Last to be, in the village hidden in the trees

*****[Mari's Pov]*****

It was cold so very cold, and as she sunk into the epitome of despair, the sea of darkness, the madness which she hugged onto. . .Out of nowhere, in that darkness, she saw a light, but it wasn't bright... And it was fading...

And as curiosity overwhelmed her, she ditherly let go of the madness, and as the madness reached back out to her, screaming and crying out for her to come back, she swam to that fading light.

As she did, she reached out to it, wondering what exactly was that fading light was, until it suddenly expanded.


Suddenly the light flickered and everything went black, but she wasn't in that darkness anymore, she felt numb all around but sore at her head, her mind was splitting and she felt something warm carrying her.

Her eyes were heavy but not heavy enough, because slowly opened them she saw the outline of a silhouette, but it wasn't a beast, it was a person.

And as she looked at it as if she was in a daze, she heard a voice,

"It all falls onto you, whatever you do with it, is all up to you"unknown

"But heed my warning, you need it, a lot more than I do" Unknown

'That voice... Does that voice sound like Hiro's? Is he carrying me, what does he mean? What do I need that he dosen– GAH!!!' Mari's mind

Suddenly her body twitched, her muscles spasmed and she jerked as she felt something invading her body from all around.

It was like energy, it transferred and transformed, it was painful and as it seeped into her magic passages and spread throughout her body, sinking in and spreading over like an infection, her body started absorbing it,

But at the same time, as she felt all of this, she felt her body violently shaking, and as it shortly came to an end and as she was panting, she felt numb again.

Not able to feel a thing anymore, she heard his voice again, he spoke to himself and as she looked over to where he was, she saw that she had been placed on the dry soil near a campfire.

Looking over she saw him, and as she looked up, she could only see his back as he suddenly started walking back into that forest,

'Wait... Don't go...'

Weakly reaching out to him, the last of what she could see was his spiked tail before he dispersed into the darkness,

'Brother what's going on, explain, don't leave...'

***??? hours have passed***

Shooting up Mari gasped for air, taking in as much oxygen as she could before veering her head around to see a putout campfire, roasted beast, a basket of water, and the others preparing to go.

Getting up she stumbled, tripping over her own foot but then catching herself before she fell. And as she caught herself and tried to balance herself, her head hurt, and so did her chest, it felt as if she got into a fight with someone and lost,

Pulling on her shirt she saw a nasty bruise on her boob, moving her hand to her forehead she felt a bump. What happened last night? She couldn't think of anything besides stealing the spear and then going out to hunt.

"What happened last night?" Mari repeated trying to think of possibilities and what else happened, she was forgetting something and she knew it, but what?

"You went hunting when we told you not to and you got your ass handed as you found a bandit camp, your lucky I heard your plead or you would have been dicked, you ungrateful fuck" Unknown

Looking over, she saw Levi and as he was sitting on a tree trunk, he looked at her disgusted.

"What about Hiro?" Mari

"Huh. He was collecting water for our camp? But that doesn't matter! What matters is that you were seconds away from becoming a smelly barbaric man's plaything! Can't you understand that this attitude of yours is going to fuck you and all of us over" Levi

But as he yelled at her, she looked away and looked around for someone else, but he wasn't there?

"Tch, are you even listening!"Levi

But as he threw his hands up, she faced him and with a sour look she said,

"Then you should have left me, I don't remember any of this, but if that was what happened, I didn't ask for your help!" Mari

"Hey guys we should be getting along not fighting!" Isabell

Isabell had got in between them trying to break them up before they ended up scuffling. But that didn't happen because as Levi was mad, she crossed her arms and said,

"Where's my brother" Mari

'I know what I saw, I saw it last night, he carried me to the campfire in the pitch black and when he was walking away, there was blood on his hands... Wait blood! that means it's on me, I have proof' Mari's inner thoughts

Looking at her clothes she saw large spots of blood-stained on her clothes, but as she scratched her cheek she didn't feel any on her face,

Why did she need proof, what did she have planned? However with her intentions unknown, she knew Levi's words were complete and utter bull-shit as he would only lie for a few, and right now he was lying for Hiro, and she knew it.

