Paul: He Knows?

***[Paul, P-Pov]***

Waking up relatively early he was training outside and doing casual exercises... Which we're considered hellish to the normal person.



As soon as he finished he decided it was time to wake up the 3 kids to start another full day.

To him the first week was just punishment to satisfy Mary who was mad at them, especially the girls since one had slept with her son which he didn't care for, but he understood why she was so mad about it, and then what Mari had done with that girl which upsetted the both of them.

And Hiro too as he has been disobeying them the whole time, even when working with the other 2, or Mary, he seemingly rebelled which confused Paul because every time he rebelled he felt no malicious connotations or danger from Hiro to the others.

And since he was a paladin he had the ability [Danger Sense] which always activated as soon as any sorts of danger or evil intentions appeared around him, and well... Most of the time it came from his wife. But, he's just been ignoring that when it came to her because she was just hot-headed.


Stepping down the hallway, he opened the door to Hiro's room, and as soon as he did, nothing happened, he was sure he sensed something beforehand but it could have been a figment of his imagination.

Creeping over to the sleeping Hiro, he saw a mysterious pink blending into the white, but when he looked at it closely he was sure it was a dissolved candy piece making his sight as he knew Hiro knew there was no eating in these rooms.

Poking Hiro's cheek, he said full of boredom,

"waaaakkkkkeeeee uuuuuppppppp...." Paul

Poking his cheek some more, repeatedly doing it, Hiro turned his head back into the pillows and his fad squinted his eyes as he gazed at Hiro.

"I'm not going to drag you out of bed, but if you don't get up I'm going to make you sleep in the same room as your sister" Paul

Paul proceeded to whisper this into his ear 2 more times and as his kid processed these words in his sleepy head, he thus shot up!

"I'M UP!" Hiro

He giggled like a child as he knew how to get to his son, it always worked,

Speaking again, Hiro sat on his butt and looked at Paul menacingly as he used that same threat again and he knew how much Hiro didn't like it,

"You're both so easy, I used the same thing on your sister and... Well... She said she'd beat you up, however, it still got her to wake up, hehe" Paul

Glaring at Paul,

"You call that a win?" Hiro

"Yup" Paul

"Your such a weirdo dad" Hiro

"Dad? It's has been a while since you've called me that. I think I prefer Father and or Warden better, or daddeo-" Paul

"Asshole" Hiro

"Tough crowd, but I understand" Paul

"Anyways, what's today's torture, I assume that's why you personally woke me up?" Hiro

"Torture? Oh, you mean your punishment. There is none, but well, torture I would put it simply for the both of you as this week is family bonding which none of us seem to do, so we're all going on a simple quest together~" Paul

"Quest?" Hiro

"Yup, I and your mom are going to be there for supervision, but you 3 are going to be doing this all on your own~" Paul

"That's dumb. You know that none of us can use magic right?" Hiro

"That's why I'm going to give you all weapons of choice~" Paul

"We don't know martial arts" Hiro

"Yes you do" Paul

'I taught him how to fight didn't I?' Paul had forgotten.

"I do, but the other 2 don't" Hiro

"Oh yeah..." Paul

"Did you forget?" Hiro

"Actually no. You don't need weapons for this mission, it only encases you encounter a weak monster that's not undead or stronger" Paul

"Really? Hiro

"And besides what the mission is about because your mother wants to explain it in the evening before we leave, do you have any questions?" Paul

"Not really, but wait? Is this a slayer mission, or are you both just making this up?" Hiro

"This is a genuine slayer mission, even though I asked your mother to take one by on the council board, she refused... And here I was wanting you 3 to hunt a man-eating Troll" Paul

'I'm glad she was with him if that's the case...' Hiro's thoughts

Glaring at him because Paul was a stupid adult, he sighed and Paul poked his cheek again.

