The Shackled Slayer [Pt.2]

Casually stabbing Zoe with his tail spike, he smiled and looked over to the Elite Guard who just glared at him along with the 2 Slayers who were just staring at him as Zoe was looking down with a tail spike stabbed in her thigh.

"..." Everyone

With a glimmering expression, and a heart (♡) above his head as he was really happy that he remembered he had a tail.

The Elite Guard then just casually punched him and sent him crashing into the wall as she just kept a blank face like everyone there.


"My motherfucking leg!!!" Zoe screamed in agony as she fell to her butt and grabbed her thigh.

But as for everyone else, they were just blank-faced. And Hiro who was in the wall still had a smile of satisfaction on his face as he was unconscious.

"Sooooooo... I'm just going to take a coffie break, be back in 10" The Elite Guard just walked away as Zoe was crying in utter agony while on the floor.

"I think I can use a cup too, wait up for me!" Slayer 1

"Uh..." The second slayer looked to Zoe as she was balling in tears on the floor, and he was sweating like crazy as he didn't know what to do, he then looked over to Hiro and then back to the other 2 as he couldn't make up his mind as he kinda also wanted that coffee break.

"sigh... I'll catch up with you 2 later, I'll take care of this" He deeply sighed as he started to cover everything. Down from the hurt Necromancer girl to the guy in the wall, to which others seemed to have already been rushing over to, so he ignored him.

His final decision was to just give the class a free period as he tended to the hurt Necromancer.

* * *

Waking up with a mild concussion, 2 classes had passed, and as he woke up in the infirmary, to where Remi was asleep with her head on the bed as she was sitting on a chair in his cubic space and waiting for him to wake up.

He sat up and looked at her as she was soundlessly asleep. . .And it was adorable~


Looking down at her, he found her sleeping to be adorable, but then he looked at his shackled hands and as he opened his palms, 2 black flames were conjured up there.

'I still haven't consumed this weird energy yet? And I can't keep eating it for food anymore because my body won't let me...'

'But what should I do with it?'

Taking a few moments to think about it, he then yawned and closed his hands. Extinguishing the flames.

"I'll find a use for it later or just leave it in my spirit pool, it's not like it's harming me anyways, it's kinda just food in a way"

Hearing himself he then conjured another flame, but this time the color was orange, he remembered the scarlet flames, but when he was now attempting to use them, they wouldn't show.

'I guess I'm still too weak to activate it? I guess I can ask Mari about it later?'

Thinking that to himself, he then sighed as his normal phyric energy was still better than nothing, especially since they were stronger than mana made fire of the same level.

But then he thought to himself, his magic had vastly increased since he woke up in jail, and now that he was outside of it, he was finally able to actually sense how much he had.

[MP: 9,428/9,428]

Feeling how much mana his body held and could hold, it was 3/4 his original size, his mana pool had expanded a lot and he finally realized he was a Rank 2 Phyric Sorcerer, no wonder Sydney called him a Rank 2 Mage, it's because they had probably already evaluated him when he was unconscious.

However he was too tired to ask questions so he went with the flow as he still needed about 6,000 more points of mana to get back his original capacity, after all, that's all his mana pool/capacitor could hold at the moment, so he didn't think too deep into it.

Now he just thought to himself that he needed to find a way to train it in secret.

After all, he couldn't use magic,

On his body, they had laced him with these weird seals to block off his magic flow from his mana passages connecting to his mana pool, however, his energy passages and phyric energy pool were still open.

But that's also why there were runes all around his cell, they cut off all magical energy flow, however, they don't have any arch-mages or Advanced Sorcerers available so they can't completely cut off his power.

If he wanted to he could escape right now using his power, however, he didn't want to leave Nefumia or become an outlaw or whatever it was called.

He was... We'll let's just say, he was in a tight predicament.

And it had nothing to do with killing Zoe, that was just his main objective, yatta, adjective. He needed to remain in Nefumia for a while longer and he also planned on finding a way to... Let's say escape but not escape, these shackles.

He needed a body double and a way to transform like how those 2 demon girls he met did,

He needed a way to blend in with society while in hiding without detection, while at the same time not being him,

So he just needed a way to shadow clone himself.

