Decomposition [Pt.1]

What the hell is going on here?

Were the first initial thoughts coursing through their heads as they teleported to Sekouku village using their E-T-Crystals?

But one of them, one of them didn't see it that way. And as Hiro squirmed and kicked, he broke away from Roy.

Falling to the ground and then picking himself up, Hiro threw them off as the surrounding battle and now him doing this was all just too alerting.

It was conflicting for Roy but Robin knew her priorities... Until–

"What the hell! She's still back there! &@$•||% is still back there!" Hiro

They both looked back at Hiro and as his face was filled strongly with mixed emotions, it looked as if he was about to break down into tears while acting bloody.

"I have to save her. She can't be dead. I know she's not dead!" Hiro

Screaming that at them, Roy remembered a corpse in the background of when they rescued Hiro, but didn't he know?

Stepping up to Hiro,

"Hiro that girl wasn't who she seemed, it was actually a changeling deceiving you" Roy

But as he said that, as he called her an "it" he grabbed Roy by the collar, and without thinking about it, Hiro punched him with his broken hand.

Stunning Robin as she saw this, she then rushed him and tackled Hiro as he seemed to be doing more damage to himself. She could care less if they fought, she didn't care who was in the right or wrong, but she could easily tell he was hurt, and as they fell to the ground she grabbed the wrist of his broken hand and slapped him one good time.

"It's dead, leave it at that! We don't have time for this, as you can tell, we have to go to the rally point, worry about whatever your thinking later, your a slayer damn it! Act like one" Robin

But as she said that he sharply inhaled, and as she looked at his face her eyes broadened and without a thought she punched his chest with all her might, cracking his ribs and making him brokenly exhale–

–Brokenly exhale fire.

He was going to attack Robin with a fire attack and as she saw that, she stopped him with what she saw as necessary,

And as the both of them saw that broken exhale of fire from his mouth, she then quickly acted and punched him in the head, knocking him out.

"Your such a pain in the ass! It was deceiving you and we rescued you, how stupid can you be to fall for it's a trap! Now get yourself together and stop being a child!" She says despite knocking him out and knowing he's unconscious, this was a marked moment...

Knocking him out she got up and threw him over her shoulder, Roy stood silent in all of this, and as she faced him,

"We got him, let's head to the rally point now, we still have the battle to win" Robin

And all he thought was,


. . . . .

Meanwhile, as this was happening, across the village outside the wall, "Mari run, I'll cover you" Levi yelled as a Mid-sized freak charged at her,

Turning and running, Mari ran past Levi and as he ran past her, he raised his Warhammer and using the force of gravity, and the power of phyric energy, catching his weapon head ablaze, he slammed it down splattering its head as the humanoid being which had been the freak was killed.

. . . . .

Across from them were Zoe and their class as they were in their groups and fighting small groups of freaks.

They were too weak to fight one on one so they used 2 groups to help single out the beast-shaped freaks and then they jumped it.

With teams 1, 2, 6, being the ones to split apart the enemy, all members of that team had been being chased and as they all ran, they took turns running into groups of their fellow slayers and managing to get it killed.

And as teams 3, 4, 5 were the ones to kill them, they basically jumped at the freaks and they just tried shoving swords into it.

. . . . . .

As everything was happening they were at a disadvantage, it was night and the only source of light was torches and the moonlight,

And on top of that, they were outnumbered, outside the village, they were surrounded... Yet the monsters, the true monsters didn't attack, only the lesser ones like Large Rats and tamed/enslaved Saters attacked.

. . . . .

Returning to Robin and Roy. The both of them rushed past the enemy. With Roy using his [Vine Arts] to clear a path and lessen the enemy forces as she carried Hiro. The both of them cracked past the haze of freaks and burst into the church.

And as they entered the church†. They had startled the frightened villagers who hadn't had the power or courage to fight back against the enemy, and the Healer Slayers who stayed in here to treat the injured and severely wounded.

Not being gentle, Robin threw Hiro onto the empty nave and as his body collided with the ground, the residents of the church, the children, they yelled as they saw the unconscious Hiro.

Running up to him scared and worried, the kids surrounded him, and as they pleaded to know what happened to the one they saw as their brother... No one answered them.

Instead, Robin pushed the ones who ran up to her out of the way, and as she had she walked up to a healer and ordered him to heal and bind Hiro in one of the rooms, far away from the nave... Presumably one of the children's rooms.

They listened and as 2 healers when to fetch Hiro,

"You're not touching our little brother! What the hell did you do to him, you bitch!" Unknown

Genesis roared as he had a wooden sword and he pointed it at the healers and Robin,

And as he had, Both Makila and the real Scarlett with wooden weapons of their own joined his side, as something didn't add up and they demanded questions.

But Robin didn't have time for this, and as they drew weapons at her, she unscathed her real sword in response to their hostility.

"Robin what the hell are you doing!" Roy

Grabbing her hand and sliding the sword back into her scathe, he forced her weapon back, and then looked to the 3 defending Hiro.