"Hm?" Hiro

"You don't seem too happy about this? Don't you want to spend time with us? Even Kanna is coming with us~" Paul

"Not really. But who's Kanna?" Hiro

"Oh yeah, you haven't met your little sister yet, have you? Don't worry once you see her you'll just love her, she's so cute~♡" Paul

"I think all baby's look the same. Anyway, shouldn't you leave her home with someone, what if she gets infected?" Hiro

"That's impossible with me around, my natural aura negates the litches curse from transferring or infecting, and before you say it too dangerous, I believe Mary knows what she's doing" Paul

"You trust mom too much" Hiro

"Yes, I do~" Paul

"Why? You're both so different, wait actually how'd you 2 even become lovers in the first place? It's so unlikely with your personalities being so contradicting?" Hiro

Starting at Paul, sweat dripped down Paul's face and he turned his face away, not looking at Hiro.

"Ummmm... That's a long story, I'll tell you when you get older..." Paul

"I'm 19" Hiro

"I'll tell you when you get a girlfriend, when you do you'll understand... I hope" Paul

"I already have one... I guess? It's complicated at the moment since you guys won't let me leave here to meet her" Hiro

He thought back to that delinquent girl who somehow managed to woo him into now admitting that they were most likely dating if that's what it was?

"Okay, give me until December and then I'll tell you" Paul

"ugh, Fine, anyways, I can already guess what happened, me and Mari got mom drunk one time and she already told us you used to be enemies" Hiro

Piquing his curiosity, he smugly smiled and said,

"Do tell, take your best guess and I might tell you it all today" Paul

"Bet!" Hiro

"Mom's was an evil sorcerer and you were a righteous warrior, you encountered each other during one of her evil missions, and after battling, she lost and was captured, but somehow you 2 managed to fall in love, from what I can only assume-" Hiro

"Nope, the story is all wrong, haha your mother fooled you 2 huh? hahaha" Paul

But as he laughed, he looked down at his blistered palms and softly looked at them,

"Because it was the other way around..." Paul mumbled

"Huh, what was that?" Hiro


Looking at Paul who was all sweaty, he clearly just heard what Paul said and he had a smug grin on his face, as he looked at his flustered dad,

"So my father used to be an evil paladin huh? I never would have guessed that" Hiro

Plopping on his butt he crossed his legs and crossed his arms as he had a Semi-Serious atmosphere around him.

"Damn it, you heard me... sigh, Anyways, just a little piece of advice, I wasn't always a paladin, I'm not going to talk much about my past just yet, but never involve yourself in the and it was only after you 2 were born that I chose this life and to become one, which was relatively easy seeing as I'm awesome" Paul

Putting his hand out and ruffling Hiro's hair, but as soon as Hiro push his hand away and was about to tell him to stop it, Paul brightly smiled and said,

"My past isn't important, I love you all and as long as we do good in our lives, the light will be on our side... I hope" Paul

But as he said that, Hiro paused his speech and looked faded for a second before looking down in shame,

"But what if I wasn't human anymore... What if-" Hiro

"You're not I human tho? You're more of a lycanthrope if anything, seeing as you are cursed just like a Werefolk" Paul

Sighing, Hiro looked up at him, and seeing his father not looking at him with disgust or malice his expression lightened,

"Thanks, that makes me feel better. So I will follow you, but don't expect me to be so pure like you, after all, lately, I've been more of a demon if anything..." Hiro

[Hiro's alignment: Highly Chaotic -> Chaotic Nutural]

"I never expected you to be good, after all, your a product of both sides, my family starting from your great-grandfather who was more or less a bad guy, and your mothers family who had always been good, so if anything I've always expected you to be neutral... And nothing like your Great-grandpa hahaha" Paul

"Wait, you know about him?.." Hiro

Looking each other dead in the eyes, they felt some sort of "connection" at that moment and they both knew... That they both knew the secretly secret that they weren't supposed to know but knew...




Suddenly standing up, Paul looked at him and bitterly smiled,

"Sorry son, I gotta go wake up your sister, see you later! Please don't mention any of this to anyone, we'll talk another time about it! Love ya bye!" Paul

Hiro just watched as His father hurried out of the room, and the only thought rummaging through his head was...

"He knows..."