The girl with hardwood and her younger brother on her dick [Pt.1]

After being used as a body pillow for a whole 2 hours, he let go, he rolled over, and as she was set free, free from the torment of being used as a cushion, she kicked him,

Shoving her foot into his side, she kicked him off the bed... Making him roll off the bed, flop onto the ground, and make a loud *thud* as it was like yeeting a ragdoll on the floor.

With an abundance of anger in her eyes as she kicked him off the bed, she glared at him hatefully because not only did he use her as a body pillow for 2 hours straight, but he was warm. . .And it was that good-kush warmth that she didn't want to go away, that's why she was mad... Because he had it and she didn't. And she didn't like it because she didn't like him.

Frustrated and angry, she closed her eyes and complained in her head, why is he warm, I'm cold, I want to be warm, ahhhh, the agony! Meanwhile, as she was thinking about that fluff, he sat up from on the floor like nothing had happened.

Not even yawning, he looked down to his chest and caressed the slit cut horizontally across his chest making a very painful and unpleasant shiver run through his body,

After a slight tremble, he was unfazed, turning away from the minor injury on his chest and ignoring the ones on his hands as he looked up to Mari who looked like she was thinking and he just stared at her.




As seconds passed and the sun had begun rising through the sky, even more. She had thought that he had not woken up, and as her mind was riddled with angry thoughts, she was trying to calm herself down, but as that mix was going on the bed suddenly caved in by a spec and,

"How strong are you?"

Hearing her brothers voice, she opened her eyes to see him with his knee pressed on the bed and his torso inclined towards her,

"Huh? Your awake you backwatered serpent fillet motherfucker?" Mari

Saying that, he took no offense, instead, he paused, hearing her tone she seemed irritated, kind of mad, and a bit on the why are you alive side of emotions, yet at the moment he didn't care as he asked again,

"We're both... Sorcerers? And you are stronger than me in sorcery. But how much stronger are you, how strong are you?" Hiro

But as he talked, he hesitated in the first part of it, it was as if he doubted himself before saying the next of his words.

And as he said those words about her being stronger than him, it brung a pleasant moral boost to her, and as he had just boasted about her strength, admitting to her that she was in fact stronger than him, it made her feel like an exponent,

He was the coefficient and she was the higher power, and this gave rise to him to wonder how strong this elder sister was, he was "so amazed and dumbfounded by her power" that she crossed her arms and grinned,

"I'm indeed stronger than a weakling like you, while you are still a Rank 3 mid, I'm at the peaks of reaching Rank 4, so a trash loser like you should just kiss my ass and bla bla bla bla bla~~~~~" Mari

She was cocky and as she had gloated, she had failed to realize that he had stopped listening to her as soon as she said that her sorcery was almost at Rank 4.

"I want it. . ." He uttered

Uttering under his breath, it was as if he had just said he wanted it, but what did he mean by that? Did he mean her ability to be cocky because that was debatable easy to learn like her cock was–

(OG Narrator: Yo hold up, wait a minute, my 400 years of sleeping are up, Turtle's Narrator you're fired, I'm back, and since I can't bully Asmodeus or Sarah anymore... Hehehe fuck you bitch)

(Stop calling me a bitch! I'm not a bitch, you slut!)

(OG Narrator: Says the one who asked a gu–)

(noonononono Shut up! Welcome back! hahaha hey narrator-kun, come on just be the narrator and DO YOUR FUCKING JOB!)

(Original Narrator: Great)

Uttering under his breath, he puffed his face like he was pouting but then switched as he moved his hand to his cheek and he pulled a Magic Mike, switching from his free throw to straight game,

"Mari~" Hiro the benevolent

Hearing his voice in a pleasant tone, she stopped her rant, and rudely responded with,

"What?" Mari

And as she did, he kept that same benevolent tone, attitude, and expression as he said his next words from the deepest of his... "Heart" And said,

"I believe in you~ I know you can make it to Rank 4 in no time, and if you ever feel like you can't, I'll assist you in any way I can"

That was fucking lie, my guy did not believe in her at all, I might need to pull a persuasion check on myself because he's either lying, or I'm just really fucking stupid,

And as he told her that, she was struck with a +3 morale boost and as he said it all cheerfully and persuasively, she clicked her tongue and put her hand on her hips, responding back arrogantly,

"You're telling me what I already know, but thanks, I'll keep that in mind" Mari

Have the gods already abandoned us Havard, because as my least favorite character which I've hated right after Remi just said 'thank you' and 'I'll keep that in mind', It's as if she was dosed with a spoon full of liquid crack and finally caught feelings for somebody's pinky toe as she ate my life supply of kidneys and epinephrine, because what the heck!