"I apologize for my colleague, forgive her for she is a bit dense. Nevertheless, understand that Hiro is greatly injured and is in needs to be healed. They're not going to do anything bad, they're going to help him" Roy

Roy said as he saw the desperation and fear in their eyes, and as he said that and Robin was annoyed by him touching her hands, she was ready to draw the blade on him when she then heard,

"Bull-shut that crazy bitch just told them to tie him up! Do you think we're stupid, you planning on killing him aren't you, you monsters!!!" Genesis

Genesis said and as he said that a vein popped on her head, and Roy was taken back as he hadn't known about Robin telling the healers to bind Hiro?

But as he then looked at her for questions, she clenched her fist and then pointed at Genesis making him flinch and back up increasing his guard,

"Why the hell would I want to kill my boyfriend! And who the hell are you calling crazy, you looking to die, runt!" Robin

Robin said stunning Roy and the 3 of them as she had just blurted that out,

"Your dating Hiro? Since when?" Roy

Looking at him menacingly

"Since November 1st"

meanwhile, the 3 of them leaned in,

"So that's his type?" Scarlett

"That crazy bitch is his girlfriend, no wonder he came to a dead-end village like this without her" Genesis

"I don't trust her..." Makila

Pointing their wooden blades back at her,

"We don't believe you, you crazy bitch! There's no way our little brother would date a psychotic bitch!" They yelled in unison.

But as they did, she punched Roy in the stomach and drew her sword, "You're going to regret every word you just said you little shits" she was genuinely about to hurt them.

But as she took another stop and the 3 of them rushed her, she kicked Makila, elbowed Scarlett, and as her sword trusted at Genesis,


With him flinching as the blade came way too fast, there was nothing, no pain, just a gust of air...

"This is a place of healing. If you wish to fight then go outside and let out your savage inpulses on the enemy" Unknown

Opening his eyes he saw a woman with silver hair and as she was in front of him, the blade of Robin's Sword was piercing right through her hand.

That lady was Esmee Sanibel, and as she took a blade to the hand to save genesis, Robin clicked her tongue as she looked at that indifferent attitude on Sanibel's face, she pulled back her Sword, splatting Sanibel's blood on the ground.

Sheathing her blade, Robin then walked past Sanibel. Roughly bumping into her shoulder, she didn't bat an eye as she rudely left

Not turning around to face that bitch, Sanibel then heard the voice of Genesis,

"Your hand?! I-Is it alright?!" Genesis,

His voice was shaken up and apologetic as he ran around her and started deeply apologizing for her having to save him, but ignoring him she looked down at the wound,

'That Human ran my hand right through? She's strong... Really strong'

But as she thought that and Roy came over to her asking if she was okay as well, while the other 2 had sneakingly carried Hiro away,

She then realized something as she saw her blood leak down her fingertips and her body not hyper regenerating.

'No, it's not that she's strong. I've gotten weaker, I need blood, I haven't had fresh blood in months because of the slayers suspecting me'

'My blood and strength has run thin, I need to drink, I need to feast, at least one time, one time and I should be able to get control of 25% of my power'

Looking up at them, she then turned to the kids and putting on a fake act, she moved her hand to Roy's shoulder and said,

"Don't worry, now that, that scary lady is gone let's get Hiro into a bed, and as a healer I'll personally tend to him, you have my promise that he'll be safe"

She said easily pursuing them as she had proven herself already by saving Genesis,

* * * * *

Meanwhile, as all of this was happening, very far east of here, a yellow-haired girl appeared in what looked like a room made of black stone.

"You died? How unfortunate?" Unknown

Not hearing who had said that, she looked to her hands, and as they were quivering, shakey, and absolutely record, she said to herself,

"I'm alive... I... I'm actually alive..."

"No... Your not? You're very much dead"

Heaving a voice in front of her, she looked down to see a small Greek boy with misty purple hair and blood-red eyes looking up at her.

Seeing him, her eyes sharply broadened,

"M-M-M-Master A-Asmodeus"

Stumbling over each word, he looked at her shakingly stutter and he moved his hand to his mouth and laughed as he saw her looking so fear struck

"What wrong Gadree? Are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost?" Asmodeus

Backing up, she stumbled and fell onto her butt, and as she was truly fear stuck, he laughed again as he stepped forward and looked down at her.

"How interesting, I've noticed this from my Demons lately that they all do the same thing when they're hiding something from me... Which usually relates to my Ancient gear which Zim banned me from using... cough cough... But you aren't apart of that group, now are you?" Asmodeus

Stepping forward even more she backed away.

"So what is it that you have done? After all, I chose you for this important mission because you've shown great promise as the head guard to the first dungeon layer?" Asmodeus

"Now you wouldn't be hiding anything from me? Now would you?" Asmodeus

"N-" Gadree

"Do you take me for a fool?" He said coldly and as he had, she froze as just the slight composure of his aura was enough to make her tremble. No, even his presence was enough to make her pray to a God.

