The Longing - There's a funny feeling in my chest?

A week had passed since then and as he woke up and took his medicine, he found himself back on his futon. . But before he slept, he took something relatively small and important, but then suddenly he had spat it out before falling asleep.

This was bad, very bad.

***[Flashback of November 3rd]***

Stepping into class way earlier than Zoe had expected, he helped her out with planning and the lessons for their class. But she had felt that something was up, and it was just awkward as this went on... Because the entire time-

They didn't bicker?

She even managed to make proper conversation with him without any sarcasm or back-talking. He just responded without looking at her and kept working.

Could it have been he was a decent person and he was serious about helping her because he finally accepted her as his one true love?

Nope... That wasn't it...

***During school hours, 1st class***

"Seby, why are you here?" Remi

She asked full of curiosity as he was sitting in the empty front row with a blank notebook, and he was just staring at that newly sharpened pencil in front of him. . .And he didn't stop looking at it-

Until he heard a male voice, a voice so familiar that it scared him more than that sharpened pencil and it made his secretly bandaged arm throb in pain...So he looked up.

"He promised me and Sensei that he'd help us in today's lesson, oh and he also said that he'd join our class. Isn't that right... Big bro~" Hiro

Veering his head to Sebastian, they locked eyes and as Hiro devilishly smiled at him, he dreadfully grabbed his arm as he was... Afraid.

"He did??? You did?" Remi

Facing Sebastian who seemed to be distressed, she was going to ask if he was alright seeing as he was holding himself, but before she could, he spoke,

". . .Yes..." Sebastian

Keeping his eyes on Hiro, she looked at Hiro and as she did, he moved onto the table and tilted over, cuffing his thumb and pointer around Sebastian's chin like this was some BL fluff. And Hiro seductively said from her dirty-minded point of view,

"Why are you so quiet, for a Demon you're being such ah-... Oops, I said too much~" Hiro

He maliciously said as he knew what he was doing, but Sebastian didn't and he was stunned as Hiro wasn't just trying to torment him, he was trying to fucking get rid of him...

"Demon?" Remi

She said speaking her mind out loud and he sharply looked at her, just begging in his head that she wouldn't believe him, she couldn't, he didn't want her to know... Why! Hiro why are you doing this to me! He thought so very hard.

Still, as she said that, Hiro squished Sebastian's cheeks and made him look at Remi as he did the same and then said like a devil,

"Yeah, you heard correctly baby girl, we're both demons. And your not Hu-"

But as the words of a chaotic persona came out, Hiro was about to hurl them all into the light, but then something unexpected happened before he was going to say what he was going to say. . .About her,

"hahaha, Silly joke but we all know Demons don't exist~" Remi

Moving her hand to both of their cheeks and squishing them as she had a sunny smile on her face, one full of light and something so bright that you couldn't see what was behind it, she continued on and said,

"But even if you were both Demons which would be problematic for the church, I wouldn't care, I don't care what the both of you are, so even if you were Demons, I'd still love you both~" Remi

Hearing her words, light tears started balling in Sebastian's eyes,

"Babe~" Sebastian

But as Sebastian fell deeper in love with her, Hiro felt disgusted, this wasn't working like how he planned, he needed to think of another plan or straight out say what he wanted to say.

But if he was to just say "you're not Human, are you Remi?" he was 99% sure she would make up an excuse or take it as a joke, that's why he exposed them to have a higher percentage of getting her to reveal herself.

And he wasn't the smartest so this was all he could think of.

But with her fucking it up, he frowned.

"Your strange" Hiro

"I know~" Remi

'Wait?... Did she just say she loved us???' Hiro was deeply puzzled as he recalled that.

***1st class***

Today's lesson was magic proficiency, she was going to evaluate them and Sebastian was going to write and note down how proficient they were in magic,




So taking them all out of class and to the field which they had been using to train after school, some slayers followed the class for security reasons and when they were all out on the field, she ordered everyone to attack her using only the spell [Magic Blast] seeing as she heard that Hiro had taught them it yesterday evening.