Having said that, he shifted positions, sitting at the edge of the bed and continuing his smile as he faced the door,

But as a second of awkward silence shimmied around the room unlike the base to shimmy ft. Yung kage, Hiro hopped up and bounced to the door and turned around,

"I'm going to go for a walk around the village, wanna come with me~?" Hiro

Stepping back and closer to the door, he put his tail away, hiding it in his pants, but as he asked her that, she wanted to spit on his foot,

"Eww no. Going anywhere with you will probably make me want to bury my head in the sand that we don't have" Mari

"Anyways, it's too cold to go outside, I don't know about you, you fucking snowman, but it's cold, very cold," She said as her teeth chattered.

Rubbing his chin,

"Hm, that seems like a problem? But I guess you are right, it is cold, and we don't exactly have anything to keep us warm do we, hm, oh wait there's a fireplace downstairs-" Hiro

Hearing fireplace she sat up and ignored the cover which she could have grabbed but didn't because she was a dunce and that cover-san which couldn't even be considered a blanket just laid there,

"You said fireplace!? Okay, I'm going downstairs" Mari




But her luck was shit today as she rushed out of the room and went downstairs there was no fire, and as she saw that and felt a passive cold breeze from the squalid wooden door at the front of the inn, and she was furious,

Hiro lied to her, and she didn't like being lied to! So turning around she was going to go back upstairs to hit him over the head when she broadly heard his voice already down here,

"sumimasen, What happened to the fireplace?" Hiro

But as he said that with his sexu robust shirtless looking self that was already down here and talking to an inn worker cleaning up around a table with sleeping drunks still there, the workers face was hazed with a tinted red as she looked this young fighter-like boy up and down before answering,

And she answered with hesitation, not because of anything caused by intimidation, it was just that she had a lot of saliva building up as she stared at him, and if she kept staring at him she might have drooled because hot damn he was hot!

But as she just stood there staring him up and down, he frowned,

"Are you going to answer the question or are you deaf?" Hiro

Unlike those nasty Heroes everyone obsesses about, he had tolerance, and his tolerance towards this human worker was low as he didn't like that look in her eyes, to him, it was as if she was gauging his strength,

"Oh! My apologies sir I was thinking!" Inn worker

It was a good thing she said that, because he was going to start a fight with her if she kept staring at him like that,

Stopping her cleaning, she stood straight up and spoke to him as she wiped the side of her mouth of something,

"Usually there would always be an active fire to keep the first floor and its residence warm, but we seem to have run out of firewood, and it's dangerous to simply collect wood outside of the gates" inn worker

"So it's going to take a bit of time to hire someone willing to go out there and collect the inn some wood logs" inn worker

Still standing here, he took a second to think before replying with,

"So what your saying is you need someone to venture out into the woods and bring some wood back, huh?" Hiro

"Precisely" inn worker

"I guess I have some free time, if you're looking to hire someone you can hire me" Hiro

Hearing him say that with a stern voice, another voice came into play, and it was a man,

"Kid, when we hire people we usually hire in groups, someone can't do this alone, and even if they could, who would protect them in case of danger while their working" Inn worker 2

"That'd be great! It's not much but for every 25 pounds of wood you collect, you can exchange it for 1 cooper piece here at the inn" inn worker

"Are you trying to get yourself killed, bla bla bla~~~~~" no one paid any mind to inn worker 2.

"I'll return shortly" Hiro




It was quite obvious that he was being ripped off by the exchange rate and as he walked over to Mari, she already knew and told him to hurry up as she was tagging along this time to make it faster so she could rest in warmth.

