I chose the little evil - My cute little ×evil×

As tension was in the air and a droplet of blood fell from Hiro's hand, it was like my grandfather's PTSD, because as she saw his blood drop the memory of last year had spat in her face.

[Royal Blaze Aura]


Her voice was filled with a deep emotion, when a thick coat of fire had sprung out of her body... And as it did, the 3 of them instantly collapsed before her.

She didn't mean for this to happen and she didn't know that this would have happened... She was just so mentally scarred from the last time that everything had unstably exploded outwards.

Looking around as a Sky blue had covered her body like she was the Avatar on bath salt, she saw her boy fall to the ground, that other girl fall off the chair she was sitting on, and Mari who had attempted to sit up went flail and hit the bed.

Seeing what she had done, she gasped and stepped back, this was the second time this month that she had unstabily done something like that.

The first time was when she put Ezekiel through the wall for suggesting something terrible for her family, and now this.

But as she was feeling like she was purely losing it, someone came into the room and as she looked to who it was, she saw her husband and with not knowing what to do, she desperately called out to him,

"I need your help, Paul!"


Laying them down on a bed in a clinical room, she was pacing up and down as she had a doctor check them. And as the doctor had, he found out that her magical pressure had afflicted them so badly that they all had been injured by it alone.

As for their physical conditions, they were more or less fine, however, [spiritual] and [mind] arts were off-limits as the along with [magic] as that's what's her magical pressure had almost crippled them in. Luckily she had stopped when she did and they weren't exposed to too much of it.

But as for the boy, she had to sit the both of them down to explain his conditions seeing it was the worst of the 3.

Hiro had a broken nose, bruises that seems to have been up there for a while, and even some internal damage along with a cut on his tongue from what looked like him biting it.

The doctor wouldn't have been surprised if he had a cracked bone or 5, and was in perpetual agony this whole time.

So she suggested hiring a healer and priest to speed up the healing process and purify his body of any toxins, either that or just hope for the best and a strong self-healing rate, which he was going to need.

Mary questioned it, but before she could talk the doctor also suggested that they have the same thing done to the 2 girls. The doctor had exposed them, then and there, and said they had more toxins in their body than bamboo in a panda's stomach.

Because those 2 were drug junkys and even from looking at them, she could tell that those 2 had been doing heroin and cocaine for months now.

That's why she said more or less fine because they were okay... Partially.

Hearing her daughter was a drugy, she was enraged, the mere thought if something like that made her feel... Disgusted... With herself for not knowing.

Mary then proceeded to ask about it and her daughter and all the doctor could suggest was that the cause of this could have been from many things, such as her life at home, how she was raised, lack of communication. Which in turn made her and Paul think deeply about their daughter from a concerned point of view.

But it wasn't just her, Paul couldn't help but look over to his son, he was a palidan so he had keen senses. But that's not just it, looking at his son, he saw his shirtless body as it was being examined, and he even looked and saw a tail on his body, there was so much he didn't know and so much he felt wrong... He felt like he needed to be there, and at least talk with not just his son but even his daughter seeing as he noticed how much she strayed away from him.

And he knew why, she was arrogant and believed magic was superior which he debated to be wrong, so it was more of a belief disagreement which strayed them away from each other, but it's not like he wasn't there and he didn't try... But to him it was like he needed to try better... Especially now.

Anyways, after getting a good observation on this, Mary caught him up on their son, what happened in the room, and all the other stuff without telling him about his own demon blood or grandfather yet

She still needed time for that.

And as the day started closing up and the others not waking up yet, Paul made a decision and he decided to keep them all resting here for the month and even the next month if possible.Since it was Mary's fault they were almost crippled.

And since he found out his son wasn't coming back home and had lived here in the branch house, he wanted to catch up with him.

Due to their physical states and his righteous heart, he had decided to take responsibility with his wife and he was going to rehabilitate them all to the right path.

So he was going to rehabilitate them with the power of healing and discipline... While also monitoring them so they don't repeat their same actions/doing drugs.

And by the name of Paul Garamiah! This was his hostile take over... But more fatherly... And he kinda had planned to get Levi to help him since they was kinda like a cousin who hated him and lived there, but he wanted him and Levi to just get along.

***Next Day***

Waking up the next day, Hiro lunged his arms sitting up, Not speculating too much as he yawned and then pulled the strength to gaze around the room as he felt himself on a soft surface

Gazing around the room he saw Mari sleeping to his right, and past her was another figure?

It was Isabell.

But as he saw her he didn't recognize her due to her thin pale complexion and skinniness, so he ignored her and looked back over at Mari who was sleeping peacefully.

And as he stared at her, he thought to himself,

'Maybe I should buy her a gift as an apology? Thinking about it we've never gotten along and I can't afford to have her as my enemy, I need someone like her to leave me alone for good and not repeat what she and that girl Bella did to me last year at Remi's house'

As he was thinking, he was hastily interrupted as he felt like his mind and inner self suddenly rumble and shred.