But as she had said that and grinned as she couldn't wait to see what they got, she casted [Barrier Of Arlo] and as a strong magic barrier formed around her, little tiny balls of blue had came at her and just nudged the barrier, not even scratching it?.?.?

All she could think was "what the fuck?" and "is this a joke?" but it wasn't because that's how far they were in mastering that spell. No, it wasn't even mastery, they couldn't even use the full strength of [magic blast], that was more of a [magic baby ass ball] strait from their moms' vaginas. Because it was a pussy attack.

She was so very disappointed as those attacks couldn't even hurt her without a barrier.

But then she heard Hiro's voice.

"Ready... set... fire!"

Hearing that, the class moved out of the way and she saw Emily, Zarifall, Remi, Jessica, Richard, Jose, and Peter, Who aimed their hands at her and at the command of Hiro. They casted and shot 7 different balls of magic.

1 super fast and strong, shattering her barrier.

Following behind it, there were 2 stronger than the others 4, which in turn led the way, as the next to reach her.

And then the last 4 who all had the fundamentals of this basic magic attack/Mana blast down and we're following behind the 3 magic attacks.


As Zarifall's magic attack broke her barrier, Emily and Remi's magic attacks came right her, and she timidly dodged the 2 by twisting backward.

she then hit her staff against the ground pushing herself back up, and using that same staff, she hit the remaining Mana Blasts, destroying them as they didn't have much power backing them.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!"

Ready for some more, a necrotic purplish aura formed around her staff, and as she raised it, the slayers drew their weapons,

"You're not allowed to use your necromancer power here without permission Zoe Michaelson" Slayer guard 1

Lowering her staff as she glared at him, she clicked her tongue,

"Fine asshole" Zoe

Looking back at her class, she pointed at the 7 and said,

"You 7 passed today's lesson, the rest of you need more training, keep firing until you pass out from mana exhaustion!"


Some had already passed out after shooting one, and then half of the class passed out after 2, and then the rest of the class passed out after 3 Mana Blasts, meaning that they all had less than 30-40 points of mana.

Except the 7 she said passed.....

But then she noticed that Hiro wasn't even participating and she got excited since he was a mage and she knew he probably had some exciting attack spells on him.

So she yelled to him to not hold back and attack her...

But he declined, and this made her mad and as she ask-yelled at him, to explain why from her distance, he yell-answered back to her he didn't feel like it and this made her mad as he was embarrassing her in front of everyone on purpose.

What was he trying to say! She wasn't worth it... she thought very much.

Little did she know he couldn't attack using magic since Mary had almost crippled him with her eminence magic power. And so since his Mana Pool was severely damaged, he couldn't use magic at the moment.

This in turn got him scolded by her in front of everyone and Sebastian took his place as he had a decent amount of magic and he knew some spells, which she took advantage of and fought him and... But he was pathetic against her and she easily K.O.'ed him.




With most of the class in the infirmary and Zoe not getting in trouble since this was a semi-planned lesson of the slayers.

She had 8 students in her 1st and last class for this week since they wouldn't be leaving the infirmary for at least a week or so.

Which was good for her... But also not so much for her as she had something coming up in 2 months for their class.

***During school hours, 2nd class***

His second hand was with Jessica, Taylor, and Emily and the 4 of them usually stuck together in that class.

But Hiro was more forced into it as the 2 human girls insisted on it and Emily still needed his help finding the hidden Vampire for her mission, in which he was still looking for whenever he had free time at school.

And since one of them was in the infirmary he and Emily decided to skip that class and leave Jessica behind as they were searching for clues on who the Vampire was since they were so good at staying secret.

***During school hours, 3rd class***

In this class, he was with most of the boys from homeroom and also Emily who seemed to be in all of his classes.

And he found that to be very strange as he didn't know why? She was a beast yet she was in a beast language class which she already knew the language too?

But he lost interest in why and just accepted it as this was the class where he had his bro's in and they all talked like brothers.

But since they were all in the infirmary except Peter and Richard, he decided to stick around since he and Emily couldn't find any clues on who the vampire was.

It was keeping quiet this year, and that is what Emily feared.

