The village hidden in the trees: first objective, upgrade defense! [Complete!]

Knocking her out was an accident. . .

Okay hitting her in the face was an accident. Don't get him wrong, he still wanted to make a sick beat with her head, but he didn't mean to knock her out cold, he just meant to knock her off her feet a little and then throw a sick one-liner while telling a quicky drum pun,

But it didn't go as planned... Not that he had this planned–

"Even looking at you while your unconscious disgusts me" Now that was plain rude, we get you in a bitchy mood because your sexually frustrated yet don't know it, but damn, that was just being a dick now.

(I think that's kind of the point?)

Your remark wasn't needed Turtle-chan. Either way isn't he supposed to go on a lust frenzy and fuck anything on sight, you know, like a sex Demon dose? Also, what's with his wonky hunger? No, how does his hunger even work?

(Fine, you get this one freebie, are you sure you wanna waste it on asking me about his hunger and actions?)

Why not bub, this is only the intro to the chapter?

(sigh, Fine)

(But I get extremely tired when spiritually talking like this, so I'm going to make it quick and game-like so it's not much of a bore,)

([Hunger bar] The incubus naturally has 5 hunger, it goes down by 1 each day he/they don't feed. After a whole 5 days, they go into a lust frenzy where everything looks tasty,)

What about the other thing?

(Hiro's situations are caused by random spurs of his incubus nature corresponding with the Human(Sorcerer) part of him since humans and incubuses aren't supposed to mix. Sure humans can obtain an incubus or succubus bloodline, BUT to be naturally born and or converted into the race without such bloodline are unknown and odd as it's a bit too complex,)

(However, his odd hunger situation can be explained, because he can't frenzy if his hunger is way higher than a 5, however, as his incubism increases to the point of a real incubus is, his hunger bar decreases, slowly getter to have what a true incubus's hunger is,)

But doesn't that mean he might go into a lust frenzy in a month or few weeks if he doesn't have sex with anyone? And doesn't that also mean that soon he'll be like the other incubus's?

(... You already used your freebie, figure it out on your own, also you too Hiro)

"Huh?... I felt like something called my name?" Hiro

***Later that night***

Waking up to her face pounding, she screamed; And as that scream shook through the room paul Paul busted into the room as if she was getting attacked,

Trembling from a nightmare, Paul held her in his arms as he was sitting at the edge of her bed and comforting her till she eventually settle down,

Not knowing what to do or say he went into a comforting mode, and as he did his best, it worked out for the best as she sniffled and weepingly thanked him while slowly touching her face as it throbbed like her beating heart, and not in a good way, it was painful,

After a while and her crying about her dream to him since he was the only open ear to her at the moment, she didn't even care about the effect of this or that it was him, she just needed a pair of ears to hear her out as it all came back to that uneventful day... 13 years ago,

When the Fall happened,

She like many others who were just kids during the time showed many of the same traits if they were around 8+. Half of them would occasionally come back to that horrid day in a dream or an illusion and it always reminded them that this world was cruel,

Yet just like the rest of her problems, she kept quiet and to herself up until now, when she had finally told him about the dreams which she had been suffering from for the past 13 years,

And as she sat there, complained, and whined, he smiled softly and rubbed her head, giving off a reassuring atmosphere to her as he then said,

"It'll all be alright, I'll make the bad dreams go away~" Paul

But she told him there was nothing he could do, he raised his hand above her head and uttered under his breath something strange in another tongue,

Suddenly yellow particles sprinkled down and as he stood up and brightly smiled at her, he said with a sweet voice,

"All done, now tell me if those bad dreams come back and this knight will be to your rescue~"

Goofing around she laughed at how stupid he sounded, but it made her feel better, even if he just did some magic trick he probably learned from a street performer.

"Thanks, dad" Mari

But as she said that and he had a silly attitude, she looked around because they weren't in the inn anymore, it looked like?... it looked like the village chief's house?


Meanwhile, as that was happening, in another room of the village chief's home Hiro was bitting down on a rag, and as his face was scrunched up from the pain, the laughter of a baby could he heard and then a woman's voice,

"Just deal with the pain for a little longer, as soon as we get your hands stitched up I'll start the healing process to increase your cells healing rate" Unknown

Hearing the voice of his mother say that as she had just stabbed a needle and thread through his skin, he wanted to complain that it hurt like a bitch on a Tuesday but he had a rag in his mouth as biting helped deal with the pain,

'Fuck this hurts!'

