Nothing~ Just showing this little brother some love~" by forcing a pill down his throat.

"You 2 are so weird? sigh"

***An Hour Later ***

Downstairs eating something that her brother had prepared for them as he clearly knew that she had 2 boys over. He was already gone leaving a note saying he'll be back in the evening, and so she felt relieved as that meant she didn't have to explain little Hiro to him... Wait,

"How am I going to explain this! Little Hiro is something that I can barely understand still!" Remi

Grabbing her head, Hiro swallowed some beautiful fluffy pancake mush,

"So not only are you a hag but you a dumb one too? sigh, I was experimenting with a potion and I clumsily mixed 2 different substances together and it blew up in my face... Therefore causing this" Hiro

"Wait that's why you're like this?!" Remi

But as she said that, he looked at her like she was stupid in which she was to him, and so he had to put down the maple syrup for this one,

"No idiot? It's a self-made backstory since I don't know what happened and your panicking, you dumb witch" Hiro

"Oh... Wait, hey, I'm not a witch!" Remi

"You're acting like it because you kept accusing me of being one yesterday!" Hiro

"It's not my fault you look like one! And seeing as you just de-aged like that it's hard not to think your one either!" Remi

"Hey guys calm down" Sebastian

"I know what I am and I'm no witch! But do you know what you are! You old hag!"

Slamming her hand on the table and shooting up she was for sure pissed.

Challenging her and standing up as well, this just left Sebastian as the only one who could break them up before a fight broke out.





Breaking the tension he separated them and as the both of them pouted, he had other things to worry about, and it was about his bother kin Hiro more than Remi's wrath.

Like first of all, what type of incubus Hiro was, well there wasn't any variation difference between them, but it's a thing they liked to categorize themselves in back at his nest.

And since he was in heat, he couldn't keep his mind on the serious things as he wanted to just be himself and that was an attention whore and a fun over-thinker.

Which brought him to the categorization, he was a [Switch] but he favored the [bashful submission] which revolved around him being an attention whore who lusted over the attention he was given. And it gave him an advantage over the mood of the prey as his prey would fall for his trap and be led on in his favor, benefiting him in the long run.

But as he was thinking about it, he couldn't figure out Hiro, Hiro could have been like him since he wasn't territorial and didn't fight to possess Remi, but he didn't know?

The incubus was tricky to understand, unlike their sister kin who had been more open and straightforward to their kin. So if anything Hiro could have been a [Sadist], or [DOM], or even a [Switch] like him?

"Hey, Hiro are you a top or bottom?!"

And he had never found out...

***At School 2 Hours Later***

"What do you mean you lost him?" Remi

"Well you see, he was right next to us as we were walking to your class, he was even holding my hand as you told me to... But when I looked over... He was gone?" Sebastian

"You had one job..." Remi

"Sowwy~" not-so-sorry Sebastian

Meanwhile, as they were in the hall and Remi was frustrated, someone had just strolled into the infirmary wearing Remi's brother's old clothes.

Walking past the nurse who ignored him as he had a ton of paperwork in front of him thanks to the fucking slayers, Hiro walked over to an in-use space, and he slipped past the curtain,

"So, I'm an incubus" Hiro

Looking at Chloe who was sipping soy milk from a milk box, she glanced at him confused as she had no idea who this unusual boy was?

Sitting on the edge of the bed his brown [Human eyes] switched to Scarlet [Demon eyes] with slit cores and as he looked to her,

"As apart of the Demon race, I would be considered the race of incubus, or half-incubus, whatever you wanna call it" Hiro uncovered

Still not realizing what's going on, she looked very confused and even frightened as he said this. It was quite obvious as she thought he was threatening her by telling her he was a Demon and he could see it as her hands on the soy box was shuddering.

"Sigh, it's me Hiro Natsu, this is what I looked like when I was 10, and I'm having trouble with my physical body, but don't worry I'm working on it" Hiro

"H-H-Hiro..." there was doubt and as he said that, there was a lot of skepticism from Chloe.