But there was a problem, they didn't have an axe and they didn't have their magic so they couldn't blast the tree, so this only meant they had to punch it down, if it worked in Minecraft it could work in–

Mari stole someone's axe while they were dunking and sleeping, they weren't going to use it so she was.

It was convenient and when they left the village they immediately encountered a small rabbit, it was terrified and ran away as it saw Mari, but was that the danger they were talking about?

***4 hours***

4 hours after coming back and exchanging all the wood chunks they collected, they sat at the closest table to the fire, and as they sat opposite of each other, Mari ordered a drink and started gulping down in frustration as her hand was covered in blisters.




"We spent so much time collecting that wood to only get a measly 20 coppers, those bastards ripped us off" Mari

Ranting to herself as she clenched the handle of her large wooden mug in her hand, she slowly gulped it down bit by bit, vastly trying her tolerance as she was attempting to fill her stomach with alcohol.

And as she was heavily drunk she could already guess what her little brother would have said if he heard her,

'you know 1 silver could buy half a day of labor?' Her imitation of Hiro

'I don't care! And who are you to talk, we shouldn't even be splitting the money, I did all the chopping, I cut down that thick 600-pound tree. All you did was carry that stupid wood chunk by chunk while trying to act cool! Showing off that athletic and sporty body to those village gals walking around!' Mari continued talking to herself in her mind.

Like a lunatic, she had 2 conversations in her head, and as the real Hiro was sitting across the table still shirtless because his shirt was ruined, BECAUSE OF HER. he emptily stared at her like, what is she doing?

And As she moved her hands and flailed them around? He wondered that even more.

But while his weirdo of a sister did that, the inn worker girl had came and placed 2 mugs on the table, one in front of Mari's glass and one in front of him as he had not drunk anything.

Seeing her do so,

"We didn't order these?" Hiro

And looking at him with a light smile,

"It's on the house" inn worker

Not refusing he picked up the drink and raised it, basically saying thanks for the drink and then taking a sip, but as he did, it tasted like piss, because alcohol tasted shitty to him,

And as he drank it despite its flavor, she pulled up a chair and asked as she sat in it,

"those tattoos, they look cool, how'd you get them?" inn worker

But as she said that he casually looked at her and took another sip of this disgusting drink which only benefited him with its intoxicating effects,

"Don't you have work to do?" Hiro

"No, I'm on break" inn worker

Not wasting time as he already didn't like this woman because he THOUGHT she was out to challenge him a while ago,

"The black marking is from a witch, I forgot how exactly I got it. And the 2 red vertical line markings on my shoulders are from a lesser deity" Hiro

Luckily marcilina was asleep or she would have blown out his brains with her yelling as he had just called her a weak God, which in her case was very offensive,

As he said that she gasped, she was surprised but not just that, she was fascinated,

"You're a Witch Hunter" inn worker

He wasn't going to lie, but she wasn't inaccurate, he had never killed a witch before, but he has hunted other witches before, lucky for him in shadowfell they were young and weak,

"Yeah" Hiro

"But you're so young? How old you like 16, 17, and yet your hunting witches and you've even been blessed by a lower divine" inn worker

"That's flattering to hear, but I'll be 20 in no time, and I wouldn't say blessed... It's more of a curse than it is a blessing" Hiro

Naive as could be, he didn't understand what she was doing, the flattering, fascination, and attention being shown towards him, it was obvious that she was into him,

"You're making me feel old. And with skin like that, I wouldn't doubt that your other hunter friends would be jealous with how both pretty and manly you are" inn worker

Saying that, he thought about the only other "Hunter" he's been with and as he thought about that savage bitch, he vaguely smiled,

"If you think that about me, then if you met "them" you'd be dumbfounded, because "their" pretty awesome~" Hiro

"Oh, I bet they are~" inn worker

Talking for several minutes, Mari who was up for some more grabbed the full glass of alcohol in front of her and as she took a sip of it, she heard and saw both of them.

