Decomposition [Pt.2]

As Sanibel turned to them saying she would heal Hiro, he was gone?... Both Makila and Scarlett had already snuck away with him, and as they had, they left Genesis there and he was confused which threw them off.

As the 3 of them were caught off guard, as they were just there and the others weren't? Inside the prayer room, Scarlett and Makila laid Hiro down in the middle of the room, where they had laid a ragged blanket down.

And as they did and he groaned as his body mysteriously ached, Makila who hadn't looked away from Hiro plopped to his knees, and as he slowly inhaled, he prayed.

[Faith +11]

But why the hell was that moron doing that instead of helping Hiro? And how come Hiro's body was hurt, the only damage he took was. . . . . . Hand... chest... Nope never mind, his rib cage is damaged and so is his hand.

But other than that, what seemed odd was he scrunched up like something was burning inside of him, and it wasn't his gaping heart which was torn emotionally.

And so as Makila did, he prayed for a sign, he prayed for the safety of the one he saw as his younger brother, and he had also prayed to know how to help him as he looked to be covered in sweat and in agony.

Praying for a solid 5 minutes as Scarlett had locked the door and ignited incense to fill the room with a calming atmosphere, she joined him and as they had both prayed,

[Faith +46]

The night was black and the only thing that was used for light was torches, suddenly the moonlight had come out and as the candles to the prayer room died out, the moonlight lit the room. And the vast battlefield.

Praying harder for another 13 minutes,

[Faith +65]

As they prayed they could feel some type of divine presence whispering to them, it was as if an entity was there inside the prayer room with them.

8 minutes pass by and as they didn't give up, they heard clashing nearby as the slayers were growing weaker, they were running out of stamina as there were too many freaks and monsters.

Now also praying for the ones that protected them to triumph and not fall,

[Faith +195]

They could feel divinity from all around them and as the haze of the incense's covered the ground, they heard the roar of a monster and then a slash and crash as it hit the ground.

Praying really really hard for the next few moments thay had, as they heard the screams of young humans,

[Faith +170]

Suddenly they gained divine insight as a new unknown entity passed by, whispering to them, and giving them the true knowledge they desire and not of what the other had told them.

Now they knew how to heal Hiro.

Praying some more,

The groans of Hiro stopped and his heavy breath started lessening, they were of course scared so they checked on him as that wasn't good news, and when they checked on him... It wasn't good news.

[Half-Incubus 99%]

His condition was getting worst and as they put all their faith into faith, they prayed one more time, in hopes a Devine being would intervene and save them all.

[Faith +256]

Another divine presence could be felt and as they whispered some more to the both of them, they stopped praying and the both of them, on their knees, opened their arms.

[Vouchsafe Divinity +405]

A Yellowish-green energy started manifesting around the room and as it had, it suddenly shoot right at them.

As they saw it coming, they kept their arms wide open accepting it, even if it had been bad and or hurt them.

But it was worth it right, if they could save someone, no, if they could save him, an innocent human boy, it would be worth it right?


Because as it came to them and they accepted it with open arms, ready to lay their lives down for another. . .It swooshed right past them.

And as it shot right past them, that divine energy came back and over and plummeted into Hiro's chest like a bolt,

Filling him with divine energy.

But what did this mean?

The Devine beings they had prayed to didn't foretell this to them, they had said that they needed to manually insert the energy into his body through worship and defilement of the prayer room.

After all, they were both lesser gods of fertility and they said in exchange for healing him that they needed the process to be through their art and following?

And yet he just was struck with it?

"Ehh?" Scarlett

"What just happened?" Makila

"Don't know? But the both of you are now untrusted and disliked by the fertility sect" Unknown

A small unfamiliar lady in a Hanfu suddenly materialized in front of them,

And as she appeared, she didn't turn around, she instead walked up to Hiro and as she looked down at him,

She kicked him...

"Wake up!"

That mysterious girl who somehow got in kicked him again and it left the both of them blank-faced and speechless.

He groaned "5 more minutes" and turned over,

Hearing him a vein popped on her forehead and she jumped on him, waking him up and grabbing his head to violently shake him a bunch so he would just get the hell up!

And in return, he did wake up, but then the both of them scuffle as she was agonizing and he on his hand wanted to sleep, despite not knowing what was going on around him.

* * *

They were both separated soon after, and as Scarlett and Makila embraced him, they ignored the girl as the both of them thought he was a goner. Anyway, she was more or less just there in their eyes.

However on Hiro's hand, as this was happening and Marcilina and him were telepathically bickering, he noticed Scarlett yet at the same time he didn't think too much about it as he could smell the difference in scent, and that girl wasn't Gadree.

. . . . .

"We thought you were a goner and this lady who called you her girlfriend, which we didn't believe, told the healer people tie you up and bond you!" Scarlett

Listening to her talk he understood a good concept of it, he remembered what happened before that, but he just wasn't really expecting all of this, also a silver-haired girl saved Genesis? Don't they mean white, could it be chloe was there and saved him?... No, Chloe was too weak to do something like that?

Thinking about it and then speaking out loud,

"If there really is a battle going on out there, I think I should join the slayers, they need all the help they can get and I haven't really fought anything in a while" He spoke what he was thinking and as soon as he did the others spoke,

"Or you should just sit this one out shithead, it's not your battle" Marcilina

"No, you can't! The slayers are losing, we need to grab genesis and the children and plan an escape!"

"Bro you just got better, and I don't think we should trust them" Makila

Saying that he realized he spoke his mind and then looked at them, they had a point on this and as he looked at their expressions and worries, he went with his gut feeling before speaking it out,

"I think you might actually be right on this one? I don't have a weapon even if I wanted to fight, and getting the children to a safe place is the best option we have" Hiro

'However. . .I can use my magic, but my fire is still too weak as of now. BUT on the other hand I can feel 3 demonic techniques I can use, I don't know how I know them I just do? But either way, they lack combatant aptitudes'

Looking to Marcilina as she was off to the side and she looked to be mentally complaining, he thought of something, and he remembered she could use tentacle magic or something like that, which could be very useful.

"Do you think you can help in this too? I'll make it worth your while~" Hiro the pancake God said about to offer her another syrupy delight~

But as he said that with a stupid smile on his face she clicked her tongue and put her foot down on this one as she knew what he meant.

"No, this time I get to chose! Anyways, yes I will because you don't call me out ever and I hate that fucking astral form!" Marcilina

"Okay~" Hiro

Now having Marcilina on bored this was going to make this easier, especially since they told him that they snuck away with him, and from how it sounded out there, they said they might be looking for the both of them with him, so using her seeing as she was in her human form, she could be a key part in their escape.

The slayers will be fine, he believed in them, well enough, so now getting the children out of here was his only rash choice,

He failed to save someone today, and he regrets it, he hates himself for the death of Gadree, but he can still save the kids.

So he needed to see them to safety, he needed to make sure they were 100%, especially if the monsters decide to target the church.

So looking to them, with a semi-serious face, Hiro proceeded to say,

"Okay then that's the plan, we'll grab genesis and get everyone out of Sekouku and to safety" Hiro

Hearing him say that the both of them nodded their heads.

But behind them, Marcilina crossed her arms as she knew this was the best choice he was making, but something about this was bothering her?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[Oracle: next time; Decomposition Pt.3 the be–]

[Turtle: Hey don't give away the actual title name!]

[Oracle: Anyways! [Pt.3] The betrayal!]

[Turtle: Ugh! why do I bother asking..."

[Narrator: because you're dumb]