I Break My Oath For Revenge!

[Marcilina POV]

"Big brother Hiro where are you?... We're scared... Those scary monsters are back..."

One of the children had cried as we were surrounded by lesser Gnolls, those large hyena dog creatures/Abominations spawned by the Demon Prince Yeenoghu, known as the lord of savagery.

They surrounded us and we are weak without Hiro, he's the only combatant here and I, yatta, the best one of all of them is without strength.

There's only one choice now,

Veering around to see 11 Gnolls circling us, I knew they saw us as easy prey, easy enough to be slaughtered without any effort.



Yelling that my voice echoed and startled them, but as it had they looked at me and saw what I was doing, they all scurried together and got down as I ordered them to.

[Tentacle Dome!] Slamming my hands onto the ground, tentacles burst out of the ground like roots and they covered the entire area around us, blocking the Gnoll's path from ours and keeping us and they distanced between a strong wall.

But this can only by 10 minutes.

I need to find Hiro.

And I know he's not far.

Switching to my astral form I could now feel where he was, there was a big difference between my astral and physical form, and it was my sense of coordination between us.

Rushing to where he was as I just slipped past the dome and ran. Don't know why but it builds more of a dramatic effect and that's what I wanted to pose when I found him and told him they were in danger... I want to see him angry and protective.

I'm not ever going to tell him this, but I find it hot, he has that mysterious and deviant look to him and whenever he gets protective and or angry...

I kinda get turned on~

But anyways that's not the point!!!


Running to him I saw a Dark light in the background past many trees, I know the moonlight was lighting everything, but that light wasn't light... It was dark and it gave me chills.

But running to it despite not wanting to, I heard cracking, many cracks, and then shattering, it was deafening and if I was in my physical form it would have shattered my form.

After that I then heard the crashing, it was like many thuds hitting the ground and as it kept coming, it made me wonder.

Was he fighting? I have no idea?

Rushing past the trees into a Semi-Open area I saw him, I saw Hiro!


Seeing him laying face first on the ground, it grinds my gears to see him doing this while the others, which was mainly me! Was about to be mauled by gnolls while he just took a dirt rest.

Sprinting up to him I materialized and then kicked him really hard, "Wake the hell up you dumb fucking shit! I'll beat the hell out of you if you don't get up! We're dying over there and you're just resting! You sleazy scumbag!" I yelled furiously but... He didn't wake up.

And as it took a few steps back, panting as that was a lot of kicking. . . .

My eyes widened as I hadn't noticed it before...

Looking to the ground behind him, there were large black crystals around and from them, just looking at them... They were just normal black crystals... Ehh, probably obsidian?

But either way why we're they there? I don't know? Damn it, I'm mad again, I'm getting distracted! And by stupid useless rocks too!

Looking down at that bastard I kicked him again and as I did, I went down and grabbed his tail, trying to do what I hard to do to my beast disciples whenever they ignored me.

Pulling on this armored tail... It got no reaction out of him.

Wait for a second when did he have an armored tail? Didn't he just have a normal, Demonoid tail? No, wait! Didn't that bitch/his mom, cut off his tail.

This is confusing? Forget it this is going to hurt my brain if I think about it anymore.

Fuck it and fuck him!

Kicking him again, stomping on his head as he wouldn't get the hell up, I've wasted like 4 minutes doing this and he still won't get up, he didn't even fucking flinch and I'm getting really really mad! AND I'M GOING TO MAKE IT HIS PROBLEM LATER! ! !

Kicking him again, I exhausted that last of my strength and my form broke, and I was thrashed back into that astral form. which sucks harder than a witch's tit on a Wednesday! Because you know they don't get humped!

Haha humor me!

But as I was back in this irritating form, I noticed something that I hadn't before, and I'm being serious this time, no distraction or my mind going places it shouldn't.

Looking to the ground, I saw the hilts of a sword and dagger, and as I looked at them as they were in front of him, I saw that the blade was melted down to the base.




What the hell! What the hell! What the hell!

I need to do something, no matter how low, I will not be stuck to a rotting corpse until this bond breaks, which is probably never without the help of someone!

How to revive someone! How do I revive someone!

I only know how to kill! I don't know anything about healing! Ugh! This is the only time my divine knowledge has failed me!

"No wait, I can feel it, I can sense it! He's alive!"

He's alive and I know it, I can feel it!