He grabbed his chest as his breath had been quickened, forcfully, shakenly and roughly. Air from his lungs escaped in bursts of breaths and an infectious-like spread of hellish suffering had forced its way from his belly and then all around, he mechanically scrunching up.

The hellish pain washed over him and it did, he felt like he was bleeding from the insides of his body as he felt as if he was slowly being tourched alive and ripped apart while his limbs were all still attached... The suffering was like 7 folds of death and he could feel his world crumble and shatter from inside out.




Clenching onto the bed he almost did something stupidly hasty until someone grabbed him, forcefully turning him over,

"Steady mind! Calm!" Unknown

Hearing a make voice something was pushed into his mouth and he rejected it. But then his head was pushed up and he heard,

"Just swallow! It'll ease the pain!" Unknown

But hearing that didn't help, he kept rejecting and squirming until he was overpowered,

Back against the bed as a strange liquid was down the side of his mouth and he breathing extremely hard and his body was limp. During his struggle, he heard a voice from off to the side, and then he was hit with something making him lose all feeling in his body and he was at a loss as he couldn't move.

"Sorry about that, we weren't expecting you to wake up and still feel anything, it looks like we're going to have to amp up your daily dosage.

Glancing down he saw a man in a leafy green coat and he smiled as he looked at Hiro,

"Hello young Natsu I'm a friend of your father's, he hired me to heal you 3 back to full health~" unknown

Saying that someone walked next to him and it was a lady in a white kimono,

"Good day, Mary is my dearest Shield Sister and since your her offspring, I guess I'll keep it to a minimal, I'm a priestess and I'll purify your flesh and bones of all its toxins, so you can make a steady recovery"

Hearing her say that, he started sweating balls, because weren't holy stuff and demons polar opposites?

He knew the difference between radiant damage and holy damage. So let's just say, throwing a picture of holy water on an undead was satisfying, but having it thrown at him was not so satisfying...

'No thanks, I'd rather just jump in ice water and fall asleep than go through that'

The lady said a few more things even tho she had the face of I don't care, so he had to listen to that until the paralysis wore off.

And when it did and he got up, they left to inform Paul he woke up, but when both parents came back he was gone and there was a note on the bed saying he was going out for a walk and he'd be back in the evening.

This upset Mary as he just up and left, but it made Paul laugh as that sounded like something he would do... He was put in the time-out corner for that tho...

***[L: District 3]***

Feeling decent enoght to move, he stepped into town and all he could think about was the Bright Forge task,

And from what he knew had to do. He couldn't think of anyone more or less evil other than Zoe. But even if he managed to get her to magically fall in love with him... THERE WAS NO WAY IN HELL THAT HE'D EVER TOUCH HER. there was absolutely no way he'd touch that Necromancer bitch anywhere, even if was for a mere dab up or hand shake.

Fuck that, he'd rather stick his dick in a fish and pull a dolphin than have sex with a Necromancer, especially that one! She barely even knew what hygiene was, and he had a problem with that seeing as those traits just brought him discomfort.

But Anyways, there was also that girl, the delinquent one. But he wouldn't call her evil? She was more misunderstood from his point of view, so if anything she wouldn't have been considered a fiend in his book.

But that still brought it down to the both of them as they were the closest prey he had available and he knew of none other. Soooo,

Sensei Zoe or Delinquent Girlfriend?

"sigh, I can't choose, I would rather pick the crazy one whose name is still unknown? But I can't say she's actually bad?"

But then he thought about it, and this led back to Sebastian... What if he targeted that Succubus who killed him a few years ago? If he could seduce her the mission would be complete...

But then again, from another aspect, Hiro didn't see himself as evil and if he was to try that, he would be the one getting trapped and or used to take innocent lives,

Hiro wasn't someone who killed for no reason, he always had a purpose behind his actions.




Walking around and thinking about it, he sighed as he wanted to hit his head against the concrete because he chose Zoe... Which made him want to puke, ewwwwwwwwwww!!!

Because now he had to be decently nice... Nope, he took it back, he was going to turn her into a masochist who loved to be bullied,

Yep, he wasn't going to think about anything heinous, but he was going to love-hate bully her and that's the maximum he will do,

But getting that out of the way, there was another problem, and it was the reason for letting Sebastian live.

He needed someone to keep an eye on Remi for him. He didn't know how Sebastian couldn't smell it? But she smelt like trouble, and by saying that, he meant her scent was awfully sour...

And it wasn't a hygienic thing either, earlier when he came back he noticed that his senses had been sharpened and that ment he had a keen sense of smell to... But it was unique because every living organism had a distinct scent. Each and every one of them had simular scents to their race but they were slightly different each time.

But in saying that, none of them smelled good nor bad, they all had a neutral and faint scent to them.

But Remi, she's was the only human who had a bad stench on her, and that could have been because she was like a beastwoman and had 2 partners, one a wolfbeast and the other an incubus, but he didn't think that deep into it.

What he thought had led him to the suspicion of... Was Remi human? Or was there something else going on? What and who is she really?