Eavesdropping and watching as they conversed, he laughed and seemed happy whenever he talked about this "Associate" of his, and she kept keeping it interesting, getting closer and close, it was as if she was a spider and she was luring him to her web, and she could do it, Mari knew with no doubt that she could... Until she herself couldn't take any more of this,

"Dumbass, she's flirting with you" Mari

"Huh?" Hiro

Looking over to Mari who seemed in a bitchy mood, Mari took another sip and then put the mug down as she glared at the inn worker,

"Shoo... Now" Mari

Starting daggers into her, it was as if that skinny lady to the side would actually kill her if she didn't, so as she the inn worker got up, she did a mid bow with her hands pressed against her lap, and-

"Sorry for inconvenienced" inn worker

-left back to work, but even as she did, she shot her shot and mouthed to Hiro, "See you around~" and walked away.

When she left, Mari drunkenly chuckled,

"Good thing you're an idiot, because if I didn't interview the next time I'd see you is in that whore's dungeon" Mari

Being a moron has its perks,

"She has a dungeon?" Hiro

"It's an expression" Mari

Because morons always get the better or worst in situations, and such as this. . .I shouldn't have smoked a Cheeto and rolled glass because he got the worst of it,

"Anyways, not that you could pull any since your a nincompoop. But I don't want to ever hear about you giving yourself to any other woman. Ever! Got it!" Mari

"Why would I give myself to a woman? No, why would I give myself to anyone, I don't wish to be enslaved to anyone?" Hiro

Face palming herself, she grabbed her mug and downed a large amount of alcohol before responding to this idiot, and slamming it on the table, spilling alcohol,

"Dumbass! What I mean is don't have sex with any girls that arent–" Mari

Yet as she was about to scold, tell him off, and tell him what's what! She was interrupted by him,

"Oh, don't worry, I'm saving myself for you Nee-chan" Hiro

Yet her words folded as her mug laid still, a single droplet of water fell down the top to the bottom, and the snoring sounds of drunks all around plagued the room, but other than that, it was silent.

"Waht. . ." Mari?

With a silver of alcohol leaking down from the side of her mouth, she was shocked, she was frozen, she was just thinking WAHT? With like a quadruple what the what's!

And looking at him, he looked down, he glanced away, his face, his face was steaming with pink. . .He was blushing???????

"What can I say. . .I love––You"

Complete shocked, a crack in the fire came and as he balled his fist which hurt like hell, he openly said with passion as she sat there frozen and all stupid looking,

"And you said you didn't want me with any other girls right?! Then I won't! I won't be with any "other" girls!" Hiro

"Because I only want to be with you, after all, I've only ever loved you, as a little brother... And- And more" Hiro

He took it the wrong way, and now he's openly telling her how he truly felt, and all because of what she said and how she said it. . .Or at least that's what she thought.

With his voice rattled with emotion, she didn't speak a word, this was way too much for her drunk girl self to handle!

Not knowing what to say or act, she was puzzled and as she was she lost track of her surroundings and what was going on, before she knew it she felt something against her cheek.

Looking and moving her hand to what was an arm and latching onto it, Hiro was that thing next to her, and as he gave her a peck/kiss on the cheek, he joyously said,

"I'm sorry, I want to talk more, but I have to go, I promised some senior that I would help him around the village, love ya, bye" Hiro

Stepping away, he disappeared from her sight after running off, leaving her there dunk and confuzzled as she had proceeded to process it and that process of hers was hard and slow,

And she processed it until it clicked, and when it did, she screamed in her mind,


And it wasn't just that, from what he had just said, he had only ever had eyes for her, he truly loved her, what the heck was this!

This meant it wasn't Remi who he actually loved, it was her, and he used Remi as a dud/a mask because it was always her!


Meanwhile, as Hiro strolled back outside and decided to take a walk outside of the village gates, just walking along the wooden log walls with a smile on his face after confessing his love for Mari,

That joyous smile suddenly faded, his tail which he tucked in his pants came out, and his expression went from loving joyous to indifferent real quick,

"I hope she believes me, my Acting Skills are shit but I tried so hard to make it believable that I made my hand bleed again?"

"I need her to believe it, or I'll have to switch for another compatible Sorcerer"