Wait, shadow clone!

He still has his 2 shadows and he's been separated from Oliver for so long and yet he could still feel their connection.

If only he learned a transformation skill and used it on himself and a shadow to pose as him, he could move around freely as someone else while a body double was being locked up in his cell.

It was a perfect plan...

However, there were many flaws and he didn't know that technique...

However, a certain Demon he knows might~

Sebastian, yatta! He just needed to find Sebastian.

Thinking hard about this he decided he was going to make Sebastian teach him the skill, but it had to be now and before lunch seeing as he wasn't being followed by Sydney.

Leaving the bed, he got up and as he walked over and grabbed a blanket to cover Remi, he did that so she didn't get cold, and then he left.

But as soon as he started leaving, he looked to the nurse's desk as he wasn't there and he looked at the computer,

There was still a few minutes before lunch started, so walking back over to Remi, he looked at her and then under her to where her phone was.

Sneakily grabbing it, he turned it on and typed in her password since he knew it was her birthday, June 12th, and then the year she was born which had been before this current area,

And her phone unlocked just like that.

Looking at it her camera was open and as he looked at it not switching to anything yet, she was on... Uh... She's was on a photo she took back when they dated?

"That's odd?'

Not paying too close to what this actually meant, he naively clicked away and as he looked at the camera, he looked at himself and he had a nasty dark bruise on his face from the Elite Guards' strikes, and he sighed as he knew it would leave a mark, but he didn't expect it to be this bad.

Switching to her text messages, he clicked on Sebastian's which was mainly him flirting and that yucky purple rain puppy love stuff.

And then he texted for him to meet her behind the first building before lunch, so now, which he responded to okay with a heart, which made Hiro uncomfortable, and then he closed her phone and put it next to her.

Little did Sebastian know it was him who he was going to meet and not Remi.

Leaving the infirmary he walked the empty halls and was surprised as he didn't have to hide as there wasn't anyone out there.

He then left and went behind the first building to which he then waited.

* * *

As Sebastian turned corners happy that his love had asked him behind the building, he had his eyes closed as he was humming and happy, and when he turned the corner, opening his eyes, his expression dropped once he saw who was actually there.

" H-Hiro" Sebastian

Looking at him, he clutched his teeth and without a shred of hesitation, he lunged forward trying to punch Hiro in the face,

"You bastard! How dare you hurt my Remi! How dare you try and kill her!" Sebastian

But as his fist came at swinging at Hiro's face, Hiro twisted and dodged, and as soon as Sebastian's fist came past him he swiftly moved and put him through his arms, pulling back as he forced him down to their knees and he pulled back, making the chain of the shackle choke Sebastian as he was now subdued.

"Calm down onii-chan~ I just have a request~" Benevolent Speaking, Sebastian grabbed the chain and tried to resist, and as he cuffed the chains in his hand, he said,

"I have nothing to say to you, you tried killing my girl!" Sebastian

Yet as he said that, the kind expression faded from Hito's face, however, he ignored half of Sebastian's words, he then said,

"I tried to kill everyone and I'm sorry because I also hurt you. My dear brother... But I couldn't control myself, my body-" Hiro

"Was possessed" He said finishing Hiro's words,

But as he did Hiro was confused?

"No? I wasn't possessed? I was trying to kill Zoe because she murdered me in the forest?"

And as he said that Sebastian was taken back and Hiro leaned forward, pressing against his back and stopping himself from choking Sebastian anymore,

He then voiced what had actually happened,

"She killed me and somehow... Somehow I came back to life moments after?" Hiro

After saying that, Sebastian stopped any thought of attacking back as he turned his head to look at Hiro's face.

Looking him in the eyes as he was about to ask how that was possible, he noticed Hiro's red eyes and he paused as that already said it all. Because looking at his eyes, he could tell Hiro was a demon unlike before. And that was because those, those were his [Demon eye] in default form just like Sebastian's, except Sebastian's being red.

"She killed you and you came back?" Sebastian

With him already taking an educated guess on what actually happened and why Hiro attacked which he couldn't really say why?

