Wake up M-- Demon hongry...

Hurrying out of the room like a Cuban, he cut corners but then turned right back around as Mari's shared room was in the other direction.

Like a fool he wore a stupid look on his face as he laughed, forgetting where her room was despite waking her up every morning along with that girl for chow.

But as soon as he repast Hiro's room, his fool-like expression faded, the party rock anthem in his head suddenly stopped, and he wore a stern expression.

One that saw the likes of God, and One dares to go against all for his own militia. Paul wore a dead serious look on his face before suddenly opening his mouth.

"Pail" Paul

A silhouette suddenly appeared behind him kneeling down, and as Paul glanced behind, he saw a Medium-sized, old man, with long white and grey hair, And a fair complexion for his age as he had wrinkles and a slit scar on the right side of his upper lip.

[ Info - Pail: Head servant of the Natsu branch house, and uncle like figure to the kids of Paul and Mary]

"Pail, change your objectives, from now on you are to not only keep a close eye on Mari like before, but now I want you to assign 3 of your most trusted servants to keep an eye on my son, Hiro"

"As you wish my lord" Pail




Still kneeling down behind him, Paul had continued to walk, and as he did, he spoke but got no response and then immediately looked behind him to see Pail still kneeling down at the other end of the hall.

Running back over to pail, and getting back to him,

"Sorry I forgot you were old" Paul

"..." Pail

Calling him old, the old man had a vein bulge on his head and he clenched his fist, looking up and making Paul sweat as he knew that look...

"YA DAMN FOOL!!!" Pail

Shooting up and uppercutted Paul, he knocked him flat onto his ass as he demonstrated how powerful the elderly are. Now pointing his hand at the knocked down Paul, he yelled,

"Elder 1, youngin' 0!" Pail

Taken back as the servant hit him, he had burst out into laughter and kicked his feet like a child as he did such, making Pail frustratingly sigh,

"Your such a child..."

"Sorry, sorry, it's just I can't take you seriously in that form-"

But as he said that Pail hit him over the head,

"Can you not!" Pail

"Now, respect your elders and be an adult for once!" Pail scolded him,




Standing up and being scolded by the old man for his improperness as an adult, he stood in front of Pail and Pail kneeled once more, but this time he was death staring Paul in the eyes,

"Now will that be all, My... LoRd..." He voiced angerly

*Caught cough*

"You don't have to kneel you know? You might break your back"


Paul was put in a headlock by the old man making Elder 2 and Youngin's 0.


After a long scuffle between the old man and Paul, Paul out of nowhere suddenly became serious as the old man was huffing and about to send him to Hades. And not the sexy one either.

"There are 2 more things. I'd like it if before anyone leaves this branch house that they all get examined and a copy of their files be sent directly to me before we leave to [Sekoku]" Paul

'Weren't you initially heading to [Ewkoeku]?' Pail thought

"And I also request that YOU dig into Sarah Garamiah Hiragi's whereabouts, if that woman is in this town, no, if she's in this kingdom, inform me at once" Paul

"Yes my lord" Pail

As he said that, Pail smiled and the inner core of his eyes flickered a sky blue, he then opened his mouth and said,

"would you prefer A or B my lord?" Pail

As he said that, Paul turned around and walked away,

"Do as you please, just note, if you're attacked in the process, don't blame my kids, blame yourself"

"Hahaha, I will keep that noted... ∆@÷) -ו@&×"

Turning around Paul saw no one and it brought him comfort as that nimbleness of the old man was finally going to be put to good use... And yet he frowned,

Turning back around and stepping through the hallway to wake up his daughter, he spoke to himself,

"He knows..."

"Hiro knows"

"And that can only mean one thing"

"She's back"

"I won't let her get to my family"

"I won't let her further involved herself and hurt my family"


"He knows" Hiro

With a stupid look on his face, he didn't expect that, there was no way he could have expected that...

But he was stupid to think that only he and Mary knew, after all-

"He's apart of HIS family"

Thinking and saying all of that, he felt his brain getting overworked, stream started fuming from his head and he felt light-headed, this was just too much to think about.

