The Faker pt.2

2 hours after school had started, Remi was sitting down at her desk while biting her nail as she had no idea where the hell Hiro ran off to, and she couldn't look for him because the slayers were like dictators who forced her to go to class and not pry around without permission.

They were strict and she had no idea what could have happened to him, IT WAS SO FUCKING STRESSFUL!

"You seem stressed, were you hanging out with Sebastian again?" Derek casually said as Zoe was teaching basic magic theory to these children who still had feared her enough to stay quiet during the lesson.

But there was always that one couple, it was always that one and as Remi had a disgruntled and I'm really about to rip someone's throat outlook look, she turned her face to Derek, and just like that, it switched to a sweet smile where she "ChUcKlEd",

"Yeah, you know how stressful he can be at this time of the month"

But as she said that Derek deeply frowned as every month that Sebastian had managed to sway his Remi with his seduction, and she always ended up smelling like him. He hated Sebastian with a deep passion, but he could never manage to shake that guy off or fight him. . .For her.

"Hm... Yeah, he's annoying, maybe you should just stick with me tonight. Zora invited me to her birthday party, so you should come with me"

But as he said that, she gasped,

"You mean the gang leader of the Iron wolves? Wait what does she want with you?" This had generally caught her attention.

"She had made it clear that she hated my guts. But she respected me and my wolves for helping her gang reach rank #7 amongst the local school gangs of Rosa Marina, so she invited us to her party"

But he left out the part where she didn't want anything to do with her birthday and instead it was forced on her by her gang, which they fibbed and said it was a victory party which she eventually agreed to.

"Oh really? Awe, you made a friend!~ I think it's amazing that you're getting so along with her, after all, she's a scary person... Or at least the last time I remembered meeting her she was?... But I guess that only means I'll have to try harder so you don't fall for her!"

Placing her hand onto his and showing signs of jealousy, but also a lot of passion, he laughed and moved closer to her ear so he could whisper,

"Oh don't you worry your little heart, because this Remi's all I need"

"You really don't like her? Not even a little bit?"

"She can't do, what you can do~"

Saying that her face started becoming colored like a strawberry and she pushed his face away as he was being so indecent that her mind was wandering off.

But when she pushed him away he smelled something, he didn't just smell Sebastian on her again. . .But he smelled another, another male.

"Remi Did YOU Find Another Male?..." looking at her with chaotic eyes, the territorial wolf came out, and as his fur started spiking and he was going to go agro, the door suddenly opened and,

"Wow, there's another small person!" Unknown

Running into the classroom and over to the teacher, Derek who was pissed at Remi saw her face become blank, and as he thought it was from him finding out... That Wasn't It. As she dropped her pencil she was looking towards the teacher and so he peeked over there as this bitch wasn't even listening to him... And he saw.

"Huh?" Zoe

Looking next to her as she hadn't realized that someone walked in, she saw some kid with his hands behind his back and he had an idiotic smile of awe as he looked at the board to see what she was teaching.

"Wow look at that, are you covering magic theory?" Unknown

Seeing as there was a kid next to her she didn't really care, instead, she saw this as an opportunity to gain face amongst the class as not just being this scary evil necromancer, but a teacher they could... Trust? But at least rely on for her profound knowledge.

"Yes it is, and usually teachers wouldn't let their kids just get up and freely walk to the board like your doing, but if you want to be my assistant for this lesson, I can help you to comprehend it better if you get confused in any way" Zoe

"Really? That sounds awesome! I have a ton of questions so I'll be in your care miss~" Unknown

Having said that, As Remi was looking to the front she had a mild heart attack right there, or that could have been something else, but she was just stunned, stunned like kissing dick to the arc-devil of the 5th layer of hell, it was just so profoundly mind-blowing that she couldn't breathe...

Because that was shota Hiro...

Also, the slayers guarding the room were confused about who that kid was, but they didn't question it as he had convinced them he was a slayer, that's why he was let in.

***An Hour Later***

They were learning from each other as their knowledge of the arcane had came together, this was more of them sharing their pieces of knowledge with each other than it had been teaching the class,

But even so, she was still forced to do so, she included them into this lesson, but in saying that, she was actually having fun, there were many things she didn't know, and there were many things he didn't know, and so they had started filling in each other's blanks.

This was truly the dream of a mage, to share any gain KNOWLEDGE!!!

But it all had to come to an end as she cut the lesson seeing as her students barely could keep up and she needed them to continue copying what had been on the board before they got overworked and their brains short-circuited.

Turning to the class,

"Okay, everyone! Copy down these notes and that's all we have for today, I'll see you all Monday and classes will resume" Xoe

"You'll take my class first thing in the morning for a lecture and then your new fourth class you'll come back to me for a lesson, whether it be another lecture or combat training, and since I'm a mage, I'll learn and teach everyone a tier 1 combatant spell of 3 choices. Which you can practice on your free time!" Teacher Zoe

"that's all!" Zoe

Hearing that the class was thrown in awe as she was given them a combatant spell for free! this was amazing for them that they hadn't thought about why she doing it and what bad shit was to come for her to give it to them...

Looking over to her side where that tail boy was, she turned to him, and as she tried not to show her excitement, she swallowed and took a step towards him.

"Now that that's over, let's talk some more, I want to pick your brain about some things that had never made sense to me?" Knowledge seeker Zoe

but as she said that, he gleamed with pureness and smile,

"Sure thing Sensei" Unknown

Walking over to her desk he jumped on there and crossed his gets sitting ignorantly, but she didn't care and as she sat on her spinning chair, they had started talking magic, which no one other than Zarifall knew what they were talking about.