Because he didn't know how Hiro came back to life, he then looked forward and signed Right before Hiro said,

"And we both know I wouldn't kill her, you love Remi... And so do I. You know that don't you?" Hiro

Hearing the downheartedness in Hiro's voice, he remembered they were once a thing and so he could already take a guess, that Hiro did still have feelings for her.

"Yeah, I know" Sebastian

"Then you should know that I would never invoke or wish harm on her" Hiro

"I wouldn't either... She's special" Sebastian

Hearing him agree Hiro then whispered in his ear something and as he did, Sebastian nodded as he was just convincing him that he wasnt lying, he wouldn't want to harm her or anyone in their class other than Derek.

And as he talked back and they chatted just for a moment, Sebastian stopped him from continuing any further, he then said

"I think I understand... Sorry for attacking you, I was just–" Sebastian

"Angry" Hiro

"Very angry" Sebastian

"And I do apologize again for that, I don't expect anyone to ever forgive me, but I just need you to, and only you" Hiro

"Because your my brother and the only family I have" Hiro

"What about your sister Mari? She's also a part of your family" Sebastian

"Of course, she is, even though she hates my guts... Your both my family, but you're a different family to me, and you know what I mean by that" Hiro

Saying this, his voice started becoming timid close to the end, and Sebastian knew exactly what he meant. After all, from what he knew, Hiro lived all his life as a human, the rest was unknown, but from his view, Hiro was half-blooded.

Hiro was a Half-Incubus Half-Human, and Sebastian was the first and only demon he knew... Or so he thought he knew. But he did know for a fact that he was the only Demon of their kind Hiro knew.

Which was true.

Hiro then released him from his grasp and as the both of them stood up, Hiro then lowered himself fully bowing as he then requested to learn Sebastian's transformation technique

And after hearing that Sebastian gave him an earful as you don't just request something from someone after a hostile moment like that.

However... With a few conditions added in by Sebastian, he agreed and using all of the time they had till Lunch was over,

Hiro had learned.

[Incubus Arts: Take Appearance] Which worked very closely with the ability Energy Drain. Actually, that's kinda how the ability worked. Anything that he had eaten the vitality of while using that ability, he was able to mimic.

However the ability had many flaws, but one actually worked to his benefit.

Using phyric energy he was able to use this skill.

However, when he did he turned into a girl which he got mad at Sebastian for because he never said anything about turning into a fucking girl.

After being yelled at by a girl with yellow hair and eyes, which had been Hiro, despite Hiro not knowing who this girl was because he was 100% sure he has never slept with her or used that [Energy Drain] on her.

But then afterwords and after a strong comeback from Sebastian, Sebastian then taught him how to turn the girl into a boy.

Using 2x amount of energy that this skill required he then learned how to become a boy version of this copy.

They literally looked like a twin version but turned into a guy.

Sebastian then showed him a photo of what he looked like and as he ignored the injuries which weren't able to go away.

Ignoring that factor, he saw a youthful lean man with light skin, and yellow eyes and hair.

He was decently handsome and he looked very kind, he was unlike Hiro's original appearance and he looked to be a soft individual.

Hiro liked it but he wanted someone bulky, he really wanted to be bulky but his body told him to go fuck himself as that dream was impossible,

However with this, at least now he could switch places with a shadow, he just needed some practice and by the end of the week or more, he was sure he could gain his freedom.

However, he still needed to become a slayer. And this body was too lean/frail. . . Yeah, he wasn't giving up on being bulky, so when he got his freedom he was going to ask Sebastian to take him hunting or seducing or whatever it's called so he could look for a bulky girl to mimic into as a guy.

He was about to get his dream body type even though it's not his body, however he thought it was worth it~

Also he needed to continue as a slayer because he needed strength, and with 2 of him being on a mission or whatever, he could collect energy fragments and other useful materials while giving it all to himself for training and magic stuff.

And he also needed to cover expenses if he was to go through with this, he needed to secure shelter and everything else...

So this also meant he had to crash at Sebastian's too...

Anyways. . .This was his plan and he was going through with it no matter what!