The girl with hardwood and her younger brother on her dick [Pt.2]

[L: Near the village]

Holding his chest Hiro was in trouble, no there wasn't something on his ass, he wasn't being hunted by a pack of starving wolves, and there wasn't a mysterious figure chasing him,

He was in trouble because nature had to run its course, and you know what his nature was, well woopty doodle do it wasn't a sorcerer's, it was an incubus's.

And an incubus was. . .How do I explain this in a few words that won't get me canceled by the God's of Haiti,

An incubus can feed on the energy of women whenever they orgasm, he/they can siphons off an extremely large quantity of energy and vitality, and there aren't many loopholes in this, the first incubus had already tried and he was unsuccessful.

Also, there is a big difference between energy and vitality, but that can be explained later, and or if you know the definition of energy, then you could already take a guess and know,

But back to Hiro, he was struggling with his nature because of many issues such as him going against his own instincts. . .But that's not because he was a dumbhead, he literally didn't know how to?

Hiro was fully hollow inside right now, he was confused because he didn't even know what to do, his instincts were null to him, meaning there were no messages to his brain signaling him like; hey fucktart, go eat something.

So he was taking the whiplash from his nature because he couldn't an didn't know how to incubus.

Yup, he was like a panda, he is an incubus yet he doesn't know how to incubus, and because he's outside the kingdom and he doesn't have a phone, he can't even contact Sebastian or Chloe and ask what the hell he's supposed to do to stop these burning irritation flares on him.

He felt like his body was being burned from the inside and it didn't have anything to do with his magic or phryic energy, it was that mysterious 3rd party, he didn't know what it was but it was probably his demonic power or incubus mana or whatever?

Either way, it fucking hurt, and even though he felt hollow and was emotionless, yeah it's a no brainier, he was just like that tho, he felt the pain 'n was disturbingly getting more contentious,

He didn't even know he was supposed to use his Dixx attack, he was just getting more I wanna argue and be a little bitch for no apparent reason,




Yet he found a way to calm himself down, and it was unconventional how he found out... But it's going to be told anyways. . . . .So, you ever heard of masturbation?

Well, the half-demon boy here was casually strolling through the forest in anguish when he walked across these large bushes and heard a groan,

Not knowing what it was he went inside the bushes and peeked through encase it was a zombie, so he needed to be sure,

Yet as he peeked through a small hole in the leaves, he saw a dog girl, she was topless and sitting on the ground touching herself,

Seeing such a sight of that beastfolk, he was disgusted and frowned, and it wasn't because of her masturbating, he could care less seeing as one of his best friends was Tina, it was just that she was a Canine, a Hound, the litteral definition of the word bitch.

Yeah, Hiro had a strong dislike for Dogs,

But as he was about to leave her to her business and just get as far as he could away from that mutt, he smelled something,

It was her smell, her stench, that disgusting smell of a dog...

A dog in heat,

And her pheromones were covering the entire area, it seems as if she had been doing this for what might have been a few days now in this area, and even next to the bush he was in,

Her smell was so strong and enchanting that he fought himself and lost as had peeped and his hand gradually lowered, grabbing his dong,

Before he even realize it, he was already as lewd as her as he subconsciously pulled it and felt the gland/head,

" " "Before he realized it" " " his dick was out and he had already sprayed a few shots out, he was lost in the moment and he didn't even realize he was doing it

But as he peeped on another of what he could consider a pervert, she caught whiff of his scent and as yelled "Who's there!" as she looked over to the bush and saw a rustle in the bushes.

And as she yelled that, he dipped and yelled in response "Sorry not sorry!" Why he did this? Don't really know, he was a lost cause, but his dick was out and he was in too much shame to come out to the dog girl that he 'let a few out' to her masturbating.

[Endurance has increased by 0.01]

(Endurance: 0.80)




As he was in the forest near the village still, he remembered that they were supposed to leave today,

shamefully returning back to the village, he tucked his tail into his pants because he didn't want anyone to see it, and he straightened himself up to walk in there like nothing happened, even though it hurt like seeing melted butter on dirt. With SHAME...

But anyway, since he was the last to get to the village yesterday because he was off track and got lost for a while, he saw that he himself was no exception and that they still needed to leave together,




Entering the village with that horrid image in his head, he was going to go back to the inn when he saw that next to the inn, the others were lined up side by side and Paul was standing in front of them with all the heavy bags. And even Mary was in that line, so something important was going on. . .Unless. . .He was telling them they had to carry those bags back?!

Going over and joining them, Mari glanced over at him and as she did, he noticed and waved while putting a little smile on his face and when he did, she immediately turned away. But that was good, that was a start because she didn't get angry or try and throw hands.

That basically told him it worked.

But why her? Why after his own sister, couldn't he look for someone else? Why does it have to be her?... But that's because it has to be her,

But why can't he just go after someone else, it's clear he's looking for Phyic sorcerers, can't he go after another one?

No, there were too many risks, like what if they found out his origin, his entire clan would become his enemy, presumably?

And even if he was to have an arranged marriage to find another strong phryic sorcerer,

Their all hot-headed and all the strong women want a stronger male, the strong adore the strength and look down on the weak,

There's no way someone like him who's not a rank 1 in anything more or less their clan's main and most only attribute phryic sorcery could land anything! At all!

Hiro would be courting his own downfall, see gas he'd only be offered trash sorcerers with low phryic cultivator, No, actually, it would be the other way around.