Speaking of her, as Remi was more or less dazed and Derek was mad at her as she was ignoring him the entire time, Zarifall pulled up a chair next to her and flicked her hand,

"Hey, doesn't that boy look a lot like-" Zarifall

"Hiro..." Remi

"Yeah, he even has that same tail too?" Zarifall

"That's Hiro..." Remi

"Huh???. . ." Zarifall

"That little boy is Hiro" Remi

"Whaaaaaaat!" Zarifall

"Wait you're telling me that pipsqueak is that loser! And why are you ignoring me!" Derek

"Shut up puppy, this is an A, B, conversation" Zarifall

"Who you calling pup!" Derek

"I'm going to go talk to him, I still have something to get off my chest about the other day! AND IT'S PISSING ME OFF!" Zarifall

"Don't even bother," Remi said as she sounded dull and bland.

"what do you mean?" Zarifall

"Stop ignoring me, THE BOTH OF YOU!" Derek

"He doesn't remember anything past the age of 10, he doesn't even remember me and he keeps calling me a hag for some reason" Remi

"You're telling me, the Hiro I'm pissed off at, is taken over by his kid form!" Zarifall

"Yeah" Remi

"Oh well. . .That's fucking great" Zarifall

"???" Remi

"Imma kick his ass, I don't care if he's not an adult or even remembers, he's still a prick!" Zarifall

"Have fun, he's been called me an ugly old hag so throw a shot in there for me," Remi said as her voice was still dulled.

"Will do" Zarifall

Getting up and walking down the stairs to sock a kid since the room was built like a lecture hall/room, she dead ass walked over to them without saying a prayer to God as she was just going to punch him without warning, but.

As the both of them noticed her she was caught off guard as the little bastard jumped at her, she presumed because he knew what was coming for him, but as she was hit and they both fell to the ground.

She was going to strike while they were both down and he was on top of her before he could attack, but as soon as she raised her fist, his face cheek was rubbing against her cheek,

"Zaryyyyyyyy I missed you!" Hiro

'What???' she was so puzzled her mind said stop, what?

Smothering her half to death he backed up and as he did, he pressed his hands on her shoulder and said with this sunny personality,

"Zarifall guess what! A few days back me and Dad traveled to nagarish outside of Nefumia! Wait that was Years ago, I keep forgetting what that hag said, And look your older now! And you are so beautiful too!"

Hearing that her clenched fist released and as she blushed from his compliment, she couldn't hit him, not- nope, now she was definitely hitting him,






With a bump on his head, he was sitting on his feet in front of her and she was less ousted at him due to his flattery, but now she wasn't on the old Hiro problem as this shota Hiro was nothing but trouble... For her mental state of course.

'I was talking to him... You know what... sigh, nvm, I'll get another opportunity, so let me just start on the incantations before I forget' Zoe's thoughts

"Wait so am I supposed to call you big sis now? Wait you're not wearing any makeup yet you look so good? Wow, you've grown so tall too~?" Shota Hiro

With his tail wagging, he didn't even feel like he was being punished as he adored her beauty and was bold enough to speak his mind.

"Stop being so flattery and just tell me what happened! You dumbass!" she said but she was likening all of his complements.

"Okay, so there was this giant zombie, it was huge and-" Hiro

"And it wasn't actually a zombie but instead a found out to be a Goliath corpse being possessed by a vengeful spirit" Zarifall

"gasp, How you know?" Hiro

"Because you told me 9 years ago when you came back" Zarifall

"I did?" Hiro

"Yeah" Zarifall

"Oh...Then why'd you ask?" Hiro

"I ment how you became a kid! Idiot!" Zarifall

"Oh.. Well, I was told that I was experimenting with a potions when I did something wrong and the thing blew up in my face turning me into a kid! It was like BOOM and think I screamed" Hiro

"So you don't even remember how you became like this?"

"I don't remember a lot of things, especially because I was wandering around when an old hag snatched me up and took me home with her"


'Didn't Remi say he called her a hag... Unless'

Hearing that word hag in her ear Remi shot up and looked to Hiro and zarifall.

"Yeah hag, she had yellow hair, blue eyes, and she tricked me with sweets and the promise of snacks for information, which I gave her... And I still didn't get any snacks, even after I have her so much information... humph"

Definitely knowing he was doing it again, Remi hastened her way down the stairs and as she heard him say these next parts, she yelled,

"But not just that, she smelled icky and... And well... she even..." Hiro

"nonono! he's making stuff up! That not what happened!!!" Remi

But it was too late as she got down the stairs to the flat teaching area with Derek behind her, he said with a shameful yell.

"She even kissed me on the lips!" Hiro

"Eeh?.?.?..." not just both Zarifall and Derek had heard that and were like what the fuck. But even their teacher Zoe heard it, no, she heard it all...

It was too late for Remi as he yelled that clenching his fist and closing his eyes tight like he was confessing something to someone, in which essentially, he was.

Looking at Remi disgusted, Hiro opened his eyes to see the 2 new people join them on stage and he rushed over to zarifall, hugging her arm and burying his face into her,

"That's her! That's the evil hag!" Hiro

"Remi, what then fuck?" Zarifall

Even Derek looked at her sorta grossed out and he didn't even like Hiro.

"Girl, you're gross" Zoe

"That's not what happened" Remi

Looking at Hiro with discontent as he had just done that, yeah he just fucking did that, he turned his head to her and smiled maliciously before burying his face into Zarifall's side.

Derek then walked over to Hiro and smelled him,

"He checks out, his scent is all over her" Derek

"It's not how it seems! I can explain!" Remi

But as she said that, she was looking at 2 publishers because they looked at her chaotically and she backed up slowly,

"I can explain..." she gulped.

"You better" they both said.