"I saw him a few hours ago, he was getting his stuff when I woke up, and then he told me to go back to sleep and he was going to head on ahead on his own" Isabell

"Wait! You let him go on his own!" Levi

Startled by him yelling at her, Mari stepped in and put her hand out,

"There's no use now, let's pack up and leave, if we hurry we can catch up to him"

"Catch up to him? Sure. By why do you want to catch up with him, you still complaining about him taking your bag? You should be glad since you don't have to carry anything" Levi

"I have a few questions I need to ask him"

"About your bag?" Isabell

"No, drop the bag part it's annoying" Mari

"So it is about the bag" Levi

"You motherfuckers" Mari

*****[Unknown PoV]*****




*Num Num*

Marching through the bushes of a marshland coming from the north, a series of growls and ominous noises came along with fog, a thick fog, which held an abundance of necrotic and evil beady shard-like glows.

And from afar, sitting on top of a cloud, there was a man, he wore a black top hat and matching suit and boots, looking down on the land with an unforgiving gaze.

As he looked down from the sky, he clicked his tongue and a crystal orb floated around him,

"Tell your boy I have a job for him" Unknown

"~~~~~" Unknown

***[L: Sekoku village]***

As night had came to rise again, Paul walked to the entrance of the village to see Hiro walking in with 2 bags and a single spear attached to the side of a bag.

Seeing his son, he waved his hand over to him and yelled,

"Hey kiddo! Over here! I rented a few rooms for us to stay in!" Paul yelled with excitement and was glad to see his kid in one piece.

But as Hiro looked at him, his eyes had a sense of emptiness in them, there was a slash on his shirt and his hands were wrapped in dirty rags soaked in red.

If Paul didn't know any better Hiro was extremely tired... ... ...

Walking over to him, Paul put his hand on Hiro's arm and said with a smile,

"You've done an excellent job in your training warm-up, above and beyond with carrying 2 bags, but it's time to rest up now, you look like you really need it, so, just hand over the bags and head to room 12 upstairs on the second floor, you'll be bunking with Mari for being the last one to arrive"

Hearing Paul, Hiro took off the bags and plopped them on the ground, walking away without saying a word,

But as he did, Paul grabbed his shoulder, stop him,

"Wait one moment, show me your hands" Paul

Not saying a word he turned around and put out his hands, and as he did, Paul unraveled the rags revealing a nasty and deep wound on both hands.

Looking down at them, Hiro noticed that they weren't as bad as last night, but then looked up at Paul who was contemplating.

"Cure wound" Paul


Holding his hand out over Hiro's hands, a soft light illuminated from his hand, the deep cuts inside slight healed and as the light faded, Paul sighed,

"It's not much, but that should have at least disinfected your wounds, I'll ask around the village if they have any healers or clinics to stitch you up in the morning"

Concerned with Hiro's hands, Hiro looked up at him and without any emotion, he gazed at him before lowing his hands, and saying,

"What room was I Inn again"

Not able to keep a straight face, he chuckled but then shook his head, and said,

"Room 12. . .pffff Inn"


Leaving Paul and disappearing into the inn, he found his way to his room after stepping over a few drunk people and as he saw a single desk and bed, he saw someone already in the bed.

Without batting an eye, he took off his shirt and layed it on the table, after that he simply just crawled under the covers and instantly fell asleep on the hard mattress next to someone.


Walking in a few minutes after Hiro Paul went to the room next door and as he opened the door to his room, he saw Mary passed out on the bed next to baby Kanna who was awake and playing with Marys's calf.