Laying his head back down, he looked at the ceiling before closed his eyes.





"Meow" Hearing the familiar voice of a cat, he opened his eyes just moments later and he saw Oliver next to him.



"No, I'm not?"


"I'm not in denial!


"you're in denial"


"I'm aware that made no sense..."

"Fine, fine I get it I'll go out and look for more"


But as he said that to Hiro, Hiro glared at him for a pure 7 seconds before answering.

"I'm not going to wake marcilina up, she's in a deep sleep and I want to keep it that way"

"Meow. . ."

"Yeah, I said I'll forgive and forget, but that was for everyone else, not the literal Goddess who's bound to me and who's consistently-"


"So what if it's double standards, I don't like her, and remember back in the office she!-"


". . .uh. . . "


"sigh, I guess your right, I would be the same way if I was starving for a century or more..."

"Meow. . ."

"Yeah, you're right, I'd be way worst, I might have acted like Lilith if I was that hungry"


"I'll wake her up soon, perhaps after we come back"




"You drive a hard bargain, but I guess that's acceptable. you win Oliver"


"You don't have to be so smug about it"


"tch, bully"


"yeah, I will talk to her about it, but whenever I get back to school, okay"


Thinking heavily about this, he crossed his legs and thought to himself, should he really do as his son asked and wake that Celestial Witch?

'Should I really wake her up?'

'Well, I guess I can't have her sleeping forever... Wait can I?'

"Yeah, yeah, that sounds way better than I could have thought of, I'll just have Marcilina-"

"Little demon, were you just thinking about me~?" Suddenly an echoing voice rung in his head.


Materializing in mid-air, first came a red toe, and kinda as a video fizz of pink rectangular Strips, a body had suddenly immersed out of it, and as they gracefully fell to the ground in front of him,

Landing on the ground, toe first, she was graceful... But as soon as her foot fully touched the bed/ground, she stumbled. . .

"eh?..." Hiro

Suddenly stumbling, she fell and crashed against the softened ground where his futon was and he just looked at her stupidly,

"Um..." Hiro

"You okay?" Hiro

Looking at her, he tried not to laugh, but it was so hard not to that it escaped his mouth for a moment.

Instantly pushing up, she had teary eyes as she bit the inside of her mouth,

"Don't laugh" Marcilina

"I'm not la- I'm not laughing" Hiro

"Yes you are" Marcilina

"I'm not I swear" Hiro

"Then why'd you laugh" Marcilina

"I didn't, I-" Hiro

"Laughed" Marcilina

"Okay, maybe a little" Hiro

"So you did laugh!" Marcilina

"I said only a little!" Hiro

"Meanie" Marcilina

"Sorry..." Hiro

'Wait... Why am I apologizing?' Hiro

With her in front of him, he moved his hand up and flicked her forehead,

"I shouldn't be apologizing to you. You shouldn't have fallen, blame yourself not me" Hiro

"B-Bu-" Marcilina

She seemed to get even more upset when he said that. He saw that, and he clicked his tongue as she was already being such a hassle for him to deal with and yet it's been a whole year-plus since they had last met.

"your such a hassle" Hiro

Moving his hand on top of her greasy hair, he sighed,

"But even so, it's good to see you Marcilina" Hiro

Not bothering to put a smile on his face seeing as he didn't care how he seemed in front of her, he rubbed her head like a pet and straightforwardly told her why he called her out. . .And it wasn't because he wanted to wake her up,

"Your such a Demon" Marcilina pouted

But as he said that, he grinned and spoke haughty,

"Call me what you like, but you are right. Because I am a Demon, and I'm so gonna use you~" Hiro's

"Hm?" Marcilina

With his hand still on her head, his eyes looked chaotically at her and he said,

"Now Marcilina dear... Become my magic"



...continuous pause...



