Stop fucking with my plans!

Hearing Remi's story the both of them got the civil story from her, and as Hiro for some reason just didn't like her from their point of view, the both of them kinda kept it at a mix as they believed Remi wasn't telling the whole truth, and Hiro was more or less doing the same.

"Sensei let me help you over there!"

"Um? sure?" not needing this, he was just bothering Zoe, but she had enjoyed it as she could use the company. . .But she had no idea this boy was none other than Hiro, the same one she wanted dead...

Meanwhile, Zarifall didn't get something? Something was wrong with both sides no matter how she saw it.

Because she remembered Hiro as an inspiring paladin at the age of 10, he was a Lawful Good and from how he made it seem and knowing exactly who he was, she was 100% sure the Hiro she knew would have killed Remi and not thought twice about it, especially by calling her a hag, since [Hag]'s existed and they were very evil creatures.

"Why is he lying? Hiro was someone no one needed to worry about at this age because he was very independent and... Wait... He's lying... Hero's lying... This can only mean... Derek!" Zarifall yelled to him.

Veering around to Derek to inform him about something important, he saw Derek mumbling to himself, "why'd she kiss him? Him? Why does she want a 3rd male, she already has me and that bastard, so why?" but as he said that, Zarifall grabbed him and hit his shoulder to snap him out of it.

"What!" he aggressively responded but was cut off as she spoke over him,

"We need to get Remi as far away from Hiro as possible, and I mean no contract at all!" Zarifall

"Already on it" Derek

"You are?" Zarifall

Not having to explain was good and all, but hearing him agree that quickly without even considering why made her curious, did he already realize, or...

Walking over to Hiro, he grabbed his shoulder and yanked him forward,

"Say yes" Derek

"Yes?" Hiro

Not knowing what had just happened, before he could ask what he agreed to, Derek gave a stern scary look to Zoe which had frightened her down to her core, and he said,

"Congrats Necromancer, you have a boyfriend now" Derek the matchmaker

"Huh..." Zoe

"WHAT!" Zarifall is in the background.

"Oh and if you refused I'll kill the both of you"

"What the hell are you doing!" Zarifall said as she ran over to them,

"I said to separate him from HER, not match make and hook up these 2!" Zarifall

However as she argued that, Derek stepped forward and with a high demeanor, he said,

"Go fuck yourself I have my own problems to deal with, I did like you asked and it's done, now stop nagging me"

Putting his hands in his pockets he walked away and joined the others. And not just that, as soon as he walked over there, he butted in and offered to have them all train with his wolf pack to gain the favor of these people when they managed to get stronger and become useful.

Meanwhile, Zarifall was getting fucked over even if she accepted it his way, why did he pick Zoe, out of every girl here he picked her! The evil necromancer who might stick with it to kill Hiro later on and make him into one of her undeads!

Why didn't he just pick her, she's way better than any girl here, and she knew that as a fact! But instead, she got this outcome!

. .

. ..

. .

Neglecting the both of them, Zarifall walked off in frustration which could have been used in such an outcome to make a good one benefiting her, she walked away, and left the 2 of them sitting there very confused about what the hell just happened?


Looking over at Zoe he just shrugged his shoulders and asked her,

"Do you know how to make a Mana potion?" Hiro

"A mid-grade one, why?" Zoe

"what tier?" Hiro

"first-tier" Zoe

"So I need a lot of mana that I don't have at the moment and I must have a bunch of mana for this... Project" Hiro

"Oh really?" Zoe

'Wait I didn't assign a project? and I don't think anyone else did if it involved magic?' Zoe's inner thoughts

"So whattaya say, wanna make some with me, I can get the ingredients and equipment, I just need you to be my alchemist~" Hiro

"What's in it for me?" Zoe

"The slayers have you on a leash, right? I can offer you an easy day away from the slayers if you want to help me with my project, And let's also say I can do one thing for you which is reasonably under my power" Hiro

"Hmmm? Okay, I accept your offer, and I'll think about that one thing. So, when can you get the ingredients and equipment?" Zoe

Was that a joke, because it was really funny to him as he was laughing. She didn't get him but as soon as she saw that smirk she knew something was cumming and it was cumming in her face,

"oh, I already made the arrangements, I just needed to find an alchemist" Hiro

"Then why didn't you just hire an alchemist? We're you planning on asking me?" Zoe

"Actually, I was planning on asking around to find one or buying a book on alchemy to do it myself, but you just happened to be a coincidence" Hiro

"A coincidence? You sure boy" Zoe

"take it as you wish if you want to feel special, but there's nothing more to it" Hiro

"Now how would you like some freedom tonight, because if we leave now, then we can get it done before midnight" Hiro

"fine. It's not like I have anything better to do" Zoe

"fantastic~" Hiro

"But let's wait until class is over, I still have paperwork to do and stuff which they check" Zoe

"understood" Hiro

Saying that it went quiet as the only sounds were the sounds of her pen and he got impatient as being in heat made him want to mate, so when he wasn't preoccupied with something to do, he felt his sense of rationality fade.

"Hey, since I'm your boyfriend now, let me help you with your paperwork?"

"Um... I don't think this is going to work out, I'm into men, not short baby-faced college students, plus I'm your teacher and that's morally wrong? And I think the slayers would kill me... most likely"

But then she thought about that scary Derek and she gulped,

"But in name, I am willing to work with. As you are a boy, I guess you can be my friend, and soooooo, I don't wanna die... So here, fill this out partner, Welcome aboard to my hell~"

She said taking this lighter than anyone would have thought. Not even Hiro was handling this well as this was the last thing he ever wanted, but he didn't say anything as he was imposing as this socially kind child.

But on the inside, he was like a ticking time bomb because #1 he hated Necromancers with a passion, so there was no guaranteeing that she would see the light of day tomorrow.

#2 he needed samples from Remi and Sebastian as that wasn't the issue, it was that that fucker Derek was trying to push him away from them.

And then there was Zarifall who he didn't want anything to do with at the moment, as she had nothing to do with his plans and her presence was dangerous towards it as she kept trying to get involved.

#3 he had this odd obsession with mac and cheese, okay, that was a lie, but he was feeling obsessed and possessive. It was a weird feeling that had probably been related to this incubus business that he had Chloe looking into for him, which he had been genuinely been thankful for.

So as he glanced down at Zoe who had been filling out the papers paying no mind to him, he bit his lip and bitterly smiled as he grabbed the pen and writing, but even as he was working he needed to try and distract his mind,

"oh hey, I have this fun idea, let's turn this into a race! The first to finish the most papers and makes a stack wins"

'Dose Derek really think that using her will stop me, ha, you just gave me a valuable resource fool, and even if you push me away, you have no power, in strength your something, but truly your nothing, especially when I'm done with my plans'

[Oracle: Next time, The window to shadowfell, Master]