And as he was suffering, little Kanna who was sitting on the bed laughed at him in pain, and he so wanted to kick the baby,

The entirety of the next day, he spent with Mary and Kanna as she had to heal his hands while also making sure he didn't do something stupid, like pick at the stitches, leave the nice chief's time, and do stuff with his hands which would hurt him more, and or be himself which from how she knew her son, he was already quite embarrassing enough,

Him and those other kids he hung around, especially that Tina gal. She didn't like a lot of his friends as they were just a bunch of clanless fools who she saw to all be useless,

[Hiro had acquired a wool shirt]

***The official start to the 7 days of them having to stay in the village before they had to go back***

Hiro was outta commission as he was stuck healing,

So as Levi was now in the spot of the main character– So as I'm being held at gunpoint and legally saying this isn't real, Levi isn't the main character, the toad from Switzerland is, and as he hopped into the village he was kicked by a little kid and that kid has now gained the power if Mc status...

Anyways, as Levi was helping repair, construct, and upgrades the defense of the village, he used not only all the robust men in the village along with his useless comrade's except 2 useful sorcerer companions, but he also got Paul the strong useless paladin to join his workforce making this a lot more manageable for him to work with.

With Paul scaring off all the beasts and monsters in the area without killing anything that wasn't undead, around a hundred strong village men were being put to work and Levi used them to repair the walls and create little watchtowers at the edge of each corner of the village.

It was a long process and it was going to take a week or 3 to finish, but with a single attack from Paul he leveled an abundance of trees/crafting woods and all the villagers had to do was carry it into the village and around where he needed to upgrade and replace the barbaric wooden walls they made, with fresh new ones in which he was going to get Mary to inscribe ruins and protection enhancements on all the logs to increase their village defense by the highest they could in such a little time,

And the best part about doing this was he was able to separate the few beastfolks from the humans and use all the beastfolks to his advantage as they all had special traits he could use to increase his production, especially that Beaver folk trio and the moose girl who was very strong for her size of only 6ft 3in.

The humans discriminated and didn't like the beastfolks for various reasons but he was able to argue with half the village into getting the men to shut up about it.

After getting that done and taking a few long breaks, he had a quarter of the walls done within only the first day, and that was without Paul helping them,

Paul was on guard duty, but he couldn't be everywhere at once, well... actually he could with how fast he was and how small the village was, but that's not the point.

Tomorrow Levi was going to assign 4 groups of women from the village who were willing to help and have them as alerts in case if something bad came so Paul could come in and kill them or chase them away,

***day 2/7***

The wall was 3 quarters the way done and as Hiro couldn't make it, luckily Paul could, and Mary had already started on the inscriptions and protection enhancement, and she wouldn't stop until she was too exhausted to continue or caught up to them in which she caught up to them as the sun started to rise the next morning,




As for Hiro, he was assigned a job working and helping the orphans there in the village,

And as he was helping the kids with stuff like simple chores around the home, he was approached by 3 humans who had asked him apon meeting to be his friends?

It was confusing since he didn't know the 3 but he accepted anyways,

The handsome but arrogant spikey red-haired guy was named [Genesis Knight], he stood tall at 6ft 2in(large-sized) and besides his athletic build, his red hair stood out the most.

The leader of the group who had first talked to Hiro was named [Makila knight], he was well-spoken and he knew how to approach people, he stood around 6ft 5in(large-sized) and what stood out about him was his sharp gaze, he was very perceptive.

And the last one of the group was this angelic and timid girl named [Scarlet Knight], she stood at 5ft 9in(Mid-high-sized), and what stood out about her was her sapphire eyes, they were beautiful and the sight of them was memorizing

Those 3 were the oldest of the orphans and almost Hiro's age, But they had mistaken him for being younger than them, and with him not saying anything about it, they all treated him like it, especially since he didn't have a dead and cold personality when around them or the children, he had adapted a cheerful and nimble personality and was kinda like a kid which backed their impression of him.

With him gaining 3 friends who also stayed in the large shared home of the orphanage which was the old church building of the village, Hiro continued to hide his tail from them as he wanted to seem human to the kids and them, he wanted to keep it that way as the villagers... Since they were racist.

Well, they didn't like the beastfolk and seemed religious to the holy church so he was just going to keep his tail ticked in and play his role until he left.


The village's defense strived for great progress and as the sun had started to set, it was done, all of the defense of the village had been upgraded to the point of making Levi proud.

With a strengthened wooden wall that gave the village +150 defense, and watchtowers giving the village +100 scouting, the next thing to do was give all the workers that helped pounds of food in exchange for their held and even some coin,

But now there was one thing left and that was to actually help the villagers around there, after all, they weren't just contracted by the Slayers to deliver stuff, the village chief had contracted them to help around the village with a few important tasks,

Mainly set for Mary and Paul, so as they were busy with the real stuff, the kids were going to help the villagers.

[Oracle: Genesis; I want to be a Hero!]