And she feared that because if it had thralls/food banks which were human or beast, it could soon start turning them into vampires, and the undead wouldn't be the only thing the slayers had to worry about, especially since they didn't know how to deal with/or hunt vampires in Nefumia.

***During school hours, lunch***

Since no one was awake and the other classes were doing stuff, Remi had been all alone with her lunch until she saw Hiro and Emily chatting at a bench.

Seeing the both of them, she entered the courtyard and happily went over to them and joined in, by interrupting their talk and forcing them to change the topic.

Soon after the other 5 saw them and joined in, making it really awkward for Emily and Hiro as they were talking about important business but it was ruined by the others.

And to make it worst, Remi sat next to him, Peter was worried about Sanibel since she had also passed out after the 1st magic attack and they were just bombarding the both of them.

And to rub salt onto the wound, Remi was getting too comfortable next to him because she was started to treat Hiro like her boyfriends, she got closer to him. to where their arms touched and she was so overly friendly that his personal bubble was being invaded the entire time and that weird feeling in his chest started getting worst the more she talked and acted.

He couldn't handle it as he was warm all over and the tips of his ears got red. Despite her scent, she was just becoming too much for him that he felt his blood slowly boiling and his palms sweaty.

He couldn't handle it so he left, this was too much, and seeing the chance, Emily snuck off joining him.




But why was because he was still thinking about this morning when she said that she loved them, and he couldn't get it out of his head when she was around, and now she was acting like how they used to, or even worst as this was what she was like when she was around Sebastian and Derek and his heart couldn't handle them being so close like this.

It was so overwhelming that even if he wanted to be chaotically demonic like this morning when he took a big risk to get what he wanted and failed. He couldn't...

***During school hours, 4th class***

With the 8 of them being the only ones in class, Hiro tried being distant from the others, but Zoe made them pair up and before the others could pick Hiro since he was their friend and most knowledgeable about the subject, Zarifall already got to him.

And as the both of them were sorcerers, they were the lead team in this game like lesson,

And since the class was basically all gone, Zoe couldn't continue their lesson plans, so this week was doing to be self-study and magic training in the gym which she would assist them if needed.


After class The 7 of them went to the field to do some extra training but Hiro didn't join them, instead, he went to visit Chloe since he promised he'd check up on her and take care of her as she was supposedly ill.


Returning home, he saw the other 2 carrying heavy water buckets for some reason while his dad spectated them. Was he punishing them by training them?

He soon found out as his mom grabbed ahold of and told him to join them, this was punishment for them, but also for him since he was supposed to be here with them all day, and not outside the branch house.

And it was just like this for a week. Other than him and Mary almost fighting, they were all punished or being forced to fur stuff with Paul who tried making them repent in mysterious ways.

Healing, Discipline was what was going to happen for the first week, but Hiro and Paul managed to get in trouble as Pail let Hiro freely leave every afternoon, despite Mary not wanting any of them to leave.

It was an odd week, but that's how it went, and also the other 2 would have to hunt Hiro down every time he was scheduled to see the priestess, which none of them understood.

***[Present time]***

Pushing his aching body up to drink his medicine, he relentlessly got up and dragged himself to the table where he opened 3 viles full of Wei elixirs made by the healer and prescribed to him to drink every morning.

And then he walked back over to his futon and flopped back onto it before he was forced to do something weird again by the others along with that girl and his sister.

[Current HP: 104/228]

[Viled-Potion of Health Regeneration: consumed]

[Viled-Potion of Pain Abolition: Consumed]

[Tier 3 Viled-Potion of greater boosting potion effect: Consumed]

[Potion effects have stacked by 4x]

Having laid his head on the pillow he moved his hand under the pillow and he proceeded to pull out a packet of pills.

The same very one that Sebastian had given him 10 days ago on Halloween and he munched on the very last pill.

Why do such a thing and why was he eating that pill? Well, it was quite simple, seeing as for the last week he's been in heat...

But just as he attempted to swallow it, he suddenly spit it out next to him and he buried his face in the pillow.

"yawn, Taste, disgusting... No thanks"

He sleepily said as the one thing keeping him from being a lustful fool was dissolving in his spit next to his pillow.