It was like a game of mystery and detectives. But before he could travel deep into that. He needed to prepare himself. . .

And that's why he was out here.

Cutting corners, he walked into an alleyway and as he did his shadow wiggled and a small silhouette hopped out,

Walking into the ally and taking off with Oliver at his side, he clenched his fists and him and Oliver ran,

Because they were on the hunt.


[Shadow witchery has leveled up]

[Hiro's Household has gained 2 occupants ]

Stepping out of the allwag with 3 cuts on his cheek and a sliver of blood running down his arm. The shadow marking on his other arm had expanded and 2 silhouettes of black creatures had formed up there, joining Oliver the shadow cat.

But how exactly did this happen and what did this all mean? Also how did his shadow power/control increase by a whole Lvl and what did it mean by he gained 2 occupants to his [household]?

Well it happened like this--

***later that afternoon***

[L:Ross Imperial University]

Not long after he traveled to [Dirstric 6]. And since he had nothing else better to do today, he went to class. Even tho there was no point in going since he would appear halfway through 4th period. He did it anyways.

Then again, he promised he would instruct the class on how to use [Mana blast] after school.

So there was still a point to coming here, and since he came here already, the slayers were going to force him to head to class anyways, no matter the excuse he made up or who he was.

So he just snuck in through the back while Zoe was teaching.

And she saw him do so, it was pretty obvious as a whole ass door opened.

Yet she chose to ignore him as she was slightly pissed he dared skip her class this morning and he left her awkward with this class since she needed him to help with the demonstration lesson. And he was the only one she could ask!

So ignoring his ugly ass she continued her lesson.


Sitting next to Emily who had greeted him with a slight head bow and then went back to taking her notes, he couldn't help but look over, he didn't know what to do and seeing as she was still teaching magic theory, he looked away.

Kinda knowing this and seeing how predictive Zoe was, he just sat there with his head leaning onto his hand and he just observed.

"aren't you going to take any notes?" Taylor who had seen him come in grabbed her notebook and came over to him, sitting at an empty chair next to him.

"nope" Hiro



When the bell rang everyone one dismissed, they all grabbed their bags, packing it up and then standing, leaving the chairs on the ground and not caring if Zoe had finished her lesson or not, in which she hadn't and she couldn't really control them so they already knew they were dismissed.

Seeing everyone leave, he proceeded to follow along with the class to the fields. But as he did, when he got over to the front door, he was pulled aside by the very woman he chose as his quest.

And when she got ahold of him he was expecting something causal or how come I haven't seen that little mage guy anywhere? But no, what had happened was she started scolding him, and it was a long scolding for yesterday and today's actions.

In which he barely paid attention to as it was like a gust of wind and he just stood there like... So the weather ain't looking to well ain't it mate




When she had finished her long list of why she was mad at him, he was going to jest and make some smart remark like a sarcastic prick,

But as he was about to say such and make her hate him, she flicked his forehead interrupting his almost speech and she gave him a modest and almost disappointedly worked look as she spoke in an upset and sincere voice,

"Hiro...Just listen... Your my boyfriend damnit, so I just need you to have my back sometimes. Even if in reality you don't like me or see me as your... girl" she said sincerely but her voice became softer the closer she got to finishing.

Weather she held any ill intent or manipulation behind her words, was unknown, because she said this, the only thing he knew was she was jaded.

She sounded upset because she was stressed and frustrated, he could tell she was jaded because she she seemed overworked and looked to be almost dulled as this was to much for her to handle by herself, or at least with this class and all her classes.

So giving attention to her as she said that, he paused... Something about what she had just said made his chest feel funny and as she walked back to her desk, he turned around and tapped his chest,

"I'll be early tomorrow..." He uttered,

Not able to hear him mumbling under his breath, she faced him and as she did, she was angry and put her hands on her hips,

"What was that I couldn't hear you?! Knowing you, I can already guess what it is and I don't want to hear it anyhow! So just be here tomorrow and don't you dare think of skipping my class again or I'll drag you back here myself"

But not facing her as she pouted that, he walked away and that made her mad, she just wanted to scold him for being such a rude and obnoxious prick.

But then as she was overly pissed and staring daggers into his back, he turned around and with a sudden light expression waving over his face and he said,

"I said I'll be here early tomorrow. So have your lesson prepared before I get here, okay shit head" he said mockingly.

And with him saying that she stepped forward and stomped her foot as he dared taunt her,

But before she could call him out for it, he left,

"Ugh! I hate him so very much!"




Without thinking to hard about that Small Necromancer chick, he felt weird inside, it was as if his body was trying to tell him something,

Yet he continued onto the field so he could help his class succeed in acquiring a magic attack spell.

And they did, they succeeded.

[All of class443 has successfully learned [Mana Blast] ]

***Next day***

[L: District 6, RIU, Zoe's classroom]

And just like promised, he got there early... But when he got there he seemed a bit strange... But than again, it was Hiro so Zoe just naturally found him strange?