Dawn of an adventure - part 2: The unexpected hunt

The land around an open bundle of trees was cleared of everything but its grass as Mary had used simple wind magic to clear the area after Levi told her not to char the land with her flames,

Hiro found some olive wood and scavenged some elastic tree bark which he then taught him how to make a basic basket to use for water, which they were all surprised he knew how to do,

The girls collected firewood, and Mari stubbornly tried hunting, which worked great as Levi used her as bait,

And now as the others, 2 were resting and Hiro found a small river in which he was collecting water using the basket, Levi was sitting in a tree with one of Hiro's Spears just watching as she was stupidly trying to hunt using Hiro's other spear.

*****[Mari P-PoV]*****

I don't need them for hunting I can do it all myself, I'm self-sufficient and not about to let those pushovers best me.

And why him of all people, Levi hates killing dumb animals, why's he trying to show off so Isabella and make himself seem better than everyone.

Fuck him and fuck Hiro, they think just because they carried our bags and are men that they can just order us around.

Fuck you, I'm stronger than all of you and yet I'm the one being ordered around, you dumb dogs should be the bitches, not us,

Who do those weaklings think their kidding, the first monster, no, the first undead we encounter their both dead,

When they come to crawling to me, begging for my help, I'm going to laugh just kick them away, let them suffer as they had it coming, and watch as those garbages pigs become garbage zombies,

Those 2 weaklings are better off dead anyways!

Even being undead is too good for garbage pigs like them.

{She readied her spear as she crept around the woods, looking for any animals that she could hunt and prove to them all that she's better, she's not useless like Levi said, and that, unlike the boys, she was better, she was better than them all}

*Rustle Rustle*

{Hearing rustling from a nearby bush, she charged at it, yelling like a barbarian, and as she jumped and trusted the spearhead into the bush, a baby rabbit leaped out of the bush, and Levi broke out into laughter from a distance as it hopped away, and she stood there looking stupid}

A small bunny? Wait that can't be right? Rabbits don't move toward the south at this time of the year, most stick to the East or north because it's safer?

Something up? The north, somethings coming from the north that scared them into coming over here, and it must be worst than a simple predator.

And I'm going to hunt it, if I can slay whatever beast it is without the use of magic, they'll worship me.

{Unrealistically thinking this as her stomach growled and her throat was quenched, she was most likely driven mad due to her state of mind at this point of time and as she knew something was up around the Northeast area she started walking in that direction and was hoping to meet a beast before nightfall hit}

I'll prove to everyone I can do this on my own,

{Laughing up a storm in the tree, Levi wiped the tears of happiness from his eyes and as he looked down she was gone, seeing such he had forgotten that he was supposed to be using her as prey, so he needed to follow her. So getting down from the tree he could see her and so he ran west}

***5 hours had last and nightfall had came ***

It was pitch black and she was still on the move, malnourished from lack of eating and currently starving and thirsty, she was also tired but mad, so she kept on looking for this demon beast berating the forest.

And as she moved the only thoughts left in her head was to kill, every step she took the more mad she got and it was to a very unstable level,

And this wasn't because of them, this was actually caused by her [Trait: unsteady Madness], it was a side effect of using their mom's training method in the training flame chamber. . .fluffer.

That's why Hiro told Levi a while back told to never step into that training chamber until he was a rank 3 sorcerer because the power price never comes cheap.

Because the stronger she got, the more the madness would destabilize her state of mind.

Now, she'd be happy one moment, angry the next, and when triggered by something trivial or less significant like a mild obsession, she'd go mad, and then she'd turn to that madness for her own safety in her already unstable state of mind.

She was a very unstable and Bi-Polar person, yet she was strong, resisted, lived with her own nightmares and Devils in that messed up head of hers for years, yet the stronger she actually got, the more her mental state began softening and those inner demons got stronger.

Nevertheless, no one had seen it yet, and she planned on keeping it that way, until the bitter end, but the bitter end is just how it sounds, a bitter end, but the end is never the end because the end always starts anew. . .Most of the time


Hearing the long calling of a monster, its voice echoes through the forest like a bull on the charge, and as she heard where it was coming from, she trotted her way through the blackened forest to see a glimpse of glowing red from the distance making her charge at the red while hitting trees and making a bunch of noise as she stuck to that direction.

Hasting herself past those trees, she adapted and zipped right past them, clenching her spear tight but then moving it to one hand as she used her other hand not to hit any trees and to slide right by them,

But as she did, she suddenly saw 4 scarlet glows and as she did, she knew there were 2 of them, and to her, they were 10 times as rewarding.

Continuing on she was 60 feet away from then, and as she was nearly hauling herself over there because of how exhausted she was,

She then saw a small light and the figures moved almost as if they were battling each other,

"No... If you kill each other... I won't be able to kill you both..." She hazily said,

Continuing for a half minute she was 55 feet away, and she didn't see anything other than the 2 creatures fighting each other.

Another half minute and she picked up the past, getting 35 feet away from them and she could now see another beast silhouette, but for some reason, it looked humanoid?