"What?" Marcilina

She was heavily confused? What did he mean by becoming his magic, she was overthinking it for a few seconds, until she finally asked,

"By becoming your magic, are you saying you're going to eat me?" Marcilina

But as she said that, he stupidly smiled and moved his hands to his knees where he sat straightly up and said,

"Eat you? Funny joke, that would be disgusting~" Hiro

"So your not going to eat me?" Marcilina

"Duh" Hiro

"Then what do you mean by becoming your magic?" Marcilina

"just like how it sounds~"

"That can be put into many perspectives, it's like the smurf's and their essence being used to turn stuff into gold by a creepy old wizard with a cat, you need to explain dumbass"

"Oh..." Hiro

"Don't, oh! Explain dumbass!" Marcilina

"You don't have to be so mean about it, it'll be spoken in do time..." Hiro

"No! Do it now, you can't just AOT me and leave me on a cliffhanger!" Marcilina

(Why's it always you two who always break the 4th wall?) Turtle-chan

"Okay, okay, stop yelling and I'll show you"

"Show?" Marcilina

"Yep" Hiro

"Give me your hand" Hiro

She stared at him and as she did she was hesitant to, she moved her hand to, but as soon as he extended his hand to hers, and they almost touched she retracted her hand,

"No" Marcilina

"Just trust me, I won't deceive you" Hiro

"That's not what I'm worried about..." Marcilina

"Common just do it, it'll be quick" Hiro

Just going for it and quickly plopping her hand onto his,

"okay now using your mana, draw out a string and pull that string to your finger, have it flow smoothly without any snap, and let it sit there while I do the same. . ."

But as he said that, he just recalled something...He can't use magic, if he does, he could risk cracking his mana pool even more.


Closing his eyes, he took a steady flow of air in and exhaled, he concentrated his breath and put his hands together so he could feel that solid bubble holding his mana which he called his [Mana Capacitor] Which was like the cap/limit his mana could grow to.

Lessening his thoughts and emptying his mind, he felt something, he felt something that was close to a flair of fire, but it was chilled to the touch and it radiated a mixed batch of mana, in which he diminished his mind of any thoughts and formed an empty room of blankness.

Moving his mind into that blankness, he felt a tiny sphere the size of a grape in between his hands, and in his upper belly.

He could now see that grape-like sphere of blue energy/the actual essence of mana.

Seeing that sphere in his inner mind, he moved towards it and as he looked at that blue ball of mana, he could see that it was being contained by a Large-Grape like a bubble sphere which was solid like clear glass and cracked all around.

That was the Capacitor, and from the size of it, it looked as if it could hold 8-9 more of that little blue grape-sized balled inside of it.

But forget about that, it looked like glass and it was about to shatter, and if it shattered he had a short time until he exploded as the mana would violently expand and his body wouldn't be able to handle it.

But anyways, if he was successful in doing this he could heal one of the many cracks on the Bubble/Holder of mana, and in return, he could make the healing process run smoother and faster despite it being dangerous enough to kill him.

But it was worth a shot!

Moving his inner mind hand an inch away from the bubble sphere, he focused on the Mana and it shook, and as it did, a small droplet came out, that droplet floated and as it did, he twisted his hand and it moved to the mana and touched it.

linking itself but not getting absorbed, he moved his hand back and as he did, it came towards him and the mana droplet smoothened out into what seemed like a line, and as he kept pulling it towards the bubble sphere, it touched the glass-like substance and stopped.

As it touched the bubble sphere, instead of letting it freely pass like when you'd use magic, it was stuck so he slowly started to pull.

As he did such the bubble was nudged and nothing happened,

When he slowly pulled another time, the tip of the Mana Strand passed through the bubble.

Pulling again, more and more came out the slower and more time he focused on doing it this slowly.

Until as be got about an inch of that mana strand out,


The Bubble sphere cracked again and as it did, he tensed up as a whole piece of that glass-like material suddenly fell off and his eyes jolted wide open.

"Fuck I'm gonna die!"

The little grape-like essence of mana that he was siphoning from started violently expanding and compressing and his mind rushed back and thrusted his mind hand outward to where an Orange and Scarlet energy suddenly came out from the sky of the blankness and wrapped around the bubble sphere.

"Shit, Shit, Shit!"