I need to wake him up somehow, from what I know he's hurt, but that's it he's hurt, it can't be anything too bad...

Could it?

No don't think like that! He's fine and you know it! After all, he's a Demon, Demons are strong and they don't need pity, remorse, or even mercy!

Deep breaths Marcy, deep breaths, he's not hurt, he's fine... Yeah, yeah, yeah, he just needs motivation to get up and save the day!

Which is super un-Demon-like, but that doesn't matter, he's good-spirited... I think!

Okay you got this!




[Marcilina: are you just going to lay there and watch as these innocent people die... Fight... Fight... HIRO I SAID WAKE THE HELL BACK UP AND FIGHT!!!]

Using total concentration telepathy I did my best now whether he wakes up... Depends...


Hearing a beastly roar, it worked!

His hand gripped the ground, he has claws. His tail thrashed the ground, he was pissed, Looking up as he pushed up, his teeth were sharp like they were about to tear into thick flesh savagely.

His eyes burned a bloody scarlet red, they yelled out I'm going to rip everything to shreds, And then fire busts out of all of his body.

The flames of purgatory...

Those scarlet red flames are most known as the flames of the dark realm.

And as they covered his body and they were so thick I couldn't see past the red flames to see him, I then heard.

"Kill me?... me... ugh×..."

It sounded like someone tried to kill him? Wait so he was stabbed!

His flames then insulted the black crystals and they turned his scarlet flames black, and I mean blacker than ebony,

They were like they were flames of darkness yet I couldn't feel anything from them? Was he just burning obsidian or whatever it is?

No, there must be more to it? I'll have to find out later.

The flames then died down and as they had his demonic features were no longer showing as he pushed himself up.

Heavily breathing, but that look in his eyes said that he wanted to destroy.

Suddenly I heard rusting from the bushes and as someone walked out of the bushes, it was a young boy with red hair and eyes. He was small and as he looked at Hiro, he was rather surprised.

"You're alive? I thought she killed you? You're supposed to be dead? No... No never mind that, come with me. We need to go quickly. hurry now!"

Looking at Hiro as he stood up and they both saw that Hiro looked at him like an enemy,

The boy then said, "Your friends, you friends from the church there about to be killed and eaten by wild monsters! If you don't hurry then they're as good as dead!" and in saying that he snapped Hiro out of his bloodlust like state.

Wow, he got to him better than anyone could, who is this kid?

Seeing that he didn't look like he was about to merk whoever that was. The boy then pointed to where my dome was and as it did, Hiro dashed at a super-fast speed to where we were.

Holy shit, when the hell did he get so fast?

Running to where he was I was too slow as the area was lit up in scarlet flames, and as it was, the only thing I saw was the dome and not a single Gnoll that wasn't on fire.

They were all grouped together so it looks like he just flamethrowered them and then left.

But why did he leave?

Ahhhhh shit he's too far away I'm being forcibly pulled to him.

Being pulled back to the outside of the village I saw Hiro and as he clenched his fist, he looked to the backs of the monsters surrounding the village, and that look to destroy was in his eyes again.

He suddenly jumped into the air and as he did he put his hands together and a surge of scarlet energy came from him and he shit out a bolt of fore at a chunk of them and it hit the back of one and killed 3 as the others next to it were killed in the lash.

He then started killing everything that surrounded the area using those dangerous flames from the dark realm and as he did he cleared the outside of the village in his path to destructing.

And then he jumped onto the wall where he saw the slayers fighting and as he did.

He jumped off the wall, just using fire attacks on every monster that crossed his path as he ran in the direction of...


The look in his eyes was filled with pure bloodlust and revenge as he looked at her.

She noticed him and so did her class including Zarifall, Remi, Mari, Levi, Derek, Emily, Sanibel, and Chloe.

And as they saw him as he killed a strong Sater with a fire attack. They were all happy to see him as that probably meant reinforcement.

But then with a surge of Fire surging through him, a sphere of fire formed in his hand and he shot at them.

It broke apart and headed toward the entire class.

He wasn't reinforced.

He was their enemy.

And his target,

Was Zoe Michaelson the one who killed him around 20 minutes ago?

This was his revenge.

Grabbing a sword from a slayer corpse he then yelled,

"I break my oath!"

[Paladin Sword art: Art of Annihilation]

[First form: Evil Annihilation ]