22 feet away from them, she definitely saw 3 silhouettes 2 of them were fighting and their form shifted consistently? But nothing changed with the 3rd one, it was just watching and ready to take its turn as it was the only humanoid beast, probably some animal that had cams across a pile of strong magic stones or evolved to an Lv.3 beast/and or monster.

Getting 6 feet closer she slowed her place and as she was like a predator, she watched closely as the beasts smacked each other around, and she was just going to go ahead and take out the 3rd one before she snuck attack and kill the other 2.

Only 6 feet away from the dark shadowy silhouette, she stepped on a twig and the beast turned around,

"Is anyone there?" beast 3

But as she was discovered she leaped out from the shadows and pounced on the beast, knocking it to the floor and raising her spear to stab it in the chest,


Roaring out she trusted the head of the spear right towards the chest of the best, but she wasn't fast enough and it caught the blade, grabbing the spearhead with its bare hand and stopping it only inches away from its chest.

"Mari have you gone mad!" Beast 3

Hearing her name, she put more pressure on the spear to only look down and see a face... A face she knew... And it was Hiro's face.

Looking at him as the blood dripped down from his hands as he was holding onto the blade for his life,

She just stared at him but then gritted her teeth and applied even more pressure on the blade, truly trying to kill him.

"You damn shapeshifter, how dare you take on that form! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill youa I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!!!"

Hearing this insanity as if she was possessed, the tip of the blade reached his chest, nicking his flesh, and at that point as he looked at someone he valued as a sibling try and murder him, for no reason at all. . .Fuck forgive and forget.

Especially after this.

With the tip of the blade nicking his flesh like a cat scratch, he saw the murderous look in her eyes, and as he held onto that blade that made him bleed, trying to stop it from going into his chest,

He felt the blade slipping past his hands, cutting his flesh to the point where it was a deep cut on his hands...

He needed to act quick.

Without a second thought, as soon as an idea popped in his head, he swiftly moved his hands to the side, scratching his chest in the process as the tip was nicking him,

And as the spear pointed at the dirt, he quickly released the blade and as he did, it came thrusting down into the dirt.





As her attack hit the ground he balled his bloodied fist, and without holding back his strength, he punched her right in the chest,

Knocking the wind right out of her, and as he did he grabbed her head, pulling it in, and bashing his own hard head against hers.

Knocking her out.

Her eyes rolled back and as his blood smeared on her hair and face, she was out and he who had been startled by all of this was extremely pissed off.

Throw her off to the side, he pushed off the ground with his bloody hands, and as he did, he felt the pain of the cuts, and the dirt on the cuts which made it worst,

These might have been basic Red-Tier(0) spears, but they were lethal, but not lethal enough seeing as she failed to cut off his hands and kill him.

Getting up he looked over to her, but he didnt enact revenge or goes off any impulse, as he looked down at his elder sister, he kneeled down and lit his hand on the side of her neck, checking for a pulse before he put his hand over her mouth to make sure she was breathing.

"Unlike you, I don't kill without a reason, and I don't hurt my family, I'm not cold-blooded"

[Marcilina: Says the one who killed me without a reason!]

"That was entirely my fault, but I had no awareness when it happened, I'm deeply sorry"

[Marcilina: You killed me if it wasn't for our bond I'd be permo dead, forever! ]

[Marcilina: So it'll take a thousand years for me to forgive a vile Demon like you. . .No, I don't even know if I'll ever forgive you!]

"Then I'll wait a thousand years for your forgiveness. You weren't evil, you were just annoying, but I was evil, and it was my fault entirely that you died"

Not expecting him to seek forgiveness for his actions? Marcilina who was in her astral form, suddenly started circling him as she saw his expression calmed and gloomy, and he might have actually been thinking about how he killed her and wanted forgiveness? Or maybe his own forgiveness for his own actions?

This made her ponder to herself,

"Anyways, it's time to go, I'm not in the mood to train anymore, #1, #2, was done for tonight"

As he got up and walked over to the little stick on fire which he used for an experiment, he kicked it turning everything pitch black again,

But as he could see in the dark he turned back around to the 2 proclaimed beasts and Mari, and he looked dead at the beasts,

But they weren't any beasts. . .They were monsters, they were Shadows.

As the 2 had stopped fighting when he said that, they both could clearly be seen by him and as he looked them both up and down, they were medium-sized Shadows with glowing scarlet eyeballs like super weak monsters from a game, and they had no other facial features.

They were ordinary Shadows and as they stood next to each other, the left one stumbled over a pebble and smacked the other shadow over the head, to which it didn't react.

But after catching itself, it suddenly stood straight up and saluted Hiro for some odd reason?.?.?

"Um?" Hiro had no clue what was up with the left Shadow?

"Nevermind, Shadow 1 pick up that girl and follow me, Shadow 2, search the area for any dangers, and then you can return back home"

As he said that, the shadow to the right, walked off disappearing into the darkness and the shadow to the left went over and looked at the spear, just looking at it, and not picking up the girl,

Hiro didn't pay any mind to it, and as he walked off the Shadow followed, but then ran back and picked up the girl, before running back to Hiro.