As she laugher and poked at it, Paul chuckled and went over to Kanna, and instead of telling her to stop, or playing with her to let Mary sleep, he riled baby Kanna up by joining in to annoy the hell out of Mary,

"Sto... Trying... Sleep..." Mary

But she was too sleepy to fight back and not even her speech formed as she buried her face into the pillow. He laughed,

"Hehehe. No can do Luv~" Paul

"Dickhead" Mary

But as her words were heard loud and clear from in the pillows, he casually said,

"If that's what you want, I'll give you both~" Paul

Flinching as she did not just hear him, she totally just heard him! Yes as she did! She got excited, horny, ecstatic, blissful, and just by a mere few words!!!

Pushing up–

"No..." Paul

Pushing down on her back, she *eeped* and fell flat down. Plopping on her face onto the pillow and hearing,

"You actually reacted? So you are a bad girl, sigh. Well, since your awake, look after Kanna, I've been with her all day and need a nap"

Turning her head to him, he was out in an instant and as she was now awake, horny, and annoyed because of him, so as she mounted on top of him and as she sat on his abdomen, she grabbed his shirt.

"You can't just make me a promise and go back on it, I was good all of today–" Mary

"Zzz" Paul

Leaning in she got in his face and as he was seriously pretending to sleep, she moved under his cleanly shaved chin and kissed under his chin and upper neck,

Pulling open his shirt, she unbuttoned it, moving in more and feeling up his tough body as she kissed him even more in these unusual places,

And then his hand moved to the back of her head and she got excited as, yes! It was going to happen!

But as she moved her lower body down, laying on him more seductively, erotically, and sexually, she suddenly felt pulled in and as she was now laying in his with her head next to his and pointing at the bed, she heard his wonderful voice,

"No, not tonight"

Untempted by this sleepy sexy temptress, she tried moving but his hand locked her on top of him, she couldn't even try her seduction as he flagged down Kanna who crawled over to them and she laid next to him and he hugged her, getting them both snared and forcing her to go back to sleep.



"Please, I can just cast a sleep spell Kanna and we can–"



"Go to sleep"


"If I wake up and you did anything inappropriate while our child was in the room, I'm sleeping in a separate room with our daughter and you can have this room to yourself"

"Please baby..."

"sigh, Go to sleep"

It was a long night as she was desperately horny and that's how it stayed the entire night till she fell asleep laying on his chest.

***Early next morning***

In room 12, the bed was uncomfortable, it was stale and hard, the cover was of bad quality and it was irritating as it barely provided warmth,

As Mari was enjoying her sleep, the cover moved, the cover moved off of her slowly and then to the point where it was half off of her and she could feel the coldness of the air on her skin and after all that time of her trying to get warm last night when she arrived, it woke her up.

If only her mana pool wasn't damaged she would have been able to keep herself warm all the time, but because of her mom this shit keeps happening and she didn't like the cold... It was cold.

Opening her eyes, she immediately saw someone, as the sunlight shines through the cover which her head was under and who she was startled by, was none other than that fucktard Hiro,

Yanking the cover to reveal him as he snuck into her bed, she was filled with mixed emotions.

Looking down at him and instantly being filled with anger, she noticed a large thin slit slash on his chest and his hands were wounded and not looking too well.

But as she only caught a mere glance and thought nothing much of it as he was cozily sleeping there without a care in the world.

She was about to physically kick him out of bed and yell at him for coming into her room and doing as he pleased like sleeping in her bed and probably tampering with something of hers when she was asleep. When he suddenly moved,

Moving he grabbed her hand and as it all went so fast, she was encased in his trap as she was caught between his arms and hugged like a body pillow,

Being encased by his arms, she shout at him,

"Let go of me, you dunce! What the hell do you think you're doing you dunce!! I said unhand me!!!"

But as she yelled at him it was to no avail as he was cold asleep and locking her in the most awkward position,

The longer she stayed in it the more her yelling stopped and after 10 minutes of struggling and complaining, her face was flustered as she could believe she was being used as a body pillow.

"your such an asshole, Hiro"

Yet as she said that, she used his arm/shoulder as a pillow and in return his body for warmth.

Mari's Pillow achievement unlocked I guess~