He's already known to be trash and garbage in his own clan, so with his reputation and the fact that he's now what they all saw him as before, weak and trash in sorcery, there's no way that even the weakest and useless of ladies would ever desire to marry him, especially when the Natsu clanskin's all we're warriors, it was in their blood, and he was the only one who wanted a normal in the entire clan,

The only thing that could oppose that is his family background of being a branch leaders son, but before of Mary, who had at one point actually called him a failure of a sorcerer to them all, not even that family background could be used anymore,

So unless he made a name for himself within the clan which meant doing missions for them, and other stuff to build status and power as the son of an elder Natsu,

Then he had to go for them himself and try his luck, with was really shitty luck, and try to achieve hos goals without any name, any clan backing, just Hiro to gain all of what he was looking for,

Plus it was just too great of a risk, especially with what he had planned, so he needed it to be her, the genius prodigy of the blue flame branch, Mari Garamiah Natsu.

Also, it was easier to be accepted as a Demon by someone like her, he remembered her emo phase.

"It's not a phase mom" Yeah, she said that once.




As Paul was explaining everything to them with Hiro now there, Hiro was barely paying attention as he had this odd thought in his head about squirrels?

"Okay, that's all I have you all, now go back to the inn and rest while I and Mary bring these bags to the village chief" Paul

Grabbing all the bags Mary joined him, and as she did, he left a bag for her to carry and she looked deviated as not only did he deny her sex, he was making her carry a heavy bag... Again,

"Why..." Mary Sobbed on the inside but grabbed the bag relentlessly and followed him,

Meanwhile, as for the others, Levi turned to Hiro but as he did, Hiro wasn't there, and as Isabell turned to Mari, she wasn't there either.

*****[Room 12]*****

Mari who was magically sobered up because of her mom had casually walked behind all of them and grabbed Hiro's hand dragging him back to the room without any resistance from him as Paul was finishing up,

Paul who saw all of this happen chuckled during his speech and let it happen,

But as they got back to the door, Mari shoved him in there and closed the door behind her, she had a serious look on her face and as she looked at him, she voiced aggressively,

"You have some explaining to do and I don't want to hear any bull-shit or I swear to all the ALLMOTHER that I'll kick your ass" Mari

But as hiro was just shoved into a room with a possible psychopath as he remembered she had and did try to kill him the other night, he put a smile on his face and jumped onto the bed, sitting down and listening to her as she was now threatening him.

"What happened the other night when you carried me to the campfire? Why was Levi lying about what truly happened? Why we're you bleeding? No why do you even have those injuries? OUR parents were supposed to deal with any monsters that came close to us, but why did you fight something on your own?" Mari

"And what the hell was earlier about?! You love me? That's not a funny joke, it's disgusting" Mari

Stepping closer and closer to him, she got in front of him and as she spoke she was getting mad, and as she spoke these next parts she poked at his chest trying to assert her dominance.

"And what I was going to say earlier was you are not allowed to have anyone other than Isabell. The girl you slept with and took the first time of," Mari

"The same girl who's my friend, my close friend who I had to save from OUR mom's wrath because of you. Oh and trust me I want her to have nothing to do with you either" Mari

"But because of you someone like her can't get married to a good high classed man anymore. So take responsibility...And she's joining our clan whether you like it or not, and it's all because of you" Mari

Yet her dominance did not affect him. And as she poked at his chest, he grabbed her finger before she intentionally hit his cut,

But grabbing her finger she pulled her hand back encase he did anything weird like lick her finger, but as he let go when she did such, he spoke as he moved his hand on the side of his cheek,

"I guess I could do all of that, and I could also tell you tell you what happened, why I like you, and also take responsibility for that stick of a girl I don't remember doing. . .But why would I?"

Hearing him he smiled, she was furious as that bastard had just said that,

"Why!... Why!... Because you-" Mari

"I won't do it" Hiro

Bluntly saying what he was going to do, he said that and it made her fold her words as he said it seriously, and it made her mad yes, but it was enough to make her shut and want to argue, yet he opened his mouth like he was going to say why...

But he doesn't say a word, instead, he stood up, and as he stood tall in front of her he leaned in, getting in the face of that animal he called his big sister and he whispered something to her which made her not respond and then walked right past her,

Walking past her he waved his hand and said his farewells in a loving voice,

"But what I said before was true, I do love you, but I love your power even more, it's what attracts me to you, and your power is what had made me fall in love with you back when we were little ~"

Regardless, as he said that he was fully aware that he had always been stronger than her, even as her younger brother, and it's all because he worked hard, but that didn't mean he didn't admire her proficiency, actually he found it cute she was always jealous and used that cheat like proficiency to try and catch up,

Leaving the room, she stood there frozen and just in place as she was deep in thought because of what he said,

And what he said was ~~~~~~ and it was tripping her out as she had never thought about that, and it was a whole concept which before now she would have never considered, or cared about,

Turning around to the door she kicked the ground and ran to the door, opening it and rushing out after him,

She needed to know what he meant, what did he mean? She needs to know now!

But as she opened the door and rushed downstairs to where she knew she could reach him, the inn was crowded with people drinking and talking, and as it was full of noises she saw him,

Rushing past people, bumping through them, and getting through the crowd of people to where she was in arms reach, she grabbed his shoulder.

And as he felt her grab him, be turned around,

"Hey cutie, have you seen my guitar?" but it wasn't him, it was a Villager musician,

It wasn't Hiro, it was some ugly bastard who looked like him from the back, and she bit the inside of her cheek as she pushed past him and hurried outside to see if he was out there,

Bursting through that door as she was frustrated by what he has told her,


Everything went black... And she lost consciousness.


As Mari had busted out of the inn, Hiro who was on the side swung a guitar and smashed it into her face, breaking the large base of the guitar and sending wood bits behind her as she fell backward,

"oops" Hiro

Yet he did it on purpose, he was just really sick of pretending to love that woman, not even 24 hours after pretending to like her and he couldn't help it,

"I couldn't do it, I really hate you" Hiro