"Hiro?..." Chloe

"Yes, that is me, or was I thor, I can't seem to remember. Because what I do remember is that your the only one I can trust at the moment and I want to hurt someone, a lot of someones" Hiro

"sniffle HIRO IT'S REALLY YOU!!!" Chloe

"You 2 shut up in there!" the Nurse

Moving onto her knees she dropped her soy box and recklessly crawled over to him as her left arm was wrapped up from being stabbed yesterday, and as she got to him she grabbed his head thrusting it into her bigish boobs and she started crying beads of tears,

holding onto him tightly she whimpered and cried,

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...*sob* I could protect you... *sob* And then there was this crazy girl... And I... I'm so sorry..." Chloe

As she said that and had been sobbing, her grip was suddenly broken and she was instantly forced onto her back without notice,

And her eyes were shocked open as his lips smacked against hers, taking it all in and getting super start Mario surprised.

His hand grabbed her boob making her muffledly squeal as she looked at him in shock, but then he broke away from her with many strands of slimy strings connecting their mouths.

With his breath erotic and hazey he pressed down on her boob/chest, keeping her forced down against the mattress,

"Sorry... I'm trying... I'm trying my best to control myself... And... And pretend to be a kid... ugh..." Naughty Horny Hiro

the real question in this matter was how was he able to regulate such strength with his little body? But that was a simple matter as his innate strength which transferred over bodies.

(Innate strength - inner strength used by fighters and martial artist or simply strength in general that pasts bodys limitations)

Bearing his teeth as he tried his damn near best to resist, he clenched her shirt and lowered his head, pressing it against her belly as he was really fighting his urge to take this female for himself,

"My head feels dizzy... And my body's... My body's burning up, I... I met another like me and he said... He said I was in heat... Or rut... I can't... I can't remember... Chloe, I desperately need you, I need your help" Hiro Lustfully burning

Clenching her shirt tightly she could feel his hands trembling and as she had an unsteady heart, she brushed off the saliva from her lip and rubbed his head,

"Were friends aren't we? Of course I'll help you~" Chloe the pure

Moving back up and very close to her face,

"Really? You'll truly help me?" He was desperate and he was affected by her pureness...

But as he got so close to her she reimagined him kissing her and her pale face started "glowing" pink and she put her hands on his face and pushed him back as she heard was rapidly thumping like never before,

"YES YES, I'll help you! Just stop getting so close!" helper Chloe

But as she said that, he raised his brow and sat back, moving his feet under him and then out his hands to his mouth, blowing and smelling?

"Do I smell? I showed and brushed? So I shouldn't-" Hiro

But he greatly misunderstood, but that was also because he greatly misunderstood women as well,

"No you misunderstood me! It's just that whenever you get close my heart hurts" Chloe the pure

'you stole my first kiss and you grabbed my boob! ahh why do I feel so nervous around him!!!' Chloe's mixed thoughts

"Am I that much of an eyesore that just looking at me is bad for your health? Actually, looking at your face it's all red? Should I go get the nurse?" Hiro

"Just fuck and get it over with, I'm leaving don't follow me... Damn kids" the nurse


Hearing the door slam the both of them flinched and looked over to the doorway, to only get cock blocked in sight by the curtains

"Was that the nurse?" Hiro

"I think so?" Chloe

"Anyways, it's not that I don't like to look at you, I love looking at you- I mean I like you I don't hate you- gah I mean!" getting all mixed up she was blushing even more and he saw her face get red.

Seeing her face red and she was all jumbled up in her words, he put his hand to her cheek startling her and she froze as he leaned in, was he going to kiss her again, she thought to herself,

But as she closed her eyes preparing to be "assaulted" again she felt something against her forehead,

"I think you should go to sleep, your burning up Chloe?" Hiro

He had his forehead pressed against hers and she opened her eyes she turned red and he felt her warmth get hotter,

Sitting back he pointed at her and puffed his cheek,

"Girl get some sleep, you need to rest before you get sick, if you get sick I lose an informative and that means I'll have to take care of you, and I'm not a good cook, so instant Raman is the best I can do!" Hiro

But as he said that and her heart was throbbing she looked away and softly said,

"You'd take care of me if I were to get sick..." Chloe

"Of course I would, you did the same for me when I was blind for a bit, so if you get sick you'll be stuck with my ugly mug until you get better" Hiro

'Plus I need information on what an incubus... that Sebastian isn't a reliable source of information' Hiro's inner thoughts

"Thank you..." Chloe

"Don't you dare thank me! You better not get sick! As I said before I don't trust anyone here but you! So I need you to stick with me! From now on we're a team! Got it" Hiro

Hearing that it made her happy and as she looked back up at him, she chuckled,

"I can't take you seriously" she giggled at his seriousness,

"Anyways, now that we're alone let's get down to business... Partner~" Chloe

"Wait... We're alone... Together? gulp" Chloe