But then he stopped and sillily laughed,

"Just kidding, your a good girl and you wouldn't hide anything from me right" Asmodeus

Looking down at the terrified Demon girl,

"Now would you?" Asmodeus

Scaring her shitless, she gulped, and as she tried not to die again, she yelled out without thinking,

"I've fallen in love with Hiro, We're lovers and–" Gadree

But then she grabbed her mouth as her heavy breath and stumbling heart made her stop herself.

Looking up truly terrified now because of what she had done and said. Looking at him he was speechless...

He moved his hand up and she flinched as she thought he was going to truly kill her, or re-kill her?

But then she heard clapping, and looking at him she saw a smile and she was freaking out because she knew he was going to pull that, congrats now die fool trick.

"Master I–" But then she was cut off as,

"Yeah, I already know... Shoot I was just hoping you both didn't gossip about me, sigh, but oh well" Asmodeus

Looking at him she was in shock as he knew? What does he mean he knew? How!?!?!?

"Y-You do???" Gadree

Disappearing and appearing sitting next to her, he sighed and looked over to her as he crossed his legs and sat straight up,

"Your ovaries have already been fertilized, and I can sense my bloodline growing, you were supposedly expecting twins..." Asmodeus

Not knowing what to say,

"You knew????? Wait, twins? Master I don't get it, and what do you mean by were?" Gadree

"Your dead, your body is lying dead on the ground somewhere and my bloodline has strunk again. sigh" Asmodeus

'The only girl who was actually able to get pregnant by him was also the only one to die... That's... Unfortunate'

Looking over to her, he put his hand on her head and he smiled at her like he was about to tell her to reach out her arms and accept the afterlife.

"However... Your soul is still bind to me seeing as I expected something like this to happen on your travels" Asmodeus

"Bound?" Gadree

"Yup, to put it simply, it's not how it sounds, it's more of I know your coordinates at all times, and I was going to use it to ask someone to retrieve you from the abyss but I have a new offer" Asmodeus

"An offer?" Gadree

"Yup yup" Asmodeus

"Wanna hear about it because I want to talk about it~ I find this very exciting, but I'll respect your decision if you don't want to"

Hearing him, she shook his head as she was all over the place,

"Nononono I'd love to hear about it, and I accept, regardless of what it is, I will make up for my failure, and having a weak, lesser demon like me dare belittle your legacy" Gadree

(Asmodeus's legacy, Unknown daughter -> Paul -> Hiro and Mari).

"Good!" Asmodeus

"So you know how you "like" my great-grandson, which is odd, I'm not judging since I've also fallen in love at first sight before. But that's way too different seeing as I was sealed away and she awakened me, but anyways. You "Like" him right? I mean you do love Hiro?"

"I do, I really do!" Gadree yelled as she hadn't been so sure in her life and he smiled as he heard that,

"Good, because I'm about to give you a second chance at life" Asmodeus

Her eyes widened as he said that,

"A second chance..." Gadree

But then he put his finger in front of her lip hushing her,

"However, I want you to be sure that you want this, I can only use this ability once a year and if I use this on you and you wished that afterwards you died, then I'll be very disappointed" Asmodeus

"I would never regret anything master gives me, just like I had said 220 years ago when we first met, I swear my life to you-" He then gradually shut her up again,

"Lame... Anyways back to what I was saying"

'Did he just call me lame?' She innerly thought

"Back to the fun part, your ovaries are filled with well, obviously, sperm, anyways, I'm going to manipulate it don't ask how, and well..." Asmodeus

"With a bright smile on my face, I'm going to say this once, Welcome to the Hiragi clan~" Asmodeus

He then pointed up at the ceiling,

"However, unlike us, you're not going to be divine, you're still going to be a regular ol' Tanar'ri" Asmodeus

But then his black feathery wings sprung out as they hadn't been there before. And with a push on the ground he propelled himself into the sky where he then flapped his wings and stopped in front of her without touching the ground.

Pointing at her a glowing magic circle appeared under her and them several all around like it was a dome,

"Actually now that I think about it you're not going to be regular, because you're going to have my bloodline replacing your own~" Asmodeus

"Now be reborn! The High Ice Succubus, Alice Haragi!" Asmodeus

The Black sone room filled with mystic magic and as it had, it all shot into her,

Meanwhile, in the real world, her corpse arched, a blue heart marking suddenly former under her navel and wrapping around her waist in blue marking vines, it came around spread more until the markings filled her back with and then sunk in becoming invisible.

Her eyes opened and as she gasped for breath despite her lungs stabbed and filled with blood, she took a sharp breath of air until,


She let out a breath and as she then coughed out blood, the ground had already been covered in frost as her hands touched them, and it continued to spread until a large amount of area was covered in icy blue frost...

And then a large part of the forest was frozen.




Moments later as the forest had turned into one of ice and trees, frozen everything even a nearby lake,

She was concealed in a cacoon of darkness, and as she was...

Gadree the lesser Demon was being reborn.