Opening his arms wide he braced himself and clapped his hands together hard enough to where it was like a slam.

It was loud and as it was, the orange and scarlet had encased the bubble sphere and stronger scarlet energy had moved and covered the missing glass spot as his magic essence ran rampant.


In the real world, he coughed and grabbed his chest, his lunges had expanded and shrunk rapidly without any oxygen being pumped through, and he just started coughing as a sliver of blood down from what was now internal magic damage hurting him, from his mana holder shattering.

"I can't do it? I'm out of usable magic... Like I've been telling you for the past week" Marcilina

Crossing her arms as she didn't notice him practically killing himself to try to heal himself, she spoke based on when she was last awake.

"Anyways, I'm hungry, make me some pancakes or whatever" Marcilina demanded

But as she did so because she believed him to be incompetent and dumb, because she's been trying to seduce him for the longest and he's so stupid he made her fluffy delights which she could go to hell for because pancakes are godly.

She saw him more as the pancake guy who feed her physical food when hungry, which she was now not complaining about.

But as she said that,


She suddenly felt an evil aura, one sinister and... Demonic.


But as soon as she felt that evil and demonic aura, she felt her throat get grabbed and as her eyes jolted towards HIM the only demon here, she saw a sinister expression on Hiro's face.

As he expressed the look of sinister, his eyes looked at her chaotically and she felt it,

She felt, she could feel, and she knew... That he went completely berserk.

'I knew this would happen, the Deathlock's curse must make Demons go insane?'

But as she thought that and didn't attempt to fight back as she knew there was nothing she could have done, she pondered in her thoughts, and as she did,

She looked into his eyes and as only a mere few milliseconds had passed since her throat was grabbed, she looked at his Blue and Scarlet eyes and noticed that this might not have been the Deathlocks doing since he showed no necrotic traits.

But then again, one of his eyes was glowing blue and the other was glowing red? The blue could have been necrotic? No, it didn't seem like it tho?

But as a second hit, so did he.

His claws emerged and as they did, he swiped his hand slashing her throat out and spattering pink blood on the floor,

As she fell back, her physical body started to fade away and as the blood stayed soaking the ground, he tried attacking again and he buried his hand into her flesh and then it faded out of existence.

[Goddess of fertility killed]

[168 hours until the goddess of fertility Marcilina can physically reform]

[Marcilina: sigh, and this is why I was so hesitant, my gut warned me that I'd be sent back into this fucking Astral body and here I am... Back in this annoying Astral body...]

She spoke to him through telekinesis which they had due to the link/bond.


As the celestial being was gone the berserk Demon glanced around the room and as he licked the pink blood on his hand he suddenly jumped up and faded in thin air.

***Half An Hour Later, District 2***

"Oh Baphomet~" Unknown

Eeh was there a random time skip or something because what the helllllllll? No, I'm just dumb, stupid, stupid, bla-

The pleasant moan of a voluptuous woman could be heard as she was panting and worn out,

With blood-red cores and a voluptuous body, this tired-out lady was none other than a Demon in human form, and from how it seemed, instead of invoking chaos, she was getting freaky with the humans...As a human...For a human...

"I love you..."

Saying those sweet words was her mistake because as she did, the guy who made her feel good just got even more excited. Because of her.

But he didn't say a word, after all, he couldn't.

Because as the Berserk Demon Hiro pressed his hand on her belly, he seductively crawled in closer and as she was having the time of her life, the wild incubus just had to make it even better as he suddenly kissed her,

Filling her with excitement as wild sex was what the 2 Demons had been doing and she wouldn't have expected this, she was just lost in the moment when she said it because he ate, she received pleasure, and it was mutually beneficial for them both.

But this could have been it for her, as his elongated tongue slipped in her mouth and he put the ♡ chu in her, she completely lost it.

'I think im in love with this incubus

'No, I know it... I am in love with this incubus'

Wrapping her arms around him she kissed back and as, ♡ was something that floated above them, the 2 indulged in one other.


'Um...Where am I?'

His state of mind finally came back to a reasonable sense.